Jay Handelman
Associate Professor & Distinguished Teaching Fellow of MarketingOverview
Jay is an Associate Professor & Distinguished Teaching Fellow of Marketing at Smith School of Business.
He was the founding Director of Smith School of Business Centre for Social Impact (formerly the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility). Jay has also served as the Associate Dean, Research and Associate Dean, Faculty at Smith School of Business.
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Jay is an Associate Professor & Distinguished Teaching Fellow of Marketing at Smith School of Business.
He was the founding Director of Smith School of Business Centre for Social Impact (formerly the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility). Jay has also served as the Associate Dean, Research and Associate Dean, Faculty at Smith School of Business.
His teaching and consulting work are focused on the interplay between customer value and the alignment of an organization’s culture, structure, and metrics that maximizes the delivery of value to achieve customer loyalty. It is this achievement of customer loyalty that leads to superior brand equity for the organization. At the core of this perspective is the understanding that everyone in the organization has an important role to play in fostering the brand of the organization.
Jay has extensive experience working with organizational members across a variety of industries in both the profit and not-for-profit sectors helping them to understand their contribution to customer value and the organization’s brand equity. This work has been in the form of teaching in professional Masters and Executive Education programs, as well as consulting. Jay has been voted by students as Teacher of the Year in both the Executive MBA and Accelerated MBA programs.
Jay holds an MBA from McGill University and a PhD in Marketing from Queen’s University.
Academic Degrees
PhD Marketing
Queen’s University (1996)
Masters of Business Administration
McGill University (1989)
Bachelor of Business Management
Ryerson Polytechnic University (1987)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Associate Dean, Faculty (2017-2020)
Associate Dean, Research (2011-2017)
Associate Professor, Marketing (2003 - Present)
Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Queen’s University
Founder & Director (2004-2007)
University of Lethbridge
Associate Professor, Marketing (2002-2003)
Assistant Professor, Marketing (1996-2000)
McGill University
Assistant Professor, Marketing (2000-2002)
Refereed Journal Articles
Tandy Thomas, Martin Pyle, and Jay Handelman (Forthcoming), “Identification incubators: Reflexivity in consumer book clubs”, Consumption, Markets, and Culture.
Maureen Bourassa, Peggy Cunningham, Laurence Ashworth, and Jay Handelman (2018), “Respect in Buyer-Seller Relationships”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 35(2), 198-213.
Handelman, Jay M., Robert V. Kozinets, Alex Mitchell (2014), “Culture Jamming”, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition, ed. George Ritzer, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Maureen Bourassa, Peggy Cunningham, and Jay M. Handelman (2013), “Marketing as a Response to Paradox and Norms in the 1960’s and 1970’s,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 5(1), 47-70.
Ethan Pancer and Jay M. Handelman (2012), “The Evolution of Consumer Well Being,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4 (1), 177-189.
Yannik St, James, Jay M. Handelman, and Shirley F. Taylor (2011), “Magical Thinking and Consumer Coping,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (December), 632-649.
Jay M. Handelman, Peggy Cunningham, Maureen Bourassa (2010), “Stakeholder Marketing and the Organizational Field: The Role of Institutional Capital and Ideological Framing,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 29(1), 27-37.
Kozinets, Robert V., Jay M. Handelman, Michael S.W. Lee (2010), “Don’t Read This: Or, Who Cares What Anti-Consumption Is, Anyway?”, Guest Editorial of Special Issue on Anti-Consumption, Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 13(3), 225-233.
Karan Sonpar, Jay M. Handelman, Ali Dastmalchian (2009), “Implementing New Institutional Logics in Pioneering Organizations: The Burden of Justifying Ethical Appropriateness and Trustworthiness”, Journal of Business Ethics, 90 (December): 345-359.
Bourassa, Maureen, Peggy Cunningham, and Jay M. Handelman (2007), “How Philip Kotler has Shaped the Field of Marketing,” European Business Review, 19 (2), 174-192.
Handelman, Jay M. (2006), “Corporate Identity and the Societal Constituent,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34 (2), 107-114.
Kozinets, Robert V. & Jay M. Handelman (2006), “Culture Jamming,” Encyclopaedia of Sociology.
Kozinets, Robert V. & Jay M. Handelman (2004) “Adversaries of Consumption: Consumer Movements, Activism, Ideology,” Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (3), 691-704.
Handelman, Jay M. and Roberto Bello (2003). Community Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility: Consumer Evaluation of Community Attachment, Advances in Consumer Research, Toronto, Ontario, Volume 30.
Arnold, Stephen J., Robert V. Kozinets, & Jay M. Handelman (2001). Hometown Ideology and Retailer Legitimation: The Institutional Semiotics of Wal-Mart Flyers, Journal of Retailing, Volume 77 (2), 243-271.
Parent, Michael, Brent Gallupe, David Salisbury, & Jay M. Handelman (2000). Knowledge Creation in Focus Groups: Can Group Technologies Help?”, Information and Management, Volume 38, 47-58.
- This article has been reviewed and reported in Harvard Business Review, January/February, 1998, 12-16.
Handelman, Jay M., & Stephen J. Arnold (1999).“The Role of Marketing Actions With a Social Dimension: Appeals to the Institutional Environment”, Journal of Marketing, Volume 63, 33-48.
Handelman, Jay M. (1999). Culture Jamming: Expanding the Application of the Critical Research Project. Advances in Consumer Research, Montreal Quebec, Volume 26, 1999, 399-404.
Kozinets, Robert V. & Jay M. Handelman (1998). Ensouling Consumption: A Netnographic Exploration of the Meaning of Boycotting Behaviour, Advances in Consumer Research, Joseph W. Alba and Wesley Hutchinson (eds.), Volume 25, 1998, 475-480.
Arnold, Stephen J., Jay M. Handelman, & Douglas Tigert (1998). The Impact of a Market Spoiler on Consumer Preference Structures”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 5 (1), 1-13.
Arnold, Stephen J., Jay M. Handelman & Douglas Tigert (1996). Organizational Legitimacy and Retail Store Patronage, Journal of Business Research, Volume 35 (3), 229-240. This article has received a “Citation of Excellence” from ANBAR Management Intelligence
Book Chapters
Handelman, Jay M. and Eileen Fischer (2018), “Contesting Understandings of Contestation: Rethinking Perspectives on Activism”, in Handbook of Consumer Culture, Olga Kravets, Pauline Maclaran, Steve Miles Alladi Venkatesh (eds.), Sage.
Handelman, Jay M. (2012), “Online Consumer Movements”, in The Digital Consumer, Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas eds., Routledge.
Book Reviews
“Handbook of Marketing and Society,” Paul N. Bloom and Gregory T. Gundlach, eds, Thousand Oaks, Sage, 2001, reviewed in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Fall, 2001, 16-18.
Teaching Experience
- Developed and Implemented the Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility in the Bachelor of Commerce Program, Queen’s University
- Open Enrolment Executive Development Program: Marketing Strategy; Branding; Corporate Social Responsibility, Queen’s University
- Executive MBA: Marketing Strategy, Queen’s University
- Accelerated MBA: Brand Management; Marketing Strategy, Queen’s University
- Full Time MBA: Marketing Fundamentals, Queen’s University
- Cornell-Queen’s MBA: Marketing Strategy, Queen’s University
- Bachelor of Commerce: Marketing Ethics, Marketing Communications, Queen’s University
- PhD Seminar: Marketing History, Theory, Philosophy; Interpretive Research Methods, Queen’s University
- Graduate (MSc) Seminar in Marketing Theory, University of Lethbridge
- Commerce Program: Marketing and Society; Introduction to Marketing, McGill University
- MBA Program: Consumer Behaviour, McGill University
- Commerce Program: Consumer Behaviour; Advertising and Promotions; Foundations of Marketing, University of Lethbridge; Foundations Of Marketing, Queen's University (Winter term, 1994/95; Fall 1995/96)
- Teaching Assistant, McGill University, 1987-89.
Work with Graduate Students
A) PhD and MSc Supervision
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Gabrielle Patry-Beaudoin, Queen’s University
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Jeff Wiebe, Queen’s University.
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Alex Mitchell, Queen’s University, Final Thesis Defence 2018
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Annetta Grant, Queen’s University, Final Thesis Defence 2017
- MSc Project Supervisor, Sheldon Kaufmann, Queen’s University, Completed Summer 2015.
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Joachim Scholz, Queen’s University (Thesis Proposal Awarded Sheth Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award by the Association for Consumer Research), Successfully Defended March 2014;
- MSc Project Supervisor, Laura Railey, Queen’s University, Completed Fall 2012.
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Terry Beckman, Final Thesis Defence 2012;
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Tiebing Shi, PhD Thesis, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended November2010;
- Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Yannik St. James, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended, September 2008;
- MSc Project Supervisor, Andrew Smith, Queen’s University, Successfully Completed August 2009;
- MSc Project Supervisor, Tandy Chalmers, Queen’s University, Successfully Completed August 2004;
- MSc Thesis Co-Supervisor, Bernhard Risse, University of Lethbridge, 2003;
- MSc Thesis Co-Supervisor, Karan Sonpar, University of Lethbridge, 2002;
B) PhD and MSc Committee Membership
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Diego Soares
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Derin Kent, Queen’s University
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Svetlana Davis, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended 2015;
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Wren Montgomery, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended 2015;
- Master of Arts (Sociology) External Examiner, Amelia Cheston, Queen’s University, June 2013;
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Maggie Matear, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended 2012;
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Na Xiao, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended November 2010;
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Maureen Bourassa, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended 2009;
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Leighann Neilson, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended 2004;
- Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member, Monika Narang-Luthra, Queen’s University, Successfully Defended 2003;
C) PhD and MSc External Examiner
- Doctoral Dissertation External Examiner, Pierre-Yann Dolbec, York University, 2015;
- Doctoral Dissertation External Examiner, Preeti Krishnan, University of Manitoba, 2008;
- MSc Thesis External Examiner, Jingzhi Shang, University of Lethbridge, 2007;
- Doctoral Dissertation External Examiner, Kelley Main, University of British Columbia, 2004;
- Doctoral Dissertation External Examiner, Jennifer Argo, University of Manitoba, 2003;
Brand Management; Marketing Strategy; Marketing and Society and Corporate Social Responsibility; Marketing Communications and Advertising; Consumer Behavior
Contributions to Research Community
- Doctoral Consortium Mentor, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, June 2015.
- Guest Co-Editor (with Robert Kozinets and Michael Lee), Special Issue, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Anti-Consumption.
- Invited speaker at Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Symposium, San Francisco, CA, October 2008.
- Track Chair, Marketing Ethics, American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, 2007.
- Editorial Review Board, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2005-2008
- Reviewer, Journal of Marketing
- Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research
- Reviewer, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
- Reviewer, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- Reviewer, Advances in Consumer Research
- Reviewer; Consumer Culture Theory Conference
- Ad Hoc Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- Reviewer, American Marketing Association Conferences (Summer and Winter)
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conferences - Marketing Division, 1997 – 2000
Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations
“Paradox and Dynamism: Exploring How the State Shapes Markets Disrupted by Innovations", American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference (2018), New Orleans, LA (with Jeff Wiebe and Alex Mitchell).
“Imagination, Technological Change, and Market Development,”, American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference (2018), New Orleans, LA. (with Alex Mitchell).
“Home is Where the Tension Is: Examining the Cultural Complexity of Creating the Space of Home,” Association for Consumer Research Conference (2017), San Diego, California (with Annetta Grant).
“Home Renovations: How Consumption Reconceptualizes Private Place,” Lazaridis Marketing Research Symposium (2016), Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Ontario (with Annetta Grant).
“Enacting Controlled Utopias in a Hostile Space: Lessons from the Spatial Turn to Nature,” presented at the 11th Consumer Culture Theory Conference (2016), Lille, France (with Joachim Scholz).
“Finding Balance: The Roles of Uncertainty and the Past in Identity Transitions,” presented at the 11th Consumer Culture Theory Conference (2016), Lille, France (with Sheldon Koufman and Tandy Thomas).
“Shifting Ground: Controlling the Ecotopian Dream,” Marketing and Public Policy Conference, San Luis Obispo, 2016 (with Joachim Scholz).
“The Contested Meanings of Obsolescence in the Marketplace,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas (June 2015), (with Annetta Grant).
“Domesticating the Sublime: How Consumers Manage Nature So That the “Wildness Pleases’”, Consumer Culture Theory Conference (June 2015), Fayetteville, Arkansas (with Joachim Scholz).
“Living in Harmony With Nature: A Post-Human Analysis of Consumers’ Relationships With Nature”, Association for Consumer Research (October 2014), (with Joachim Scholz).
“The Role of Ideology in Contesting Market-Based Institutional Arrangements”, Association for Consumer Research (October 2014), (with Alex Mitchell).
“Ideological Tensions of the Idea of Progress for Consumers,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, Finland (July 2014), (with Annetta Grant).
“Foiled: Intractable Co-Creation and Discourses of Power”, Anthropology of Markets and Consumption Conference (March 2013), University of California – Irvine (with Alex Mitchell).
“Sustainable Consumption and Social Change in a Time of Shifting Worldviews”, Consumer Culture Theory Conference (July 2011), Northwestern University (with Joachim Scholz).
“Consumer Creativity and Ideological Conflict: An Investigation of The Free/Open Source Software Community”, Association of Consumer Research (October 2009), Pittsburg (with Tiebing Shi).
“Corporate Brand Authenticity”, Reputation Institute, 13th Annual Conference (May 2009), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
“The Cultural Privileging of Personal Authenticity”, Association of Consumer Research (October 2008), San Francisco, California (with Robert Kozinets).
“Brand Authenticity and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Corporate Identity and Associations Research Conference, (May, 2008), Vancouver, British Columbia (with Matt Thompson and Allison Johnson)
“Attachment and Identification: How Relationships are Connected”, Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference (2007), Los Angeles, California (with Allison Johnson and Matt Thomson).
“Entangled in the Societal Labyrinth: Marketers’ Management of Paradox and Authentic Norms,” CHARM History Conference, Duke University, (2007) Nominated for Best Paper Award (with Maureen Bourassa and Peggy Cunningham).
“Consuming the Anti-Brand: Constructing the Identity of Cultural Intermediaries”, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Schulich School of Business, Toronto, Ontario (2007) (with Maggie Matear).
“Four Dimensions of Brand Identity,” Corporate Identity / Associations Research Group, Rotterdam, Netherlands, October 2005.
“You-Can-Do-It-We-Can-Help: Emancipation Within the Marketplace?”, Associate for Consumer Research, San Antonio, Texas, October 2005 (with Tiebing Shi).
“It Takes Two to Tango: Trust and Institutional Logics as Organizing Principles During Change,” Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2005 (with Karan Sonpar and Ali Dastmalchian).
“Corporate Identity and the Societal Constituent,” Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, April 2005.
“Consumer Activism and the Corporate Brand,” Advances in Consumer Research, Portland, Oregon, October 2004 (with Robert Kozinets).
“Market Orientation and Stakeholder Orientation”, Invited Panel Participant, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2004.
“Institutional Complexity in the Firm-Brand Community Relationship,” presented at Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group, University of Southern California, April 2004 (with Peter Dacin and Tina Dacin).
“Is Corporate Reputation Enough? Moral Legitimacy as an Alternative Measure for Corporate Social Responsibility,” presented at Integrating Social Initiatives and Marketing Strategy, Boston, Mass, September 2003 (with Robert Kozinets).
“Institutional Theory and Retail Store Patronage,” American Collegiate Retailing Association Spring Conference, Montreal, Quebec, March 2003 (with Stephen Arnold).
“Consumer Activism and Marketers’ Attempts at Corporate Social Legitimacy,” invited presentation at Exploring Corporate Associations: Developing a Research Agenda, American Marketing Association, presented at Oklahoma State University, April 2002.
“Fast, Family or Fun: The Relevance of Performative, Institutional, and Hedonic Norms to Store Choice,” International Conference on Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Vancouver, British Columbia, Volume 8, page 3, June 2001. (with Stephen Arnold and Jane Dunnett).
“Changing the Rules: An Institutional Perspective on the Rhetoric of Consumer Activism,” at Advances in Consumer Research Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2000.
“Applying Institutional Theory to Marketing Strategy”, Organizer and Chair of Special Conference Session, American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago Illinois, Volume 11, page 207, August 2000 (with John P. Workman).
“How Marketers Can ‘Do Well While Doing Good’: The Institutional Theory Framework” Invited Special Session Participant, Academy of Marketing Science, Montreal Quebec, Volume 23, page 350, May 2000.
“Moderators, Mediators, and Multiple Mediation: Theoretical and Empirical Implications”, Academy of Marketing, Stirling Scotland, July 1999 (with Frederic Perron, Patrick Viau, and Stephen Arnold).
“Defining the Community Through Its Retail Structure”, presented at the International Conference on Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Baveno Italy, 1998 (with Allison Gray).
“The Effects of Retail Sector and Competitive Market Structure on Store Choice”, Academy for Marketing Science Retailing Conference, Louis Mo., November, 1997 (with Stephen Arnold and Douglas Tigert).
“Expanding The Application Of The Marketing Concept Through Organizational Theory”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference, Cornelia Droge and Roger Calantone (eds.), Volume 7, Chicago Il, August,1996, 485-491 (with Stephen Arnold).
“S&R Discount Department Store: A Case Study”, Proceedings of the European Association For Education And Research In Commercial Distribution”, Paris, France, July 1996, 340-357. (With Stephen Arnold)
“What Happens When Wal-Mart Comes To Town? The Impact of Competitive Market Structure on Retail Store Patronage”, presented at the International Conference on Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Telfs/Buchen, Austria, June 1996 (with Stephen Arnold and Douglas Tigert).
"Protecting or Stimulating? The Effects of Violence Warnings on Television Viewing By Adolescents", Proceedings of the Public Policy and Marketing Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1995 (with Michael Parent).
- This article has been reviewed and reported in the Globe and Mail, May 1, 1997.
"Retail Store Patronage and Legitimation", Proceedings of the Cutting Edge IV: Patronage Conference, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, May 1995 (with Stephen Arnold and Douglas Tigert).
"Brand Loyalty or Brand Aversion: A Pilot Experiment", Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 1994 Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 1994.
"Henry Mintzberg 25 Years Later: Clues to the Future of Organizational Theory", presented at the First Organizational Studies Doctoral Students Conference, Albany, New York, October 1993.
Commerce ’77 Fellow in Marketing (2014)
Commerce ’77 Fellow in Marketing (2011)
Doctoral Fellow of the American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, Philadelphia, Pa (1995)
Nominated by the University of Lethbridge Dean’s Council for the 3M Teaching Fellowship (1997-1998)
Teaching Awards
Awarded the Accelerated MBA Teaching Award (2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019)
Nominated for Full Time MBA Teaching Award (2011)
Awarded the National Executive MBA Teaching Award (2007)
Nominated by Commerce Student Society for Teaching Excellence Award (Queen’s University) (2205, 2006, 2007)
Awarded the Management Student Society Teaching Award Selected by Residence Students as one of the top 10 professors at the University of Lethbridge (2000)
Awarded the Management Student SocietyTeaching Award (1997)
Nominated for the University of Lethbridge Distinguished Teaching Award (1997)
Nominated for the School of Business (Queen’s University) Best Teaching Award (1996)
Other Awards
Honourable Mention for the 1998 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Doctor Dissertation Award (1998)
Honourable Mention for the 1997 John A. Howard American Marketing Association Doctoral Dissertation Award (1997)
Awarded a Visiting Scholarship to Queen’s University (1997)
Awarded Best Student Paper (Marketing Division) at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 1994 Annual Conference (1994)
Grants & Funding
Standard Research Grant (2000)
SSHRC | $32,000
University Community Service
Executive MBA Curriculum Review Committee, Queen’s University, February 2011 – Present;
Marketing Area Coordinator, Queen’s University, July 2009 – June 2011;
MSc/PhD Program Committee, Queen’s University, 2004 – Present;
Monieson Centre Adjudication Committee, 2008- Present;
Internal Advisory Board, Centre for Responsible Leadership, Queen’s University 2009 – Present;
Founder and Director, Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Queen’s University, 2005 – 2008;
Appointments Committee, Queen’s University, 2008 – 2009;
Promotion, Tenure, Renewal Committee, Queen’s University, 2004 – 2007;
International Committee, Queen’s University, 2003 – 2004;
Salary, Tenure, Promotions Handbook Appeals Committee, University of Lethbridge, 2002 – 2003;
Faculty of Management Search Committee, University of Lethbridge, 2002 – 2003;
Graduate Programs and Research Committee, University of Lethbridge, 2002 – 2003;
Co-ordinator for Introduction to Marketing Course, McGill University, 2000 – 2001;
KARMA, Executive Committee, McGill University, 2000 – 2001;
Undergraduate Program Committee, McGill University, 2000 – 2001;
University of Lethbridge Co-ordinator for the Intercollegiate Business Case Competition;
Council on Graduate Studies, University of Lethbridge, 1998 – 2000;
Faculty of Management Research Committee, University of Lethbridge, 1997 – 2000;
Faculty of Management Curriculum Planning Committee, University of Lethbridge, 1998 – 2000;
Faculty of Management Teaching Effectiveness Committee, University of Lethbridge, 1998 – 2000;
Admissions Standards Committee, University of Lethbridge, 1997 – 1999;
Admissions, Awards, and Graduation Committee, University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Management, 1996 – 1998;
Centre For Management Solutions, University of Lethbridge Consulting Service, Faculty Advisor, 1996 – 1999;
Supervised Applied Studies Projects completed by Herb Barios (1997), Sherri Richardson (1997), and Ray Chow (1998);
Judge, Intercollegiate Business Case Competition, Queen’s University - Marketing Division, 1994; 1995;
Queen's School of Business Research Committee, 1993-1995
Professional Affiliations
- American Marketing Association, Member
- Academy of Marketing Science, Member
- Association for Consumer Research, Member