Yuri Levin
Professor of Management AnalyticsOverview
Yuri Levin is a Professor of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business. Previously, he was Rector (Dean) of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, Stephen J.R. Smith Chair of Analytics, Executive Director of Analytics and AI, and the founding Director of the Scotiabank Centre for Customer Analytics at Smith School of Business. He was also a founding Director of Smith's Master of Management Analytics program.
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- Management Analytics
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- Analytics & AI
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Full Bio
Yuri Levin is a Professor of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business. Previously, he was Rector (Dean) of Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, Stephen J.R. Smith Chair of Analytics, Executive Director of Analytics and AI, and the founding Director of the Scotiabank Centre for Customer Analytics at Smith School of Business. He was also a founding Director of Smith's Master of Management Analytics program.
In 2016, Yuri was named by Poets and Quants as one of the Top 40 Professors Under 40 Worldwide. He teaches analytical decision making, strategic analytics, and pricing analytics courses for MBA, MMA, and Executive Education programs. He holds a PhD in Operations Research from Rutgers University in the U.S. where he taught multiple MBA programs for 3 years before joining Queen's in 2002. Yuri was the 2013 and 2014 recipient of the MBA Professor of the Year Award and the 2014 and 2015 recipient of the Master of Management Analytics Professor of the Year Award.
He has developed innovative approaches and published widely in the general area of revenue management and dynamic pricing. He was a co-winner of the 2013 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Practice Prize for pricing and promotions analysis at Molson Coors Brewing Company and a co-winner of the 2009 INFORMS COIN-OR Cup for applications of COIN-OR technologies in development of novel techniques for cargo capacity management and dynamic pricing. He was also the 2010 recipient of Smith School of Business' Award for Research Achievement and the 2003 New Researcher Achievement Award. He served as Chair of INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing section, Associate Editor of Management Science and Operations Research. Yuri's research has been funded by the NSERC. Yuri has consulted widely on consumer behavior modeling and optimization of pricing and has developed corporate training programs in strategic analytics, analytical decision making, and strategic pricing optimization.
Academic Degrees
PhD Operations Research
RUTCOR, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2001)
M.S. (honors) Applied Mathematics
Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus (1998)
B. S. Economics
Belarus State University, Minsk, Belarus (1998)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Founding Executive Director, Analytics and AI (2018-2020)
Founding Director, Scotiabank Centre for Customer Analytics (2016-2020)
Founding Director, Master of Management Analytics (2012-2017)
Stephen J.R. Smith Chair of Analytics (2016-2020)
Chaired Professor of Operations Management (2015-2016)
Distinguished Professor of Management Science and Operations Management (2011-2015)
Professor (2011-2020)
Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Operations Management (2008-2011)
Associate Professor (with tenure) (2008-2011)
Assistant Professor (2002-2008)
Rutgers University School of Business
Assistant Professor, Department of MSIS (2001-2002)
Instructor, Department of MSIS (2000-2001)
Papers Published or Accepted for Publication
Wang, J., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. (2020) Selling Passes to Strategic Consumers. Forthcoming in Operations Research
Bazhanov, A., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. (2019) Resale Price Maintenance with Strategic Consumers. Production and Operations Management, 28 (3), 535-549
Garza, J., Levin, Y., Nediak, M., and Sergienko, I. (2018) How One Company Made Its Analytics Investment Pay Off, Harvard Business Review
Maslove, D. and Levin, Y. (2018) What the Business School can teach the Medical School about precision, and vice versa. Journal of Critical Care, May 10. p. S0883-9441 (18) 30543-4
Aviv, Y., Bazhanov, A., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. (2017) Quantity Competition when Most Favored Customers are Strategic. Production and Operations Management, 26 (11), 2107-2121
Kirshner S., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. (2017) Product Upgrades with Stochastic Technology
Advancement, Product Failure, and Brand Commitment. Production and Operations Management, 26 (4), 742756
Levin T., Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2015) Strategic Consumer Collaboration in a NameYour-Own-Price Channel. Production and Operations Management, 24 (12), 1883-1900
Levin, Y., Nediak, M., and Bazhanov, A. (2014) Quantity Premiums and Discounts in Dynamic Pricing. Operations Research, 62 (4), 846-863
Levin, Y., Nediak, M., and Topaloglu, H. (2012) Cargo Capacity Management with Allotments and Spot Market Demand. Operations Research, 60 (2), 351-365
Levin, T., Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2011) Network Cargo Capacity Management. Operations Research, 59 (4), 1008-1023
Levin, T., Levin, Y., McGill, J., Nediak, M., and Vovk V. (2010) Weak Aggregating Algorithm for the Distribution-Free, Multi-period, Newsvendor Problem. Operations Research Letters, 38 (6), 516-521
Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2010) Optimal Dynamic Pricing of Perishable Items by a Monopolist Facing Strategic Consumers, Production and Operations Management, 19 (1), 40-60
Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2009) Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers and Oligopolistic Competition, Management Science, 55 (1), 32-46
Levin, T., Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2009) Dynamic Pricing with Online Learning and Strategic Consumers: an Application of the Aggregating Algorithm. Operations Research, 57 (2), 327-341
Aviv, Y., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. (2009) Counteracting Strategic Consumer Behavior in Dynamic Pricing Systems. Chapter 12, pp. 323-352 in Consumer-Driven Demand and OM Models (Eds. S. Netessine, and C. S. Tang), Springer, ISSN 0884-8289
Ben-Israel, A. and Levin, Y. (2011) The Newton Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization: Convergence Analysis. Chapter 4, pp. 49-63 in Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, (Eds. H. H. Bauschke, R. S. Burachik, P. L. Combettes, V. Elser, D. R. Luke and H. Wolkowicz), Springer
Levin, Y. and McGill, J. (2009) Introduction to the Special Issue on Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing. European Journal of Operational Research, 197 (3), 845-847
Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2008) Risk in Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing. Operations Research, 56 (2), 326-343
Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2007). Price Guarantees in Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management, Operations Research, 55 (1), 75-97
Levin T., Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2007). Linear Programming with Online Learning, Operations Research Letters 35, 612-618
Levin T., Levin, Y., McGill, J., and Nediak, M. (2006). Dynamic Pricing with Online Learning of General Reservation Price Distribution, in Proceedings of INCOM 2006: 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Elsevier, 461-466
Ben-Israel, A. Levin, Y., Levin, G., and Rozin, B. (2008). Approximate Methods for Convex Minimization Problems with Series-Parallel Structure. European Journal of Operational Research 127 (3), 841-855
Ben-Israel, A. and Levin, Y. (2008). The Newton Bracketing Method for the Minimization of Convex Functions subject to Affine Constraints . Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156/11, 1977-1987
Ben-Israel, A. and Levin, Y. (2006). The Geometry of Linear Separability in Data Sets, Linear Algebra and Applications, 416/1, 75-87.
Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel, A. (2004). A Heuristic Method for Large-Scale Multifacility Location Problems, Computers and Operations Research, 31, 257--272.
Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel, A. (2003). An inverse-free directional Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations, Progress in Analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd Int'l ISAAC Congress, Heinrich G W Begehr. Robert P Gilbert and Man Wah Wong, Editors, Vol 2, 1447-1457, World Scientific, Singapore, ISBN 981-238-967-9.
Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel, A. (2002). Directional Newton Methods in n Variables, Mathematics of Computations, 71, 251-262.
Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel A. (2002). The Newton Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 21, 213--229.
Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel, A. (2001). A Newton Method for Systems of m Equations in n Variables, Nonlinear Analysis, 47, 1961-1971.
Levin Y. and Ben-Israel, A. (2001). Directional Halley and Quasi-Halley Methods in n Variables,
Special Volume on "Inherently Parallel Algorithms in Feasibility and Optimization and Their Applications", D. Butnariu, Y. Censor and S. Reich (Editors), A Volume in the Series: "Studies in Computational Mathematics", Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 345--365.
Levin, Y., Nediak, M. and Ben-Israel, A. (2001). A Direct Newton Method for Calculus of Variations, Journal of Comput. & Applied Mathematics, 139/2, 197-213.
Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel, A.(2001). An Estimation Algorithm using Distance Clustering of Data. OPSEARCH, 38, 443--455.
Levin, Y. and Melnikov, O. (1999). Cutpoints of a Realization of a Hypergraph. Vesti of Belarus Academy of Science, 2, 127-131.
Melnikov, O. and Levin, Y. (1997). Realization of a hypergraph by a k-caterpillar. Vestn. Belarus State Univ., Ser. 1,(2), 43--46.
Papers under Review/Submission
Wang, J., Levina, T., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. Dynamic Pricing and Social Media Management (under second review in Production and Operations Management)
Thompson, M., Nediak, M., and Levin, Y. Optimal Operations Management and Hedging in Complete and Partially Complete Markets (under review in Production and Operations Management)
Kelly, S., Levin, Y., and Saunders, D. A Code of Conduct for Ethical AI in Financial Services (under review in Harvard Business Review)
Thompson, M., Nediak, M., and Levin, Y. Financial Derivatives and the Economic Definition of Ore (under review in Journal of Operations Management)
Kirshner, S., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. Quantity Competition in a Multi-Product Exchange Market with Strategic Consumers and Dynamic Preferences
Levin, Y., Soltani-koopa, M., Nediak, M., and Ovchinnikov, A. Trade Credit and Lifetime Value of a Newsvendor Buyer
Achtari, G., Levin, Y., and Nediak, M. A Non-parametric Approach to Dynamic Pricing with Demand Learning
Other Publications
Revenue Management in the era of social networking, with Jeff McGill, Analytics, March 2010.
Nediak, M., Levin, Y. and Ben-Israel, A. (2000). Finding the Intersection of Surfaces via the Directional Newton Method, Rutcor Research Report 60-2000, RUTCOR--Rutgers Center for Operations Research, Piscataway, NJ.
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. Trusted Data and AI Program (Faculty Lead)
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. Scotiabank Analytics Program (Faculty Lead)
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. Loblaw Analytics Program (Faculty Lead)
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. LoyaltyOne Analytics Program (Faculty Lead)
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. TD Bank Analytics Program (Faculty Lead)
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. Digital Transformation
- Queen’s Exec. Ed. Strategic Analytics
- Queen’s MMA 830: Pricing Analytics
- Queen’s MMA 861: Analytical Decision Making
- Queen’s MBA 830: Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
- Queen’s MBAs 861: Analytical Decision Making
- Skolkovo EMBA: Decision Making
- Skolkovo MBA: Operations Management
- Queen’s Ph.D./M.Sc. 860: Deterministic OR Models
- Queen’s Ph.D. 963: Optimization Theory
- Queen’s Commerce 163: Business Decision Models
- Rutgers MBA 575: Data Models
- Rutgers MBA 574: Deterministic Optimization Models
- Rutgers MBA 578: Operations Management
- Rutgers MBA 960: Statistical Models
- Rutgers Business 386: Operations Management
- Rutgers Business 385: Statistical Methods in Business
Student & Postdoc Supervision
- 2018 -- pres. Stephanie Kelley (Ph.D. management analytics, co-supervisor). 2016 -- pres. Youseti, Roozbeh (Ph.D. management science, co-supervisor). 2016 -- pres. Soltani-koopa, Meisam (Ph.D. management science, co-supervisor).
- 2014 -- 2018 Achtari, Guyves “Applications of Machine Learning in Revenue Management and Routing” (Ph.D. management science, co-supervisor).
- 2013 -- 2018 Wang, Jue “Essays on Customer and Firm-Side Learning in Pricing and Campaign Optimization” (Ph.D. management science, co-supervisor).
- 2016 -- 2017 Khaleghei, Akram (MITACS Accelerate Intern – Postdoctoral Fellow, co-supervisor).
- 2013 -- pres. Bazhanov, Andrei (Postdoctoral Fellow, co-supervisor).
- 2014 -- 2016 Wang, Jue (Postdoctoral Fellow, co-supervisor).
- 2009 -- 2014 Kirshner, Sam “Three Essays in Technology and Revenue Management” (Ph.D. management science, co-supervisor).
- 2014 Yafremau, Anton “Statistical and Optimization models for Pricing in the Products-Service systems” (M.Sc. management science, supervisor).
- 2013 Yang, Zeya, Undergraduate Independent Study Project, supervisor.
- 2012 Liang, Lulu (Wei), NSERC Undergrad. Student Research Award (USRA) project, supervisor.
- 2012 Vidal, Ricardo (a Ph.D. student at Queen’s Department of Pathology), CIHR Transdisciplinary Training Program, co-supervisor.
- 2012 Wiltshire, Doulton “Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Consumers and Social Learning“ (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2011 External Examiner: Sorochuk, Craig “The Newsvendor Problem with Pricing” (PhD in Management Science, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario).
- 2011 Lee, Damian “Dynamic Portfolio Management of Exchange Traded Funds“ (M.Sc. management science, supervisor).
- 2010 Ferchoff, Lee “Towards a Revenue Management Model of Event Seating“ (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2010 External Examiner: Saffar, Iman “Problems in Supply Chain Location and Inventory under Uncertainty” (PhD in Operations Management, Rotman School of Management).
- 2009 Giles, Nicholas “Price Guarantees in Dynamic Pricing: an Empirical Study” (M.Sc. management science, supervisor).
- 2009 Kirshner, Sam “Nonlinear Dynamic Approximation for Network Capacity Control” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2008 Laidlow, Tristan “An Adaptive Algorithm for the Optimal Order Quantity in the Non-stationary Newsvendor Problem with Censored Demand” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2007 Gupta, Sundeep “Event Revenue Management: When Ticket Resale is Allowed” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2006 Goncharova, Irina “Overview of Operational Risk Modelling Techniques” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2006 Mathur, Prashant “A Survey of Credit Risk Model Validation Methodologies” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2005 Jin, Weihong “Dynamic Pricing of Seasonal Products with Demand Learning” (M.Sc. management science, supervisor).
- 2005 Sung Woo Hong, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) summer project, supervisor.
- 2006 Alanis, Ramon “Optimization of Surgical Scheduling in Operating Rooms” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2003 External Examiner: Boucher, Natalie “Predicting Data on the Use of Private Vehicles in Canada” (PhD in Economics, Queen’s University).
- 2003 Balez, Mathieu “Managing Hospital Waiting Lists with Internal Markets: an Operations Research Perspective” (M.Sc. management science, second reader).
- 2003 Archambault, Michel “Optimizing Manufacturing Planning with Stochastic Machine Availability: A Practical Solution for Bombardier Aerospace” (M.Sc. man. science, supervisor).
Visiting Positions
Visiting Professor
Skolkovo, Moscow School of Management
Visiting Professor
Judge School of Business, University of Cambridge
“A Vertical Competition in a Supply Chain with a Cash Constraint Rational Newsvendor Type Retailer and a Supplier Offering Trade Credit” (with Meisam Soltani-koopa, Mikhail Nediak, and Anton Ovchinnikov). INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 4-7, 2018
“Dynamic Pricing of the Fixed-term Subscription Contracts or One-time Purchase Offered to the Strategic Customers in a Heterogeneous Market” (with Roozbeh Yousefi, Jue Wang, and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 4-7, 2018.
- Invited Paper. RM&P Section of INFORMS Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 21-22, 2018.
“Trade Credit and Lifetime Value of a Newsvendor Buyer” (with Meisam Soltani-koopa, Mikhail
Nediak, and Anton Ovchinnikov). POMS 2017 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, May 5-8, 2017
“Dynamic pricing of the fixed-term subscription contract offered to the strategic customers” (with
Roozbeh Yousefi, Jue Wang, and Mikhail Nediak). IFORS 2017, Quebec City, July 17-21, 2017 “Dynamic Pricing Model for a Subscription Contract Offered to Strategic Customers with Fixed Term Lengths in a Growing Market” (with (with Roozbeh Yousefi, Jue Wang, and Mikhail Nediak). INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA, October 22-25, 2017
Panel Discussion: Harnessing analytics in support of digital transformation and agile innovation in financial services. Chief Analytics Officer, Fall, Boston, MA, USA, October 2-5, 2017
“Product Upgrades with Stochastic Technology, Product Failure, and Brand Commitment” (with Sam Kirshner and Mikhail Nediak). POMS 27th Annual Conference, Orlando, 2016
“Turnpike Equilibrium for Oligopolistic Dynamic Pricing Competition with Strategic Consumers (with Jue Wang and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. CORS 58th Annual Conference, Banff, 2016
- Invited Paper. POMS 27th Annual Conference, Orlando, 2016
“Price-Matching Competition in the Presence of Strategic Customers and Resale Price Maintenance”. (with Yossi Aviv, Andrei Bazhanov, and Mikhail Nediak). POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, 2016
“A Non-Parametric Approach to Dynamic Pricing with Demand Learning” (with Guyeves Atchari and Mikhail Nediak). POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, 2016
“Oligopolistic Price Competition under Strategic Repeat Purchases” (with Jue Wang and Mikhail Nediak). INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, NY, 2016
“Trade Credit And Lifetime Value Of A Newsvendor Buyer” (with M. Soltani-Koopa, Mikhail Nediak, and Anton Ovchinnikov). INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, 2016
“Dynamic Pricing Of The Fixed-term Subscription Contract Offered To The Strategic Customers” (with R. Yousefi, Mikhail Nediak, and Jue Wang). INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, 2016
“Quantity Competition in a Multi-Product Exchange Market with Dynamic Consumer Preferences” (with Sam Kirshner and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint International Meeting, Montreal, June 14-17, 2015
- Invited Paper. 2015 MSOM Conference, Toronto, June 29-30, 2015
- Invited Paper. INFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1-4, 2015
“Dynamic Pricing with Social Learning and Risk-Sensitive Consumers” (with Jue Wang, Tanya Levin, and Mikhail Nediak). Invited Paper. CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint Meeting, Montreal, QC, June 14-17
“Selling Passes To Strategic Customers” (with Jue Wang and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. 2015 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference, Columbia University, New York, USA, June 11-12, 2015
- Invited Paper. 2015 MSOM Conference, Toronto, June 29-30, 2015
“A Non-parametric Approach To Dynamic Pricing With Demand Learning” (with Guyves Achtari and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint International Meeting, Montreal, June 14-17, 2015
- Invited Paper. INFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1-4, 2015
“Capacity and Price-Matching Competition with Strategic Consumers” (with Yossi Aviv, Andrei Bazhanov, and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. CORS/INFORMS 2015 Joint International Meeting, Montreal, June 14-17, 2015
- Invited Paper. INFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 1-4, 2015
“Turnpike Equilibrium for Oligopolistic Dynamic Pricing Competition with Strategic Consumers” (with Jue Wang and Mikhail Nediak). Invited Paper. INFORMS 2015 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, November 1-4, 2015
“Quantity Competition in the Presence of Strategic Consumers”
- Invited Seminar. Sloan School of Management, MIT, April 27, 2015
- Invited Seminar. EPFL, Lausanne, February 19, 2015
- Invited Seminar. Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, January 26, 2015
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 9-11, 2014
- Invited Paper. IFORS, Barcelona, July 13-18, 2014
- Invited Seminar. Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, June 5, 2014
- Invited Seminar. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 21, 2014
- Invited Seminar. Johnson School of Management, Cornell University, October 25, 2013
“Timing Product Upgrades with Stochastic Technological Advancements, Brand Commitment, and Pent-Up Demand” (with Sam Kirshner and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. IFORS, Barcelona, July 13-18, 2014
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 6-9, 2013
“Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Consumers and Social Learning” (with Tanya Levin, Mikhail Nediak and Jue Wang).
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 9-11, 2014
- Invited Paper. IFORS, Barcelona, July 13-18, 2014
- Invited Paper. 26th EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, Rome, July 1-4, 2013
- Invited Paper. 13th Annual INFORMS RM & Pricing Conference, Atlanta, June, 6-7, 2013
“Selling Passes to Strategic Consumers using Dynamic Pricing” (with Mikhail Nediak and Huseyin Topaloglu).
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, October 14-17, 2012
- Invited Paper. 25th European Conference on OR (EURO XXV),Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-12, 2012
- 12th Annual INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Berlin, June 29-30, 2012
“Name-Your-Own-Price sales channels: Can strategic consumers improve their performance with information exchange or collaboration?”
- Invited Seminar. Rutgers Business School, Newark, March 3, 2012 “Dynamic Non-linear Pricing” (with Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Talk. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, November 12-14, 2011
- INFORMS Elevens Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, NY, June 23-24, 2011
- Invited Talk. POMS Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, April 29-May 4, 2011
“Gaming name-your-own-price sales channels: Can strategic consumers improve their performance with information exchange or collaboration?”
- Invited Talk. Paul Merage School of Business, University of California Irvine, May 6, 2011 - Invited Talk. University of Waterloo, March 17, 2011
“Strategic Bidders Club: the Implications of Consumer Learning” (with T. Levina, J. McGill, and M.
- 10th INFORMS RM and Pricing Conference, Cornell University, June 16-18, 2010
- Invited Paper. 24th European Conference on OR (EURO XXIV), Lisbon, July 11-14, 2010
- INFORMS MSOM 2010 conference, Haifa, Israel, July 28-29, 2010 (Refereed)
“Can Price Matching Mitigate Strategic Consumer Behavior?” (with Yossi Aviv and Mikhail Nediak) - Invited Talk. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, March 12, 2010
- Invited Talk. Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, April 29, 2010
“Competitive Dynamic Pricing with Guarantees in the Presence of Strategic Consumers” (with Yossi Aviv and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Talk. Rutgers University, December 18, 2009
- Invited Paper. 23d European Conference on OR (EURO XXIII), Bonn, Germany, July 5-8, 2009.
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 11-14, 2008
- Eights Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Montreal, June 18-20, 2008
- Joint Conference of CORS and Optimization Days, Quebec City, May 12-14, 2008
“Cargo Revenue Management with Allotments and Spot Market Demand” (with Mikhail Nediak and Huseyin Topaloglu)
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, October 11-14, 2009
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 11-14, 2008
- Eights Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Montreal, June 18-20, 2008
- Joint Conference of CORS and Optimization Days, Quebec City, May 12-14, 2008
“Dynamic Capacity Allocation and Pricing under Competition” (with Houyuan Jin and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 11-14, 2008
- Eights Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Montreal, June 18-20, 2008
“The State of Research in Air Cargo Capacity Management”
- Invited Talk. Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, January 2008
- Invited Talk. Technion, Israel, March 10, 2008
“Cargo Capacity Management on a Network” (with Tanya Levin, Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak).
- Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, November 4-7, 2007.
- Invited Paper. 22nd European Conference on OR (EURO XXII), Prague, July 8-11, 2007.
- Seventh Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Barcelona, June 28-29, 2007.
“New Developments in Dynamic Pricing” (with Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak). Invited talk. Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto, January 2007
“Dynamic Pricing with Online Learning of General Reservation Price Distribution” (with Tanya Levin, Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak). 12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2006), Saint-Etienne, France, May 17-19, 2006.
“Dynamic Pricing in the Presence of Strategic Consumers and Oligopolistic Competition” (with J. McGill and M. Nediak).
- Invited Paper. Joint Conference of CORS and Optimization Days, Montreal, May 8-10, 2006.
- Sixth Annual Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Columbia University, June 5-6, 2006. - 21st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), Iceland, July, 2006.
“Risk in Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing” (with J. McGill and M. Nediak). Invited Paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, November 5-8, 2006.
Dynamic Pricing with Online Learning and Strategic Consumers” (with Tanya Levina, Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak), INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2005.
“A Strategic Consumer Response to Dynamically Priced Products” (with Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak), IFORS Meeting, Honolulu, July 2005.
“Risk in Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing” (with Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak), IFORS Meeting, Honolulu, July 2005.
“Dynamic Pricing with Online Learning and Strategic Consumers” (with Tanya Levina, Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak), CORS Annual Meeting, Halifax, May 2005.
“Price Guarantees in Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management” (with Jeff McGill and Mikhail Nediak), INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, October 2004.
“The Linear Separability od Data Sets: Geometric Analysis” (with Adi Ben-Israel), EURO XX, Rhodes, Greece, July 2004.
“A Decomposition Approach to the Minimization of a Separable Convex Function on a Convex Polyhedron Generated by a Parallel-Consecutive Structure” (with Adi-Ben-Israel, Genrikh Levin and Boris Rozin). International Symposium Mathematical Programming (ISMP'2003), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18-22, 2003.
“The Newton Bracketing Method for Linearly Constrained Convex Minimization with Applications to Location and Least-Square Problems”. EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, July 06-10, 2003.
“Linearly Constrained Location Problems” (with Adi-Ben-Israel). CORS 2003, 45th Annual Conference of the Canadian OR Society, Vancouver, June 2-4, 2003.
“The Newton Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization Problems with Linear Constraints” (with Adi Ben-Israel, Rutgers University). INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Jose, Nov. 17-20, 2002.
“Facility Location Problems: New Results & Algorithms” (with Adi Ben-Israel, Rutgers University). Invited paper. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, November 4-7, 2001.
“Inverse-free Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Equations” (with Adi Ben-Israel, Rutgers University). Invited paper. The 3rd International ISAAC Congress, Berlin, August 20-25, 2001.
“The Newton Bracketing Method for Convex Minimization” (with Adi Ben-Israel). Invited paper. World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis (WCNA-2000), Catania, July 2000.
“Directional Newton, Halley and Quasi-Halley Methods and their Applications” (with Adi Ben- Israel, Rutgers University). Invited paper. Workshop on: Inherently Parallel Algorithms in Feasibility & Optimization and their Applications, Technion, Haifa, Israel, March 13-16, 2000.
“Cutpoints of Realizations of Hypergraphs” (with Oleg Melnikov, Belarus State University).
Inter. Symposium Mathematical Programming (ISMP'97), Lausanne, Switzerland, August, 1997.
Distinguished Faculty Research Fellow in Operations Management, Queen’s School of Business (2005-2008)
Excellence Fellowship, Rutgers University, NJ, USA (1998-2000)
Research Awards
Award for Research Achievement, Queen’s School of Business (2010)
New Researcher Achievement award (for outstanding body of research within 10 years of dissertation), Queen's School of Business (2003)
Teaching Awards
Master of Management Analytics Professor of the Year (2015)
MBA Professor of the Year (2014)
Master of Management Analytics Professor of the Year (2014)
MBA Professor of the Year (2013)
Nominee for MBA Professor of the Year (2008, 2009, 2010)
Co-winner 2020 UPS George D. Smith Prize by INFORMS (2020)
Chair of the Digitization Committee, Supervisory Board of Bank of Saint-Petersburg (2020-Present)
Top 40 Professors Under 40 Worldwide (by Poets and Quants) (2016)
Winner of 2013 INFORMS Revenue Management & Pricing Practice Prize (with J. McGill, M. Nediak, Pricing Solutions, and Molson Coors) (2013)
Recipient of Management Science Meritorious Service Award (2013)
Co-winner 2009 INFORMS COIN-OR Cup (2009)
Best paper within the track “Location and Dynamic Pricing” of INCOM 2006, Saint Etienne , France (with T. Levin, J. McGill and M. Nediak) (2006)
Soros Excellence Award, Minsk, Belarus (1998)
Grants & Funding
Collaborative Research and Discovery Grant (2018-2021)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | $1,800,000
Individual Discovery Grant (2017-2022)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | $135,000
MITACS Accelerate (2016-2018)
Customer Lifetime Value Framework for the Banking Industry | $213,333
Individual Discovery Grant (2009-2014)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | $120,000
Dl. McLeod Term Research Grant (2006-2007)
Queen's School of Business | $1,800
Individual Research Grant (2004-2009)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | $75,000
Dl. McLeod Term Research Grant (2003-2004)
Queen's School of Business | $1,800
Individual Research Grant (2003)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | $15,000
General Research Grant (2002)
Queen’s School Business, Kingston, ON | $9,000
Research Initiation Grant (2002-2005)
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
DIMACS Research Grant (1999-2000)
Rutgers University, NJ, USA
CREATE Grant, Program on Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance and Business Analytics (2018-2024)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | $1,650,000
TalentEdge Internship Program (2018)
Ontario Centres of Excellence | $10,000
Professional Service
- Member of the Program Committee for MSOM Annual Conference, Banff, June 2020
- Member of the Organizing Committee for INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, Toronto, June 2018
- Member (Past Chair), INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section, 2014-2015
- Chair, INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section, 2013-2014
- Chair-Elect, INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section, 2012-2013
- Member, INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Prize Committee, 2012
- Chair, INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Prize Committee, 2011
- Associate Editor for Operations Research, 2015-present
- Associate Editor for Management Science, 2009 --2014
- Co-organizer Cluster “Revenue Management” for 26th EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference, July 1-4, 2013, Rome, Italy
- Co-organizer Cluster “Revenue Management” for 25th European Conference on OR (EURO XXV), July 8-12, 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania
- Co-organizer Cluster “Revenue Management and Pricing” for POMS Annual Conference. April 29-May 4, 2011 – Reno, Nevada (with Huseyin Topaloglu)
- Co-organizer Cluster “Revenue Management and Pricing” for INFORMS Annual Meeting. October 1114, 2009 -- San-Diego (with Philipp Afeche and Utku Yildirim)
- Member of the Organizing Committee for the 8th INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference. Montreal, June 2008
- Guest Editor (with Jeff McGill) European Journal of Operations Research special issue on Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing (2005 – 2007).
- Organizer Cluster “Revenue Management” for CORS Annual Meeting 2007. May 15-17, 2007 -- London (with J. McGill)
- Organizer Special Sessions on “Revenue Management & Dynamic Pricing” for INCOM 2006: 12 th IFAC
- Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing. May 17-19, 2006 – Saint Etienne , France (with J. McGill, M. Nediak).
- Organizer Session on “Dynamic Pricing” for CORS Annual Meeting, Halifax, May 2005 (with M. Nediak).
- Referee for: Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM), Production and Operations Management (POMS), Naval Research Logistics, Mathematical Programming, European Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), IIE Transactions, Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS), Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), NSERC, Annals of Operations Research, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Operational Research
Service at Queen's
- Executive Director, Analytics and AI, 2018-present
- Director, Scotiabank Centre for Customer Analytics, 2016-present
- Director, Master of Management Analytics, 2012-2017
- Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, 2018-2019
- Queen’s Executive Education Advisory Committee, 2013-2014
- MSOM Area Coordinator, 2012-2013
- Member of the Research Advisory Board, The Monieson Centre, 2012- 2014
- Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, 2012-2013
- MBA Curriculum Committee, 2007-2009
- Research Committee, Queen’s School of Business, 2003 – 2004, 2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2013-2017
- Ph.D./ M.Sc. Committee, Queen’s School of Business, 2004 -- 2006
- Dean’s Development Fund, Queen’s School of Business, 2002 – 2004
- Canadian Operations Research Society Diploma Coordinator at Queen’s, 2003 – present
Professional Memberships
Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS)