Kathryn Brohman
Program Director (Master of Digital Product Management), Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Digital TechnologyOverview
Kathryn is an Associate Professor and E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Digital Technology at Smith School of Business. She is the Director of the newly established Master of Digital Product Management, a professional Smith graduate program offered in partnership with the Queen’s School of Computing.
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- Digital Technology
Interest Topics
- Digital Business
- Healthcare
- Technology & Information Systems

SHIFT: A New Mindset for Sustainable Execution
Organizations all too often create impressive strategies but fail at implementing them. Based on research with over 750 organizations, Shift conceptualizes execution with energy management in mind to offer discrete capabilities that will help leaders "shift" into more sustainable and dynamic execution practices. With the importance of orchestrating balance between stability and flexibility at the core, Shift is written in four parts - identifying execution barriers, filling gaps, removing distractions, and differentiating execution leaders that are capable of driving improvement. Most novel is the introduction of a performance indicator, called the Cost of Execution (COx), that quantifies execution capabilities and challenges. Shift includes real case studies and describes a comprehensive approach that will help organizations satisfy the business demands of today and adapt to embrace the challenges of tomorrow.
Learn more about Shift
Brohman, K., Addas, S., Dixon, J., & Pinsonneault, A. (2020). Cascading Feedback: A Longitudinal Study of a Feedback Ecosystem for Telemonitoring Patients with Chronic Disease. MIS Quarterly, 44(1).
Kathryn Brohman is a research lead for the Community Paramedicine Remote Patient Monitoring (CPRPM) program in Ontario. This program is an one of the Ontario Ministry of Health priorities for digital transformation in health care provision that focuses on making it easier for patients in remote locations to find the healthcare support they need to manage chronic conditions. Read more about the projectFaculty Details
Full Bio
Kathryn is an Associate Professor and E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Digital Technology at Smith School of Business. She is the Director of the newly established Master of Digital Product Management, a professional Smith graduate program offered in partnership with the Queen’s School of Computing.
Kathryn is a thought leader in technology-induced change and has pioneered programs across MBA and executive programs at Smith since she arrived in 2003. She has co-authored two books and dozens of articles based on work with hundreds of organizations in North America. Her work has been influential in helping companies of all sizes improve productivity and performance by enhancing digital leadership, innovation, and management practices that uncover new opportunities and bring digital initiatives to scale.
On the global scale, Kathryn is the co-founder of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) special interest group in Digital Innovation, Transformation and Entrepreneurship, an international academic community that helps to shape research and thought leadership in this area of study.
Academic Degrees
PhD Business Philosophy, Management Information Systems
University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business (2000)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
(2003 – Present)
Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
Wilfrid Laurier University
Sessional Instructor (1998)
University of Western Ontario
Sessional Instructor (1997, 1999)
Journal Publications
Steininger, D. M., Kathryn Brohman, M., & Block, J. H. (2022) Digital Entrepreneurship: What is New if Anything?.Co-Editors of Special Issue on Digital Entrepreneurship. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64(1), 1-14.
Khan, A. M.K. Brohman, S. Addas. The Anatomy of ‘Fake News’: Studying False Messages as Digital Objects. Journal of Information Technology, 2021.
Sliva de Garcia, P., M. Oliveira and M. K. Brohman, “Knowledge sharing, hiding, hoarding: how are they related?” Knowledge Management Research & Practice, June 2020.
Brohman, M.K., S. Addas, J. Dixon, A. Pinsonneault, ‘Cascading Feedback: A Longitudinal Study of a Feedback Ecosystem for Telemonitoring Patients with Chronic Disease”, MIS Quarterly, 43(4), 2019.
Maslove, D., J. Klein, M.K. Brohman, P. Martin, “BlockTrial: A blockchain-enabled platform for managing clinical trials data”, JMIR medical informatics, 6(4), e11949, 2018.
Cram, W., M.K. Brohman, R.B. Gallupe, “Information Systems Control: A Review and Framework for Emerging Information Systems Processes”, Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 17(4), 2016.
Cram, W.A., M.K., Brohman, Y.E. Chan, and R.B. Gallupe, “Information Systems Control Alignment”, Information & Management, 53(2), 2016, pp. 183-196.
Cram, W., M.K. Brohman, R.B. Gallupe, “Hitting a Moving Target: A Process Model of Information Systems Control Change.” Information Systems Journal, February 2015.
Cram, W., M.K. Brohman, R.B. Gallupe, “Addressing the Control Challenges of the Enterprise Architecture Process.” Journal of Information Systems, 29(2), 2015, 161-182.
Zheng, X, P. Martin, M.K. Brohman and L. Xu. “CLOUDQUAL: A Quality Model for Cloud Services”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (10/2), 2014, pp. 1527-1536.
Zheng, X, P. Martin, M.K. Brohman and L. Xu. “Cloud Service Negotiation in Internet of Things Environment: A Mixed Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (10/2), 2014, pp. 1506-1515.
Zheng, X, P. Martin, M.K. Brohman and M. Zhang. “Cloud Service Negotiation: A Research Report”, International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, (7/2), 2014, pp. 103-113.
Cram, W., Brohman, M.K. “Controlling Information Systems Development: A New Typology for an Evolving Field”, Information Systems Journal, 23(2), May 2013, pp. 137-154.
Brohman, M.K., Piccoli, G., Martin, P., Zulkernine, F., Parasuraman, A., and Watson, R. T. “A Design Theory Approach to Building Strategic Net-based Customer Service Systems”, Decision Sciences, 40(3), August 2009, pp. 403-430. * Nominated for 2009 Decision Sciences Best Article (one of five finalists).
.Piccoli, G., Brohman, M.K., Watson, R. and Parasuraman, A. “Process completeness: Strategies for aligning service systems with customers’ service needs,” Business Horizons (52/4), 2009, pp. 367-376.
Brohman, M.K, and H.J. Watson, “Maximizing the Return on OLAP and Data Mining Analysts”, Business Intelligence Journal. (11/3), 2006.
Watson, R.T., G. Piccoli, M.K. Brohman, and A. Parasuraman. “Customer-Managed Interactions: A New Paradigm for Firm-Customer Relationships”, MIS Q Executive (4/2), June 2005.
Brohman, M.K., A Parasuraman, G. Piccoli, and R.T. Watson, “Net-based Customer Service Systems: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding NCSS Value”, Marketing Science Institute, manuscript #4-1140, September 2004
Watson, R.T. , Piccoli, G., Brohman, M.K. and Parasuraman, A. "I Am My Own Database", Harvard Business Review. (81/11), November 1, 2004.
Piccoli, G., M.K. Brohman, R. Watson, and A. Parasuraman, “Net-Based Customer Service Systems: Evolution and Revolution in Website Functionalities”, Decision Sciences. 35(3), Summer 2004, pp. 423-455.
Brohman, M.K., R.T. Watson, G. Piccoli, and A. Parasuraman, “Data Completeness: A Key to Effective Net-Based Customer Service Systems”, Communications of the ACM Special Issue on Marketing Digital Products. 46(6), June 2003, pp. 47-51.
Watson, R.T. and M.K. Brohman, “The IS leadership research center at the University of Georgia, International Journal of Information Management. 23, 2003, pp. 155-162.
Brohman, M.K. and D. Preston, "Outsourcing Opportunities for Data Warehousing Business Usage", Journal of Logistics Information Management, 15(3) 2002.
Brohman, M.K. and D.G. Copeland, "Riverbank Financial: Changing the Role of Information Technology", Journal of Information Technology, 14(3), December 1999.
Brohman, M.K., M. Parent, and M.R. Pearce, "Fifteen Research Questions in Data Warehousing", Journal of Data Warehousing, 3(4), December 1998.
Books and Chapters
Brohman, M.K. R. Whittaker. Breaking Down Barriers with Digital Technology. Reimagining Chronic Care by Empowering Paramedics. Accepted for publication in 2nd edition of Digitization Cases (forthcoming Summer 2021).
Brohman, M.K., E. Brown, and J. McSheffrey. 2019. SHIFT: A New Mindset for Sustainable Execution. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press. Supplementary diagnostic tool: Sustainable Execution Diagnostic Assessment (SEDA). Available on www.sustainableexecution.ca. (2018).
Cross, B. and M.K. Brohman. 2014. Project Leadership: Creating Value through an Adaptive Organization. Productivity Press.
Brohman, K. A Parasuraman, R.T. Watson, G. Piccoli. Internet-based Customer Service Systems: What are they and when are they successful? Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference reprinted as a book chapter in Moore, M and Moore, R.S. (eds). New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millennium. Springer Publishing (April 2015).
Brohman, M.K., A. Parasuraman, R. Watson and G. Piccoli (2015). Internet-based Customer Service Systems: What are they and when are they successful? New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millennium. Springer Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
Killoran, J. M.K. Brohman, T, Jenkin, ‘Moving Beyond Fit: Toward Human-AI Complementary Interaction. accepted to the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 2020.
Ghawe, A. and Brohman, M.K., “Technology Implementation 2.0’, Technology, Research, Education, Opinion, International Conference on Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 2019.
Oliha, E. M.K. Brohman, ‘Cloud Computing as an Enabler of Digital Transformation’, Accepted to the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 2019.
Brohman, M.K. and B. Marcolin, “Collaborative Integration Enabled by Sense-Making’ accepted to the International Conference on Information Systems Paper-a-Thon, 2018.
Piccoli, G., M.K. Brohman, G. Westerman, and F. Cabiddu, “Value Co-Creation Without Volition: A Digital Capability”, accepted to the International Conference on Information Systems Paper-a-Thon, 2018.
Ghawe, A. and Brohman, M.K., “Conceptual Foundations of Information Systems Leadership,” Americas Conference on Information on Information Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana 2018.
Brohman, M.K., R. Whittaker, “A Business Case for Artificial Intelligence in Remote Patient Monitoring,” e-Health Conference, June 2018.
Dixon, J., Chan, Y. and Brohman, M.K. “Dynamic Ambidexterity: Exploiting Exploration for Digital Business Success,” International Conference on Information System (ICIS), December 10-13, 2017.
Brohman, M.K., R. Whittaker, “Care Ecosystems: Using Remote Monitoring Technology to Manage Chronic Disease,” e-Health Conference, June 2017.
Dixon, J. and M.K. Brohman, M.K. “Seizing the Future: Enabling Digital Business Innovation through Digital Awareness” accepted to the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), June 2017. (Awarded Best Paper).
Brohman, M.K., M. Green and J. Dixon, “The Right Patient, the Right Tool: Lessons about Community Paramedicine RPM Recruitment, Infoway Partnership Conference, November 17 2016.
Brohman, M.K. and K. Woodhouse, “Health Links: Patterns of Care”, 9th Annual Primary Health Care Forum – Embracing Leadership, Engagement, and Transformation, October 6, 2016.
Ghawe, A. and K. Brohman, CIO Leadership Characteristics and Styles, Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, California 2016.
Brohman, M.K. and P. Ward, “Commercialization of Technology Research for Benefit”, IBM Centres for Advanced Studies, CASCON Conference, November 2015.
Brohman, M.K., P. Huras, J. Medves, and N. Rutledge, “Systems Leadership”, conference brief and presentation at Monieson Centre Creating Strategic Change in Canadian Healthcare, Toronto, May 2015.
Negi, B. and M.K. Brohman, “Co-creation of Value in Digital Ecosystems: A conceptual Framework”, Twenty-first Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico, 2015.
Brohman, M.K, B. Marcolin, and L. Guo, “A Design Theory to Enable Collaborative Integration in Healthcare”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2015.
Marcolin, B., M. Chiasson, K. Brohman, C. Saunders, R. Petrella, E. Zvaniga and A. Winter, 'Supporting Alternative Health Care Systems through Effective Technology Use that Integrates Care Protocols, Combines Interoperable Compliant IT platforms, Employs Fast Features Prototyping, and Produces Effective Outcomes and Better Work-Task Process”, International Conf-IRM Conference, Ottawa May 18-20, 2015.
Zheng, X.P. and K. Brohman. “Patient-Care-as-a-Service”, Ultra Large Scale (Ulysses) Research Conference, Kingston, Ontario, August 2014.
Zheng, X., P. Martin, and K. Brohman, “Cloud Service Negotiation: A Roadmap”, IEEE 10th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), Santa Clara, CA, June 2013.
Zheng, X., P. Martin, and K. Brohman, “Cloud Service Negotiation: Concession vs. Tradeoff Approaches”, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), Ottawa, ON Canada, May 2012.
Cram, W. A., Brohman, M. K., Gallupe, R. B., and Chan, Y. E. “Exploring Information Systems Control Alignment in Organizations”. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China. December 2011.
Brohman, M.K, A. Parasuraman, G. Piccoli, “A Typology of IT-enabled value co-creation systems for serving customers”. Proceedings of the QUIS 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Ithaca, NY, June 2011.
Cram, W. and M.K. Brohman, “Beyond Modes: A Typology of ISD Control”,Proceedings of the Thirty-first Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), St. Louis, Missouri, December 2010.
Zheng, X., P. Martin, and M.K. Brohman, and W. Powley, “Fair Bargaining in One-to-One Web Services Negotiation", Centre for Advanced Studies Research IBM Canada (CASCON), November 2010. Winner of the Technology Showcase People's Choice Award.
Zheng, X., P. Martin, W. Powley and M.K. Brohman, “Applying Bargaining Game Theory to Web Services Negotiation”, IEEE Conference on Services Computing, Miami, Florida, July 2010.
Brohman, M.K, P. Martin, and G. Piccoli, “Customer Driven Service Discovery: A NCSS Design Artifact”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Niagara Falls, Canada, June 2009.
Brohman, M.K. and A. Parasuraman, “Designing IT-Based Customer Service Systems: A Call for Research”, Special Session, Winter Americas Marketing Association (AMA) Conference, Tampa, FL, February 2009.
Brohman, M.K., “Knowledge Creation Opportunities in the Data Mining Process”, Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. Kauai. January 2006. (Honorable Mention, 2nd place in the Organizational Systems and Technology Track – Total 176 papers accepted).
Brohman, M.K., Piccoli, G., Watson, R., and Parasuraman, A., “NCSS Process Completeness: Construct development and preliminary validation”, Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii. January 2005.
Brohman, M.K, and Boudreau, M. “The Dance: Getting Managers and Miners on the Floor Together”, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Quebec City, Canada, June 2004.
Piccoli, G., Watson, R., Brohman, M.K. and Parasuraman, A. "Customer-Managed Interactions: The Role of Personal Information in Relationship Management", Fifth AIDEA Giovani International Conference on Information, Markets and Firms, Milan, Italy, July 2003.
Watson, R., M.K. Brohman, G. Piccoli, and A. Parasuraman, “Customer Service and Network Completeness”, Proceedings of the Electronic Commerce Bled Conference, June 2002.
Preston, D. and M.K. Brohman, "Conceptual Models for the Organizational Adoption of ASPs,” in the Southern Association for Information Systems Conference Proceedings, Savannah, GA. March 2002. Best paper.
Brohman, M.K., R.T. Watson, and G.M. Zinkhan, "Internet-based Customer Service Systems: How to Make Them More Successful", Proceedings of the Frontiers in Services Conference. Washington, D.C. October 2001.
Brohman, M.K., A. Parasuraman, R.T. Watson, G. Piccoli, "Internet-based Customer Service Systems: What Are They and When Are They Successful", Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. San Diego, California. June 2001.
Brohman, M.K. and M. Parent, "Gaining Insight from the Data Warehouse: The Competency Maturity Model", Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui. January 2001.
Brohman, M.K., M. Parent, M.R. Pearce, and M. Wade, "The Business Intelligence Value Chain: Data-Driven Decision Support in the Data Warehouse Environment: An Exploratory Study", Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui. January 2000.
Brohman, M.K., "Predicting the Impact of Electronic Commerce on Industry Competition and Structure", Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference. Saint John, New Brunswick. 1999.
Brohman, M.K., "Theory Development to Explain Consumer Adoption of Electronic Commerce", Proceedings of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Americas Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. 1997.
Research Reports
Brohman, M.K., M. Green, J. Dixon, R. Whittaker, L. Fallon. “Community Paramedicine: Report Patient Monitoring Benefits Evaluations’, Report published by Canada Health Infoway, April 2018.
Brohman, M.K. and K. Woodhouse. “Health Links Implementation”, Sustainable Execution Research Collaborative Report delivered to the Southeast Local Health Integration Network, April 2017.
Brohman, M.K. and A. Ghawe. “IT Governance @ Queen’s”, Sustainable Execution Research Collaborative Report delivered to Queen’s University, January 2017.
Liebowitz, J. and M. K. Brohman. “Knowledge Audit at the Bank of Montreal”, BMO Organizational report delivered in collaboration with the Monieson Center, April 2005.
Brohman, M.K., G.Piccoli, A. Parasuraman, and R. Watson, “Network-based Customer Service Systems: Marketing Science Institute Phase One Result Summary, February 2002.
Brohman, M.K., Case Series: Using Information to Improve Customer Service at Major Airline, Boeing Employees' Credit Union Grows Membership by Staying True to their Cooperative Philosophy using Member Information (with M. O’Hara), and Aetna U.S. Healthcare: Refining Healthcare Services with Data Warehousing (with D. Goodhue), TDWI Industry Study 2000: Harnessing Customer Information for Strategic Advantage: Technical Challenges and Business Solutions. 2000.
Invited Papers
Brohman, M.K. and D. Jensen. The Next Stage of the Crisis is Upon Us. Smith Business Insights, May 19, 2020.
Brohman, M.K, and B. Cross. Three Signs You Desperately Need Project Leadership. Smith Business Insights, Nov 5, 2014.
Cross, B and M.K. Brohman. “Effective Project Controls”, Smith Business Insights, January 7, 2015.
Brohman, M.K., “The Key to Getting to Your Customers is to Get Beyond Yourself”, Cutter Benchmark Review, 11 (4), June 2011.
Brohman, M.K., “Where are your gaps in reverse logistics execution”, Cutter Benchmark Review, December, 2009.
Brohman, M.K., “Watch out for Cowboy Antics: Managing Project Management Perceptions in Agile Projects”, Cutter Benchmark Review, November, 2008.
Journal (Under Review) and Other Scholarly Work in Progress
Khan, A. M.K. Brohman, S. Addas. The Anatomy of ‘Fake News’: Studying False Messages as Digital Objects. 3rd round (accepted with minor revision) at Journal of Information Technology, forthcoming Summer 2021.
Dawson, G. M.K Brohman, K. Desouza. Digital Value Transformation to Enhance Digital Value. Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2022.
Steininger, D. J.H. Block and M. K. Brohman, Special Issue of Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) on Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, Challenges and Impacts. Forthcoming 2022.
Dixon, J. M.K. Brohman, S. Addas, P. Pavlou, ‘Inter-organizational Command Centres: Coordination Capability for Decision Making”, rejected from European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) in September 2020, working on revision.
Interviews, Webinars, Video and Media Relations
Smith Insight (Video Series): The Cost of Execution, June 12, 2020.
Smith Insight (Webinar): Executing in Uncertain Times, May 7, 2020.
Smith Magazine (Feature Article): Time to Make a Shift, Winter 2020.
Smith Insights (Interview), Why Can’t Companies Get Stuff Done? Smith Insight, February 27, 2020.
FleetOwner Magazine, Strategy is only half the equation, Ideaxchange, September 30, 2019.
ICES Queen’s Science Day – University of Toronto, June 15, 2019.
Smith Research Showcase: Cascading Feedback and Digital Ecosystems, April 9, 2019.
Women of Influence, Five Questions to Find Out if your Organization is Ready for Digital Transformation’, Expert Advice, August 31, 2018.
Smith Insights (Interview), Remote Power: Helping Patients Help Themselves, Smith Insight, Nov 27, 2018.
Newswire (June 2018), Morneau Shepell to share insights on Canada’s anxiety epidemic at FEI Canada National Conference.
Globe and Mail (Sept 27, 2018). Specialty programs give the MBA a run for its money. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-specialty-programs-give-the-mba-a-run-for-its-money/
Women of Influence (August 31, 2018). Five questions to find out if your company is ready for a digital transformation. https://www.womenofinfluence.ca/2018/08/31/five-questions-to-find-out-if-your-company-is-ready-for-a-digital-transformation/#.XFBh1qcZOek
Poets and Quants (August 16, 2018). A Transformation is underway at Queen’s. https://poetsandquants.com/2018/08/16/a-transformation-is-underway-at-queens/
Smith Insights (Interview), Beyond the Workaround Culture, Smith Insight, January 20, 2016.
Smith Insights (Interview), Breaking the Medical Records Logjam, Smith Insight, June 25, 2015.
Smith Insight (Webinar): Breaking the Paradigm of Getting Things Done, April 15, 2014.
Information Security (August 8, 2014), Evening News CJOB Winnipeg and CFRA Ottawa.
Cell Phones Get Weak Reception in Classrooms (November 5, 2014). Global and Mail.
Smith Insights (Interview), Finding Value in Open Data, Smith Insight, July 1, 2013.
Canadian Executive Still Struggling with Information Overload (May 16 2011). National Post: Technology Trends.
Queen’s University, Smith School of Business, July 2003 – Present
Ph.D. Program: Foundations in Information Systems
Full-Time and Executive MBA: Digital Transformation, Strategy Execution and Project Leadership
Queen’s Executive Execution: Strategy Execution, Designing Digital Innovation, Digital Transformation
Commerce Program: Digital Business
Queen’s Advanced Accounting Program: IT Audit
University of Mannheim, Germany (Visiting Instructor), July 2005 – 2008
Master of Business Administration (MBA): IT Strategy.
University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, January 2000 to May 2003
Undergraduate Program: Information Resource Management (4th Year Capstone Course)
Master of Internet Technology: Project Management
Master of Business Administration (MBA): Information Resource Management and Project Management.
Wilfrid Laurier University, Sessional Instructor, Summer 1998
Honors Co-op Business Program: MIS Core Course, 4th Year
University of Western Ontario, Sessional Instructor, Fall 1997 and Winter 1999
Honors Computer Science/Engineering Program: Project Management
Teaching Material Development
Smith Live Case: SocioTech: Designing Project Government, 2020.
Designing Digital Innovation and Creating the Digital Roadmap: Muscle Group Series, March 2020.
Smith Live Case: A Digital Future? Founders Insurance Group co-authored by Kathryn Brohman and Mitch McLellan, 2019.
Smith Live Case: Healthlinks: Systems Leadership in Driving Change in Healthcare, 2017.
Smith Live Case: Nest: Golden Goose or Empty Nest, December 2014
HuStream Interactive Video. Richard Ivey School of Business, case 9B14E008, April 2014.
A Team Divided (with J. Raver). August 2013.
RRSP Campaign A, B and C. July 2013.
Smith Project Management Toolkit. A template (Excel) to enable effective management of team projects.
Deloro Stellite: Executing a New Innovation Strategy. Smith School of Business, 1-L11-1-002, December 2011.
TripIT: The Traveler’s Agent (with L.M. Applegate and G. Piccoli). Harvard Business School Case N9-809-059, October 2008.
Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (MSCC): The Role of the User-Manager in IS. Case analysis solution. February 2000.
Johnson & Johnson: Building An Infrastructure to Support Global Operations (with H.Y. Hsu). Case analysis solution. October 2000.
Riverbank Financial: Balancing the Pendulum. (with S.L. Huff and D.G. Copeland). Ivey Publishing, December 1997.
Lanark Community Network (LCN): Maintaining the Momentum. (with M. Parent). Ivey Publishing, September 1997.
Exploring the SIG DITE Boundaries (with Y. Yoo, J. Recker), Panel discussion at the SIG DITE Annual General Meeting, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich Germany, 2019.
Shift the Way You Execute Results, Chief Learning Officer Exchange, Toronto, July 2019.
Built to Execute, National Lease Sales Meeting, Chicago, 2019.
Getting Ready for Digital Transformation, Association for Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2019.
Execution is the New Strategy, Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI) Conference, Muskoka, ON, November 2019.
Sustainable Execution, Queen’s Business Forecast Luncheon, December 2018.
Remote Patient Monitoring: The Role of Feedback. Council of Ontario Universities, MPP Public Policy Breakfast (Queen’s Representative), October 2018.
Sustainable Execution, Power of Ideas Session, FEI Canada Conference, June 2018.
Closing the Execution Gap, Canada’s Best Managed Conference. Toronto, April 2018.
From Technology Fit to Digital Fusion, MIS Seminar Series, University of Georgia, March 2018.
Delivering on Your Corporate Strategy. Canada’s Best Managed Conference. Toronto, March 2015.
Executing on the Queen’s Strategic Framework. Queen’s Senior Administration Retreat. Kingston, January 2015.
Delivering on Your Corporate Strategy: Leading Effective Execution. Credit Union Managers Association Conference. Collingwood, September 2014.
Tapping Technology’s Hidden Value. Smith Business Insights Talks, February 12, 2014.
Fair Bargaining in One-to-One Web Services Negotiation. Centre for Advanced Studies Research (CASCON), IBM Canada. Toronto, March 2010.
Meet the new CEO of your business: Your customer! Get ready for Customer-Managed Interactions (with R.T. Watson, G. Piccoli, and A. Parasuraman). Partners Conference: The Teradata User Group, Seattle, 2004.
Network-based customer service systems: a half-time report from the field (with R. Watson, G. Piccoli, and A. Parasuraman). Paper read at SIM Workshop, New Orleans, LA. December 2001.
Effective Tactics for Academic Field Research. Center for Information Systems Leadership Conference, Atlanta, GA. October 2001.
The Dance: Getting Miners and Marketers on the Floor Together. Data Mining and Warehousing for Financial Services Conference. New York, New York. March 2001.
Designing a Core IT Course for Executive MBA Programs: Objectives, Structure, Delivery, and Lessons. (authored by E.F.P Newson, M. Parent, and S. Schneberger). International Academy for Information Management (IAIM). Helsinki, Finland. 1998.
Who Can You Trust in Cyberspace? Let Us Show you the Ways! (with H. Kelley). Association of Information Systems (AIS) Americas Conference. Panel Presentation. Baltimore, Maryland. 1998.
Fellowships and Research Awards
Smith School of Business, Distinguished Faculty Fellow in MIS (2012-2021)
Lilly Teaching Fellowship (2002-2003)
Sarah H. Moss Fellowship (2002-2003)
Teaching Awards
Nominated for the Terry Outstanding Teacher Award (2002)
University of Georgia Faculty Teaching Symposium (2002)
Society of Management Information Systems, Outstanding Teacher Award (2001)
UGA Honors Day Faculty Teaching Award (2001)
Grants & Funding
Community Paramedic: Remote Patient Monitoring (2015-2018)
Smith School of Business General Research Grant (2014-2015)
NSERC Strategic Grant (2011-2014)
Ontario Research Foundation (Research Excellence program) (2012- 2017)
Principal Investigator for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Award (2009-2013)
CA-Queen’s Centre for Governance (2009)
Monieson Centre – Agile Project Management (2008)
Queen’s School of Business Research Grant - Offshoring (2006)
Principal Investigator for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Award (2005-2008)
Terry-Sanford Research Grant (2002)
Marketing Science Institute Grant: Customer Service Systems (2001)
NCR Research Grant: Customer Service Systems (2001)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (1998-2000)
Conference Chair
- Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship Track Co-Chair (with O. Henfridsson and R. Gregory), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2021.
- Customer Service Systems Mini-track Co-Chair (with G. Piccoli and R. Watson), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2002.
- Datawarehousing Mini-track Co-Chair (with B. Wixom and D. Goodhue), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2001.
Academic Editor and Reviewer
- Co-Editor, Special Issue on Digital Entrepreneurship: Opportunities, Challenges and Impacts, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2022.
- Associate Editor: Business Models and Digital Transformation, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2015-current.
- Associate Editor (AE): Information & Management (2012 – present)
- Associate Editor: Business Intelligence Track for International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2010.
- Academic Reviewer (Journal): MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research (ISR), Administrative Sciences, Communications of the ACM, Data Base, Decision Sciences, Business Intelligence Journal
- Academic Reviewer (Conference): International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)
Supervision: Doctoral (PhD) Students
- Jeff Dixon “Digital Crisis Management – The Role of Digital Technology in COVID-19”, Target Completion Winter 2021.
- Ali Khan (Co-Supervisor), “False News: A Digital Conceptualization and Potential Mitigation Using Algorithmic Advice”, Target Completion: Summer 2021.
- Xianrong Zheng (Co-Supervisor), “Cloud Service Negotiation”, Completed in 2014.
- William Cram (Co-Supervisor), “Examining Information Systems Control Alignment in Organizations”, Completed in 2013.
- PhD Summer Research for Dany Di Tuillio, “Identification of Risk in Open Source Development Projects”, Summer 2006.
Supervision: Masters (MSc) Students
- Master’s Thesis for Esosa Oliha, “Accommodate or Reduce: Dealing with Customer Variability through Technology, August 2019.
- Master’s Thesis for Sukanya Potti, “Design Principles for Requirements Determination in IT Projects, August 2018.
- Master’s Thesis for Paromita Karamaker, “Understanding the Role of the Community Paramedic in Remote Patient Monitoring”, November 2018.
- Master’s Thesis for Bharat Negi, “Data-Centric Approach to Patient Care: A Comparison of Two Methods,” August 2015.
- Master’s Thesis for Ligeng Guo, “A Design Theory to build Patient-Centric as a Service’ Collaborative Integrator,” August 2014.
- Master’s Thesis for William Cram, “Exploring control variations across systems development methodologies,” August 2009.
- Master’s Thesis for Jordan Whyte, “The coordination of Business Data Mining: A Conceptual Model”, August 2007.
- Master’s Thesis for Jijesh Devan, “IS Offshoring: A Vendor’s Perspective”, Fall 2008.
Committee Involvement
- Smith Research Committee (2019)
- Executive Director of Technology, Search Committee (2019)
- Queen’s Chief Information Officer Search Committee (2017)
- Smith School of Business, Library Advisory Committee (2016-present)
- Smith School of Business Academic Advisory Integrity Committee (2015-2016)
- Queen’s Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Search Committee (2015)
- Queen’s Administrative Systems Steering Committee (2014-Present)
- MBA Academic Progress and Curriculum Committee (2014, 2019)
- GDA Academic Committee (2014)
- Queen’s University Senator (2012 to 2015) (Elected)
- Queen’s Information Systems Senate (2012 to 2015) (Nominated)
- Queen’s University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (2004/05, 2007—2014, 2017-18)
- Queen’s University Research Committee (2012 to 2014)
- Member of the Monieson Centre Research Advisory Board (2012 to 2015)
- Queen’s MSc/PhD Committee (2007/08)
- Queen’s Renewal, Promotion and Tenure Committee (2005/06) (2008/09) (Elected)
- Queen’s University: QUFA Junior Faculty Caucus (2004-2006) (Elected)
- Queen’s University: Undergraduate Academic Dishonesty Committee (2007/08)
- Queen’s University: Appointments Committee (2004/05) (Elected)
Industry Work Experience
Sun Microsystems of Canada (Independent Sales Office)
Marketing Manager (1993-1995)
Part-time Consultant (1995-1999)
- Created annual marketing plan based on Sun Microsystems’ hardware, software and competitive strategies.
- Developed seminar material and attracted industry experts to inform customers about Sun’s products and industry trends. Seminar topics included Java, UltraSPARC, and reengineering the Enterprise.
- Designed major demand creation activities to prospect new customers and enhance customer relationships.
- Designed and maintained a customer database that was effectively used to increase direct sales.