Selim Topaloglu
Associate ProfessorOverview
Selim Topaloglu is an Associate Professor and RBC Fellow of Finance at Smith School of Business. He holds a PhD in Finance from Arizona State University, an M.A. in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.S. in Management from Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.
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Selim Topaloglu is an Associate Professor and RBC Fellow of Finance at Smith School of Business.
He holds a PhD in Finance from Arizona State University, an M.A. in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.S. in Management from Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey.
Prior to joining Smith, he visited Purdue University. Dr. Topaloglu’s research interests include trading behavior of individuals and institutions, initial public offerings, and analyst behavior.
His research has been published in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Finance
Arizona State University (2002)
M.A. in Finance
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (1998)
B.S. in Management
Bilkent University (Turkey) (1995)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Associate Professor of Finance (with Tenure) (2010 - Present)
RBC Fellow of Finance (2006 - Present)
Assistant Professor of Finance (2003-2010)
Journal Articles
“Examining the Dark Side of Financial Markets: Do Institutions Trade on Information from Investment Bank Connections?” with John Griffin and Tao Shu, 2012, Review of Financial Studies 25, 2155-2188.
“Who Drove and Burst the Tech Bubble?” with John Griffin, Jeff Harris, and Tao Shu, 2011, Journal of Finance 66, 1251-1290.
“Why are IPO Investors Net Buyers through Lead Underwriters?” with John Griffin and Jeff Harris, 2007, Journal of Financial Economics 85, 518-551.
“The Dynamics of Institutional and Individual Trading,” with John Griffin and Jeff Harris, 2003, Journal of Finance 58, 2285-2320.
- Lead article in December 2003 issue
- Nominated for a 2004 Smith Breeden prize
Working Papers
“Anomalies are Publicized Broadly, Institutions Trade Accordingly, and Returns Decay Correspondingly,” with Paul Calluzzo and Fabio Moneta
“Use of Options, Short Sales, and Leverage by Mutual Funds,” with Paul Calluzzo and Fabio Moneta
Teaching Experience
Capital Markets (Ph.D. level) − Queen’s U.
Research Methods (Ph.D. level) − Queen’s U., U. of Melbourne and Arizona State U.
International Finance (MBA level) − Queen’s U., Purdue U., and Arizona State U.
International Finance (Undergraduate level) − Queen’s U.
Empirical Methods in Finance (Undergraduate level) − Queen’s U. and U. of Melbourne Corporate Finance (Undergraduate level) − Queen’s U. Investments (Undergraduate level) − Purdue U.
Visiting Positions
Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance
Purdue University
International Finance, Investments, Corporate Finance
Trading Behavior of Individuals and Institutions, Initial Public Offerings, Analyst Behavior
Conferences and Invited Presentations
Anomalies are Publicized Broadly, Institutions Trade Accordingly, and Returns Decay Correspondingly
- Financial Management Association 2016 Annual Meetings, October 2016
- European Finance Association 2016 Annual Meetings, August 2016
- 8th Conference on Professional Asset Management – RSM Erasmus University, June 2016
- Smith – Ivey Finance Workshop 2016, May 2016
- 9th Financial Risks International Forum, March 2016
- Second Ontario Universities Accounting & Finance Symposium, October 2015
- Northern Finance Association 2015 Annual Meetings, September 2015
- 2nd Alumni Workshop – Collegio Carlo Alberto, June 2015
- York University, February 2015 (by co-author)
Use of Options, Short Sales, and Leverage by Mutual Funds
- Smith – Ivey Finance Workshop 2016, May 2016
- 2016 Telfer Annual Conference on Accounting and Finance, May 2016
Do Institutional Investors Follow Academic Research on Stock Return Predictability? - University of Melbourne, May 2012
Leaders and Followers in the Mutual Fund Industry
- University of Melbourne, May 2012
Examining the Dark Side of Financial Markets: Do Institutions Trade on Information from Investment Bank Connections?
- Nasdaq, December 2011
- Capital Markets Board of Turkey/Bilkent University Financial Seminar Series, April 2011
- Finance Down Under 2011 Conference, March 2011
- 2010 China International Conference in Finance, July 2010
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology, December 2009
How Informed are the Smart Guys? Evidence from Short-Term Institutional Trading prior to Major Events
- 2nd Singapore International Conference on Finance, July 2008
- 2008 China International Conference in Finance, July 2008
Who Drove and Burst the Tech Bubble?
- University of Toronto, November 2006
- 2006 Financial Management Association European Conference, June 2006
- European Finance Association 2005 Annual Meetings, August 2005
- Review of Financial Studies/IU Conference on Bubbles, August 2005
Why are IPO Investors Net Buyers through Lead Underwriters?
- Southwestern Ontario Finance Symposium, December 2005
- York University, December 2005
- American Finance Association 2005 Annual Meetings, January 2005
- NY Fed/OSU/Journal of Financial Economics Conference on "Agency Problems and Conflicts of Interest in Financial Intermediaries", December 2004
- Queen’s University, November 2004
- Koç University, May 2004
- Investor Behavior over the Rise and Fall of Nasdaq
- European Finance Association 2003 Annual Meetings, August 2003
- Western Finance Association 2003 Annual Meetings, June 2003
Institutional Trading Activity around Earnings Announcements: Evidence on the Effects of Regulation FD
- Koç University, January 2003
- Queen’s University, January 2003
- Financial Management Association 2002 Annual Meetings, October 2002
- Western Finance Association 2002 Annual Meetings, June 2002
- Rutgers University, March 2002
- Tilburg University, February 2002
- Arizona State University, November 2001
- Financial Management Association Doctoral Student Seminar, October 2001
The Dynamics of Institutional and Individual Trading
- Financial Management Association 2002 Annual Meetings, October 2002 - Arizona State University, April 2001
RBC Fellow of Finance (2006-2017)
Dean's Fellowship for Distinguished Merit, The Wharton School (1995-1998)
Research Awards
Queen’s School of Business New Researcher Achievement Award (2004)
Other Awards
Research profiled in Queen’s Leaders Forum (2004)
Financial Management Association Doctoral Student Seminar (2001)
Regent's Graduate Academic Scholarship, Arizona State University (1998-2001)
Graduated at the top of the Class of 1995, Bilkent University (1995)
Grants & Funding
Research Grant, SSHRC
2011-2014 | $43,680
2005-2008 | $64,687
2006-2007 | $5,783.46
General Research Grant, Smith School of Business
2014| $2,208
2011 | $7,680
D.I. McLeod Summer RA, Smith School of Business
2013 | $2,250
2012 | $1,440
2005 | $1,993.18
2004 | $2,989.77
D.I. McLeod Term Research Assistantship, Smith School of Business
2013-2014 | $2,880
2012-2013 | $2,880
2011-2012 | $2,880
2010-2011 | $2,880
2009-2010 | $3,168
2003-2004 | $1,800
Queen’s University Office of Research Services Travel Award (2005)
Queen’s School of Business | $750