Vedat Verter
Professor and Stephen J.R. Smith Chair of Management AnalyticsOverview
Vedat Verter joined Smith School of Business in August 2022. Prior to joining Queen’s University, he was the McConnell Endowed Chair and Chairperson of the Supply Chain Management Department at Michigan State University. He also brings more than two decades of experience at Desautels Faculty of Management, where he was a James McGill Professor.
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- Management Analytics
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Full Bio
Vedat Verter joined Smith School of Business in August 2022. Prior to joining Queen’s University, he was the McConnell Endowed Chair and Chairperson of the Supply Chain Management Department at Michigan State University. He also brings more than two decades of experience at Desautels Faculty of Management, where he was a James McGill Professor. Professor Verter specializes on the application of operations research and data analytics for assisting policy makers in the public sector. His primary areas of research are socially responsible supply chains and healthcare analytics. His earlier work focused on service chain design and hazardous materials logistics. Professor Verter’s work in these four areas culminated into eighty research articles in refereed journals and twenty book chapters. His research is well recognized through invited presentations around the globe. He is deeply invested in training scholars of the future, having supervised 18 PhD students and 25 post-doctoral fellows to date.
Professor Verter developed risk assessment models for dangerous goods shipments and policy making for rail and highway transportation of hazardous materials. His papers on designing transport networks for such shipments are considered seminal. In the area of sustainability, he focuses on evidence-based policy design for incentivizing firms' product recovery initiatives; particularly for remanufacturing and recycling. He has published on the electronics industry extensively. In the area of healthcare, he focuses on preventive, primary, emergency, acute and chronic care processes, as well as their interaction.
In 2010, he founded and served as Director of the NSERC CREATE Program in Healthcare Operations and Information Management, a seven-University PhD/PDF training program across Canada. Professor Verter served as Editor-in-Chief of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, an international journal focusing on public sector decision making for ten years starting 2011. Currently, he is a Senior Editor for the Sustainable Operations and Healthcare Management Departments in Production and Operations Management journal. Professor Verter was President of INFORMS Health Applications and Public Sector OR Societies in 2013 and 2018, respectively. In POMS, he served as Founding President of College of Healthcare Management, Vice President of College of Sustainable Operations, and an elected Board member in 2016-17.
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Professor (Tenured) (2022 - Present)
Broad College of Business, Michigan State University
John H. McConnell Endowed Chair of Business Administration (2019-2022)
McGill University
James McGill Professor (2013-2019)
Professor (2009-2019)
Associate Member (2005-2014)
Associate Professor (2001-2009)
Assistant Professor (1995-2001)
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Adjunct Professor (2012-2015)
M.Sc. in Health Systems Program, University of Ottawa
Adjunct Professor (2006-2016)
Articles in Refereed Journals
Verter, V., T. Boyaci M. Galbreth, “Design for Reusability and Product Reuse under Radical
Innovation”, to appear in Sustainability Analytics and Modeling, (accepted, June2023).
Shi, J., W. Chen and V. Verter (20233), “The Joint Impact of Environmental Awareness and System
Infrastructure on E-Waste Collection”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 310, No.
2, pp. 760-772. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2023.03.011
Cousineau, M., V. Verter, S.A. Murphy, J. Pineau (2023), “Estimating Causal Effects with
Optimization-Based Methods: A Review and Empirical Comparison”, European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol 304, No 2, pp. 367-380. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.01.046
Mahmoudi M., K. Shirzad, V. Verter (2022), “Decision support models for managing food aid supply chains: A systematic literature review” Socio Economic Planning Sciences, Volume 82, Part B, August 2022, 101255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2022.101255
Cousineau, M., V. Verter, S.A. Murphy, J. Pineau, “Estimating Causal Effects with Optimization-Based Methods: A Review and Empirical Comparison”, forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research, accepted January 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2022.01.046
Zhou, Y., M. Parlar, V. Verter and S. Fraser (2021), “Surgical Scheduling with Constrained Patient Waiting Times” Production and Operations Management, Vol 30, No 9, pp 3253-3271. https://doi.org/10.1111/poms.13427
Sahinyazan, F.G., M. Rancourt, V. Verter (2021), “On Improving Transportation Procurement in the Humanitarian Sector: A Data-driven Approach for Abnormally Low Bid Detection”, Production and Operations Management, Vol 30, No 4, pp. 1082-1109. https://doi.org/10.1111/poms.13293
Sahinyazan, F.G., M. Rancourt, V. Verter (2021), “Food Aid Modality Selection Problem”, Production and Operations Management, Vol 30, No 4, pp. 965-983 https://doi.org/10.1111/poms.13287
Melnyk, S.A., T. Schoenherr, V. Verter, C. Evans and C. Shanley (2021), “The pandemic and SME Supply Chains: Learning from early Experiences of SME Suppliers in the US Defense Industry”, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol 27, No 4, 100714
Zhao, J. M. Verma and V. Verter (2021) “ Pipeline transportation of crude oil in Canada: Environmental risk assessment using modified diffusion models”, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. Vol 27, no 5, pp.1206-1226.
Klein, M., V. Verter, H.G. Fraser, B.G. Moses (2021) “Specialist Care in Rural Hospitals: From Emergency Department Consultation to Inpatient Ward Discharge”, IISE Transactions, Vol 53, No 4, pp. 375-388. Featured in Industrial and Systems Engineer magazine (March 2021).
Frank, D., E. Fan, A., Georghiou, V. Verter (2020), “Community treatment order outcomes in Quebec - a unique jurisdiction”, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 65, No 7, pp. 484-491.
Turken, N., J. Carrillo and V. Verter (2020), “Strategic Supply Chain Decisions Under Environmental Regulations: When to Invest in End-of-Pipe and Green Technology”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 283, No 2, pp. 601-613.
Klein, M., V. Verter, B.G. Moses (2020), “The Design of Dialysis Facility Networks in a Rural Area”, European Journal of Operational Research. Vol 282, No 3, pp. 1088-1100.
Samiedaluie, S. and V. Verter (2019), "The impact of specialization of hospitals on patient access to care; a queuing analysis with an application to a neurological hospital", Health Care Management Science, Vol. 22, pp 709–726
Intrevado, P., V. Verter and L. Tremblay (2019) “Patient-Centric Design of Long-Term Care Networks" Health Care Management Science, Vol 22, pp. 376–390.
Mazahir S, V. Verter, T. Boyaci, and L. Van Wassenhove (2019), “Did Europe Move Toward the Right Direction in WEEE”, Production and Operations Management, Vol 28, No 1, pp. 121-139.
Karimi, A. M. Gendreau and V. Verter (2018) “Performance Evaluation of Emergency Service Systems with Priorities and Partial Backups”, Transportation Science, Vol 5 No 5 pp 1235-1252.
Zargoush, M., M. Gumus, V. Verter, S. Daskalopoulou (2018), “Designing Individualized Therapy for Patients with Hypertension”, Production Operations Management, Vol 27, No 12, pp. 2291-2312.
Kumar A., D. Roy, V. Verter and D. Sharma (2018), “Integrated Fleet Mix and Routing Decision for Hazmat Transportation: A Developing Country Perspective”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 264 No 1, pp 225-238.
Siddiqui, A., M. Verma and V. Verter (2018), “An integrated framework for inventory management and transportation of refined petroleum products: Pipeline or Marine?”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol 55, 224-247.
Bittencourt, O., V. Verter and M. Yalovsky (2018), “Hospital Capacity Management based on the Queuing Theory”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol 67 No 2
Samiedaluie, S., B. Kucukyazici, V. Verter and D. Zhang (2017), “Patient Admission Policies in A Neurology Ward”, Operations Research, Vol 65, No 3 pp 635-656.
Cilaci-Tombus A., N. Aras and V. Verter (2017), “Designing Distribution Systems with Reverse Flows”, Journal of Remanufacturing, Vol 2-3, pp 113-137.
Turken, N., J. Carrillo and V. Verter (2017), “Facility Location and Capacity Acquisition under Carbon Tax and Emission Limits: To Centralize or To Decentralize?”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 187, pp 126–141.
Bittencourt, O., V. Verter and M. Yalovsky (2017), “Daily capacity management for hospitals: A Brazilian Case Study”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol 27, No 1 pp 102-121.
Madani, A., B. Gallix, C. M. Pugh, D. Azagury, P. Bradley, D. Fowler, B. Hannaford, S. Macdonald, K. Miyasaka, N. Nuño, A. Szold, V. Verter, R. Aggarwal (2017) “Evaluating the Role of Simulation in Health Care Innovation: Recommendations of the Simnovate™ Medical Technologies Domain Group”, BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol 3 (Suppl 1), S8-S14.
Cheng, J., M. Verma and V. Verter (2017), “Impact of train makeup on hazmat risk in a transport corridor", Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol 9, pp. 167-194.
Graber-Nadich, A., M. Carter, V. Verter (2017), “Restructuring the Education System for Improving the Equity of Access to Primary Care”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 258, pp. 1143–1155.
Murat, A., G. Laporte and V. Verter (2016), “A Global Shooting Algorithm for the Facility Location and Capacity Acquisition Problem on a Line with Dense Demand”, Computers and Operations Research, Vol 71, pp. 1–15.
Ibrahim, R., B. Kucukyazici, V. Verter, M. Gendreau, and M. Blostein (2016), “Designing Personalized Treatment: An Application to Anticoagulation Therapy”, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 25, No. 5, May 2016, pp. 902–918.
Menezes, M., D. Ruiz-Hernandez, V. Verter (2016), “A Rough-cut Approach for Evaluating Location-Routing Decisions via Approximation Algorithms”, Transportation Research: Part B, Vol 87, 89–106
Aboolian, R., O. Berman and V. Verter (2016), “Maximal Accessibility Network Design in the Public Sector”, Transportation Science, Vol 50, No 1, 336–347.
Contributed Book Chapters (Invited & Refereed)
Yilmaz, Z. and V. Verter (2022), “A Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach for Hazmat Transportation” pp. 361-383 in Y. İ. Topcu, Ş. Ekici, Ö. Kabak, E. Aktaş, Ö. Özaydın (editors), New Perspectives in Operations Research and Management Science - Essays in Honor of Fusun Ulengin. Springer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science.
Verter V. (2017), “POM for Healthcare: Focusing on the upstream: Management of Preventive and Emergency Care”, Chapter 23 pp. 427-442 in Routledge Companion for Production and Operations Management Contributions from 50 Global POM Thought Leaders. M. Starr and S. Gupta (editors), Routledge.
Verter, V. and Y. Zhang (2015), “Location Models for Preventive Care”, Ch 9 in Eiselt H.A. and V. Marianov (Eds), Applications of Location Analysis, Springer-Verlag.
Marcotte, A Mercier, G. Savard and V. Verter (2013) “Gestion du risque lié au transport des matières dangereuses: une approche basée sur la tarification” in Marcalis-Warin, N., M. Trepanier and I. Peignier (Eds) Stratégies Logistiques et Matières Dangereuse, Chapter 7, Presses Internationales Polytechnique.
Verma M. and V. Verter (2013), “Railroad Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Models for Risk Assessment and Management” in R. Batta and C. Kwon (editors) Handbook of OR/MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transportation, pp. 9 – 48, Springer.
Kucukyazici B. and V. Verter (2013), “Community-based Care for Chronic Diseases: The Quantitative Approach” in G. Zaric (editor), Operations Research and Health Care Policy, pp. 71-90, Springer.
Verma, M. and V. Verter (2012), “Security of hazmat transports by railway”, in G. Reniers and L. Zamparini (eds.) Security Aspects of Uni- and Multi-modal Hazmat Transportation Systems, pp. 49-70, Wiley-VCH.
Bagheri, M., M. Verma and V. Verter (2012), “An Expected Risk model for Rail Transport of Hazardous Materials”, in Garbolino, E., M. Tkiouat, N. Yankevich and D. Lachtar (editors) Transport of Dangerous Goods: Methods and Tools for Reducing the Risks of Accidents and Terrorist Attack, pp. 207-226, Springer.
Verter, V. (2011), “Hazardous Materials Transportation”, the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, published online DOI: 10.1002/9780470400531.eorms0372
Verter, V. (2011), Uncapacitated & capacitated facility location problems, in Eiselt H.A. and Marianov V. (editors) Principles of Location Science, pp. 25-37, Springer.
Aras, N., T. Boyaci, and V. Verter (2010), Designing the Reverse Logistics Network, in Ferguson, M. and Souza G., (editors) Closed Loop Supply Chains: New Developments to Improve the Sustainability of Business Practices, pp. 67-98, CRC Press.
Dasci, A and V. Verter (2009), “The Production-Distribution System Design Problem: Recent Advances”, in Floudas, C. and P. Pardalos (editors), Encyclopedia of Optimization Second Edition, pp. 3088-3098, Springer US.
Verma, M., and V. Verter (2008), “ The Trade-offs in Rail-Truck Intermodal Transportation of Hazardous Materials: An Illustrative Case Study“ in C. Bersani, A. Boulmakoul, E. Garbolino, R. Sacile (editors), Advanced Technologies and Methodologies for Risk Management in the Global Transport of Dangerous Goods, pp. 149-168, IOS Press.
Erkut. E., S. Tjandra and V. Verter (2007), “Hazardous Materials Transportation”, Chapter 9 in Transportation, C. Barnhart and G. Laporte (editors), Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science Vol. 14, Elsevier, pp. 539-621.
Verter, V., A. Dasci and A. Bulgak (2001), “The Production-Distribution System Design Problem”, in Floudas, C. and P. Pardalos (editors), Encyclopedia of Optimization, Vol. IV, pp. 383-392, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Verter, V. (1998), “On the Risks of Transporting Dangerous Goods”, in Jorissen R. E. and P.J.M. Stallen (editors), Quantified Societal Risk and Policy Making: Approaches from Different Hazard Domains, pp. 73-83, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Verter, V. and E. Erkut (1996), “Hazardous Materials Logistics: An Annotated Bibliography” in Carraro C. and A. Haurie, (editors) Operations Research and Environmental Management, pp. 221-267, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Erkut, E. and V. Verter (1995), “Hazardous Materials Logistics”, in Drezner, Z. (editor), Facility Location: A Survey of Applications and Methods, pp. 467-506, Springer-Verlag.
Verter, V. and C. Dincer (1995), “Global Manufacturing Strategy”, in Drezner, Z. (editor), Facility Location: A Survey of Applications and Methods, pp. 263-282, Springer-Verlag.
Papers in the Refereeing Process
Luzon, Y., O. Baron, O. Berman and V. Verter "On Designing a Fire Emergency Vehicle Fleet",
submitted to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, June 2023.
Cousineau, M., V. Verter and G. Turecki, “The impact of psychiatric outpatient follow-up visit
frequency on clinical outcomes and waiting times”, submitted to American Journal of Medical
Care, January 2023, revised June 2023.
Hejazian, H., B. Kucukyazici, J. Nasiry, V. Verter, D. Frank “ The Impact of Hospital and Patient
Characteristics on Psychiatry Readmissions ", submitted to Manufacturing & Service Operations
Management, February 2023. (reject & resubmit; rebuttal in progress).
Ghazalbash, S., M. Zargoush, V. Verter, S. Guilcher, K. Kuluski “A Data-Driven Approach to
Address Fragmented Readmissions Among Older Adults: Prediction, Decision-Making, and
Fairness Considerations”, submitted to Production and Operations Management, November 2022.
(under revision for second round review).
Hoseinpour, P., V. Verter and Kucukyazici B. “Nurse Workload Balancing using Real-Time Location Systems”, submitted to Operations Research, March 2022. (under revision for second round review).
Shi, J., W. Chen and V. Verter, “The Joint Impact of Environmental Awareness and System Infrastructure on E-Waste Collection”, submitted to European Journal of Operational Research, January 2022. (under revision for second round review).
Zargoush, M., M. Gumus, V. Verter, S. Daskalopoulou, “On the Significance of Measurement Noise and Physician Judgment Bias in Hypertension Management”, submitted to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. May 2021 (under revision for second round review).
Verter, V., T. Boyaci M. Galbreth, “Design for Reusability and Product reuse under radical innovation”, submitted to Sustainability Analytics and Modeling, March 2021. (under revision for second round review). https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2752343
Working Papers
Frank, D., Fan E., A Georghiu, and V. Verter, “Text-mining of clinical notes to improve the
prediction of psychiatric admission risks”, to be submitted to Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, July
Kucukyazici, B., A. Georghiu, A. Nair, B. Naderi and V. Verter “Managing Regional Hospital
Resources Amid COVID-19 for Improving Health Outcomes” to be submitted to Production and
Operations Management, November 2021. (presented at MSOM 2022).
Hu, P., V. Verter, J. Zhao “Coordination in Emergency Response System Design: An Application
to Hazardous Materials Transportation”, March 2019. To be submitted to SEPS.
Yilmaz, Z. and V. Verter “Simultaneous consideration of the accident and terror risks for hazardous
materials transportation”, August 2022. To be submitted to International Journal of Shipping and
Transport Logistics.
Nona, C., O. Lipp, E. Rudd, A. Dumais, D. Frank, V. Verter, S. Potvin “Completed Suicide during
COVID-19: A Systematic Review”, October 2022.
Mazahir, S., T. Boyaci and V. Verter “Product Reuse under Disruptive Innovations”, April 2019.
Ghodboddini, M., V. Verter, “A Procedure-Oriented Approach for Integrated Management of
Surgical Services”, August 2018.
Sahinyazan, F.G., M. Ramcourt, V. Verter, “Unraveling Transportation Market Seasonality
affecting Food Aid Delivery: The Case of World Food Programme (WFP) Kenya”
Chen, W., Verter, V., Fleischmann, M. “Sourcing from the Poor: Extended Producer Responsibility
for E-Waste in Developing Countries in the Presence of Active Informal Markets”
Sahinyazan F.G. and V. Verter, “Patient Flow Optimization through ICU in Montreal Children’s
Hospital”, June 2014.
Teaching Experience
- Strategic Service Operations (BCom, MBA)
- Supply Chain Management (Executive MBA)
- Operations Management (MBA, MBA-Japan, BCom)
- Value Creation (MBA)
- Logistics Management (MSc in Manufacturing Management, MBA, B.Com, MSc in Global SCM China)
- Technology in Action (MBA)
- Healthcare Systems (MBA)
- Healthcare Operations Management (Ph.D.)
- Seminar in Operations Management (Ph.D.)
- Public Sector Operations Management (Ph.D.)
- Distribution System Design and Transportation (Ph.D., reading courses)
Current Doctoral Students
Ph.D. supervisor (Sept. 2023 - ), Mohammad Reza Mehrpour, Queen’s University
Ph.D. supervisor (Jan. 2018 - ), Hossein Hejazian, McGill University, “Healthcare Operations Management in Psychiatry”.
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering Dept, Univ. of Michigan (2016)
Visiting Professor, Dep. of Industrial Engineering, Boğaziçi Univ (2008-2009)
Visiting Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (2001-2002)
- Health Care Analytics
- Socially Responsible Supply Chains
- Humanitarian Logistics
- Hazardous Materials Transportation (risk assessment, routing and regulation)
Conference Proceedings and Non-refereed Publications
Melnyk, S., J. Miller, V. Verter (2021), “The Chip Crisis: The Best of Times; the Worst of Times”, Linkedin post https://lnkd.in/e_apKpw , March 2021.
Verter, V. (2021) “Advice” in DeLuca, C., and S. W. MacGregor (editors) The Prosperous PhD: Advice from Award-Winning Supervisors, Harvard University Press.
Verter, V. (2020), “Editorial: Passing the SEPS Torch”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 72, p. 1.
Griffis, S., S. Narayaman, V. Verter, J. Whipple, B. Ross, T. Malone and A. Schaefer (2020) “Supply Chain Resiliency: Post Pandemic Outlook for the Agri-Food Industry” Report, Michigan State University.
LaMore, R., et al. and V. Verter (2020), “Building a more Sustainable Economy in Michigan: Priority Actions for Supporting an Extended Producer and Circular Economy”, MSU Center for Community and Economic Development EPR/Circular Economy White Paper, https://domicology.msu.edu/upload/whitepapers/epr-event_wp-web.pdf
Schoenherr, T., S. Talluri and V. Verter (2020), “What CEOs Need To Know As U.S. Industry Rallies To Fight COVID-19“ Chief Executive, April 10, 2020. https://chiefexecutive.net/what-ceos-need-to-know-as-u-s-industry-rallies-to-fight-covid-19/
Verter, V. (2018), “Editorial: SEPS plans to publish a series of special issues”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 66, p. 1.
Oliver, K., L. Lapointe and V. Verter (2017), “Comment les gestionnaires font-ils face aux changements de la réforme ?” Le Point en Santè et services sociaux ,Vol. 12 (4), pp 20 – 30.
Verter, V. (2017), “Memoir: What topic should I study my Professor?” (In Turkish, on the passing of Professor of I. Kavrakoglu) http://ibrahimkavrakoglu.blogspot.com.tr/2016/10/yoneticilik.html#VVer
Verter, V. (2016), “Editorial: SEPS takes the next step”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 53, p. 1.
Verma, V. V. Verter and J. Cheng, “Train makeup optimization for mitigating the risk of hazardous cargo, to appear in Proceedings of CTRG2015 - the Transportation Research Conference, India, December 2015.
Grants & Funding
Current Grants
NSERC Discovery Grant – PI; V. Verter, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Delivery of Mental
Health Care, April 2023 – March 2028, $210,000.
Ontario Ministry of Health First Movers’ Fund – (Amber Simpson – PI, V. Verter and 3 others coapplicants),
Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on pre-existing mental health patients using
explainable machine learning approaches. March 2023 – Feb. 2024, $204,058 (as part of a $800,000
project portfolio).
MSU Foundation Strategic Partnership Grant – (George Berghorn – PI, V. Verter and 4 others co-applicants), Strengthening Mass Timber Scholarship at Michigan State University. June 2022, US$ 290,000.
Grants Formerly HeldCochran Fellowship, USDA – Team (B. Ross, V. Verter Co-PIs) Introduction to U.S. Supply Chain for China, Feb 2021 – Jan 2022, US$ 85,000.
U.S. Economic Development Administration University Center Economic Development Program- Team; Michigan State University EDA University Center for Regional Economic Innovation. Role: co-applicant (Rex LaMore-PI), July 2021, US$ 792,000.
IVADO Fundamental Research Project Grant – Team (M.E. Rancourt, PI, V. Verter and 2 others, co-applicants) Analytics and optimization in a digital humanitarian context, April 2018 — March 2020, $200,000.
NSERC Discovery Grant – PI; V. Verter, Operations Research for Hospital Efficiency and Effectiveness, April 2015 – March 2020, $235,000.
SSHRC Insight Grant – M. Verma (PI), Coapplicants: V. Verter, R. Huising, Transportation of Crude Oil: Rail versus Pipeline? April 2015 – March 2020, $125,300.
SSHRC Insight Grant – V. Verter(PI); T. Boyaci, (co-applicant), Challenges in Sustainable Operations: Product Design, Regulation, Environmental Impact, April 2014 – March 2019, $237,000.
FQRNT/FQRSC Research Center, Gendron,B. and 75 co-applicants, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport (CIRRELT), Amount: $ 483,000 / year for April 2015 until March 2020. Verter led McGill’s partnership to the CIRRELT application at $25,000 annual support. (allocated to the PI).
FRSQ Team Grant – PI: B. Kucukyazici, Co-applicants, V. Verter, F. Bellavance, K. Kilpatrick, C. Rochefort, “Looking beyond the walls of the emergency department for delay factors: Modeling associations with the hospital and post-acute care and exploration of promising interventions” April 2015 – March 2018, $270,000.
Honors & Awards
• Nomination for an NSERC Canada Research Chair Tier 1 (by Smith School of Business), May2023.• Plenary Speaker, EURO Working Group on Operations Research Applications in Health Services (ORAHS) July 2021.
• Nomination for McGill’s David Thomson Award for Graduate Student Supervision & Teaching (by Desautels Faculty of Management), January 2018.
• Nomination for the CIHR Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research (by McGill University), May 2017.
• Barbaros Tansel Memorial Lecture, European Working Group on Location Analysis (EWGLA), April 2013.
• Plenary Speaker, Canadian Operations Research Society Conference, May 2013.
• Plenary Speaker, Turkish Operations Research and Industrial Engineering Conf., June 2012.
• Best Advisor Award, Desautels Doctoral Students Society, April 2012.
• Plenary Speaker, Canadian Operations Research Society Conference, May 2011.
• Service Prize, Canadian Operations Research Society, May 2007.
• Nomination for McGill’s Carrie M. Derick Award for Graduate Student Supervision & Teaching (by Desautels Faculty of Management), February 2007.
• Nomination for McGill’s William Dawson Scholarship (by Faculty of Management), October 2003.
Major Leadership and Outreach Roles
July '19 - Aug' 22 |
Department Chair, Supply Chain Management (SCM) |
May’ 21- Aug’ 22 |
Member, Technical Advisory Board, The Axia Institute: Delivering Value Chain Solutions |
July ’19 – Aug’ 22 |
Department Chair, Supply Chain Management (SCM) |
Apr’ 21 – Mar’ 22 |
Advisory Board Member, Supply Chain Program Initiative, Jackson State University, Mississippi |
Apr’ 21- Dec’ 21 |
Member, Food Supply Chain and Food Systems Workgroup, Michigan Governor’s Food Security Council |
May’17 –July’ 19 |
Academic Director, McGill Center for the Convergence of Health and Economics |
Sep' 12 – July’ 19 |
Founding Director, Healthcare Laboratory, McGill University |
May ’17 – Mar’ 18 |
Founding Academic Director, Master of Management in Analytics Program (MMA), McGill University |
Mar’ 12 – Sep' 16 |
Founding Associate Director, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management |
Oct' 05 - Sep'16 |
Director, MD-MBA Program |
Sep' 09 - Sep' 15 |
Founding Director, NSERC CREATE Ph.D. and Post-doctoral Training Program on Healthcare Operations and Information Management |
Editor-in-Chief, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, September 2011-2020
(Elected) Board Member, Production Operations Management Society (POMS), Jan 2016 – Dec 2017.
Founding Director, NSERC CREATE Ph.D. and Post-doctoral Training Program on Healthcare Operations and Information Management, (2009-2016). http://www.mcgill.ca/create-hoim/home-page
Founding Director, Healthcare Laboratory, (2012-2019), funded by Canadian Foundation for Innovation Leaders Opportunity Fund (CFI)
Founding Associate Director (Health), Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, McGill University, (March 2012 – March 2016)
Director, McGill MD-MBA Program, (October 2005 – June 2016)
Area Coordinator, Operations Management (Sept. 2006 – Aug. 2008)
Associate Dean (Research) – Faculty of Management (Jan – Dec 2004)
Founding Co-Director, Master of Manufacturing Management Program (MMM), August 1997 – June 2001. https://www.mcgill.ca/desautels/programs/mmm
Former Professional Affiliations
President, Public Sector OR Society, The Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), 2018, also VP Meetings 2015-2016.
Member, Management Science Res. Center (MSRC), McGill University, 1997 - 2019.
Member, Interuniversity Research Center on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT), U. Montreal and U. Laval, (CRT, before 2001), 1995 – 2019.
President, Health Applications Society, The Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), January – December 2013.
Founding President, College of Healthcare Management, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), May 2008 – May 2009.
Vice President, College of Sustainable Operations, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), May 2008 - May 2010.
Associate Member, McGill School of Environment, September 2005-2014.
Member, Emergency Multidisciplinary Res. Unit, Jewish General Hospital, 2004 - 2012.
Director, McGill Health Management Consortium, October 2005 – August 2008.
Secretary, Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS), 2003- 2007.
Editorial Assignments
Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management, Healthcare Operations
Associate Editor, Sustainability Analytics and Modeling,
Associate Editor, Health Care Management Science
Editorial Board, Journal of Business Logistics
Editorial Board, Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics.
Editorial Board, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
Editorial Board, Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Editor-in-Chief, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier (20011-2020)
Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management, Sustainable Operations (2012 – 2021)
Associate Editor, Decision Sciences (ended 2018)
Associate Editor, Operations Research for Health Care (ended 2018)
Area Editor, IIE Transactions, Healthcare Operations (ended 2017)