Evan Dudley
Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of FinanceOverview
Evan Dudley is an Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Finance. His research focuses on corporate finance.
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- Finance
Interest Topics
- Finance & Investment
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Evan Dudley’s research interests are in corporate finance with a focus on the capital-raising process and firms’ capital structures.
He obtained a PhD in Finance from the University of Rochester and is a former faculty member of the University of Florida, where he taught in the Master’s of Management, MBA and Professional MBA programs.
He has worked for National Bank of Canada and National Bank Financial (formerly Levesque Beaubien Geofffrion) as a risk management analyst and interest-rate derivatives marketer.
His work has been published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, and the Review of Financial Studies, among others.
Academic Degrees
PhD Finance
University of Rochester (2009)
M.Sc. Financial Engineering
HEC Montréal (1998)
B.A. Mathematics and Philosophy
McGill University (1998)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor of Finance (2018 - Present)
Assistant Professor of Finance (2014-2018)
Warrington College of Business, University of Florida
Assistant Professor of Finance (2008-2014)
Journal Articles
“Corporate hedging fragility in the over-the-counter market” (2022), with Paul Calluzzo, Journal of Empirical Finance 67, June 2022, 253-270.
“How do firms hedge in financial distress?” (2022), with Haakan Jankensgaard and Niclas Andren, Journal of Futures Markets 42, Issue 7, 1324-1351.
Social capital and entrepreneurial financing choice (2021), Journal of Corporate Finance 70, October 2021.
Priority spreading of corporate debt (2019), with Dominique Badoer and Christopher James, The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 33, pp. 261-308.
The real effects of proxy advisors on the firm (2018), with Paul Calluzzo, Financial Management, Fall 2019.
Financial distress, refinancing, and debt structure (2018), with Qie (Ellie) Yin, The Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 94, pp. 185-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbankfin.2018.07.004.
Capital-structure changes around IPOs (2018), with Christopher James. Critical Finance Review, Vol. 7, pp. 55-79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/104.00000045.
Trust and corporate cash holdings (2016), with Ning Zhang, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 41, pp. 363-387.
State foreclosure laws and the incidence of mortgage default (2014), with Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 57, pp. 225-280.
Capital structure and large investment projects (2012), Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 18, pp. 1168-1192.
Margins and hedge fund contagion (2011) with Mahendrarajah Nimalendran, 2011, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1227-1258.
Corporate repurchase decisions following mutual fund sales (2011) with Ani Manakyan, Financial Management, Winter 2011, pp.973-999.
Pricing Discretely Monitored Barrier Options by a Markov Chain (2003), with J.C. Duan, G. Gauthier, and J.G. Simonato, Journal of Derivatives, Vol. 10, pp. 9-31.
Working papers
“Search and inventory costs in the OTC market for corporate bonds”, with Chengjie Diao, and Hongfei (Amy) Sun.
“Financing emissions”, with Dominique Badoer
Case studies
Smith – Brookfield case study on Due Diligence, NovaCold Logistics (with Eric Stephenson), copyright (2020) Smith School of Business.
Smith – Brookfield case study on Valuation, Longview Fibre Paper & Packaging (with Eric Stephenson), copyright (2019) Smith School of Business.
Smith – Brookfield case study on Financial Distress, General Growth Properties (with Eric Stephenson), copyright (2019) Smith School of Business.
In the Media
Text Interviews
Queen’s professors talk about Kingston’s housing shortage, The Kingston-Whig Standard. 2018
Story behind Canada’s biggest Maple bond deal, The Financial Pipeline. 2017
Economic forecast positive, The Kingston-Whig Standard. 2017
Forecast 2018 : Beware a Zombie NAFTA, Smith Insight Magazine. 2017
Economic development builds momentum, The Kingston-Whig Standard. 2016
Forecast 2017 : Trash talk, unhappy returns, Smith Insight Magazine. 2016
Toronto stocks plunge the most in four years, The Toronto Star. 2015
Greek financial crisis : How the country moves forward after the NO vote, CBC.ca. 2015
Bank capital requirements for systemically important financial institutions, The Bottom Line News Magazine. 2014
Other Media Interviews
Is Greece headed for a ‘Grexit’?, CBC TV – Power and Politics. 2015
Greek debt crisis, CBC National Radio, AM980 London Radio, AM 770 Calgary Radio. 2015
Surprise Bank of Canada rate cut, CBC Radio. 2015
Course Development
- Course title: Finance Fundamentals
- Course level: Full-time Master of Business Administration (FTMBA)
- Course title: Pre-MBA Finance boot-camp
- Custom 1-day lass for entering MBA students
- Course title: Private Equity
- Course level: Undergraduate (COMM)
- New course developed for the COMM undergraduate curriculum
- Course title: Fixed Income Markets and Instruments
- Course level: Master of Finance (MFIN)
2019/10 Private Equity, 3rd and 4th year commerce elective focusing on Private Equity investments. The course is developed with the assistance of a large private equity firm who is providing content for case studies.
2018/10 Technological Innovation in Credit Markets and the Future of Fintech, Custom class developed for the Bank of Beijing and Smith Executive Education.
2018/01 Instructor, Finance, Queen’s University
- Course title: Financial Strategy II
- Course level: Undergraduate
2017/01 Instructor, Finance, Queen’s University
- Course title: Corporate finance – Theory and empirics
- Course level: Graduate (M.Sc. / Ph.D.)
2014/01 Instructor, Finance, University of Florida
- Course title: Capital structure and risk management
- Course level: Graduate (M.Sc. / Full-time MBA)
2014/01 Instructor, Finance, University of Florida
- Course title: Corporate finance
- Course level: Graduate (Professional MBA)
2012/09 Instructor, Finance, University of Florida
- Course title: Debt and money markets
- Course level: Undergraduate
Student/Postdoctoral Supervision
Principal supervisor, Minkang (Michael) Kim, Finance
Student degree expected 2022/09
Principal supervisor, Mohammad Rashidi Ranjbar, Finance
Student degree expected 2021/09
Principal supervisor, Eric (Yun Jiang) Dong (Completed), Finance
Student degree received 2019/09
Principal supervisor, Zheng Liu (Completed), Finance
Student degree received 2015/05
Principal supervisor, Minkang (Michael) Kim, Finance
Student degree expected 2027/08
Principal supervisor, Haoxiang Tang, Finance
Student degree expected 2028/08
Academic advisor, Ellie (Qie) Yin (Completed), Finance
Student degree received 2016/09
Hong Kong Baptist University
Academic advisor, Matthew Souther (Completed), Finance
Student degree received 2014/09
University of Missouri
Academic advisor, Ani Manakyan (Completed), Finance
Student degree received 2012/09
Salisbury University
Visiting Positions
Visiting professor
HEC Paris
Corporate finance and financial marketsPresentations
Presentations (over the past five years)
(2022) Search and inventory costs in the OTC market for corporate bonds, Bank of Canada by invitation
(2022) Financing emissions, Canadian Sustainable Finance Network Annual Conference, Victoria BC
(2022) Financing emissions, Concordia University Fintech – Climate Finance Conference, Montreal, QC
(2021) Social capital and entrepreneurial financing choice, ENTFIN conference (virtual) 2. (2021) Search and inventory costs in the OTC market for corporate bonds, Industrial Organization seminar for graduate students, held virtually and hosted by the Queen’s Economics Department.
(2021) How do firms hedge in financial distress?, World Finance Conference, held virtually.
(2021) How do firms hedge in financial distress?, Financial Management Conference (FMA), held virtually.
(2020) Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Financing Choice, HEC Paris brownbag seminar, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
(2019) Discovering fundamental value, HEC Paris brownbag seminar, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
(2018) Corporate hedging during the financial crisis, Financial Management Association annual meeting (FMA), San Diego, USA.
(2018) Corporate hedging during the financial crisis, Northern Finance Association annual meeting (NFA), Charlevoix, QC.
(2018) Corporate hedging during the financial crisis, Canadian Economics Association annual meeting (CEA), Montreal, QC.
(2018) Corporate hedging during the financial crisis, Financial Intermediation Research Society annual meeting (FIRS), Barcelona, Spain.
(2017) Priority spreading of corporate debt, Financial Management Association (FMA) annual meeting, Boston, MA.
(2017) Corporate hedging during the financial crisis, International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) annual meeting, Oxford, UK.
(2017) The real effects of proxy advisors on the firm, Financial Management Association European Conference (FMA Europe), Lisbon, Portugal.
Grants & Funding
Insight Grant: Human-machine interactions in the over-the-counter market. Principal applicant (2022-2026)
SSHRC | $173,000
Private Equity (2019-2022)
anonymous donor (alumni) | $75,000
Insight Grant: How will automated lenders change the market for lending? (2017-2022)
SSHRC | $84,000
Bond Pricing and AI (2020-2021)
Mitacs | $33,000
Corporate hedging since the financial crisis (2016-2018)
Canadian Derivatives Institute (formerly IFSID) | $25,000
Capital structure and large investment projects (2007)
Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) | $20,000
Disruptive technology and financial innovation (2016-2020)
Monieson Center for Research | $200,000
Development Insight Grant: Who coordinates shareholder votes? The role of proxy advisors in corporate governance (2016-2019)
SSHRC | $59,000
Capital structure and large investment projects (2007)
Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) | $20,000
Smith School of Business Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Finance (2019-2022)
Top three paper in Fall 2019 issue of Financial Management; invited presentation at 2019 FMA meeting conference in New Orleans, LA. (2019)
Outstanding paper award in corporate finance Midwestern Finance Association (2015)
Outstanding doctoral student paper award Southern Finance Association (2010)
Committee Memberships at the Smith School of Business
Finance area group representative on the Graduate Committee Board
Fellowships, professorships, and chairs committee
2020/09 – 2021/06
Finance area group representative on the Graduate Committee Board
Appointments Committee Member and Modified Appointments Committee Member
Equity Representative, Appointments Committee
Academic Integrity Panel Member
Graduate Examination Activities
2023 - External/Internal Reviewer, Antoine Noël, Queen’s Economics Department, Queen’s University
2023 - External/Internal Reviewer, Alison Taylor, Graduate Department of Economics, University of Toronto
2022 - External/Internal Reviewer, Eric Richert, Queen’s Economics Department, Queen’s University
2017 - External/Internal Reviewer, Paul Bell, Department of Geography and Planning, Queen’s University.
2017 - External/Internal Reviewer, Adugna B. Olani, Queen’s Economics Department, Queen’s University.
2015 - Head Delegate, Yi Ding, Finance, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
2015 - Reader, Muhammad Asim, Finance, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
Event Administration
2018 - Reviewer, 2018 Northern Finance Association Conference
2018 - Reviewer, 2018 European Conference on Empirical Legal Studies
2017 - Reviewer, 2017 Northern Finance Association Conference
2016 - Reviewer, 2016 Northern Finance Association Conference
2015 - Reviewer for best paper award, 2015 Financial Management Europe Conference
2012 - Reviewer, 2012 Financial Management Association Conference
Research Funding Application Assessment Activities
2019 - External Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Development Grants.
2018 - External Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Development Grants.
Academic Activities
Business Forecast Luncheon, Faculty Lead (Annual event hosted every December in downtown Kingston, Ontario)
Service to the Community
2015/12 – 2018/12
Annual Business Forecast Luncheon, Faculty Lead (Annual event hosted every December in downtown Kingston, Ontario)
Journal Review Activities
Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Journal of Financial Stability, Review of Finance.