Brent Gallupe
Professor EmeritusOverview
Brent Gallupe is Professor Emeritus and former Associate Dean-Faculty in the School. He is the current and founding Director of Canada's first electronic group-decision support laboratory at the Queen's Executive Decision Centre.
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Brent Gallupe is Professor Emeritus and former Associate Dean-Faculty in the School.
He is the current and founding Director of Canada's first electronic group-decision support laboratory at the Queen's Executive Decision Centre.
Brent advises both private- and public-sector organizations on the development and use of collaborative technologies for management teams.
His reputation for being on the forefront of information technology has earned him frequent invitations to lecture at universities in New Zealand, the United States and Europe. He holds an on-going Visiting Professorship at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
He earned an MBA at York University and a PhD in Business Administration at the University of Minnesota, and is a CPA-CMA in Canada.
Brent is a prolific author of dozens of research papers, articles, presentations and papers published in highly respected business and academic journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information Systems Research, Management Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Decision Support Systems, and Information and Management.
Academic Degrees
University of Minnesota (1985)
York University (1977)
BMath (Honours)
University of Waterloo (1974)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Emeritus Professor (2017 – Present)
Director, Queen's Executive Decision Centre (1986 – Present)
Full Professor (tenured) (1993-2017)
Associate Dean, Faculty (2003-2012, 2015-2017)
Director, Monieson Centre (2000-2003)
Co-Chair, E-Commerce Research Program (2000-2003)
Associate Professor (tenured) (1986-1993)
School of Business Administration, Lakehead University
Associate Professor (1985-1986)
Director, Micro-Computer Lab (1985-1986)
Chairman, Graduate Studies and Research (1981-1983)
Associate Professor (tenured) (1981)
Chairman, Honours Bachelor of Commerce Programme (1979-1981)
Assistant Professor (1979)
Coordinator, Honours Bachelor of Commerce Programme (1978)
Lecturer (1977)
Refereed Journal Publications (49 Papers – 12 FT-50)
Street, C., Gallupe, R.B., Baker, J., “The Influence of Entrepreneurial Action on Strategic Alignment in New Ventures: Searching for the Genesis of Alignment", Journal of Strategic Information Systems, in press, 2017.
Street, C., Gallupe, R.B., Baker, J., “Strategic Alignment in SMEs: Strengthening Theoretical Foundations", Communications for the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 40, Article 20, 2017.
Cram, A., Brohman, K. and Gallupe, R.B. “Hitting a moving target: A process model of information systems control change”, Information Systems Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3, May 2016, pp. 195-226.
Cram, A., Brohman, K. and Gallupe, R.B., "Information Systems Control: A Review and Framework for Emerging Information Systems", Journal of Association of Information Systems, Vol. 17, No.4, April 2016, pp. 216-266.
Cram, A., Brohman, K., Gallupe, R.B., Chan, Y., "Information Systems Control Alignment: Complementary and Conflicting Systems Development Controls", Information and Management, Vol. 53, No. 2, March 2016, pp. 183-196.
Cram, A., and Gallupe, R.B., "A Method to Evaluate Information Systems Control Alignment", Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 30, No. 1, Spring 2016, pp 117135.
Niederman, F., Butler, B.S., Gallupe, R.B., Tan, B. C. Y., and Urquhart, C., “Electronic Pedagogy and Future University Business Models”, Communications for the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 38, Article 7, 2016.
Peiris, A., Jung, J. and Gallupe, R.B., “Building and Evaluating ESET: a tool for assessing the support given by an enterprise system to supply chain management”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 77, September 2015, pp. 41-54.
Cram, A., Gallupe, R.B. and Brohman, K., “Addressing the Control Challenges of the Enterprise Architecture Process”, Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, Summer 2015, pp. 161-182.
Bernard, Jean-Gregoire and Gallupe, R.B., “IT Industry Analysts: A Review and Two Research Agendas”, Communications for the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 33, Article 16, 2014.
Connelly, C., Ford, D., Gallupe, B, Turel, O. and Zweig, D., “‘I’m busy (and competitive)!’ Antecedents of knowledge sharing under pressure,” Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 14 January 2013, 10.1057/kmrp.2012.61.
Peiris, A. and Gallupe, R.B., “A Conceptual Framework for Evolving, Recommender Online Learning Systems”, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Vol. 10, No. 3, July 2012, pp. 389–412.
Street, C.T. and Gallupe, R.B., “A Proposal For Operationalizing the Pace and Scope of Organizational Change in Management Studies,” Organization Research Methods, vol. 12: October 2009, pp. 720 - 737.
Poole, M., Zigurs, I., DeSharnais, G., D’Onofrio, M., Gallupe, R.B. and Holmes, M., “The Minnesota GDSS Research Project: Group Support Systems, Group Processes, and Outcomes,” Journal of Association of Information Systems, Vol. 9, Issue 10, Article 6, October 2008.
Gallupe, R.B., “Recognizing Good Ideas: An Essential Skill of a Doctoral Student Advisor,” Communications of Association of Information Systems, Volume 20, Article 5, August, 2007.
Gallupe, R.B., “The Tyranny of Methodologies in Information Systems Research,” DATABASE – Advances in Information Systems, vol. 38, no. 3, August 2007, p. 20-28.
Tan, F. and Gallupe R.B., “Aligning Business and Information Systems Thinking: A Cognitive Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. vol. 53, no 2, May 2006, p. 223-237.
Dennis, A.R., Pinsonneault, A., Gallupe, R.B., Barki, H., Hilmer, K., Huber, M., and Bellavance, F. “Patterns in Electronic Brainstorming”, International Journal of eCollaboration. vol. 1, no 4 (October-December 2005), p. 38-57.
Lehmann, H. and Gallupe, R.B. “Information Systems for Multinational Enterprises: Some Factors at Work in their Design and Implementation,” Journal of International Management, vol. 11, 2005, pp 163-186.
Ackermann, F., Gallupe, R.B., Franco, A. and Parent, M. “GSS for Multi-Organizational Collaboration: Reflections on Process and Content,” Group Decision and Negotiation, vol.14, no. 4, 2005, pp 307- 331.
Alavi, M. and Gallupe, R.B., "Using Information Technology in Learning: Case Studies in Business and Management Programs," in Academy of Management Learning and Education, vol. 2, no. 2, 2003, pp 139-154.
Gallupe, R.B. & Tan, F.B. “Global Information Management Research: Current Status and Future Directions,” in Handbook for IS Research, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2003.
Parent, M., Neufeld, D. and Gallupe, R.B., “An Exploratory Longitudinal Analysis of GSS Use in the Case Method Classroom”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, vol. 43, no.1, Fall 2002, pp 70-80.
Yoong, P. and Gallupe, R.B., “The Emergence of a Theoretical Framework for GSS Facilitation: The Dualities of E-Facilitation”, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, 2001, pp 59-80.
Whitworth, B., R.B. Gallupe and R. McQueen, "Generating Agreement in Computer-mediated Groups,” Small Group Research vol. 32, no. 5, October, 2001, pp 625-665.
Gallupe, R.B., “Knowledge Management Systems: Surveying the Landscape,” International Journal of Management Practices, vol. 3 no.1, pp. 61-77, 2001.
Parent, M. and Gallupe, R.B., “The role of leadership in group support systems failure,” Group Decision and Negotiation vol. 10, pp. 405-422, 2001.
Whitworth, B., R.B. Gallupe and R. McQueen, "A Cognitive Three-Process Model of Computer-Mediated Group Interaction, ” Group Decision and Negotiation vol. 9, pp. 431-456, 2000.
Yoong, P. and Gallupe, R.B., “Action Learning and Groupware Technologies: A Case Study in GSS Facilitation Research”, Information, Technology and People Special Issue on Action Research, vol. 14 no. 1, pp. 78-90, 2001.
Gallupe, R.B., “Images of I.S. in the Early 21st Century,” Communications of Association of Information Systems, Volume 3, Article 3, February, 2000.
Pinsonneault, A., Barki, H., Gallupe, R.B. and Hoppen, N., “Research Note. The Illusion of Electronic Brainstorming Productivity: Theoretical and Empirical Issues”, Information Systems Research 10(4), 165-173, December, 1999. FT50
Parent, M., Gallupe, R.B., Salisbury, D. and Handleman, J., "Knowledge Creation in Focus Groups: Can Group Technologies Help?" Information and Management 38(1), 47-58, October, 2000.
Grise, M. and Gallupe, R.B., " Information Overload: Addressing the Productivity Paradox in Face-to-Face Electronic Meetings,” Journal of Management Information Systems , 16(3), 157-185, Winter 1999-2000. FT50
Pinsonneault, A., Barki, H., Gallupe, R.B. and Hoppen, N., “Electronic Brainstorming: The Illusion of Productivity”, Information Systems Research 10(2), 110-133, June, 1999. FT50
Gallupe, R.B. & Tan, F.B. 'A Research Manifesto for Global Information Management'. Journal of Global Information Management, 7(3), 5-18, 1999.
Cooper, W.H., Gallupe, R.B., Pollard, S. and Cadsby, J. “Some Liberating Effects of Anonymous Electronic Brainstorming”, Small Group Research , Winter, 147178, 1998.
Sheffield, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "Using Group Support Systems to Improve the New Zealand Economy: Part II: Follow-up Results", Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 11, No. 3, Winter 1994-95. FT50
Todd,P., McKeen, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "The Evolution of IS Job Skills: A Content Analysis of IS Job Advertisements from 1970 to 1990", MIS Quarterly, Vol.19, No. 1, 1995, pp. 1-27. FT50
Gallupe,R.B., Cooper,W.H., Grise, M. and Bastianutti, L. "Blocking Electronic Brainstorms," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 79, No. 1, 1994, pp. 77-86. FT50
Sheffield, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "Using Electronic Meeting Technology to Support Economic Policy Development in New Zealand: Short Term Results," Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol 10, No. 3, Winter 1993-94, pp 97116. FT50
Gallupe, R.B. and Cooper,W.H. "Brainstorming Electronically," Sloan Management Review, Vol 35, Fall 1993, pp. 27-36. FT50
Gallupe, R.B., Dennis, A.R., Cooper, W.H., Valacich, J.S., Bastianutti, L.M. and Nunamaker, J.F., "Electronic Brainstorming and Group Size," Academy of Management Journal, Vol 35, 1992, pp.350-369. (Best Information Systems Paper Award for any Academy of Management Publication, 1992; Association of Business Communication and Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Award for Best Publication, 1992). FT50
Gallupe, R.B., Bastianutti, L. and Cooper, W., "Unblocking Brainstorms", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 76, No. 1, 1991, pp. 137-142. FT50
Gallupe, R. B. and McKeen, J., "Enhancing computer-mediated communication: An experimental study into the use of a Group Decision Support System for face-to-face groups versus remote groups", Information and Management, Vol.18, No. 1, January, 1990, pp. 1-13.
Gallupe, R. B., DeSanctis, G., and Dickson, G. W. " Computer-Based Support for Group Problem Finding: An Experimental Approach", MIS Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 1988, pp. 276-296. FT50
DeSanctis, G., Gallupe, R. B., "A Foundation for the Study of Group Decision Support Systems", Management Science, Vol. 33, No. 5, May 1987, pp. 589609. (Recognized as one of Top 50 Most Influential Papers published in Management Science in 50 years (2004)) FT50
Dennis, A., Burns, R. and Gallupe, R.B., "Phased Design: A Mixed-methodology for Application Systems Development", DATABASE, Vol 18, No. 4, Summer 1987, pp. 31-37.
DeSanctis, G., Gallupe, R. B., " A Framework for Group Decision Support Systems", DATABASE, Winter 1985, pp 3-10.
Reprinted in:
- Decision Support Systems - Putting Theory into Practice, edited by R. Sprague and H. Watson, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1986 and 1989.
- Readings in Information Systems - A Managerial Perspective, edited by J.C. Wetherbe, V.T. Dock, and S.L. Mandell, West Publishing, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1988.
Refereed Book Chapters (9 Chapters)
Srinivasan, A. Gallupe, R.B. and Wolfe, E. “Planning Successful Internet-Based Projects: A Risk-Performance Framework”, Planning in IS, William King (ed), ME Sharpe Publishing, 2009, p. 467-492.
Lehmann , H. P., and Gallupe, R. B., “Information systems for multinational enterprises: A grounded theory of their design and implementation,” P. Palvia, S. Palvia, E. Roche (Eds.), Global Information Technology and Electronic Commerce (2nd ed.). Marietta, GA, USA: Ivy League Publishing, 2007.
Yoong, P., Pauleen, D and Gallupe, R.B. “Generating Data for Research on Emerging Technologies: An Action Learning Approach”, Information Systems Action Learning: Bridging the Industry-University Technology Gap, Ned Kock (ed), Springer Publishing, 2006.
Tan, F.B. & Gallupe, R.B. “A Framework for Research into Business-IT Alignment: A Cognitive Emphasis,” in Business Strategies for Information Technology Management, Kalle Kangas (ed), Idea Group Publishing, 2003.
Yoong, P. and Gallupe, R.B., “GSS Facilitation: A Reflective Practitioner Approach”, in Managing the Human Side of Information Technology, E. Szewczak (ed), Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, 2001.
Yoong, P. and Gallupe, R.B., “Using Action Learning in GSS Facilitation Training”, in Managing the Human Side of Information Technology, E. Szewczak (ed), Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, 2001.
Alavi, M. and Gallupe, R.B., "New Models of Business Education," in Information Technology and the Future Enterprise: New Models for Managers, edited by G. Dickson and G. DeSanctis, Prentice-Hall, 2000.
Gallupe, R.B. and Dennis, A.R., "Empirical GSS Research: Lessons Learned," in Group Support Systems: New Perspectives, edited by L.M. Jessup and J.S. Valacich, MacMillan Publishing, 1992.
Gallupe, R.B., "The Queen's Executive Decision Centre," in Computer Augmented Teamwork: A Guided Tour, edited by R. Bostrom, R. Watson and S. Skinney, Van Nostrom, 1992.
Other Publications (10 papers)
Gallupe, R.B. and Fox, G., "Facilitated Electronic Meetings," CMA Magazine, April, 1992, pp.29-32.
Gallupe, R.B. and Pirc, M., "What Canadian CEO's Think of Their Information Systems Departments," Canadian DataSystems, April, 1992.
Gallupe, R.B., "The Current State of Decision Support Systems," CMA Magazine, October, 1991, pp.26-30.
Kuriychuk, M., and Gallupe, R.B. "Mathematical Models: An Application of Microcomputer-based Decision Support to Ion Exchange Column Performance Appraisal", Pulp and Paper Canada, Vol.91, No. 12, December, 1990, pp. 404407.
Gallupe, R. B., Bell, B.T.. and Yates, B.T., "Enhancing the Productivity of Managerial Meetings: Can Real-Time Computer Support Help?", Canadian Information Processing Review, Vol. 13, No. 6, Dec-Jan, 1990, pp. 13-16.
Kuriychuk, M., Gallupe, R.B., and Stecky, D., "An Application of Microcomputer-based Decision Support to Ion Exchange Column Performance Appraisal", Chemical Engineering, April, 1987, pp. 91-94.
Gallupe, R. B., "The Impact of Task Difficulty on the Use of a Group Decision Support System", Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation ,1985.
DeSanctis, G., Gallupe, R. B., "Information System Support for Group Decision Making", MIS Research Center Working Paper 85-10, University of Minnesota, August 1984.
Gallupe, R. B., Regional Case Studies in Management Information Systems, Lakehead University Press, 1980.
Gallupe, R. B., Survey of Computer Facilities in Northwestern Ontario, Lakehead University Press, 1979.
Visiting Positions
Visiting Adjunct Professor, Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
1991 - Present
Honorary Research Associate, Faculty of Commerce and Administration
Victoria University at Wellington, New Zealand
My current research interests are Management of AI in Organizations, Collaborative Technologies, IS Alignment in SMEs, Information Systems Control Alignment, and IT-enabled Transparency.
Conference Papers and Proceedings (52 Conference Papers)
Lu, Y. and Gallupe, R.B., " Post-Adoption of Social Network Sites: A Literature Review And A Process Framework ", forthcoming in Proceedings of the 20th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taiwan, June 2016 (refereed).
Ahuja, S. and Gallupe, R.B., "A Foundation for the Study of Personal Cloud Computing in Organizations", Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, August 2015 (refereed).
Jiang, J. and Gallupe, R.B., “Environmental Scanning and Business Insight Capability: The Role of Business Analytics and Knowledge Integration", Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, August 2015 (refereed).
Legere, K. and Gallupe, R.B., “Sonification and Managerial Decision Making”, forthcoming in Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference – Information Systems Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2015 (refereed).
Street, C.T., Gallupe, R.B. and Baker, J., “Towards a Theory of Strategic Alignment in Entrepreneurial Organizations”, JIT Theory Workshop, Milan, Italy, December 2013 (refereed).
Street, C.T., Gallupe, R.B. and Baker, J., “Predicting Patterns of Information Systems Alignment in Entrepreneurial Organizations”, JAIS Theory Workshop, Orlando, Florida, December 2012 (refereed).
Cram, W.A, Brohman, K., Gallupe, R.B., and Chan, Y., “Exploring Information Systems Control Alignment in Organizations”, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China, December 2011 (refereed).
Street, C.T., Gallupe, R.B. and Reich, B., “Predicting Patterns of Information Systems Alignment in Entrepreneurial Organizations”, Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 2010 (refereed) *Best Paper Award Finalist.
Street, C.T. and Gallupe, R.B., “On the Process of IS Alignment: Niche Construction Theory”, Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Montreal, August, 2010 (refereed).
Connelly, C., Ford, D., Gallupe, B, Turel, O. and Zweig, D., “The Effects of Competition and Time Constraints on Knowledge Transfer: Exploratory Findings from Two Experiments,” Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii, January, 2009 (refereed).
Street, C.T. and Gallupe, R.B., “Strategic IT Experiments and Organizational Renewal: Getting There Faster By Taking Smaller Steps”, Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, December, 2008 (refereed).
Peiris, A., Sheridan, D., Gallupe, R. B., and Myers, M., “A Conceptual Framework of an Adaptive and Innovative Recommender Generating Online Learning System,” Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, November, 2008 (refereed).
Mullany, M. Tan, F. and Gallupe, R.B. “The Impact of Analyst-User Cognitive Style Differences on User Satisfaction,” Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, NZ, June 2007 (refereed).
Street, C. and Gallupe, R.B., “A Foundation for the Study of the IS Alignment Process: a ‘Competing Theories’ Framework” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference – Information Systems Division, Banff, Alberta, June 2006 (refereed).
Lehmann, H. and Gallupe, R.B., “Information Systems for Multinational Enterprises - Design and Implementation Issues,” International Business Research Forum, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March, 2004 (refereed).
Street, C. and Gallupe, R.B., “Contextual Crossings”: A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Brokering Research in Strategic Alliances,” Knowledge Management Symposium, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, March, 2003 (refereed).
Parent, M., Neufeld, D. and Gallupe, R.B. “A Longitudinal Analysis of GSS Use in the Case Method Classroom”, Proceedings of the 35rd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2002 (refereed).
Law, C. and Gallupe, R.B., “Technology Factors and E-Loyalty”, Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, London, Ontario, May, 2001 (refereed).
Kurian, D., R.B. Gallupe and J. Diaz., “Taking Stock: Measuring Information Systems Success”, Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Montreal, Quebec, July, 2000, 77-90 (refereed).
Gallupe, R.B. & Tan, F.B. 'Research Themes in Global Information Management'. Proceedings of the 2000 Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 21-24, 2000, 636-639 (refereed).
Gallupe, R.B. and Tan, F., “A Research Framework for Global Information Management, Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Saint John, New Brunswick, June, 1999, pp 3142 (refereed).
Keane, D., Parent, M. and Gallupe, R.B. “Practical Issues in Conducting Qualitative Research”, Proceedings of Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Melbourne, Australia, October 1998 (refereed).
Salisbury, D., Gallupe, R.B. and Parent, M. "To Agree or Not to Agree: Do GSS Help or Hinder Consensus", Proceedings of AIS Conference, Cleveland, August, 1997, pp 23-30 (refereed).
Whitworth, B. and Gallupe, R. B., “Generating Agreement in Dispersed, Computer-Mediated Groups: An Enhanced Theoretical Framework”, Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, St. John’s, Newfoundland, May, 1997, pp 54-66 (refereed).
Parent, M., Gallupe, R.B. and Sheffield, J. "Behavioral Sampling as a DataGathering Method for GSS Research", Proceedings of SIGCPR Conference, San Francisco, April, 1997, pp 23-30. (refereed)
Gallupe, R.B., Sheffield, J. and Parent, M., "Enhancing Professional Development Education: A Field Experiment Using Group Support Systems", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Montreal, Quebec, May, 1996, pp 1-14 (refereed).
Grisé M. and Gallupe, R.B., "Using Integrative Complexity Theory to Examine the Information Overload Problem in Face-to-Face Electronic Meetings", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 1994, pp 27-41(Honourable Mention Paper Award) (refereed).
Parent, M. and Gallupe, R.B., "Using a GSS to Support the Development of an Information-Enabled Alliance: A Case Study", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June, 1994, pp 42-51 (refereed).
Sheffield, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "Using Group Support Systems to Improve the New Zealand Economy: Part II: Follow-up Results", The 27th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, January 1994, Vol 4, pp 416-426 (refereed).
Sheffield, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "The Advantage New Zealand Meetings: Using Group Support Systems to Improve National Economic Performance," The 26th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Wailea,Maui, Hawaii (refereed), January 1993 (nominated for Best Paper).
Sheffield, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "The Impact of Electronic Meeting Technology on Negotiation", Proceedings of Conference on Economics/Management and Information Management 1992 (CEMIT92/CECOIA3), Kyoto Japan, August 1992, pp. 411-415 (refereed).
Sheffield, J. and Gallupe, R.B. "Using Electronic Meeting Technology to Support Economic Policy Development in New Zealand: Short Term Results," Proceedings of The Rutherford Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, August 1992, pp. 53-75 (refereed).
Todd, P., Gallupe, R.B., and McKeen, J.D., "Closing the Gap: Designing Decision Support Systems from Elementary Decision Processes", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Niagara Falls, Ontario, June, 1991 (refereed).
Cooper, W.H., Bastianutti, L. and Gallupe, R.B., "Traditional Brainstorming versus Electronic Brainstorming", Academy of Management Proceedings, Organizational Communications Division, San Francisco, August, 1990, (Best Paper Award) (refereed).
Lu, M., McKeen, J.D., and Gallupe, R.B., "The Impact of GDSS on Group Performance and the Dominance of the Best Member", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Whistler, British Columbia, June, 1990, pp.100-111 (Best Paper Award) (refereed).
Gallupe, R.B., Cooper, W.H., and Bastianutti, L. "Why is Electronic Brainstorming More Productivity than Traditional Brainstorming: An Experimental Investigation", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Whistler, British Columbia, June, 1990, pp. 82-91 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B. "Suppressing the Contribution of the Group's Best Member: Is GDSS use Appropriate for All Group Tasks?", Proceedings of the 23rd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Vol. III, 1990, pp. 13-22. (nominated for Best Paper) (refereed)
Gallupe, R. B., "The Impact of Group Task on the Use of a Group Decision Support System: A Longitudinal Study", presented at The Institute of Management Sciences for TIMS/ORSA National Meeting, New York, October, 1989 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B., "End user computing: Successful end users and individual differences", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Montreal, June, 1989, pp.61-76 (Honourable Mention Paper Award) (refereed).
McKeen, J.D., Gallupe, R.B., and Lu, M., "An experimental investigation of project selection by steering committees", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Montreal, June, 1989, pp.100-101 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B., "Longitudinal Study into the Use of a Group Decision Support System", presented at The Institute of Management Sciences for CORS/TIMS/ORSA Joint Meeting, Vancouver, May, 1989 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B. and McKeen, J., "Beyond computer-mediated communication: An experimental study into the use of a GDSS for face-to-face groups versus remote groups", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Information Systems Division, Halifax, June, 1988, pp. 103-116.
Gallupe, R. B., "Case analysis in the 1990's: Using a GDSS to support small group case analysis", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - Management Education Division, Halifax, June, 1988, pp. 32-41 (Best Paper Award) (refereed).
Kuriychuk, M., Gallupe, R.B. "An Application of Microcomputer-based Decision Support to Ion Exchange Column Performance Appraisal", Proceedings of Canadian Process Simulation Symposium and Conference, Quebec, September,1988 (refereed).
Gallupe, B., Shonoski, P., Nelson, R. and Cameron, R. "Information Systems and Business Core Subjects: An Operational Integrative Case Approach", Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference, San Francisco, October, 1987, pp. 9-14 (refereed).
McKeen, J. and Gallupe, R.B., "The User-Developer Interface in Application System Development: A Communications Dilemma", Proceedings of ASAC Conference - Information Systems, Toronto, June 1987, pp. 83-94 (refereed).
Gallupe, R.B., Kuriychuk, M., and Stecky, D., "End User Development of a DSS - RESIN-DSS: A Case Study", Proceedings of Canadian Information Processing Society Congress, Winnipeg, May 1987, pp. 257-264 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B., DeSanctis, G., and Dickson, G. W. "The Impact of computer support on the process and outcomes of group decision making", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA, December, 1986, pp. 81-84 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B., "Experimental Research into Group Decision Support Systems: Practical Issues and Problems", Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Hawaii Conference on Systems Sciences, January, 1986, pp. 515-523 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B., DeSanctis, G., "Group Decision Support Systems: A Brief Look at a New Concept in Decision Support", Proceedings of Twenty First Annual ACM (SIGCPR-SIGBDP) Conference on End-User Computing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May, 1985, pp. 24-28 (refereed).
Gallupe, R. B., "Management of Information Systems in Remote Areas", Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, 1982, 21-26 (refereed).
Gallupe R. B., R. A. Nelson, D. Leffen, "Development and Implementation of a Computerized Manpower Scheduling System", Canadian Information Processing Society Conference Proceedings, 1981, pp. 11.1.1-11.1.4(refereed).
Professional Certifications
Information Technology Certified Professional (ITCP)
Canadian Information Processing Society, Toronto, Ontario
Information Systems Professional of Canada (ISP)
Canadian Information Processing Society, Toronto, Ontario
Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
Society of Management Accountants of Canada (CPA-CMA 2014), Toronto, Ontario
Fellow of Life Management Institute (FLMI)
Life Management Inst., New York, New York