Tracy Jenkin
Associate ProfessorOverview
Dr. Tracy Jenkin is an Associate Professor at Smith School of Business and a Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
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- Digital Technology
- Management Analytics
Interest Topics
- Analytics & AI
- Technology & Information Systems
Vector Institute Faculty Affiliate
In 2019, Dr. Jenkin was appointed as Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence (vectorinstitute.ai).
Vector InstituteFaculty Details
Full Bio
Dr. Tracy Jenkin is an Associate Professor at Smith School of Business and a Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Her current research examines human-AI collaboration and the impact on decision-making, focusing on: 1) decision-making performance of large language models, particularly whether they demonstrate the same non-rational decision-making tendencies (behavioural biases) and errors that humans do, 2) the decision-making performance of humans when using AI (or not), and 3) characteristics of explainable AI and explanation-seeking behaviours. Dr. Jenkin has also published in the areas of analytics, natural language processing, decision-making, environmental sustainability and technology (Green IT), technical project management, and project alignment in a variety of top journals including Business and Society, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Decision Sciences, Information and Organization, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Information Technology, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and MIS Quarterly. Dr. Jenkin’s teaching focuses on analytics, artificial intelligence, and agile project management.
Dr. Jenkin received her PhD in Management (MIS), with a minor in Computer Science, from Queen’s University. She previously worked in the IT and software industry for ten years, working with a broad range of organizations, such as Accenture, Dell and new venture Trilogy Software, and across a diverse set of industries, including telecom, high-tech, financial services, and commodity chemicals.
Academic Degrees
PhD, Management
Queen’s University (2008)
M.Sc., Management
Queen’s University (2004)
Bachelor of Commerce, (First Class Honours)
Queen’s University (1994)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Tenured Associate Professor (2016 – Present)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (2008-2016)
Teaching Fellow (2007)
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Faculty Affiliate (2019 - Present)
Refereed Journal Publications
Chen, Y., Kirshner, S., Ovchinnikov, A., Andiappan, M., Jenkin, T. “A Manager and an AI Walk into a Bar: Does ChatGPT Make Biased Decisions Like We Do?” Forthcoming at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Jenkin, T., Kelley, S., Ovchinnikov, A., Ying, C. “Explanation Seeking and Anomalous Recommendation Adherence in Human-to-Human versus Human-to-Artificial Intelligence Interactions”. Forthcoming at Decision Sciences, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence.
Killoran, Jayson, Jenkin, Tracy A., Manseau, Jasmin “ICT Interactions and COVID-19 – A Theorization Across Two Pandemic Waves”. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 14(4), 2023, pp. 1–34.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Skillicorn, David B., and Chan, Yolande E. “Novel Information Discovery and Collaborative Filtering to Support Group Creativity”. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 51 (4), 2020, pp. 40–67.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Chan, Yolande E., and Sabherwal, Rajiv “Mutual Understanding in Information Systems Development: Changes Within and Across Projects”. MIS Quarterly 43(2), 2019, pp. 649-671.
Liebowitz, Jay, Yolande Chan, Tracy Jenkin, Dylan Spicker, Joanna Paliszkiewicz, and Fabio Babiloni. “If Numbers Could “Feel”: How Well Do Executives Trust Their Intuition?” VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems 49(4), 2019, pp. 531-545.
Corbett, Jacqueline, Webster, Jane, and Jenkin, Tracy A. “Unmasking Corporate Sustainability at the Project Level: Exploring the Influence of Institutional Logics and Individual Agency”. Journal of Business Ethics 147(2), 2018, pp. 261-286.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Chan, Yolande E., Skillicorn, David B., and Rogers, Keith W. “Individual Exploration, Sensemaking and Innovation: A Design for the Discovery of Novel Information”. Decision Sciences, 44(6), 2013, pp. 1021-1057.
Jenkin, Tracy A. “Extending the 4I Organizational Learning Model: Information Sources, Foraging Processes and Tools”. Administrative Sciences, 3(3 – Special Issue on Organizational Learning: Developments in Theory and in Practice), 2013, pp. 96-109.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Webster, Jane, and McShane, Lindsay “An Agenda for ‘Green’ Information Technology and Systems Research”. Information and Organization, 21(1), 2011, pp. 17-40.
Jenkin, Tracy A., McShane, Lindsay, and Webster, Jane “Green Information Technologies and Systems: Employees' Perceptions of Organizational Practices”. Business and Society, 50(2), 2011, pp. 266-314.
Jenkin, Tracy A. and Chan, Yolande E. “IS Project Alignment – A Process Perspective”. The Journal of Information Technology, 25(1), 2010, 35-55.
Smith, Heather A., McKeen, James D. and Jenkin, Tracy A. "Exploring Strategies for Deploying Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies". Journal of Information Science and Technology, 6(3), 2009, 3-24.
Refereed Books, Chapters, and Cases
Liebowitz, Jay, Yolande Chan, Tracy Jenkin, Dylan Spicker, Joanna Paliszkiewicz, and Fabio Babiloni (eds.). “How Well Do Executives Trust Their Intuition.” Taylor & Francis, 2019.
- Featured on chiefexecutive.net: https://chiefexecutive.net/new-research-says-ceos-should-follow-theirintuition/
- Interviewed for and quoted in Globe and Mail Report on Business article: “Gut instinct vs. big data: When analytics can’t replace human intuition” (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/rob-magazine/article-gut-instinct-vs-big-data-when-analytics-cant-replace-human/). Anthony A. Davis, Special to the Globe and Mail Published January 27 2020.
Chan, Yolande E., Tracy Jenkin, and Dylan Spicker. “Gender, Experience, Industry Sector, Title, and Country: Playing a Role in Intuition.” In How Well Do Executives Trust Their Intuition, edited by Jay Liebowitz, Yolande Chan, Tracy Jenkin, Dylan Spicker, Joanna Paliszkiewicz, and Fabio Babiloni, Taylor & Francis, 2019.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Chan, Yolande E., and Skillicorn, David B. (2010) Case-Study: Novel-Knowledge Discovery on the Web, in Becerra-Fernandez, I. & Sabherwal, R. Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes. M.E. Sharpe Inc.
Practitioner Reports and Publications
Article: Why Humans and AI Assistants Need Relationship Advice (practitioner focused summary of paper “Explanation Seeking and Anomalous Recommendation Adherence in Human-to-Human versus Human-to-Artificial Intelligence Interactions” (summarized by Alan Morantz), Smith Business Insight, October 2024. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/Why-Humans-and-AI-Assistants.php
Article: How Technology Can Power Group Innovation (practitioner focused summary of paper “Novel Information Discovery and Collaborative Filtering to Support Group Creativity”. The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 51 (4), 2020, pp. 40–67), Smith Business Insight, 2021 (summarized by Alan Morantz). https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/How-Technology-Can-Power-Group-Innovation.php
Article: Is Your Project Team on the Same Page? (practitioner focused summary of paper “Mutual Understanding in Information Systems Development: Changes Within and Across Projects”. MIS Quarterly 43(2), 2019, pp. 649671”), Smith Business Insight, 2019 (summarized by Alan Morantz). https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/is-your-project-team-on-the-same-page.php
Article: Why You Should Trust Your Spider Sense (practitioner focused summary of book “How Well Do Executives Trust Their Intuition.” Taylor & Francis, 2019), Smith Business Insight, 2019 (summarized by Alan Morantz). https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/why-you-should-trust-your-spider-sense.php
Article: Sustainability Success: Why You Need More than a Green Culture (practitioner focused summary of paper “Unmasking Corporate Sustainability at the Project Level: Exploring the Influence of Institutional Logics and Individual Agency”. Journal of Business Ethics 147(2), 2018, pp. 261-286), Smith Business Insight, 2016 (summarized by Sparrow McGowan). https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/sustainability-success-why-you-need-more-than-a-green-culture.php
Article: Research Brief: Searching for a Google that Goes Off on a Tangent (practitioner focused summary of paper “Individual Exploration, Sensemaking and Innovation: A Design for the Discovery of Novel Information”. Decision Sciences, 44(6), 2013), Smith Business Insight, 2013 (summarized by Brittany Harris).
Working Papers
“Biases of Humans, of AI, and of Humans with AI” with Chen, Y., Kirshner, S., Ovchinnikov, A., Andiappan, M. Major Revision (2nd Round) at Management Science. (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4943377)
Work in Progress
“Surprising Advice and an Advisor’s Ability to Explain: When Explanations are Sought and Advice Taken from AI versus Human Advisors” with Kelley, S., Ovchinnikov, A.
Teaching Cases
Urban Closet: Re-establishing Relevance in the New World of Retail (Parts 1 to 4). (with Alex De Rosa and Keith Rogers). January 2020.
Tactical Planning: A Conversation about Data and Information Requirements (with Keith Rogers). January 2019.
Demand Planning and Forecasting at Acme. April 2018.
Running Shoe Emporium (with Shamel Addas). October 2016.
Tofino Sunset (with Nadege Levallet and Brent Gallupe). July 2015.
Tofino Sunset Part B (with Brent Gallupe, Shaun Cahill and Suchit Ahuja). November 2015.
Plastex (with Keith Rogers). May 2015.
TESS: The Travel and Expense Support System at Northern University – Part A (with Brent Gallupe). August 2014.
TESS2: The Travel and Expense Support System at Northern University – Part B (with Brent Gallupe and Shaun Cahill). August 2014.
Wyatt Technology (with Keith Rogers). December 2013.
Northern Exposure (with Nadege Levallet). October 2013.
Who is Sean Preston? (with Kathryn Brohman and Sandy Staples). Smith School of Business, August 2013.
RRSP Awareness Campaign (parts A, B and C) (with Kathryn Brohman and Sandy Staples). Smith School of Business, August 2013.
Chemco: The Global Production and Inventory Planning Project (with Keith Rogers). January 2008.
Courses Taught
MMA 844 – Analytics Project Management. Smith School of Business. Graduate course (elective) for Master of Management in Analytics students.
MMAI 863 – Mathematics and Development Techniques for AI. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence students.
MMAI 844 – Agile Project Management for Artificial Intelligence. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence students.
MGBL 805 – Managing Projects in an International Context. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for Master of International Business students.
MBUS 853 – Maximizing Return from the IT Investment. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for Queen’s Accelerated MBA students.
MBA 840 – Managing Information Technology. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for Queen’s Full-time MBA students.
Mgmt 992 – Special Topics: Graduate level course (MSc and PhD) focused on analytics and artificial intelligence. Smith School of Business.
Mgmt 975 – Special Topics in MIS (Artificial Intelligence). Smith School of Business. Graduate course for PhD and MSc students majoring in MIS. (Starting January 2020)
Mgmt 974 – Advanced Topics in Information Systems: Strategy, Evaluation and Knowledge Management. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for PhD and MSc students majoring in MIS.
Mgmt 972 – Advanced Topics in Information Systems: Development and Implementation of Information Systems. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for PhD and MSc students majoring in MIS.
Mgmt 962 – Big Data Analytics. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for PhD and MSc students majoring in Management Analytics.
Mgmt 963 – Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for PhD and MSc students majoring in Management Analytics.
Mgmt 870 – Conceptual Foundations in MIS. Smith School of Business. Graduate course for first year PhD and MSc students majoring in MIS.
Comm 502 – Independent Project, Topics: Managing Information Systems Projects – Financial Strategies Tool (Justin Herlick); Managing Information Systems Projects – Classroom Scheduling Tool (Alex De Rosa).
Comm 501 – Independent Project, Topic: Developing a Generic AI Tool to be used in a Human-AI Collaboration Context (Katrina Latawiec).
Comm 501 – Directed Reading, Topic: Non-profit Organizations (Natalya Alonso).
Comm 492 – Managing Data for Business Intelligence. Smith School of Business. Advanced undergraduate course for upper year Commerce students.
Comm 493 – Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Business. Smith School of Business. Advanced undergraduate course for upper year Commerce students.
Comm 395 – IS Strategy. Smith School of Business. Advanced undergraduate course for upper year Commerce students.
Comm 305 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Smith School of Business. Advanced undergraduate course for upper year Commerce students.
Comm 190 – Introduction to Digital Business and Technologies. Smith School of Business. Undergraduate course for second year Commerce students.
Comm 162 – Managerial Statistics. Smith School of Business. Undergraduate course for first year Commerce students.
Comm 153 – Managing Work and Teams. Smith School of Business. Undergraduate course for first year Commerce students focused on the integration of project management concepts with team dynamics.
Other Teaching Work
Peer Evaluation Tool in D2L: Worked with Jana Raver and Smith School of Business IT to develop and implement a peer evaluation tool in order to streamline the collection of peer evaluation rankings from students as well as calculate and report summary peer evaluation scores for instructors.
MMA860: Acquisition and Analysis of Data – “Internal Data Sources”, Presentation to the Master of Management Analytics students, Toronto Facility. 2013 - 2017.
Faculty Group on Teaching & Learning – Presentation on “Comm162 Teaching Innovations”. Fall 2013.
Computer-based exam initiative: Developed methods and process documentation for the delivery of the first large-scale computer-based final exam for Comm162 involving more than 450 students.
Faculty Advisor, Queen’s Commerce Initiative Abroad. Accompanied 24 students on a trip to Ecuador to volunteer at a local school. Winter 2011.
Mgmt 972 – Advanced Topics in Information Systems: Development and Implementation of Information Systems; Guest Lecturer (IS Projects). Smith School of Business. Graduate course for PhD and MSc students majoring in MIS.
Mgmt 803 – Multivariate Statistics; Guest Lecturer (ANOVA). Smith School of Business. Graduate statistics course for first year PhD and MSc students.
Mgmt 871 – Research Methods in IS; Guest Lecturer (Qualitative Methods; Design Science lectures). Smith School of Business. Graduate course for first year PhD and MSc students majoring in MIS.
MBA 844 – Project Management; Teaching Assistant. Smith School of Business. MBA elective. Content included cases and materials from PMI’s PMBOK.
Comm 392 – Database Management: Models, Development and Applications; Guest Lecturer (Data Warehousing Module). Smith School of Business. Advanced undergraduate course for upper year Commerce students.
Comm 390 – Developing Information Systems; Guest Lecturer (Project Management Module). Smith School of Business. Advanced undergraduate course for upper year Commerce students.
PhD Workshop Series. Smith School of Business. Developed, organized and facilitated PhD workshops.
Program Development. Smith School of Business. Assisted in the initial planning and development of a Master in Management (MIS) program at Smith School of Business.
PMP Exam Preparation Course. St. Edward’s University. Taught St. Edward’s University and PMI sponsored Project Management Professional exam preparation courses.
Quality Assurance Training. Developed and delivered training on a code inspection process to developers at Trilogy Software.
Project Management Training. Developed and delivered training on project management tools and techniques to functional managers at Methanex and a Vancouver-based non-profit organization.
Supervision and Other Thesis Committee Work
MSc Supervision
- Completed: Jayson Killoran (MIS), Cecilia Ying (Analytics)
- Former Students: Katrina Latawiec (Analytics) (2020 – 2021)
PhD Supervision
- Current Students: Jasmin Manseau (MIS)
- Completed: Co-supervised Ali Ghawe’s (MIS) PhD Summer Research Project (with Kathryn Brohman): Rethinking IT Project Governance at Queen’s
- Former Students: Jayson Killoran (MIS) (2020 – 2023)
MEng Supervision
- Completed: Ishita Arora (2019). Project: Review of AI Applications in Industry
MMAI Project Supervision
- Completed: Jennifer Lemieux (2020). Project: FluBert - COVID-19 Chatbot
Graduate Theses Committees
- Yang Chen (Analytics) (PhD Committee Member, Head – 2023)
- Stephanie Kelley (Analytics) (PhD Committee Member, Head – 2022)
- Antoine Grenier Ouimet (MIS) (PhD Committee Member, Internal – 2023 to current)
- Ali Ghawe (MIS) (PhD Committee Member, Internal – 2021 to 2024)
- Jeff Dixon (MIS) (PhD Committee Member, Internal – 2021 to current)
- Mikhail Tsoy (MIS) (PhD Committee Member, Internal – 2020 to current)
- David Nam (MSc Examiner, School of Computing –2020)
Second Reader, MSc Thesis: A Design Theory to Build ‘Patient-Centric as a Service’ Collaborative Integrator (Student: Ligeng Guo).
Second Reader, PhD Summer Research Project: From Mathematical Formalism to Practical Fairness: A Framework for Balancing Stakeholder Preferences in Algorithmic Decision-Making (Student: Tatiana Gridchina)
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Killoran, Jayson A., Brohman, M. Kathryn, Jenkin, Tracy A. “Moving Beyond Fit: Toward Human-AI Complementary Interactions”. Proceedings of The Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 2020.
Rogers, Keith W., Jenkin, Tracy A., Corbett, Jacqueline, Webster, Jane. “The Effects of ‘Green’ on IT/S Projects: Recycling the Garbage Can Model”. In The Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 2013. Best Paper Award.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Skillicorn, David B., and Chan, Yolande E. “Novel Idea Generation, Collaborative Filtering, and Group Innovation Processes”. In The Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2011.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Webster, Jane, McShane, Lindsay “An Agenda for ‘Green’ Information Technology and Systems Research”. In The Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Academy of Management Meeting, August 2009.
Jenkin, Tracy A., and McShane, Lindsay, “Green Information Technologies and Systems in Organizations: The State of Practice”. In The Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Academy of Management Meeting, August 2009.
Jenkin, Tracy A. “How IT Supports Knowledge Discovery and Learning Processes on the Web”. In The Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 2008.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Chan, Yolande E., and Skillicorn, David B. “Novel-Knowledge Discovery – Challenges and Design Theory”. In The Proceedings of The Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 2007.
Jenkin, Tracy A. and Chan, Yolande E. “Knowledge Discovery for Competitive Intelligence: Organizational Processes and Constraints”. In The Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems Americas Conference (AMCIS), August 2006. Nominated for Best Paper.
Jenkin, Tracy A. “Knowledge Discovery: Organizational Learning and Design Theory”. Doctoral Consortium. In The Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems Americas Conference (AMCIS), August 2006.
Jenkin, Tracy, McGeachie, Jesse, Fono, David and Vertegaal, Roel. “EyeView: Focus+Context Views for Large Group Video Conferences”. In Extended Abstract of ACM CHI 2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Portland, OR: ACM Press, 2005.
Jenkin, Tracy. “Meta-Analysis: The Relationship Between Software Size and Software Quality”. In The Proceedings of The Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Quebec City, Quebec, June 2004.
Invited Conference Talks (presented by myself or co-authors/students)
Chen, Y., Kirshner, S., Ovchinnikov, A., Andiappan, M., Jenkin, T. “Biases of Humans, of AI, and of Humans with AI” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Fall 2024.
Chen, Y., Andiappan, M., Jenkin, T., Ovchinnikov, A. “A Manager and an AI Walk into a Bar: Does ChatGPT Make Biased Decisions Like We Do?” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Fall 2023.
Jenkin, T., Kelley, S., Ovchinnikov, A., Ying, C. “Explanation Seeking and Recommendation Adherence in Human-to-Human versus Human-to-Artificial Intelligence Interactions” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Fall 2023.
Chen, Y., Andiappan, M., Jenkin, T., Ovchinnikov, A. “A Manager and an AI Walk into a Bar: Does ChatGPT Make Biased Decisions Like We Do?” Behavioural Operations Conference Spring 2023.
Jenkin, T., Kelley, S., Ovchinnikov, A., Ying, C. “Explanation Seeking and Recommendation Adherence in Human-to-Human versus Human-to-Artificial Intelligence Interactions” Behavioural Operations Conference Spring 2023.
Jenkin, Tracy A., Latawiec, Katrina, Ovchinnikov, Anton, Ying, Cecilia. “Understanding Human-AI Collaborations”. Accepted for presentation at the Artificial Intelligence – Beyond the Hype Professional Development Workshop at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2020.
Rogers, Keith W., Jenkin, Tracy A., Corbett, Jacqueline, Webster, Jane. “Recycling the Garbage Can Model: Accepting Tensions and Allowing for Paradox in Green Projects”. Accepted for presentation at the Journal of Business Ethics Paper Development Workshop at the Academy of Management Meeting (August 2015) – Paradoxes in Corporate Sustainability: Managing Tensions between Social, Economic, and Environmental Issues.
Jenkin, Tracy A., McShane, Lindsay, Webster, Jane “Green Information Technologies and Systems in Organizations: Employees’ Perceptions of The State of Practice”. Presentation at the Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability Conference, University of Albany, September 2009.
Boudreau, M.C., Donnellan, B., Elliot, S., Huber, M., Jenkin, T.A., Sheridan, C., Webster, J. “A Call for Action in Tackling Environmental Sustainability through Green Information Technologies and Systems”. Panel presentation, 2009 European Conference on Information Systems, June 2009.
Jenkin, Tracy A. and Chan, Yolande E. “Exploring the IT Project Alignment Construct”. Journal of AIS Theory Development Workshop following ICIS 2006, Milwaukee, WI.
“The Development of an Instrument to Measure Animation Predisposition of Users of Animated Agents in MS Office Applications” Discussant, The Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Quebec City, Quebec, June 2004.
Invited Talks External
Kingston Economic Development Corporation – Presentation (Invited) at the 37th Annual Business Forecast Lunch, November 2024. Title “The Future of Work: Working with Large Language Models”
Later Life Learning Kingston – Presentation (Invited) at Later Life Learning AI Series, November 2024. Title “Understanding Large Language Models, Where They Are Used, and How They Affect Me”
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence – Keynote Presentation (Invited) at Canadian Tire’s Data in Action (DnA) conference, October 2024. Keynote Presentation Title: “The Future of Work: The Evolving Relationship Between Humans and AI”
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence – Keynote Presentation (Invited) at the Generative AI Thought Leadership Event, October 2023. Keynote Presentation Title: “Wrangling Uncertainty in Generative AI Applications”
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence – Expert Panellist (Invited) at the Generative AI Thought Leadership Event, October 2023.
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence – Expert Panellist (Invited) at the Opportunities, Risks, and Impact of Generative AI Roundtable, April 2023.
Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence – “Human-AI Collaboration: Dealing with Novelty and Surprise” Invited Research Talk, Friday Seminar Series, November 2021.
Ingenuity Labs – AI debate (Dr. Tracy Jenkin (Queen’s University), Dr. Pasquale Minervini (University College London), Dr. Frank Rudzicz (University of Toronto), and Dr. Amber Simpson (Queen’s University)): “Why did you do that? Will AI systems ultimately explain their decisions to us?” in Ingenuity Lab’s 2021 Robotics and AI Symposium (RAIS2021) moderated by tech journalist and podcaster Amber Mac, October 2021.
Conflicts Analytics Lab – “Project Management Primer: Developing Products in an Analytics Context” Invited Talk, March 2021.
Ingenuity Labs – “Understanding Human-AI Collaboration” Invited Talk, February 2021.
Smith School of Business Presentations
Research Symposium, 45th PhD Program Reunion – “Comparing Human and AI Decision-making: Biases and Errors and Anomalies, oh my!” May 2024
Queen’s Conference on Business and Technology – Finance and Technology Panel (moderator). January 2020.
Queen’s Data Analytics Association Conference – Analytics Panel (panellist). November 2019.
Smith Faculty Research Showcase – Sensemaking and Sensegiving Processes in IS Projects and Beyond. April 2019.
Queen’s Conference on Business and Technology – Artificial Intelligence Panel (moderator). January 2019.
MMA860: Acquisition and Analysis of Data – “Internal Data Sources”, Presentation to the Master of Management Analytics students, Toronto Facility. Summer 2013 – 2017. (see also “Other Teaching Work”)
Faculty Group on Teaching & Learning – Presentation on “Comm162 Teaching Innovations”. Fall 2013. (see also “Other Teaching Work”)
Corporate Social Responsibility Brown Bag – “Tackling Environmental Sustainability through Green IT/S”. Summer 2009
The Monieson Centre Seminar – “How IT Supports Knowledge Discovery and Learning Processes on the Web”. Winter 2008.
Media Interviews
Podcast Interview, Artificial Intelligence Series, Smith Insight: Discussing research on Human-AI Collaboration and Generative AI (with Anton Ovchinnikov), Interviewed by Meredith Dault; November 2023. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/Podcast-AI-Reality-Check-The-AI-Colleague.php
Interview with Cody Melissa Godwin, BBC. Interviewed for an independent review of a recent study titled “The Robot Revolution: Managerial and Employment Consequences for Firms” Robots in the Workplace, June 2021.
Interview with Anthony Davis, Globe and Mail. Interviewed for and quoted in Globe and Mail Report on Business article: “Gut instinct vs. big data: When analytics can’t replace human intuition” (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/rob-magazine/article-gut-instinct-vs-big-data-when-analytics-cant-replace-human/). Anthony A. Davis, Special to the Globe and Mail Published January 27 2020.
Research Fellowship: Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Management Information Systems (2018-2021)
DD Monieson Doctoral Fellowship (2005)
Research Awards
Queen’s University Office of Research Services Travel Award (2009)
Monieson Research Award (2006, 2009)
Other Awards
Accepted to ICIS Doctoral Consortium, Milwaukee, WI (2006)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, declined (2006)
Geoffrey H. Wood Scholarship (2005)
Grants & Funding
Doctoral Fellowship (2006-2008)
SSHRC | $40,000
Research Grant (2015-2016)
Fund for Scholarly Research and Creative Work and Professional Development (Adjuncts)
Insight Development Grant; “Understanding Human-AI Collaborations”. (2019-2021)
Institutional Grant; “Humans + Machines: Making Sense of Sensemaking with Artificial Intelligence Tools”. (2019-2021)
Future of Business Research Funding Competition; “Humans + Machines: Sensegiving and Sensemaking with Artificial Intelligence”. (2019-2021)
The Monieson Centre, Smith School of Business
Research Grant (Special Call – Environmental Sustainability and IT). (2009-2012).
Academic Service
Internal – Smith School of Business
- Committee Member, MSc/PhD Curriculum Review Committee, Smith School of Business, (July 2024 – current).
- Committee Member, Unit Research Ethics Board, Smith School of Business, (July 2023 – June 2024)
- Committee Member, MMAI 2.0 Curriculum Working Group Committee, Smith School of Business, (February 2024 – current)
- Committee Member, Analytics Suite Curriculum Review Committee, Smith School of Business, (Feb 2023 – January 2024).
- Committee Member, Smith School of Business Canada Research Chair Adjudication Committee, Smith School of Business, (Spring 2023).
- Committee Member, Research Committee, Smith School of Business, (July 2022 – June 2023; July 2024 – current).
- Comprehensive Exam Chair, MIS (2022).
- Comprehensive Exam Committee Member, Management Analytics (2022, 2023).
- Equity Representative, Appointments Committee, Smith School of Business, (July 2021 – June 2022).
- Committee Member, Appointments Committee, Smith School of Business, (July 2019 – June 2022).
- Committee Member, Graduate Committee, Smith School of Business, (July 2019 – June 2020).
- Advisory Committee for the Renewal of Associate Dean (MBA and Masters Programs) (2018).
- Comprehensive Exam Committee Member, MIS (2016 – 2019).
- Faculty Coach, CaseIT Smith School of Business Team, (September 2014 – current).
- Faculty Coach, Microsoft Imagine Cup – Innovation Path, (September 2014 – 2016).
- Certificate in Business Curriculum Committee, Smith School of Business, (October 2014 – May 2017).
- Commerce Curriculum Committee, Smith School of Business, (August 2013 – May 2017).
- Adhoc member, Academic Appeals Committee for Smith School of Business Faculty Board (Fall 2013).
- Smith School of Business Online Survey Research – Tool Selection Team. (May 2007 – April 2008).
- Knowledge Summit. The Monieson Centre, Smith School of Business. (June 2006). Assisted with the development and implementation of a 3-day invitation-only conference focused on knowledge management. Participants included academic and industry experts in the area of knowledge management.
- Knowledge Management Doctoral Consortium. The Monieson Centre, Smith School of Business. Consortium Co-chair. (November 2004 & 2005).
Internal – Queen’s University
- Reviewer, Queen’s Major Scholarships, Queen’s University (2023)
- Committee Member, Principal’s Advisory Committee on the Dean Selection for Smith School of Business, (Fall 2020 – Winter 2021).
- Member, Administrative Systems Steering Committee, Queen’s University (chair: Caroline Davis), (September 2014 – May 2017).
- Graduate School Senator, Queen’s Senate, (Acting for 2013/14).
- Smith School of Business Faculty Representative, The Forum 2015: Overcoming Technological Barriers in the Classroom, (February 2015).
- Committee Member, SSHRC Doctoral Awards Adjudication Committee, Queen’s University, (2019/2020).
- Committee Member, INFORMS AI Policy Committee, INFORMS, (Fall 2024 – Current).
- Committee Member, Applied Adjudication Committee for the Vector Scholarship in AI, Vector Institute, (2021, 2022, 2024).
- Associate Editor, IS in the Workplace and the Future of Work Track, International Conference on Information Systems (2020).
- Associate Editor, Practice-Oriented IS Research Track, International Conference on Information Systems (2019).
- Associate Editor, Green IS Track, International Conference on Information Systems (2009).
Reviewer for: Data Base for the Advances in Information Systems, Information and Organization, Information and Management, Journal for the Association of Information Systems, MIS Quarterly, Production and Operations Management, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Americas Conference on Information Systems, International Conference on Information Systems, The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Professional Certification
Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
Project Management Institute
2001 - 2005