Nasrin Yousefi
Assistant ProfessorOverview
Nasrin Yousefi is an Assistant Professor in Management Analytics at Smith School of Business, Queen's University.
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- Management Analytics
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Full Bio
Nasrin Yousefi is an Assistant Professor in Management Analytics at Smith School of Business, Queen's University. Nasrin received her PhD in Operations Research in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto and her research interests are data-driven optimization and decision-making under uncertainty with applications in healthcare operations management.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Industrial Engineering (Operations Research)
University of Toronto (2022)
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
Koc University (2015)
B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
Sharif University of Technology (2013)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Assistant Professor of Management Analytics (2022 - Present)
University of Toronto
Teaching Assistant (2018-2021)
Koc University, Istanbul
Teaching Assistant (2013-2017)
Research Assistant (2015-2017)
C. Y. Chan, M. Eberg, K. Forster, C. Holloway, L. Ieraci, Y. Shalaby, N. Yousefi. An Inverse Optimization Approach to Measuring Clinical Pathway Concordance, Management Science, Vol. 68(3), pp. 1882–1903, 2022. https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/mnsc.2021.4100 - Note: Authors are listed alphabetically.
C. Y. Chan, K. Forster, S. Habbous, C. Holloway, L. Ieraci, Y. Shalaby, N. Yousefi. Inverse Optimization on Hierarchical Networks: An Application to Breast Cancer Clinical Pathways, Health Care Management Science, 2022. https://link.springer.com/ article/10.1007/s10729-022-09599-z - Note: Authors are listed alphabetically.
Under Review
K.H.B. Leung, N. Yousefi, T. C. Y. Chan, A. Bayoumi. Constrained Optimization for Decision Making in Healthcare using Python: A Tutorial, submitted to Medical Decision Making.
Teaching Experience
Instructor, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University- COMM 162: Managerial Statistics (2023)
Instructor, University of Toronto
- Introduction to Quality Control (2021)
Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto
- Linear Programming and Network Flows (graduate level; 2020–2021)
- Markov Decision Processes (graduate level; 2020)
- Introduction to Quality Control (2019–2020)
- Operations Research III: Advanced OR (2019)
- Probability and Statistics with Engineering Applications (2018–2021)
Teaching Assistant, Koc University, Istanbul
- Production Planning and Control (2017)
- Stochastic Models and Applications (graduate level; 2016–2017)
- Advanced Models in Supply Chain Management (graduate level; 2016)
- Operations Management (2016)
- Applied Statistics (2014–2015)
- Stochastic Models (2014)
- Probability and Statistical Methods for Engineers (2013)
Operations Research, Operations Management, Analytics, Healthcare Systems, Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Optimization
- (upcoming) INFORMS Annual Meeting 2022, Indianapolis, IN
- CORS/INFORMS International 2022, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Inverse Optimization on Hierarchical Networks
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual
Inverse Optimization for Clinical Pathway Concordance
- INFORMS Healthcare 2021, Virtual
- MSOM 2021, Virtual
- CORS 2021, Virtual
- POMS 2021, Virtual
- INFORMS Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual
- Optimization Days 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada
Robust Optimization of Optimal Stopping Problems
- StochMod16, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Invited Seminars
Inverse Optimization for Clinical Pathway Concordance
Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, Wayne State University, 2022
MIE Doctoral Studies Fellowship, University of Toronto, 2018-2022
Master’s Program Fellowship, Koc University, 2013
Research Awards
Finalist, Pierskalla Best Paper Award, INFORMS Health Applications Society, 2021
First Place, Student Paper Competition, INFORMS Health Applications Society, 2021
First Place, Student Paper Competition (Open Category), CORS, 2021
Other Awards
Academic Excellence Award, Sharif University of Technology, 2013
Third Rank Student (among 80+ BSc students), Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2013
Grants & Funding
Queen Elizabeth II Canada Scholarship in Science and Technology (2021–2022)
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Graduate Student Award (2020)
University of Toronto | $3,000
Graduate Student Engineering Fund (2020)
University of Toronto | $3,000
Peri Family Healthcare Fellowship (2019)
University of Toronto | $9,335
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Scholarship (2014–2017)
Research Council of Turkey | ∼$36,000
Professional Service
Session Chair, CORS/INFORMS International Conference, 2022
Vice President, UTORG (University of Toronto INFORMS/CORS Chapter), 2021–2022
Event Coordinator, UTORG (University of Toronto INFORMS/CORS Chapter), 2020–2021
CUPE Liaison, International Students’ Caucus, University of Toronto, 2019–2020
Volunteer, MIE Research Symposium, University of Toronto, 2018
Organizer, INFORMS APS Conference, Koc University, 2015
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Society (MSOM)
Women in OR/MS Forum (WORMS)
Health Applications Society (HAS)
Analytics Society
Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS)