Arcan Nalca
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) & Associate ProfessorOverview
Arcan Nalca holds a PhD degree in Operations Management from the Desautels Faculty of Management in McGill University, Montreal.
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- Management Analytics
- Operations Management and Technology
Interest Topics
- Analytics & AI
- Economics
- Management
- Manufacturing
- Retail
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Arcan Nalca holds a PhD degree in Operations Management from the Desautels Faculty of Management in McGill University, Montreal.
His primary research interest lies in the field of supply chain management, especially in the context of modeling and analyzing practically motivated research problems at the interface of operations and marketing. Issues related to competition, coordination, and contracting in the presence of demand uncertainty constitute some of his research thrusts in this area.
His current teaching interests are in the areas of operations management and operations research; particularly Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, and Strategic Management of Operations/Supply Chains, Inventory Models.
Queen's University, School of Business
- COMM161 Mathematical Analysis for Management, Commerce, Fall 08/09/10/11
- COMM341 Introduction to Operations Management, Commerce, Fall 10/11/12/13/14/16/17/18/22
- MGMT 965 Analysis of Supply Chains, MSc & PhD, Winter 15/17/18/20
- MGMT 961 Probabilistic Operations Research, MSc & PhD, Fall 19/20
- MBAS 841 Operations and Supply Chain, Graduate Diploma in Business, Summer 14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22
- MMA 841 Operations and Supply Chain Analytics, Masters of Management Analytic18/19/20/21/22
- MBA 841 Operations and Supply Chain Management, MBA 19/20/21/22
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management
MGCR472 Operations Management, BCom Program, Winter 07
Teaching Assistant
MGSC631 Analysis: Production Operations, MBA/MMM Program
Elective in MBA and Masters in Manufacturing Management (MMM) Programs
Main responsibility: Simulation Module. Fall 04/05/06/07
MGCR617 Operations Management, MBA/MMM Program
Core course in the MBA and MMM Programs. Winter 04/05/06/07, Summer 05
MGCR602 Strategic Management of Operations, MBA/MMM Program
Elective in the MBA and MMM Programs (Case-based course) Summer 06/07
Middle East Technical University, Department of Industrial Engineering
Teaching Assistant
IE262 Probability Theory, IE332 Production Planning and Scheduling, IE351 Operations Research, IE562 Stochastic Processes
Scholarships and Awards
- IVADO Data-driven Demand Learning and Sharing Strategies for Two-Sided Online Marketplaces Summer 2020 Co-investigator ($195,720)
- Queen’s School of Business General Research Grant Competition Fall 2013 ($12,175)
- Queen’s School of Business 2013-2014 D.I. McLeod Term Research Assistantship Competition ($4,800)
- Queen’s School of Business Research Based Course Release Competition 2012, Winner
- Queen’s University Frank Knox Award for Excellence in Teaching Nominee in 2013 and 2014
- Finalist in the College of Supply Chain Management of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Student Paper Competition 2009
- Nominated for NSERC Doctoral Prizes by Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, 2009 (Faculty level)
- The Alma Mater Student Travel Grant, McGill University 2007
- INFORMS Doctorial Colloquium Fellow, Seattle, 2007
- Desautels Faculty of Management Entrance Fellowship, McGill University, 2003-2004
- Honors list, Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2000
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
- Decision Sciences’,
- European Journal of Operational Research - EJOR
- Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
- Journal of Business Research
- Information Systems and Operational Research – INFOR
- International Journal of Production Economics
- International Transactions in Operational Research – ITOR
- Institute of Industrial and System Engineers Transactions – IISE
- Management Science - MS
- Manufacturing and Service Operations Management – M&SOM
- Naval Research Logistics - NRL
- Production and Operations Management - POM
- Review of Industrial Organization
Queen's School of Business
- Teaching Assistant Management Committee 2008
- M.Sc. and Ph.D. Graduate Committee 2009
- Renewal, Tenure, and Promotions Committee 2011
- Appointment Committee 2013/2014/2016
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- The Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (M&SOM)
- Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
- Session Organizer, 2010 POMS Annual Conference, May, Vancouver, BC
- Session Organizer, 2012 INFORMS Annual Conference October 14-17, Phoenix, Arizona
- Session Organizer, 2013 INFORMS Annual Conference, October 6-9, Minneapolis, MN
- Supply Chain Cluster Chair, 2014 CORS Conference, May 26-28, Ottawa, Canada
Refereed Journal Publications
Nalca, A., G.G. Cai. “Interaction between Manufacturer’s Wholesale Pricing and Retailers’ Price-Matching Guarantees”, Productions and Operations Management, Vol. 32 (11) 2023 pp. 3736-3751.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. “Brand Positioning and Consumer Taste Information”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 268(2) 2018 pp. 555-568.
Nalca, A. “Price-Matching Guarantees in Dual Channels” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 15(2), 2017 pp.165-186.
Nalca, A., H. Sural, and Y. Gerchak. “Economic Manufacturing Quantities of Components in Supply Chains” International Journal of Inventory Research, Vol. 2(1-2) 2013 pp. 44-62.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. “Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees: Equilibrium Analysis of the Availability Verification Clause Under Demand Uncertainty”, Management Science, Vol. 59(4) 2013 pp.971-986.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. “Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees under Imperfect Store Availability”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol. 8(3), 2010 pp.275-300.
Refereed Book Chapters
Nalca, A., S. Ray, and T. Boyaci. “Price-Matching Strategy: Implications of Consumer Behavior and Channel Structure”. In Channel Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World, 2020 (pp. 193-226). Springer, Cham.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Nalca, A. (2014) “Price Matching Guarantees in Dual Channels”. M&SOM 2014 Conference Proceedings, June 20-21, 2014, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. (2011) “Private Labels vs. National Brands: New Product Introduction and symmetric Demand Information”. M&SOM 2011 Conference Proceedings, June 26-28, 2011, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. (2009) “Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees under Demand Uncertainty and Customer Heterogeneity: Effects of Product Availability and Its Verification”. M&SOM 2009 Conference Proceedings, June 29-30, 2009, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. (2009) Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in an Uncertain Demand Environment. Third Workshop on Game Theory in Marketing Conference Proceedings, May 14-15, 2009, Montréal, QC.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. (2007) Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in a Decentralized Channel: Role of In-store Availability and Its Verification. Second Workshop on Game Theory in Marketing Conference Proceedings, June 4-6, 2007, Montréal, QC.
Presentations in Refereed Conferences
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. May 2009. Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in an Uncertain Demand Environment, Invited Session, College of SCM Student Paper Finalists, 20th Production and Operations Management Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Nalca, A. (2014) “Price Matching Guarantees in Dual Channels”. INFORMS Revenue Management 2014, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Specialized Publications
Boyaci, T., S. Ray, V. Verter, F. Toyasaki, A. Nalca, Y. Zhang. May 2007. Game theory applications in forward and reverse supply chains. GERAD Newsletter. Vol. 4(1) 3—5
Conference Presentations
Nalca, A., T. Bilgic, and M. Gumus. October 2019. Competitive Demand Learning and Pricing in Online Marketplaces Invited Session, Informs Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Nalca, A., G. Cai. May 2018. Manufacturer’s Perspective on Retailer’s Price-Matching Guarantees POMS Annual Conference, Houston, TX.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. October 2017. How Can Retailers Benefit from Acquiring Consumer Taste Invited Session, Informs Annual Conference, Houston, TX.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. October 2015. How Can Retailers Benefit from Acquiring Consumer Taste POMS Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Nalca, A., November 2014. Price-Matching Guarantees in Dual Channels, Invited Session, INFORMS Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Nalca, A., October 2013. Supply Chain Contracting in the Presence of Store Brands, Invited Session, INFORMS Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. October 2013. Product (Mis)Fit Information and Strategic Channel Decisions in Store Brand Context, Invited Session, Informs Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Nalca, A., November 2012. Store Brand Introduction: Role of Uncertain Consumer Tastes and the Effects on Strategic, INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Nalca, A., November 2010. Private Labels vs. National Brands: New Product Introduction and Design, INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
Nalca, A., May 2010. Private Labels vs. National Brands: New Product Introduction and Design, POMS Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. October 2009. Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees under Demand Uncertainty and Customer Heterogeneity: Effects of Product Availability and Its Verification, Invited Session, Informs Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. October 2008. Competitive Price-Matching Guarantees under Demand Uncertainty and Customer Heterogeneity: Effects of Product Availability and Its Verification, Invited Session, Third Workshop on Game Theory in Marketing, Montréal.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. November 2007. Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in an Uncertain Demand Environment, Invited Session, Informs Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. November 2007. Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in a Decentralized Channel: Role of In-store Availability and Its Verification, Invited Session, Informs Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. May 2007. The Effect of Demand Uncertainty on Price Matching Guarantees. Invited Session, Optimization Days 2007, Montréal (Session Chair), QC.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. May 2007. The Effect of Demand Uncertainty on Price Matching Guarantees, Invited Session, 18th POMS Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. May 2007. Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in a Decentralized Channel: Role of In-store Availability and Its Verification, Invited Session, 18th POMS Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. April 2007. Competitive Price Matching Guarantees in a Decentralized Channel: Role of In-store Availability and Its Verification, Invited Talk, "Meet a GERAD researcher!" Seminars, GERAD, Montréal, QC.
Nalca, A., T. Boyaci, and S. Ray. May 2006. Price Matching Guarantees Based on Availability, Invited Session, CORS / Optimization Days 2006 Joint Conference, Montréal, QC.