Kelley Packalen
Associate ProfessorOverview
Kelley Packalen, PhD is an Associate Professor of Strategy, Organization and Entrepreneurship in the Smith School of Business. Kelley’s current research focuses on integrity, mental health and indigenous values in academia, start-ups and organizations.
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- Strategy and Organizations
Interest Topics
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Strategy & Innovation
WISE Impact
WISE Impact is a 5 year study of work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in Ontario, and how they can impact lives of people with mental illnesses. Our project joins WISE experts and researchers in a collaborative process that systematically examines WISE outcomes over time.
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Full Bio
Kelley studies integrity in academia, entrepreneurship, and organizations with a particular focus on when and why individuals fail to act with integrity. She examines these questions through multiple frameworks or lenses including moral disengagement and indigenous values. She is also actively involved in a multi-disciplinary longitudinal study of work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in Ontario, and how they can impact the lives of people with mental illnesses.
In the past she has investigated how career histories of founders may influence firm level outcomes and the evolution of multi-level organizational and industry networks over time.
Kelley has received funding for her research from the SSHRC, Employment and Social Development Canada, SSRC, the Kauffman Foundation and the Smith School of Business. She has presented her work at conferences and published in multiple formats. At Smith, Kelley teaches entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy to students in the Commerce Program as well as an entrepreneurship and innovation seminar in the masters of science and doctoral program.
Kelley holds a Masters in Sociology and a PhD in Industrial Engineering (with a focus on organizational behaviour, strategy and entrepreneurship) from Stanford University. She graduated with a Bachelors degree with honours from Wellesley College, where she majored in psychology and minored in economics.
Prior to starting at Stanford, Kelley worked as a Research Associate at Harvard Business School, where she wrote cases about the strategic challenges facing high technology firms. Her cases have been among those translated into other languages and included in the HBS Press Premier Case Series.
Academic Degrees
PhD Degree in Industrial Engineering
Stanford University (2004)
M.A. Degree in Sociology
Stanford University (2002)
B.A. Honors Degree in Psychology, Minor in Economics
Wellesley College (1997)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization (2012 - Present)
Academic Coach, Centre for Social Impact (2018)
Assistant Professor of Strategy and Organization (2004-2012)
Note: Some publications are authored in maiden name of Porter
Seidel, V., Packalen, K.A. & O'Mahony, S. 2016. Help me do it on my own: How entrepreneurs manage autonomy and constraint within incubator organizations. in D. Burton, L. Cohen and M. Lounsbury (Ed.) Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 47: 275-310.
Packalen, K.A. 2015. Multiple successful models: how demographic features of founding teams differ between regions and over time. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 27(5-6): 357-385.
Packalen, K.A. 2015. When silos collapse, what happens to the seeds?: A case study of the diffusion of people and ideas when research programs are cancelled. in D. DeTienne & K. Wennberg (Ed.) Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Exit: 64-86. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Powell, W.W., Packalen, K.A., & Whittington, K.C. 2012. Organizational and institutional genesis: The emergence of high-tech clusters in the life sciences. in: W. Powell and J. Padgett (Ed.) The Emergence of Organizations and Markets. Princeton University Press.
Packalen, K.A. 2007. Complementing capital: The role of status, demographic features, and social capital in founding teams’ abilities to obtain resources. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 31(6): 873–891.
Porter, K.A. & Powell, W.W. 2006. Networks and organizations. in S. Clegg, C. Hardy, T. Lawrence and W. Nord (Ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Organization Studies, 2nd ed.: 776-799. Sage Publishing.
Porter, K.A., Bunker Whittington, K.C., & Powell, W.W. 2005. The institutional embeddedness of high tech regions: Relational foundations of the Boston biotechnology community. In S. Breschi & F. Malerba (Ed.), Clusters, Networks, and Innovation: 261-296. Oxford University Press.
Working Papers
Packalen, K.A. & Rowbotham, K. 2020. Clues to Fostering a Program Culture of Academic Integrity: Findings from a Multidimensional Model. To be presented at the 2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Virtual)
Packalen, K.A. & Rowbotham, K. 2020. Down the Slippery Slope: Moral Disengagement and Academic Integrity’s Grey Areas.
In the Media
Packalen, K.A. 2016. Response to O’Kane, J. “The Challenge: Millennial blacksmith is drawn to the forge: 'It's primal, man'” Globe & Mail, Jun 15.
Packalen, K.A. 2006. “Financial Post New Venture Case Series: Learning to Let Go – The Expert View.” Financial Post Business Magazine, Dec.: 73-76.
Current Projects
Effectiveness of Work Integration Social Enterprises’ Business Models (with team led by R. Lysaght)
Integrity in Academia and Beyond (with K. Rowbotham)
Cultivating Conscientious Founders
Courses Taught
Qualitative Research Methods, PhD Program
School of Science, Aalto University
Entrepreneurship & Innovation, MSc & PhD Program
Smith School of Business
Social Innovation & Impact, Commerce Program
Smith School of Business
New Business Development, Commerce Program
Smith School of Business
2005-2007, 2012, 2014-present
Business & Corporate Strategy, Commerce Program
Smith School of Business
2004-2005, 2015-2018
Individual Research Project, Masters of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Smith School of Business
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
2013-2014, 2019-2020
Selected Conference Presentations
Academy of Management 2021 Annual Conference (Virtual)
Down the slippery slope: Moral disengagement and academic integrity’s grey areas (with K. Rowbotham), 2021
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference, Saskatoon (Virtual)
Mental Health and Employment – Who Chooses Work Integration Social Enterprise? (Lysaght, R., Fecica, A., Brock, K., Krupa, T., Packalen, K., Ross, L. & Roy, M.) 2020
5th International Conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond & 3rd International Conference Shaping Ethics in Academia and Society (Vilnius)
A multi-pronged approach to academic integrity awareness: Methods used by a Canadian Undergraduate Business Program (Packalen, K., Rowbotham, K., Garnier, L.), 2019
Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity (Calgary)
A Qualitative Exploration of Business Students’ Perceptions of Academic Integrity’s Grey Areas (Packalen, K., & Rowbotham, K.), 2019
Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting (Vancouver, BC)
Studying Entrepreneurial Exits Professional Development Workshop, 2015
Kauffman Emerging Scholars Conference (Kansas City, MO)
Advisory Relationships in Government-funded Programs, 2014
Work Technology & Organization Reunion Workshop (Stanford, CA)
How networks intersect: A longitudinal case study of the interplay between personal and organizational connections, 2014
Selected Invited Presentations
2020 Brown Bag Seminar, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, School of Science, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland)
Down the Slippery Slope: Moral Disengagement and Academic Integrity’s Grey Areas, 2020
2017 Innovation in Context 2: Scaling Up, Centre for Intellectual Property Policy, McGill Law School (Montreal, PQ)
Panelist, The Social Context of Scale, 2017
2016 Social Innovation Research Showcase (Kingston, ON)
Panelist, Social Entrepreneurship Research Panel, 2016
2014 Economic Revitalization Conference: Mapping the Future: Technology, People & Rural Prosperity (Kingston, ON)
Advisory Relationships in Government-funded Programs, 2014
Strategy Research Colloquium (SRC), Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland)
Role theory and the entrepreneur’s autonomy-dependence paradox: Insights from a study of a business incubator, 2013
EDCO 55th Annual Conference and Showcase (Toronto, ON)
Advisor relationships in rural businesses, 2012
The Creative Rural Economy – From Theory to Practice (Kingston, ON)
Panel discussion: Challenges and solutions for creative sector businesses, 2011
2011 The Study of Business and Knowledge Workshop (Kingston, ON)
Workshop for graduate students at QSB: "Entrepreneurship & knowledge", 2011
2011 KIS Showcase - New Horizons in Rural Economic Development (Kingston, ON)
Panel discussion: Rural Eastern Ontario - building a new generation of entrepreneurs, 2011
Selected Conference Papers
International Council of Small Businesses 2014 Annual Meeting (Dublin) Helping entrepreneurs succeed: Advisory relationships in government-funded programs, 2014
International Council of Small Businesses 2011 Annual Meeting (Stockholm) Finding the right one: Forming successful advisor relationships in small firms (with Dyer, L.), 2011
Grants & Funding
Explore Grant (2109-2021)
SSHRC | $5,000
Research Program on Effectiveness of Work Integration Social Enterprises Expansion (2020-2022)
Employment and Social Development Canada | $94,559
Research Program on Effectiveness of Work Integration Social Enterprises (2017-2022)
Employment and Social Development Canada | $300,000
Smith School of Business General Research Grant (2017)
SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2011)
Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) Funding (2010)
Royal & Sun Alliance Funding (2010)
Research Seminars
Community of Social Innovation (COSI) 2019 Workshop (Toronto, ON), attendee
Community of Social Innovation (COSI) 2018 Workshop (Ann Arbor, MI), attendee
Community of Social Innovation (COSI) 2017 Workshop (Toronto, ON), attendee
Community of Social Innovation (COSI) 2016 Workshop (Stanford, CA), attendee
Community of Social Innovation (COSI) 2015 Workshop (Ann Arbor, MI), attendee
Journal of Small Business Management: Ad hoc reviewer
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: Ad hoc reviewer
Member, Commerce Academic Integrity Committee, Smith School of Business
Member, Academic Integrity Roundtable, Queen’s University
Member, Smith Academic Integrity Panel, Smith School of Business
Member, Commerce Culture Committee, Smith School of Business
Member, Certificate in Business Curriculum Committee, Smith School of Business
Member, Certificate in Business Academic Progress Board, Smith School of Business
Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Smith School of Business
International Center for Academic Integrity
United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Academy of Management (OMT, ENT, and MED divisions)