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Meet the MSc Faculty

Faculty of the MSc program at Smith are active in all areas of organizational research, uncovering important insights to drive business and society forward. Individual research expertise and area research strengths are reinforced by a culture of collaboration across area groups. This positions Smith as a thought leader in research on complex issues in business and society. View Faculty Supervision Availability

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Dr. Shamel Addas is an Associate Professor & Distinguished Research Fellow of Digital Technology at Smith School of Business. Prior to joining Smith in 2016, he was Assistant Professor of IS at IESEG School of Management in France. Shamel’s research centers on the intended and unintended impact of IS on organizational work. His current research interests include communication technology interruptions, the dark side of IS, and health information technologies. His research has been published in leading journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, and others. He has also presented his work at various academic conferences, including the Academy of Management, ICIS, AMCIS, HICSS and ASAC. Shamel has won several teaching and research awards, including a 2010 Best Paper Award (2010 Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research).

Dr. Addas completed his PhD at McGill University in 2013. He also holds an MBA from the John Molson School of Business and a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo. Prior to joining academia, he held positions in various areas such as consulting, customer service and support, operations analysis, quality assurance, and production management.

View Shamel Addas's profile

Goce Andrevski's research interests are in the areas of competitive dynamics, alliance networks, strategic entrepreneurship and organizational learning. His research examines the antecedents and consequences of competitive aggressiveness. His recent studies have shown that managerial racial diversity, IT capability and access to network resources increase a firm’s capacity to introduce competitive actions more frequently than rivals. In addition, his current studies examine the conditions under which competitive aggressiveness maximizes firm performance. Professor Andrevski’s new research program focuses on the concept of competitive forbearance.

View Goce Andrevski's profile

Laurence Ashworth's research interests are broadly concerned with social and emotional influences on consumers' attitudes and decision making. He is interested in why these concerns are important to consumers and how they affect their choices. For example, he has examined how social concerns, such as the impression consumers attempt to create in front of other people, affect their decisions. He has also conducted research that has examined other social influences, such as fairness and suspicion, as well as research that has examined the direct influence of consumers’ emotions on choice.

View Laurence Ashworth's profile

Abayomi Baiyere is an Associate Professor & Distinguished Research Fellow of Digital Technology at Smith School of Business; a Research Affiliate at MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research; and a visiting scholar at the University of Turku. Before joining academia, he worked for companies such as SAP, ABN AMRO (Dialogues Incubator), and as an entrepreneur.

His research looks at digitalization issues from an organizational perspective - with a focus on digital transformation, digital/disruptive innovations as well as digital work. His research takes a design science and qualitative methods orientation, among others. He is currently among scholars leading the charge to chart a path for digital X-themed research in the information systems discipline and beyond.   

He currently serves as an associate editor of Information Systems Journal - ISJ and on the editorial board of Information and Organization. He serves (or has served) as a guest editor on special issues in several journals. He currently leads the Digital Disruption and Digital Transformation Special Interest Group of ISPIM, and he leads the “Theory of Digital Theme” in the digitalization department of CBS. He also holds a leadership position in the IFPI 9.1 group. He has served as an executive member of the OCIS (now CTO) division of the Academy of Management (AoM), among other leadership roles.

View Abayomi Baiyere's profile

Julian’s research interests focus on the nature and development of leadership, and he is also the author of well over 200 research articles and book chapters, and the author or editor of several books, including The Science of Leadership: Lessons From Research for Organizational Leaders (Oxford University Press, 2014), Employment, Stress and Family Functioning (1990, Wiley & Sons); The Union and Its Members: A Psychological Approach (1992, Oxford University Press); Handbook of Work Stress (2005); Handbook of Organizational Behaviour (2008), both published by SAGE, and most recently The Psychology of Green Organizations (2015) and Work and Sleep: Research Insights for the Workplace (2016), both published by Oxford University Press.

Julian was editor of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, and is a Fellow for the Royal Society of Canada, the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Canadian Psychological Association.

Julian was the recipient of the Outstanding Career Contribution in Occupational Health Psychology from the European Association of Occupational Health Psychology (2008), the Distinguished Contributions to Industrial and Organizational Psychology by the C-SIOP Division of the Canadian Psychological Association (2016), and the Lifetime Career Achievement in Research Award, American Psychological Association, NIOSH, and Society for Occupational Health Psychology (2017).

Julian was named one of the 2020 recipients of the Distinguished University Professor designation, Queen’s University’s highest research-related honour. Julian received the National Post's "Leaders in Business Education" award in 2001 and the Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Supervision from Queen’s University in 2008 and the Smith School of Business in 2019.

View Julian Barling's profile

Susan Brodt's research interests are in interpersonal and small group processes in organizations. She is currently studying the social and cognitive dynamics of trust (trust building, violation, and repair) in manager-subordinate relationships, in negotiations, and in virtual or distributed work groups. Underlying Susan’s research is an emphasis on relationships and social aspects of organizational life, and how management practices, technology, and other organization factors can foster (or undermine) effective and satisfying work relationships.

View Susan Brodt's profile

Kathryn is an Associate Professor and Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Digital Technology at Smith School of Business. She is the Director of the newly established Master of Digital Product Management, a professional Smith graduate program offered in partnership with the Queen’s School of Computing.

Kathryn is a thought leader in technology-induced change and has pioneered programs across MBA and executive programs at Smith since she arrived in 2003. She has co-authored two books and dozens of articles based on work with hundreds of organizations in North America. Her work has been influential in helping companies of all sizes improve productivity and performance by enhancing digital leadership, innovation, and management practices that uncover new opportunities and bring digital initiatives to scale.

On the global scale, Kathryn is the co-founder of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) special interest group in Digital Innovation, Transformation and Entrepreneurship, an international academic community that helps to shape research and thought leadership in this area of study.

View Kathryn Brohman's profile

Dr. Jacob Brower is an Academic Co-Director - Business (Master of Digital Product Management), Associate Professor & Distinguished Teaching Fellow of Marketing at Smith School of Business and has been a Marketing Mentor at the Dunin-Deshpande Queen’s Innovation Centre since 2019. His research interests are primarily in the domain of corporate social responsibility, sustainability and social impact, and his work in these domains has appeared in several high impact international business journals. His most recent research, which has been awarded two federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grants, uses quantitative analytics to explore the optimization of mobile well-being applications for user-level well-being and engagement as well as driving KPIs for our partner organizations. His work has been presented at several national and international conferences and has won the "best paper" award at the American Marketing Association's 2010 Marketing and Public Policy Conference.

Jacob joined the faculty at Smith in 2011 after earning his PhD in Marketing Strategy at the University of Texas at Austin. He also holds an MS in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin, an MA in Economics from Syracuse University, and a BA in Economics at the State University of New York College at Geneseo. Prior to studying for his PhD, he worked as a research analyst for a boutique marketing consultancy serving Fortune 500 clients including IBM, FedEx, and AT&T, focusing on Brand Management, Service Development, and Customer Retention and Experience Management.

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Nailin Bu is Associate Professor of International Business at Smith School of Business. She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. training in China at Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, and completed her Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She taught at the University of Victoria in Canada prior to her current appointment.

Dr. Bu’s research focuses on cross-cultural management and international human resource management, with a special focus on business and management in China and the Asia-Pacific regions. She has received research funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, CGA-Canada and other agencies. Her research has appeared in many scholarly publications, including International Journal of Human Resource Management, Management and Organization Review, Asia- Pacific Journal of Management, and International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. Her current projects include several studies exploring the networking practices of senior and middle-level managers in Asia and the determinants of voluntary turnover among managers and professionals in China.

View Nailin Bu's profile

Paul Calluzzo is an Associate Professor & Toller Family Fellow of Finance at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.

He received his Ph.D. in Finance from Rutgers Business School and a B.A. in Economics from Williams College.

His research interests are focused on institutional investors, corporate governance, mutual fund performance, and empirical asset pricing. His research articles have been published in leading journals including the Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Journal of International Business Studies, and the Journal of Corporate Finance, and featured in various media such as The Globe and Mail, Bloomberg and Morningstar.

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Pierre Chaigneau is an Associate Professor & Commerce '77 Fellow of Finance at Smith School of Business at Queen's University.

He obtained a PhD in Finance from the London School of Economics, a MSc in Economics at Ecole Normale Superieure, and a MSc in Management (grande Ecole program) from HEC Paris, and was previously Associate Professor of Finance at HEC Montreal.

His research focuses on the use of financial information for the optimal design of contracts and mechanisms in corporate finance. Applications include corporate governance, executive compensation, and financial stability.

His research has been presented at major conferences including the American Finance Association, the Northern Finance Association, the Western Finance Association, the SFS Cavalcade, the Econometric Society Winter Meeting, and the Risk Theory Society. His papers have been published in top academic journals including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

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Dr. Chakrabarti is an internationally-recognized thought leader in organizational intelligence. His research explores how organizations identify challenges, select among alternatives, integrate across units, and overcome institutional constraints. At Smith, he teaches both undergraduate and Master-level courses related to policy, strategy, and organizational intelligence. Prior to joining Queen’s University, he was Assistant Professor at McGill University where he co-directed the Analytic Mindset Module along with Henry Mintzberg during the initial years of the McGill-HEC Montreal EMBA program.

View Abhirup Chakrabarti's profile

Sean Cleary, CFA is a Professor of Finance at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University. Dr. Cleary holds a PhD in finance from the University of Toronto, as well as an MBA. He is a CFA charter holder, and is a former member of the Board of Directors for the Toronto CFA Society and the Atlantic Canada CFA Society (where he served as President). He is co-author of Introduction to Corporate Finance, first three editions, John Wiley & Sons Canada Limited, (2013, 2010, 2007), and is the Canadian author of the first three editions of the textbook, Investments: Analysis and Management, by W.S. Cleary and C.P. Jones, with John Wiley & Sons Canada Limited (1999, 2004, 2008). He is also the sole author of The Canadian Securities Exam Fast Track Study Guide, four editions - (2013, 2009, 2006, 2001), also published by John Wiley & Sons Canada Limited.

Dr. Cleary has published numerous research articles in various journals including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Financial Research, etc., with his publications having been cited over 1,700 times. He has received several major research grants totaling over $700,000. He is an Associate Editor for two finance journals and regularly serves as a reviewer for many of the top finance journals. Sean serves regularly as an expert financial consultant, and frequently appears in the media on television, on the radio and in the newspapers.

View Sean Cleary's profile

Peter Dacin's research interests lie in consumer/managerial topic areas including consumer/managerial knowledge and judgement formation, brand equity/dilution, corporate associations, identity and reputation, consumption groups and brand communities, and research method and design. Linking behavioural research findings to marketing management issues is one of several themes in his research as is understanding the roles of individuals in consumption groups and the effects of these groups on consumption in general. He is currently the Kraft Professor of Marketing, the President-elect of the American Marketing Association Academic Council and is a co-founder of the Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group.

View Peter Dacin's profile

Evan Dudley’s research interests are in corporate finance with a focus on the capital-raising process and firms’ capital structures. He obtained a PhD in finance from the University of Rochester and is a former faculty member of the University of Florida. His work has been published in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Corporate Finance, Financial Management, and the Journal of Law and Economics.

View Evan Dudley's profile

Elaheh Fata is an Assistant Professor of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business in Kingston, Canada. Elaheh holds a PhD from MIT, an MASc from University of Waterloo and a BSc from Sharif University of Technology. Elaheh’s research interests are in the areas of optimization algorithms and machine learning with applications to revenue management, pricing, and online marketplaces.

View Elaheh Fata's profile

Louis Gagnon’s research lies at the intersection of corporate finance, investments, and risk management, and focusses on the impact of laws, market regulations, and market frictions on the prices and the volatility of assets trading in several markets concurrently. His work is published in leading finance journals, including the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, and The Financial Review. 

View Louis Gagnon's profile

Brent Gallupe is Professor of Information Systems, Director and Founder of the Queen’s Executive Decision Centre, and former Associate Dean – Faculty at Smith School of Business. He also holds an on-going Visiting Professor appointment at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.  His current research interests include Collaborative Technologies, IS Control Alignment, and IT-enabled Transparency.  He earned an MBA at Schulich Business School, York University, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration at the University of Minnesota.   He has held editorial appointments at a number of leading IS journals including MIS Quarterly.  His work has been published in such journals as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Academy of Management Journal, Sloan Management Review, and Journal of Applied Psychology.

Specialty: Collaborative Technologies, IS Control Alignment, Management of Information Technology

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Professor Gil specializes in organizational economics with a focus on industrial organization and applied microeconomics. Professor Gil studies a variety of topics spanning from vertical contracting in industries such as airlines, movies, procurement, and dry cleaning to the impact of new technologies on retail and media. Most recently, he combines new machine learning methodology in the measurement of management practices and multi-dimensional managerial problems.

His work has appeared in top economics and business journals such as the American Economic Journal, the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Management Science, Marketing Science, the Journal of Urban Economics, the Journal of Economic History, the European Economics Review, the International Journal of Industrial Organization and the Journal of Industrial Economics.

View Ricard Gil's profile

Anthony Goerzen is the Professor & Sobey Professor of International Business at Smith School of Business of Queen’s University. His areas of research interest relate to the behaviour and performance of multinational corporations with a particular focus on location strategy and cooperative strategies (e.g., joint ventures, alliances, and networks). Emerging areas of interest pertain to social and environmental sustainability in the context of international business.

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Raga Gopalakrishnan’s research interests are primarily in the areas of (a) Service Operations Management, where his focus is on studying service systems with strategic entities, and (b) Pricing and Revenue Management, where his focus is on designing sustainable market models for modern urban mobility. His research combines tools from multiple subjects such as optimization, probability, queueing theory, decision theory, game theory and mechanism design for obtaining analytical results, as well as numerical methods and data-driven simulation for validation in real-world environments. Raga’s research has appeared in Operations Research and Mathematics of Operations Research.

View Raga Gopalakrishnan's profile

Jay Handelman's research centers on ways in which marketers integrate emotional, social, and cultural dimensions into their product/service and corporate branding strategies. This has led to areas of investigation that include the development of culture and emotion-based branding; the integration of corporate social responsibility into a corporation’s brand identity; and how marketers interact with not only consumers, but also a broader range of societal constituents such as consumer activists and NGOs.

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Yu Hou’s research interests are within the capital markets area, mainly focusing on financial reporting quality, litigation disclosures and accounting valuation. He is currently working on projects related to ambiguity, litigation loss contingency disclosures and supply chain. His research draws on both economic and financial theories while primarily employing empirical methods. He has published in The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research and Review of Accounting Studies.

View Yu Hou's profile

Dr. Olena Ivus is an Associate Professor (with tenure) and E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Business Economics at Smith School of Business, Queen's University.

Her research employs both theory and empirical work to study aspects of international trade law and regulation, intellectual property protection, and international high-skilled migration.

Her work has been published in leading journals, including Journal of International Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Inquiry, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy and Journal of the Japanese and International Economies.

Olena has received a Thomas Edison Innovation Fellowship for 2016-2017 from the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP) at George Mason University School of Law. Olena is also currently a Senior Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). Olena has a PhD. in Economics (2009) from the University of Calgary. In 2010, Olena won the World Trade Organization (WTO) Essay Award for Young Economists.

View Olena Ivus's profile

Dr. Tracy Jenkin is an Associate Professor at Smith School of Business, affiliate member of Ingenuity Labs Research Institute, and a Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Her current research explores human-AI collaboration and cognitive processes. She has also published in the areas of data analytics, environmental sustainability and IT (green IT), project management, and project alignment. She has published in a variety of top journals including Business and Society, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Decision Sciences, Information and Organization, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Information Technology, and MIS Quarterly. Dr. Jenkin’s teaching focuses on analytics, artificial intelligence, and agile project management.

Dr. Jenkin received her PhD in Management (MIS), with a minor in Computer Science, from Queen’s University. She previously worked in the IT and software industry for ten years, working with a broad range of organizations, such as Accenture, Dell and new venture Trilogy Software, and across a diverse set of industries, including telecom, high-tech, financial services, and commodity chemicals.

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Evan Jo's research focuses on the economics of risk. He studies how to best measure, price, and allocate risk through capital markets. If economics is about creating value through trade and allocating resources to those who value them the most, much of finance is about allocating risk to those who hate it the least. Currently, Evan's research explores the how better capital markets for trading longevity risk could help make retirement less risky and more affordable.

View Evan Jo's profile

Pavlo’s expertise covers the areas of sustainable development, environmental accounting, and corporate governance.

His research has been published in the leading academic journals in the field, such as the Strategic Management Journal and The Accounting Review, and has received extensive coverage in the media.

He has taught a wide range of university courses and performed executive training in cost management and in environmental accounting.

In addition to research and teaching, Pavlo has performed advisory services in the private sector, participated in the development of environmental reporting policies, and volunteered at the Indigenous communities. Pavlo holds a PhD and an MBA from Concordia University.

View Pavlo Kalyta's profile

Ceren Kolsarci's research interests revolve around issues of market response to firms’ marketing activities such as, multimedia IMC advertising and promotions through the use of advanced quantitative techniques such as Kalman Filters, Particle Filters, non¬parametric econometric methods and Bayesian estimation. Her research encompasses several questions, including: modeling simultaneous effects of multiple marketing activities; modeling temporal variations in the main and interaction effects; and investigating the influences of important external factors such as the intensity of competition, the amount of competitive marketing spending, and government induced industry specific regulations for promoting certain products to consumers. As a direct extension, she is also interested in efficiently forecasting the market response in a long enough horizon given firms' current marketing spending plans, as well as understanding how to optimally allocate the marketing budget.

View Ceren Kolsarici's profile

Michelle Lee’s research areas include social class, CEO careers, shareholder activism, and corporate social responsibility. Her research primarily focuses on how both personal and external sources affect evaluations of CEOs and consequently their career outcomes.  Her current research studies the influence of social class background on executive career paths and outcomes in organizational decisions. Her research also examines how experiences with CSR and wealth-oriented shareholder activism affect careers and strategies of CEOs. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Management Inquiry.

View Michelle Lee's profile

Yanzhe (Murray) Lei is an Assistant Professor & Distinguished Research Fellow of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business in Kingston, Canada. Murray holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from University of Michigan, and a B.Eng in Automation from Tsinghua University, China. Murray’s research lies at the intersection between business analytics and operations management, with a particular focuses on the development and analysis of real-time prescriptive analytics solutions that are easily implementable in a dynamic business environment.

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Yuri Levin is a Professor of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business. Previously, he was Rector (Dean) of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, Stephen J.R. Smith Chair of Analytics, Executive Director of Analytics and AI, and the founding Director of the Scotiabank Centre for Customer Analytics at Smith School of Business. He was also a founding Director of Smith's Master of Management Analytics program.

In 2016, he was named by Poets and Quants as one of the Top 40 Professors Under 40 Worldwide. He teaches analytical decision making, strategic analytics, and pricing analytics courses in MBA, MMA, and Executive Education programmes. He holds a PhD in Operations Research from Rutgers University in the US where he taught in different MBA programmes for 3 years before joining Queen's in 2002.

Yuri was the 2013 and 2014 recipient of the MBA Professor of the Year Award and the 2014 and 2015 recipient of the Master of Management Analytics Professor of the Year Award. He has developed innovative approaches and published widely in the general area of revenue management and dynamic pricing. He was a co-winner of 2013 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Practice Prize for pricing and promotions analysis at Molson Coors Brewing Company and a co-winner of 2009 INFORMS COIN-OR Cup for applications of COIN-OR technologies in development of novel techniques for cargo capacity management and dynamic pricing. He was also the 2010 recipient of Queen's School of Business Award for Research Achievement and 2003 New Researcher Achievement Award.

Yuri is an Associate Editor of Operations Research. He served as Chair of INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing section, Associate Editor of Management Science, and was a Guest Editor of the special issue of European Journal of Operational Research on Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing. Yuri's research has been funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada. Yuri has consulted widely on consumer behavior modeling and optimization of pricing and developed corporate training programmes in strategic analytics, analytical decision making, and strategic pricing optimization. Clients include: Scotiabank, TD Bank, Loblaws, LoyaltyOne, Fox News, Rio Tinto, McDonalds, Molson.

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Tanya Levin’s current research focuses on algorithmic learning methods in revenue management and dynamic pricing based on earlier work with online learning algorithms for stock market portfolio rebalancing. Tanya has authored or co-authored papers in Operations Research and Operations Research Letters, presented numerous national and international conference papers, and published a book chapter on "Online methods for portfolio selection".

View Tatsiana Levina's profile

Guang Li’s research interest focuses on modeling customer choice behavior, as well as seeking solutions to high-impact operations management problems, such as assortment planning and price optimization, using both analytical and data-driven approaches. She is also interested in topics at the interface of operations and marketing, including the impact of new pricing, promotion mechanisms and personalized marketing, on operational decisions. Guang’s work has appeared in Operations Research and Operations Research Letters.

View Guang Li's profile

Professor Litrico’s research examines how organizations and industries respond to changing societal demands. His research interests include the diffusion of new organizational forms, institutional change, and social innovation. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Strategic Organization, and his research has appeared in leading management journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Business Ethics. He has received research and teaching awards including the Smith New Researcher Achievement Award, the Desautels Excellence in Teaching Award, and several competitive research grants.

View Jean-Baptiste Litrico's profile

Paula López-Peña is an Assistant Professor of Business Economics at the Smith School of Business.

Before joining Queen's University, she was a Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer in Economics at Yale University. Paula studies how noncognitive skills and adverse life events affect health and labor market outcomes. Her current projects focus on entrepreneurship, firm productivity, and the causes and consequences of violence.

Paula received a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Warwick and a MSc in Economics from The London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to starting her doctoral studies, she worked as a research fellow with the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC and Nicaragua.

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Bertrand’s research is informed by socio-organizational perspectives, and focuses on a variety of contemporary issues, including the impact of audit regulation on professionalism, the effect of standard setting processes, the realization of the public interest, and the construction of auditor identity. In general Bertrand’s research is concerned about what people (i.e., auditors, accountants, executives, standard-setters etc.) do in practice and potential deviation from expectations or taken for granted assumptions. His methodological approach combines field-based interview research, ethnographic surveys, and document analysis. This approach allows him a great amount of flexibility and openness in the selection of research projects.

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Christopher Miners' research investigates abilities, personality traits, and intra- and interpersonal processes that facilitate job performance and promote well-being. The focus of his first line of research is on emotional intelligence. Christopher's current research examines the relations between emotional intelligence and negotiation performance, moral decision-making, and social influence. A second line of his research investigates the antecedents and the consequences of counternormative behaviour in group contexts. He has published papers on these topics in a variety of journals including the Administrative Science Quarterly, Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. His research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

View Christopher Miners's profile

Arcan Nalca’s research interests lies in the field of supply chain management, especially in the context of modeling and analyzing managerially related research problems at the interface of operations and marketing. He is particularly interested in operational problems arising in retail environments. Issues related to competition, coordination, and contracting in the presence of demand uncertainty constitute some of his research thrusts in this area. Arcan has authored papers in Management Science and Quantitative Marketing and Economics and has presented numerous conference papers in these and related areas.

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Mikhail Nediak is interested in Management Science, Operations Research and complex data analytic problems with a particular focus on revenue management and pricing. In his recent research, he has studied such topics as dynamic pricing under price-guarantee policies, risk in revenue management and dynamic pricing, air cargo capacity management, and the effects of strategic consumer behaviour on firms in monopolistic and competitive settings. Dr. Nediak's research has appeared in Management Science, Operations Research, Production Operations Management, Annals of Operations Research, Operations Research Letters and other outlets.

View Mikhail Nediak's profile

Eddy Ng’s research focuses on examining the implications of workforce diversity on organizational competitiveness, barriers facing organizations in implementing diversity management, and the effectiveness of public policy on fair treatment (e.g., Employment Equity and Affirmative Action) in workplaces. He is presently investigating implicit bias in decision making, backlash against Affirmative Action, and Chief Diversity Officers. His is a part of an international research team – along with scholars from Australia, France, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US – writing on fair treatment at work. His work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grants. He is Editor-in-Chief of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and an Associate Editor of Personnel Review

View Eddy Ng's profile

Ekin’s research interests are in the areas of (1) consumer-brand relationships, and (2) social influences on consumers’ decision-making. Specifically, she studies individual differences, and intra- and interpersonal motives that affect consumers’ switching decisions and (un)ethical behaviour. Ekin joined the faculty at Smith in July 2022 and has her PhD in Marketing and Behavioural Sciences from Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia.

View Ekin Ok's profile

Anton Ovchinnikov research is primarily in the area of behavioural operations, a sub-field of management science that integrates the nuanced understanding of human behaviour into the study of how organizations operate. Current projects, for example, deal with behavioural issues in markdown optimization, procurement and customer loyalty. Another research focus is sustainable operations; he is working on several projects relating to remanufacturing and studies incentives for green technology adoption.

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Kelley Packalen is broadly interested in entrepreneurs, their career histories, and relationships with resource providers. She has also evaluated the emergence and demise of entrepreneurial networks with a particular focus on the temporal relationship between different types (i.e. individual, organizational) of networks as well as the changing regional dynamics in the network structure of an industry over time. More recently she has begun to focus on social enterprise as a context for her research.

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Erica's research draws on sociological theories to explore how technological disruption impacts the ways in which professionals engage with their work. She conducts this research using a variety of qualitative approaches, namely interviews, ethnographies and netnographies. She is currently working on projects that explores how remote working arrangements and blockchain are impacting audit practices. Her broader interest is in thinking about how professions are changing in light of new technologies and the on-going crisis of expertise.

View Erica Pimentel's profile

Lynnette Purda conducts empirical research in corporate finance with a particular focus on the area of corporate governance. Much of her work has examined potential monitors of firm behaviour including internal monitors such as the board of directors and external monitors such as credit rating agencies and regulators. Dr. Purda’s work is frequently interdisciplinary in nature, and has combined the study of finance with law, international business, and accounting. Current research topics include corporate fraud and agency problems among different classes of debtholders.

View Lynnette Purda's profile

Jana Raver's research focuses primarily upon interpersonal relations and group processes at work. Current topics of investigation include examining the nature and implications of employee behaviours that support each other (e.g., helping behaviours) versus undermine each other (e.g., workplace harassment, insults). A second area focuses upon the integration of diverse or dissimilar employees into work groups and organizations. She has also conducted cross-cultural studies on conflict and on cultural tightness-looseness. Her research spans multiple levels of analysis, including studies at the individual, dyadic, group, organizational, and national levels.

View Jana Raver's profile

Ryan Riordan looks at how investors and exchanges use high-frequency trading systems and the impact of these systems on the quality of financial markets. Too much technology, or its misapplication, can result in markets that are unstable and expensive to trade in. Not enough technology can mean investors do not meet their investment targets. He is also looking at a broader question: Is faster price discovery better for markets? He is exploring the impact of ever faster price discovery on other important market factors, such as liquidity, short-term volatility, and long-term price discovery and efficiency. 

View Ryan Riordan's profile

Nicole Robitaille is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.

As a behavioural scientist her research lies at the intersection of consumer behaviour and decision making, with a focus on discovering ways to improve consumer welfare, marketing, and public policy. She uses both laboratory and field experiments to investigate questions across a variety of domains including financial, health and sustainable behaviours.

Nicole received her PhD from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. She earned her MSc (Marketing) from Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business.

View Nicole Robitaille's profile

Jean-Paul Roy’s current research focuses on international strategic alliances, social networking, and expatriate career success. He is particularly interested in how institutional environments and experience abroad influence the partnering behaviours and performance of multinational enterprises and managers. More specifically, he examines how legal environments and experience conducting business outside of the home country influence partner selection, trustworthy behaviour and venture and career success. Jean-Paul has a long-standing interest in the Asian business context, especially Japan. His areas of interest in the Japanese business context include Japanese management practices and the management practices of expatriate managers in Japan.

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Steve Salterio's research draws on cognitive psychology, communication, and organizational behaviour theories to examine judgments made by auditors, board members, managers and regulators. In the past he has examined auditor-client management negotiations over financial reporting, corporate governance relationships including financial reporting oversight, communications with regulators over transferring research knowledge and new performance measurement systems that may inform managers’ and board members’ judgments. His current interests include applications of evidence-based decision making to auditing standard setting and whether there is a replication crisis in accounting research. His work combines library type archival research, field-based interview research, experimental laboratory research and theoretically informed survey research.  He has been known to dabble in archival based economics research, most recently in the area of ESG.

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Michael Sartor’s research focuses on international business and global strategy with an emphasis on the effects of corruption upon the strategies and performance of multinational enterprises (MNEs). A central thesis implicit in his evolving body of work is that MNE strategy is motivated by the need to manage uncertainty in foreign markets. His current research suggests that the manner in which firms structure their investments to handle the uncertainty precipitated by foreign market corruption exerts a positive impact on the survival of a MNE’s overseas subsidiaries. In studying the strategy and structure of MNEs, his research focuses on their strategic decisions with respect to equity investment, partnering and the deployment of human resources. Methodologically, Sartor’s work is predominantly quantitative in its orientation (employing statistical methods which have included hierarchical linear modeling and event history analysis). Emerging markets feature prominently as a geographic focus in his research.

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Professor Schneider does research in empirical microeconomics, with a focus on industrial organization, information economics, and behavioral economics. He uses both laboratory experiments and small and large-scale field experiments with firms and government agencies; analysis of large observational data sets; and collaboration with applied theorists to test economic theories.

For example, in the field of information economics, his work has tested a range of classic theories of asymmetric information, such as adverse selection in the used car market and agency problems in the auto repair market. Some of this work also examines solutions to the inherent contracting and incentive problems, such as when personal connections are a viable substitute for formal contracts. In behavioral economics, he has examined why people do not always complete tasks on time – for example, why people sometimes pay a parking ticket or file taxes late – and in auctions, he examined why bidders sometimes overbid and whether competitive spirits, inattention, and other psychological phenomena are to blame.

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Peter Sephton is an economist with expertise in monetary policy and applied economic modelling. Dr. Sephton earned a BA from McMaster University and an MA and a PhD from Queen's University.

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Matthias Spitzmuller’s research focuses on team motivation and on prosocial behaviours/helping behaviours. In the area of team motivation, Matthias is currently conducting research projects that investigate performance trajectories in teams and multi-team systems. In his second stream of research, Matthias is investigating the consequences of different kinds of prosocial behaviours. He is especially interested in better understanding the conditions under which prosocial behaviours are associated with positive or negative consequences for the well-being of prosocial individuals. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, among others.

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Sandy Staples is Associate Dean (Faculty) at Smith School of Business. His current research interests revolve around how mobile technology and social media can be used to influence behaviours related to environmental sustainability. Previous research mostly focussed on investigating distributed team issues such as the effects of diversity, trust, and other factors on team processes and outcomes and the role of technology to improve the effectiveness of these teams. He also worked on knowledge management issues such as knowledge sharing practices. He studies and teaches IT governance and strategy, and project management. He has worked on a variety of other research topics in the past including predicting and measuring IS effectiveness, business process reengineering, system development practices, and open source software development practices.

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Blake’s research focuses on the judgment and decision making of investors, managers, and other capital market participants in financial disclosure settings. His recent work focuses on verbal and nonverbal behavior in financial communications, with the overarching goal of helping managers communicate more effectively. He also conducts research on gender issues in accounting settings. His research primarily uses experimental methods, but frequently incorporates evidence using qualitative methods.

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Wulin Suo's research focuses on valuation and hedging of derivative securities, particularly instruments involving the term structure of interest rates. His research interests also include risk management, credit risk modeling, computational finance, and mathematical finance. He is currently working on problems related to the performance of various derivative pricing models and the application of option pricing theory to other areas of finance.

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Dr. Veikko Thiele is an Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Business Economics at Smith School of Business. His research focuses on entrepreneurial finance, with the main emphasis on the interplay between different financial resources for start-up companies, such as angel investments and venture capital. In another stream of his research, Dr. Thiele examines performance evaluations and the efficient design of incentive schemes in organizations. His work has been published or is forthcoming in leading international journals, including the Journal of Financial Economics, the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, and Labour Economics. He is the 2014 recipient of Smith New Researcher Achievement Award.

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Tandy Thomas’ research, encompassing a variety of methodological techniques (survey, experimental, and, predominately, interpretive methods), examines how the social contexts in which individuals are embedded impacts their consumption behaviors. Professor Thomas’ current projects explore how consumers engage in, and navigate through, marketplace-related identity work both collectively and individually. This work focuses on how consumers form identities within groups and across different media (e.g., Pinterest), how consumers work together to build collective identities, and what this means for marketing practice. Relatedly, she also explores how consumers’ identity projects impact their responses to marketing actions, with a focus on advertising responses.

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Stephen Thomas’s research focuses in the areas of natural language processing and big data analytics and their applications to solve real-world problems, such as extracting structured information from unstructured text, and machine learning with text. Stephen’s research has been published in journals including the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, Science of Computer Programming, International Conference on Software Engineering, International Conference on Data Engineering, and more. Stephen has also co-authored four book chapters.

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Matthew Thompson's research is in real options theory and applications in energy markets. Matthew’s work has gained significant national and international recognition from the operations research community (winner of the best student paper award of the Canadian Operational Research Society and finalist in the prestigious George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award of INFORMS). His work has appeared in Operations Research and Naval Research Logistics. Matt recently re-joined the group after a two-year leave with the investment branch of a major Canadian bank where he headed a project developing advanced methods for energy market analysis.

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Dan Thornton is currently a voting member of the Accounting Standards Oversight Council and the Canadian Performance Reporting Board. He has served as a full-time Professional Accounting Fellow at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, an associate editor of The Accounting Review, an associate editor of Contemporary Accounting Research, and a voting member of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board. He has received both the Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Thought Award and the Outstanding Educator Award from the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. A Fellow of the Chartered Professional Accountants of both Ontario and Alberta, Thornton has provided extensive expert accounting testimony to various courts and to the Senate of Canada and is frequently quoted in the financial press. His current research addresses how conceptual frameworks influence the financial reporting of private vs. public enterprises.

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Selim Topaloglu's research focuses on trading behaviour of individuals and institutions, analyst behaviour, insider trading and initial public offerings. Current research topics include: the effects of regulation fair disclosure on institutional and insider trading, the secondary market activity for NASDAQ IPOs, and investor behaviour over the rise and fall of the NASDAQ stock market.

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Professor Verter specializes on the application of operations research and data analytics for assisting policy makers in the public sector. His earlier work focused on service chain design and hazardous materials logistics. His current areas of research are socially responsible supply chains and healthcare analytics In the area of sustainability, he focuses on evidence-based policy design for incentivizing firms' product recovery initiatives; particularly for remanufacturing and recycling. He has published on the electronics industry extensively. In the area of healthcare, he focuses on preventive, primary, emergency, acute and chronic care processes, as well as their interaction.

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My research interests are in bankruptcy restructuring, distressed investing, corporate governance, activist investors, capital structure, and behavioral finance. My research has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial Management, and the Journal of Fixed Income, and featured in various media including the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires, South China Morning Post, The Globe and Mail, National Post, and Business Week.

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Jue Wang's research lies at the intersection of operations research and statistics, with particular interests in real-time decisions with monitoring data. In addition, he is studying complex revenue management problems through the lens of optimal control theory. Jue has led multiple big data & analytics consulting projects in energy, transportation, and mining industries. His research has been published in Operations Research and Naval Research Logistics.

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Gongtai is an Assistant Professor in Digital Technology at Smith School of Business. He teaches on topics related to digital innovation, specifically with a focus on how to fundamentally rethink and strategically redesign traditional products/services and business models with emerging digital technologies such as the Internet of everything, mixed reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. He is an active academic member of the Association for Information Systems, Product Development and Management Association, and Academy of Management. His innovative research has been published in top information systems and innovation management journals and honoured with awards at flagship information systems conferences. Prior to his academic career, he worked as a system engineer in the information technology industry.

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Michael Welker is a Professor of Financial Accounting and a Stephen J.R. Smith Chair of Accounting at Smith School of Business.

His research interests have included disclosure, international accounting, measuring and communicating risk exposures, and incentives for earnings management.

He has served as an Editor, Consulting Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief for Contemporary Accounting Research, and as the Senior Editor for the Journal of International Accounting Research.

He has also served as an Editorial Board member or frequent ad hoc reviewer at other top accounting journals such as The Accounting Review and the Journal of Accounting Research.

His teaching, research and service have been recognized with teaching, supervision and research awards at Smith, with the national Haim Falk Award for Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Thought from the CAAA, and with the Outstanding Service award from the International section of the AAA.

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Nasrin Yousefi is an Assistant Professor in Management Analytics at Smith School of Business, Queen's University. Nasrin received her Ph.D. in Operations Research in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto and her research interests are data-driven optimization and decision-making under uncertainty with applications in healthcare operations management.

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Ning Zhang is a professor of accounting at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University in Canada.

He earned his PhD in business administration from Duke University in North Carolina and his master’s degree in economics from the State University of New York at Binghamton.

He is interested in the role of information and financial reporting incentives in financial markets. He has published his work in leading academic journals, including Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies. He received Smith's research award in 2018.

Currently, he teaches financial accounting in the Commerce program. He also teaches financial and valuation analysis and financial modelling in the Master of Finance program. He was named as the Professor of the Year in the MFIN-Beijing program in 2022.

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Jingyu Zhang’s research focuses on information economics, institutional investors and corporate governance, and corporate insider trades. His recent research extends to hedges funds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETF), corporate innovations, and textual analyses. His recent work, funded by SSHRC IDG 2022 and ranked in the top sextile, empirically explores how hedges funds exploit a unique access to private information of firms filing bankruptcy and make profitable trades. His other project, also awarded with SSHRC IDG 2022, empirically examines the real effects of mutual funds’ ETF usage on portfolio choices. Additionally, Jingyu and his coauthors apply the FinBERT model to textually analyze earnings conference call Q&As and investigate the verbal interactions between analysts and executives. They argue that these verbal interactions produce new information beyond cold financial figures, thus affecting share price responses to earnings news and resolving firm-level uncertainty (even further).

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