Jean-Paul Roy
Associate ProfessorOverview
Dr. Jean-Paul Roy is an Associate Professor at Smith School of Business. He received his PhD in administration, with specializations in international business and organizational theory, from York University. He also holds an M.I.R. and B.Sc. (Hons) degree in social psychology from the University of Toronto.
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- International Business
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Full Bio
Dr. Jean-Paul Roy is an Associate Professor at Smith School of Business. He received his PhD in administration, with specializations in international business and organizational theory, from York University. He also holds an M.I.R. and B.Sc. (Hons) degree in social psychology from the University of Toronto.
Prior to joining Smith School of Business, Jean-Paul taught international business and cross-cultural management at the Schulich School of Business, York University (Toronto) and Memorial University (St. John's).
Jean-Paul's current research focuses on international strategic alliances, social networking, and cross-cultural management. He is particularly interested in how institutional environments influence the behaviours and performance of multinational enterprises and their executives. His most recent research endeavours follow two streams. The first stream examines those factors (e.g., the institutional environment, experience abroad, and social networking practices) that affect the partnering activities, concerns, and performance of multinational enterprises. The second stream investigates the social networking practices of managers in China and Japan, and how these practices are determined by the institutional environment in those countries. Jean-Paul was the recipient of the 2010 Smith School of Business New Researcher Achievement Award, and has twice been awarded major external Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) research grants.
He is a reviewer for numerous top tier management journals and his research papers have been published in a number of leading journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, and Political Psychology.
Jean-Paul is a regular participant, panelist and presenter at many international conferences, including those hosted by the Academy of International Business, Academy of Management, Asia Academy of Management, and the Association of Japanese Business Studies.
クイーンズ大学スミス・スクール・オブ・ビジネス教授。ヨーク大学(カナダ)にて国際経営学、組織論を専門に経営学博士号PhDを取得。トロント大学(カナダ)にて産業関係学修士(M.I.R.)、社会心理学士(優等学位)(B.Sc. Hons)を取得後、ヨーク大学シューリック・スクール・オブ・ビジネス(カナダ)、ヨーク大学(カナダ)、メモリアル大学(カナダ)にて国際経営学、異文化マネジメントについて教鞭を執る。
2010年クイーンズ大学スミス・スクール・オブ・ビジネスNew Researcher Achievement Award受賞。Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) より研究助成金を二度受賞。その他、多数の主要トップ学術誌の論文審査委員を務めながら、自身の研究論文も以下の学術誌に掲載される。『the Strategic Management Journal』『Journal of International Business Studies』『Journal of Management Studies』『International Journal of Human Resource Management』『Journal of Organizational Behaviour』『Asia Pacific Journal of Management』『Management and Organization Review』『Political Psychology』
パネリスト、プレゼンターとしても定期的に国内外での以下のような多くの学会などにも参加。the Academy of International Business, Academy of Management, Asia Academy of Management, the Association of Japanese Business Studies。
専門分野:企業組織の国際的戦略提携、提携パートナー選択、ソーシャルネットワーキング、 組織理論、アジアにおける経営管理。
Academic Degrees
Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Administration
Schulich School of Business, York University (2006)
Master of Industrial Relations (M.I.R.)
Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto (1998)
Bachelor of Science, Honours (B.Sc. Hons.)
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto (1995)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor (with tenure) (2013 - Present)
Assistant Professor (2007-2013)
Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University
Assistant Professor (2005-2007)
Schulich School of Business, York University
Lecturer (2000-2005)
Referred Book Chapter
Roy, J.-P. (2021). Managing a demographically driven labor shortage: An assessment of Japan’s strategic approach. In Wu, T. and Bu, N. (Eds.), International Business in the New Asia-Pacific: Strategies, Opportunities and Threats. New York: Springer.
Referred Journal Articles
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2015). Guanxi practice and quality: A comparative examination of Chinese managers’ business-to-business and business-to-government ties. Management and Organization Review, 11(2): 263-287.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2012). Establishing an IJV with a trustworthy partner: The role of host country governance and partner selection criteria. Journal of Management Studies, 49(2): 332-355.
Roy, Jean-Paul and Oliver, Christine. (2009). International joint venture partner selection: The role of the host country legal environment. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(5): 779-801.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2008). Chinese managers’ career success networks: The impact of key tie characteristics on structure and interaction practices. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(6): 1090-1109.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Dacin, Tina, Oliver, Christine, and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2007). The legitimacy of strategic alliances: An institutional perspective. Strategic Management Journal, 28(2): 169-187.
Xie, Jia Lin, Roy, Jean-Paul, and Chen, Ziguang. (2006). Cultural and individual differences in self-rating behavior: An extension and refinement of the cultural relativity hypothesis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27(3): 341-364.
Xie, Jia Lin, Chen, Ziguang, and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2006). Cultural and personality determinants of leniency in self-rating among Chinese people. Management and Organization Review, 2(2): 181-207.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2005). Career success networks in China: Sex differences in homophily and social exchange practices. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 22(4): 381-403.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Bassili, John N. and Roy, Jean-Paul. (1998). On the representation of strong and weak attitudes about policy in memory. Political Psychology, 19(4): 669-681.
Business Cases
Roy, J.-P. & Petrar-Silca, I. (2021). Overcoming Hurdles in Colombia: Moving Beyond the Obvious.
Roy, J.-P. & Petrar-Silca, I. (2021). Covering All the Bases: An Albanian International Assignment.
Roy, J.-P. (2019). English as the Corporate Language.
Roy, J.-P. (2019). A Ticking Time-Bomb: Japan's Demographic Crisis.
Roy, J.-P. (2019). The Art of Damage Control Across Cultures: McDonald's in Japan.
Roy, J.-P. (2018). Victims of a Demographic Time-Bomb: Labour and the Economy.
Roy, J.-P., & Whitcombe, M. (2018). Exercising Creativity in China: Disney English.
Roy, J.-P.. (2018). The Happiest Place in Japan: Tokyo Disney Resort. Roy, J.-P.. (2017). Managing Cultural Turbulence in the U.S.: Airbus.
Roy, J.-P.. (2017). A Choppy Atlantic Crossing: Disneyland Paris.
In the Media
In China, clearing the guanxi hurdle. QSB Insight. Article written by Kenza Moller discussing research conducted by Nailin Bu and Jean-Paul Roy.
Roy, Jean-Paul (2016). Tokyo Disney Resort: The happiest place in Japan. Smith Living Case. Written in cooperation with the Living Case Unit at the Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
Roy, Jean-Paul (2016). Disneyland Paris: A choppy Atlantic crossing. Smith Living Case. Written in cooperation with the Living Case Unit at the Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
Doctoral Dissertation
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2006). International joint venture partner selection and performance: The role of the host country legal environment.
Practitioner-oriented Publications
Roy, Jean-Paul (2015). Doing business in Japan. QSB Insight White Paper Series.
Roy, Jean-Paul (2013). Research Brief: Why picking partners in a shady country is so difficult. QSB Insight White Paper Series.
B.Comm/BBA/iBBA/BLP Courses Taught
Queen’s University (Smith School of Business)
Managing Across Cultures, 2007 - Present
International Business Strategy, 2007-2008
Memorial University of Newfoundland (Faculty of Business Administration)
International Business, 2005-2007
Business in East Asia, 2006-2007
York University (Schulich School of Business)
Cross-Cultural Management, 2000-2005
MBA/MIB Courses Taught
Memorial University of Newfoundland (Faculty of Business Administration):
International Business, 2005-2006
International Strategic Management, 2005-2006
M.Sc. Special Topics Research Course
Queen’s University (Smith School of Business)
Leadership in the Global Environment, 2007-2008
Student supervised: Ms. Alyson Byrne
MBA Independent Research Course
Memorial University of Newfoundland (Faculty of Business Administration)
Business and Management in Singapore, 2005-2006
Student supervised: Mr. Jordan Walsh
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor
College of Business & Graduate School of Business, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan
2014, 2016, 2019
Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations
Roy, J.-P. (2021). Managing Japan’s labour shortage: An assessment of the Japanese government’s efforts to utilize women. Japan Studies Association of Canada Conference, Kamloops, Canada.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2015). Networking in China: A fine-grained study of guanxi development practices and quality. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Halifax, Canada.
• Best Paper Award, International Business Division.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Roy, Jean-Paul and Bu, Nailin. (2013). Guanxi practice and quality: A comparative examination of business and government ties in China. Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
*The authors made equal contributions.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2013). A study of the institutional and experiential drivers of IJV partnering concerns. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, USA.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2013). Guanxi development, exchange and interaction practices across firm boundaries in China. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, USA.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2012). Partnering concerns and host country governance risk: Experience abroad matters. Asia Academy of Management Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2012). Guanxi practices: A comparative study of business and government ties. Asia Academy of Management Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2011). Selecting a trustworthy IJV partner: The role of partner selection and host country rule of law. Academy of International Business Conference, Nagoya Japan.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2010). Interorganizational trust: The role of partner selection and host country rule of law. Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2009). International strategic alliance relationships: The role of partner selection and host country institutions. Academy of International Business Conference, San Diego, USA.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2006). Chinese managers’ career success networks: Tie and social networking practice preferences. Asia Academy of Management Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Roy, Jean-Paul and Oliver, Christine. (2006). International joint venture partner selection: The role of the host country institutional environment. Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2004). Career success networks in China: Sex differences in homophily and social exchange practices. Asia Academy of Management Conference, Shanghai, China.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Bu, Nailin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (2004). Career success networks in China: Sex differences in homophily and social exchange practices. Asia Pacific Journal of Management Special Issue Conference, Shanghai, China.
*The authors made equal contributions; authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
Xie, Jia Lin, Roy, Jean-Paul, and Chen, Ziguang. (2004). Culture, personality and self-rating behavior: An explanation of the ‘Leniency Bias’. Academy of Management Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Xie, Jia Lin, Roy, Jean-Paul, and Chen, Ziguang. (2004). Value differences and self-enhancement propensity: A test of self-rating bias among Chinese in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Canada. International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Beijing, China.
Roy, Jean-Paul and Oliver, Christine. (2002). The impact of Japanese and Canadian national culture on IJV partner selection criteria: The development of a theory. Asia Academy of Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Roy, Jean-Paul and Bu, Nailin. (2002). Individualism-collectivism and social network preferences. Academy of Management Conference, Denver, USA.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2000). Embeddedness in China: The benefits of an overembedded network for foreign managers and their firms. Asia Academy of Management Conference, Singapore.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (2000). Networking strategies for Canadian firms in China. Asia Pacific Summit Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Xie, Jia Lin and Roy, Jean-Paul. (1999). The moderating effects of modesty and self-efficacy on the relationship between individualism-collectivism and self-rating: Extension of the Cultural Relativity Hypothesis. Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, USA.
Roy, Jean-Paul and Bassili, John N. (1995). On the representation of strong and weak attitudes in memory. American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Invited (Non-Refereed) Seminar Presentations
Roy, Jean-Paul. (May 31, 2016). Identifying trustworthy partners in poorly governed countries: Process and experience matter. Rikkyo University’s College of Business Seminar Series, Tokyo, Japan.
Roy, Jean-Paul. (May 27, 2014). Guanxi practice and quality: A comparative examination of business and government ties in China. Rikkyo University’s College of Business Seminar Series, Tokyo, Japan.
Practitioner-Oriented Webinar
Roy, Jean-Paul (April 16, 2015). Managing in Japan: Doing business during interesting times. QSB Insight Webinar Series.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship
Queen’s Graduate Fellowship, Queen’s University
McLeod D. I. Ph.D. Fellowship, Queen’s University
University of Toronto Open Fellowship, University of Toronto
Donald K. Aynsley Fellowship, University of Toronto
Lorne T. Morgan Fellowship, University of Toronto
Research Awards
Best Paper Award, International Business Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference
Queen’s School of Business’ New Researcher Achievement Award
Teaching Awards
Nominated for the BBA 7th Annual Seymour Schulich Award for Teaching
Other Awards
Dean of Graduate Studies Academic Excellence Scholarship, York University
Canadian Transportation Research Forum Scholarship
Peoplesense Inc. Scholarship, University of Toronto
George Becigneul Memorial Award, University of Toronto
Grants & Funding
Insight Grant, A study of the capabilities that facilitate trustworthy international joint venture partner behaviour across governance contexts (2012-2015)
SSHRC | $52,789
Standard Research Grant, 1A designation, Selecting a trustworthy international joint venture partner: A multidisciplinary study of key determinants (2011-2012)
SSHRC | $25,684
Vice President’s Research Grant, International joint venture partner selection and performance: The role of the home country legal environment (2006-2007)
SSHRC | $8,023
Queen’s University Research Initiation Grant, Queen’s School of Business, 2007-2010
General Research Grants Competition, Queen’s School of Business, 2007-2008
Faculty of Business Administration Research Grant, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2005-2007
Academic Service and Contributions
Ad Hoc Reviewer (Academic Journals)
- International Journal of the Economics of Business
- International Management
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of International Management
- Journal of Management Studies
- Strategic Management Journal
Reviewer (Academic Conferences)
- Academy of International Business Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019
- Academy of Management Conference, IM Division, Boston, USA, 2019
- Academy of International Business Conference, Dubai, UAE, 2017
- Academy of Management Conference, IM Division, Anaheim, California, 2016
- Academy of International Business Conference, New Orleans, USA, 2016
- Academy of Management Conference, IM Division, Orlando, Florida, 2013
- Academy of International Business Conference, Washington, USA, 2012
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St. John’s, Canada, 2012
- Asia Academy of Management Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2012
- Academy of International Business Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 2011
- Academy of Management Conference, IM Division, San Antonio, USA, 2011
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montreal, Canada, 2011
- Academy of International Business Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010
- Academy of Management Conference, IM Division, Montreal, Canada, 2010
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Regina, Canada, 2010
- Academy of International Business Conference, San Diego, USA, 2009
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2009
- Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing, China, 2006
- Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award, All Academy Award, Academy of Management, 2004
- Academy of Management Conference, OMT Division, New Orleans, USA, 2004
- Academy of Management Conference, OMT Division, Seattle, USA, 2002
- Asia Academy of Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2002
Reviewer (Book Chapters)
Wu, T. and Bu, N. (Eds.) (Forthcoming). International Business and the New Asia-Pacific. New York: Springer.
Case Team Recruitment Judging
Queen's Case Competition Union (QCCU), 2019
Case Competition Faculty Advisor
Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition (CIBCC), 2019, Koh Samui, Thailand
Invited Session Chair (Academic Conferences)
Academy of International Business (South East Asia Chapter) Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2013
- Session: Organizational Management
Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 2011
- Session: State, Political Ties, and Institutions
Academy of International Business Annual Conference, San Diego, USA, 2009
- Session: Alliances and Networks
Invited Professional Development Workshop Panellist & Faculty Facilitator
Association of Japanese Business Studies Professional Development Workshop, Nagoya, Japan, 2011
- Panel: Strategies for International Publishing
Institutional (Doctoral) Representative
Academy of International Business, 2001-2004
Invited (Doctoral Consortium) Participant
Academy of International Business Conference, Monterey, California, 2003
Smith School of Business Conference and Competition Judging
- Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (ICBC), 2017, 2016
- Queen’s Case Competition, Queen’s School of Business, 2008-2011
- Queen’s Entrepreneurial Competition, Queen’s School of Business, 2008-2011
- Queen’s Conference on International Business, Queen’s School of Business, 2008-2009
Smith School of Business Committee Postings
- Area Coordinator, International Business, 2021-2023
- Appointments Committee, 2021-2022
- Workload Standards Committee, 2018-2021
- University Research Ethics Board, 2019-2020 (Committee Chair during 2020 period)
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2017-2019
- Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, 2017-2018; 2014-2015; 2010-2011; 2008-2009
- Graduate Academic (MSc/PhD) Committee, 2016-2017
- Master of Management Academic Committee, 2015-2016
- PhD/MSc Awards Adjudication Committee, 2014-2015
- Research Excellence Committee, 2014; 2012; 2011
- Faculty Development Fund Committee, 2012-2013
- Master of Global Management (MGM) Academic Committee, 2009-2012
- International Committee, 2007-2008
Queen’s (University-Wide) Committee Postings
- Major Entrance Awards Committee, 2012-2020; 2008-2009
- School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs Fellowship Committee, 2015
Professional Affiliations
- Academy of Management
- Academy of International Business
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
- Asia Academy of Management
- Association of Japanese Business Studies
Professional Certifications
Professional Financial Planning Course Certificate
Conduct Practices and Handbook Certificate
Canadian Options Course Certificate
Canadian Securities Course Certificate