Jean-Baptiste Litrico
Associate ProfessorOverview
Jean-Baptiste Litrico is Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization at Smith School of Business.
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- Strategy and Organizations
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Professor Litrico’s research examines how organizations and industries respond to changing societal demands. His research interests include social innovation, institutional change, and the management of environmental issues.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of Strategic Organization, and his research has appeared in leading management journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and Journal of Business Ethics.
He has received research and teaching awards including the Smith New Researcher Achievement Award, the Desautels Excellence in Teaching Award, and several competitive research grants.
His teaching spans the fields of Strategy and Organization Theory. At the Smith School of Business, he currently teaches undergraduate courses on Organizational Analysis, Business and Corporate Strategy, and a graduate-level course on the Strategy Process. He has also held visiting professor positions at Hitotsubashi University and Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan, and in a joint McGill-ESPN program in Brazil.
Professor Litrico received his PhD in Management from McGill University. He also holds a BSc and MSc from the University of Technology of Compiègne, France.
Prior to entering Academia, he worked eight years in the global automotive industry, in France, Germany, Canada, and Mexico, and consulted for UNESCO and the McConnell Family Foundation. He is fluent in French, English, Spanish, and German.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Management
Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University
M.Sc. in Human Science and Technology
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design
Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Academic Experience
Queen’s University, Smith School of Business
Director, Centre for Social Impact (2019 - Present)
Associate Professor of Strategy and Organization (with tenure) (2015 - Present)
Assistant Professor of Strategy and Organization (2009-2015)
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management
Instructor (2007)
Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant (2003-2008)
Besharov, M., Litrico J.-B., & Kislenko S., (2019) “The many roads to revenue generation: Commercialization strategies for nonprofits.” Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall Issue.
Litrico J.-B. & Besharov, M., (2018) “Unpacking variation in hybrid organizational forms: Changing conceptions of social enterprise among nonprofits, 2000-2013.” Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), 343-360.
Litrico J.-B. & Lee, M.D. (2018) “Naturalizing sustainability: How industry actors make sense of a threatening concept,” Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 38: 259-288. Special issue on “Sustainability, Stakeholder Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility.”
Litrico J.-B. & David, R.J. (2017). “The evolution of issue interpretation within organizational fields: Actor positions, framing trajectories, and field settlement,” Academy of Management Journal, 60 (3), 986-1015.
Litrico J.-B. & Choi J.N. (2013). “A look in the mirror: Reflected efficacy beliefs in groups,” Small Group Research, 44 (6), 658-679.
Litrico J.-B., Lee M.D., & Kossek E.E. (2011). “Cross-level dynamics between changing organizations and career patterns of reduced-load professionals,” Organization Studies, 32 (12): 1678-1697.
Lee M.D., Kossek E.E., Hall D.T., & Litrico J.-B. (2011). “Entangled strands: A process perspective on the evolution of careers in the context of personal, family, work, and community life,” Human Relations, 64(12): 1531-1553.
Litrico J.-B. & Lee M.D. (2008). “Balancing exploration and exploitation in alternative work arrangements: A multiple case study in the professional and management services industry.” Journal of Organizational Behavior 29(8): 995-1020. Lead article in the special issue on Professional Services Firms.
Litrico J.-B. (2007). “Beyond paternalism: Cross-cultural perspectives on the functioning of a Mexican production plant.” Journal of Business Ethics 73: 53-63.
“Changing conceptions of social enterprise among nonprofits, 2000-2013,” (2014). With Marya Besharov. Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants. Kingston: Queen’s School of Business.
“La diffusion des innovations sociales: Le cas des cuisines collectives,” (2014). Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants. Kingston: Queen’s School of Business.
“The diffusion and evolution of environmental management concepts in civil aviation,” (2010). Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants. Montreal: Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University.
“Development of a learning tool on human resources management: Recommendations and design proposal,” (2005). With Schneider P., Jaeger A., Gagnon S., & St Amand S. Report submitted to UNESCO by the Center for International Management Studies, McGill University.
“Making flexibility work: What managers have learned about implementing reduced-load work,” (2005). With Kossek E.E. and Lee M.D., with Gersick C., Hall D.T., Schreiber C., Bernstein, M., Lirio P., Friede A., Karakas F. Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants in Phase II of “Managing Professionals in New Work Forms,” Montreal: Faculty of Management, McGill University.
“Crafting lives that work: A six-year retrospective on reduced-load work in the careers and lives of professionals and managers,” (2005). With Kossek E.E. and Lee M.D., with Gersick C., Hall D.T., Schreiber C., Bernstein, M., Lirio P., Friede A., Karakas F. Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants in Phase I of “Managing Professionals in New Work Forms,” Montreal: Faculty of Management, McGill University.
“Food for thought: A patchwork of quotes from participants in the McConnell Applied Dissemination Workshop,” (2004). Report submitted to the McConnell Foundation, Montreal, QC.
In the Media
“How non-profits can use business as a force for good”, with Marya Besharov. The Conversation Canada, August 29, 2019. Republished in The Conversation US; Salon.com; Winnipeg Free Press; Big News Network; The Queen’s Gazette; Smith Insight, Worth.com, Prince George Citizen, Thoroldnews.com, Yahoo Finance.
“Making sense of sustainability” Smith Insight. November 28, 2018.
“Framing Issues on the Fly” Smith Insight. September 30, 2016.
“The trouble with reduced work weeks”, with M.D. Lee. National Post, August 11, 2009.
A Brewer’s Dilemma: Skeleton Park Brewing. Smith Living Case, September 2019
The Circular Economy. Smith Living Case, February 2019
Flixbus: Buzzing in the Canadian Market. Smith Living Case, February 2019
Fitbit: Growing and Leveraging a User Community. Smith Living Case, February 2019
Delta: Climbing Higher. Smith Living Case, September 2017
Charting Samsung’s Corporate Strategy. Smith Living Case, September 2015
Courses Taught
Queen’s University
- Business and Corporate Strategy, Commerce Program, 2015-2019
- Strategy Process, PhD Program, 2011-2015, 2019
- Organizational Analysis, Commerce Program, 2010-2015
- Strategies for Social Innovation, Commerce Program, 2010
- Guest Lecturer in the Program for Professional Development in Ultra Large-Scale Software Systems, Computer Science Department, Queen’s University, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016.
McGill University / ESPM (Brazil)
- Cross-cultural Management, MBA/Undergraduate Summer School in Brazil, 2007
Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
- International Comparison of Innovation, Undergraduate/Graduate elective, 2017
Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)
- Business and Society in Canada, Undergraduate elective, 2016, 2018
- Strategic Management in Canada, Undergraduate elective, 2016, 2018
- Global Career Seminar in Japan (Cross-Cultural College), 2016, 2018
Research Supervision and Committees
- Andrew Roland, M.Sc. 2012 (Reader)
- Tom Moir, M.Sc. 2013 (Supervisor)
- Diego Soares, M.Sc. 2014 (Supervisor)
- Yoanna Sayili, M.Sc. 2014 (Reader)
- Dean Howley, M.Sc. 2015 (Supervisor)
- Kui Chen, M.Sc. 2015 (Reader)
- Suchit Ahuja, Ph.D. 2017 (Member of Doctoral Committee)
- Jeff Wiebe, Ph.D. 2019 (Member of Doctoral Committee)
- Simon Iskander, M.Sc. 2018 (Reader)
- Hadi Shaheen, M.Sc. 2019 (Supervisor)
- Carol Li, Ph.D. Candidate (Member of Doctoral Committee)
- Muhammad Deabas, Ph.D. Candidate (Supervisor of Summer Project)
- Waqas Nawaz, Ph.D. Candidate (Supervisor)
- Jordyn Hrenyk, M.Sc. 2019 (Reader)
- Ali Khan, Ph.D. Candidate (Member of Doctoral Committee)
- Sarim Jamal, M.Sc. 2021 (Supervisor)
- Ugwuanyi Ndubuisi, M.Sc. 2021 (Reader)
- Ashkan Salehi Sadaghiani, M.Sc. 2021 (Reader)
External Examiner
- Rachel Jackson, University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business MBA (2014)
- Anne Pao, University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business MBA (2014)
- Una Wilson, University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business MSc (2014)
- Sean Buchanan, Schulich School of Business, York University, PhD (2016)
Visiting Positions
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research (Japan)
Visiting Professor
March-July 2017
Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)
Visiting Professor
August 2016-January 2017; April-August 2018
Universidad Torcuato di Tela (Argentina)
Visiting Researcher
March-June 2009
Social Innovation; Institutional Change; Sustainability; Environmental Issues; Business Collective Action
Refereed Conference Presentations
Litrico J.-B., Marques J.C. & van Wijk J., “Coach or referee (or both)? The multifaceted role of business interest meta-organizations in the governance of organizational fields” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
Litrico J.-B., Edman J. & Hoyt, E. “Stalled emergence: How social and ecological embeddedness constrained growth in the Japanese whale-watching field” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2018, Chicago, IL.
Litrico J.-B. & Besharov M. “Unpacking variation in hybrid organizational forms: Changing models of social enterprise among nonprofits, 2000-2013” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2018, Chicago, IL.
Litrico J.-B., Marques J.C. & van Wijk J., “Field governance: Business interest organizations and collective action in response to social activism” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
Litrico J.-B., Edman J. & Hoyt, E. “Stalled emergence: How social and ecological embeddedness constrained growth in the Japanese whale-watching field” Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics Annual Conference 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
Litrico J.-B., Marques J.C. & van Wijk J., “Institutional complexity response strategies: Exploring the role of Business-Interest Organizations” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2017, Copenhagen, Danemark.
Litrico J.-B. & van Wijk, J., “Responding to institutional complexity: Exploring the role of Business-Interest Organizations” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, BC.
MacAulay M. & Litrico J.-B, “Boundary work in meta-organizations” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2015, Athens, Greece.
Litrico J.-B. & Besharov M. “Constructing institutional complexity: Changing conceptions of social enterprise” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
Litrico J.-B. & David R. “A field-level analysis of response to institutional pressure: Divergent framing of environmental management in civil aviation” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2014, Rotterdam, Holland.
Litrico J.-B. & Besharov M., “Pathways toward institutional complexity: Changing conceptions of social enterprise among nonprofits, 2000-2010” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2014, Rotterdam, Holland.
Litrico J.-B. & Lee, M.D. “Responding to industry identity threat: Naturalizing ‘sustainability’ in aviation” European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium 2013, Montreal, QC.
Litrico J.-B. & Besharov M., “Emergence of a hybrid category: Changing conceptions of social enterprise, 2000-2010” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2013, Orlando, FL.
Litrico J.-B. & David R. “How umbrella constructs evolve within fields: The framing of environmental management in aviation” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, MA.
Litrico J.-B. “Who are we becoming? Managing collective identity during the scaling up of social innovations” NYU Satter Conference on Social Entrepreneurship 2010, NYC.
Litrico J.-B. “Framing the environmental impact of aviation: A longitudinal perspective” Organization Studies Workshop 2010, Margaux, France.
Litrico J.-B., Lee M.D. and Kossek E.E. “Cross-level dynamics between individual career journeys and organizational currents” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2009, Chicago, IL.
Litrico J.-B. “Spillover: On the fluidity of management practices – how they spread across organizational boundaries,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2008, Anaheim, CA.
Litrico J.-B. “Framing as a strategic response to meaning inflation in the diffusion of collective kitchens in Quebec,” European Group for Organization Studies 2008, Amsterdam, Holland.
Litrico J.-B. “Meaning inflation and identity maintenance in the diffusion of new organizational forms: The case of collective kitchens in Quebec” Cornell-McGill Conference on Institutions and Entrepreneurship 2007, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Litrico J.-B. “A story of institutional entrepreneurship: The diffusion of collective kitchens in Quebec.” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting 2006, Banff, Alberta.
Litrico J.-B. & Lee M.D. “Balancing exploration and exploitation in alternative work arrangements: A multiple case-study in the professional and management services industry” Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2005, Honolulu, HI.
Litrico J.-B. “Legitimacy delays in the diffusion of new organizational forms” Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting 2005, Toronto, ON.
Invited Presentations
2019 Community for Social Innovation, Toronto
- Faculty Research Seminar, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
2018 John Molson School of Business, Concordia University.
- Innovation Research Center, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan
- Smith School of Business Research Showcase, Kingston, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
2017 Institute of Innovation Research Seminar, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
- McGill MBA Program in Japan, Tokyo, Japan
- Colloquium on Organization Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
2016 Institute of Innovation Research Seminar, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
- Canadian Studies Seminar, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan
- Japanese Association of Canadian Studies Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
- ITAM, D.F., Mexico
- School of Policy Studies Seminar Series, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
2015 Smith School of Business Research Showcase, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
- Queen’s University SSHRC Research Showcase, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
2014 Center for Responsible Leadership, Queen’s School of Business, Kingston, Canada
2013 Community for Social Innovation, Toronto
- Queen’s School of Business Faculty Research Seminar, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
- Ontario Qualitative Research Workshop, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada 2008
- London Business School, U.K.
- Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
- Rochester Institute of Technology, USA McGill University, Montreal, Canada
2004 Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
2003 University of Technology of Compiègne, France.
Academic Conference Organization and Discussant Participation
Discussant, European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK, July 2019.
Session Chair & Discussant, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, St Catherines, June 2019.
Session Chair, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 2018.
Workshop Organizer (with M. Spitzmuller), Queen’s Workshop on Meaning across Levels, October 2017.
Session Chair, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 2015.
Session Chair, European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, Athens, July 2015.
Discussant, Queen’s Qualitative Research Workshop, Kingston, ON, May 2013.
Workshop Organizer (with C. Cloutier, L. Cohen, T. Dacin, R. Huising, S. Kaplan, C. Rerup, M. Zbaracki), Quebec-Ontario Qualitative Research Workshop, Montreal, May 2015.
Discussant, European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, Rotterdam, July 2014.
Discussant, European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium, Montreal, QC, July 2013.
Discussant, Queen’s Qualitative Research Workshop, Kingston, ON, May 2013.
Workshop Organizer (with C. Cloutier, L. Cohen, T. Dacin, R. Huising, S. Kaplan), Queen’s Qualitative Research Workshop, Kingston, ON, May 2013.
Subtheme Convenor (with T. Dacin and P. Tracey), “Collective Processes of Social Innovation”, EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, July 2012.
Discussion Paper Coach, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, OMT division, August 2012.
Organizer of Panel-Symposium (with S. Shah), “Developing more robust theory by building bridges between qualitative and quantitative research methods,” sponsored by the RM, OMT and BPS divisions, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 2008.
Paper Session Discussant, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, June 2008. Organization Theory Division.
Paper Session Discussant, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, June 2007. Organization Theory Division.
Paper Session Discussant, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, June 2006. Organization Theory Division.
Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Strategy, Smith School of Business (2014-17, 2017-20)
Doctoral Fellowship, Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (2006)
Arthur Tagge McGill Majors Fellowship, McGill University (2005)
Norman Strauss Doctoral Fellowship, McGill University (2004)
Recruitment Doctoral Fellowship, McGill University (2003)
Research Awards
New Researcher Achievement Award, Queen’s School of Business (2011)
Dissertation Research Award, SSHRC Grant Subcommittee, McGill University (2008)
Teaching Awards
Excellence in Teaching Award, Ph.D. Program in Management, McGill University (2007)
Other Awards
ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) Reviewing Award, OMT Division, AOM (2015, 2018)
Nominated for Graduation Prize, McGill University (2010)
Honours (Mention Bien), M.Sc. Program, Université de Technologie de Compiègne (1997)
Erasmus Scholarship, European Union (1994)
Full Tuition Scholarship for one year exchange at the University of Pennsylvania (1992)
Grants & Funding
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (2017), Principal Investigator (with M. Spitzmuller, Co-Investigator), $124,760
Monieson Collaborative Research Grant (2016), Smith School of Business, Project Lead (with M. Spitzmuller, Co-Investigator), $87,740
Undergraduate Student Summer Research Grant (2014), Queen’s University, Ara Dungca (Student), JB Litrico (Advisor), $5,000
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Development Grant (2013), Principal
Investigator (with M. Besharov, Co-Investigator), $45,831
General Research Grant (2013), with G. Andrevski, Queen’s School of Business, $4,200
Faculty Development Fund (2013), Queen’s School of Business
SSHRC 4A Status Grant (2012), Queen’s University, $5,000
General Research Grant (2012) (with T. Dacin), Queen’s School of Business, $5,000
D.I. McLeod Research Assistantship, Smith School of Business: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2019
General Research Grant (2011), sole investigator, Queen’s School of Business, $4,900
Faculty Development Fund, Queen’s School of Business: 2010, 2011
Professional Service
Editorial Board Member
- Strategic Organization (December 2015-)
- SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
- Chair of the Selection Committee, Insight Program, Business, Management and related fields, 2021
- Committee Member, Insight Program, Business, Management and related fields, 2018-2020
- External Reviewer, Insight Program
- FQRSC (Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture)
- Member of the Selection Committee, Young Professors Program (2011)
- External Reviewer Young Professors Program
Ad hoc Reviewer for Journals / Publishers
- Academy of Management Journal
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- Business & Society
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
- Gestion
- Harvard Business School Publishing
- Human Relations
- INFORMS Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition
- Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology
- Journal of Management Studies
- Organization Science
- Organization Studies
- Pearson Higher Education
- Small Group Research
- Strategic Organization
- Cambridge University Press
Ad hoc Reviewer for Conferences
- Academy of Management Annual Meetings
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Meetings
- Strategic Management Society Conference
University Service
Smith School of Business Service
- Renewal, Tenure and Promotion Committee: 2013
- Research Committee: 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019
- Awards Committee: 2018
- Building Usage Committee: 2012
- Unit Research Ethics Board, 2017
- Strategy Area Seminar Series Coordinator: 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Strategy Area Representative, Commerce Course Information Session: 2012, 2013
- Internal Advisory Board, Center for Social Impact: 2011-2015
- Judge, ICBC Case Competition: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Judge, QCC Case Competition: 2011
- Strategy Area Comprehensive Exam Coordinator: 2019
- Participation to area activities: Faculty hiring, MSc/PhD students recruitment, etc.
Queen’s University and Broader Community Service
- Co-facilitator, 17 Rooms event, Queen’s University, 2021
- Member, Queen’s In the Community Committee, 2021
- Assessor, Small Business Grant Program, City of Kingston, 2021
- Member of Kingston Mayor’s Economic Recovery Working Group on Community Confidence, 2020
- Member of Innovation Working Group, Queen’s University, 2020-21
- President of the Board of Directors, Queen’s Daycare Corporation, 2015-2016
- Board of Directors, Queen’s Daycare Corporation, 2014
- Dissertation Defense Chair, 2016, 2018, 2020
- Session Leader for Queen’s Reads Program: 2013
- Reviewer of Queen’s Chancellor’s Scholarship applications: 2011, 2014, 2015
- Presenter, SSHRC Grant Development Session, Queen’s University Research Services: 2013
- Roundtable Discussant, Queen’s Conference on Philanthropy: 2010
- Panel Presenter, Center for Teaching and Learning Workshop: 2009
- Co-Founder and first elected Vice President Academic, Desautels Doctoral Students Society, McGill University
Queen’s University and Broader Community Service
Business Experience/Consulting
2005: Training Needs Assessment of UNESCO Managers: Individual interviews and focus groups conducted at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. Work under contract for the Center for International Management Studies, McGill University
2004: Formative Evaluation of the Program for Voluntary Leaders, J. W. McConnell Family Foundation, in collaboration with Prof. Frances Westley, McGill University, and Dr. Michael Q. Patton. The results were presented at the Workshop on Social Innovation hosted by the McConnell Foundation, Montreal, Canada
1995–2003: Montupet SA, a specialist in aluminum automotive components
- Technical Director (Mexico, 21/2 years)
- Product Development Director (Canada, 6 months)
- Project Manager (France, 2 years)
- Co-founder and Technical Representative, German Commercial Office (Germany, 2 years)
- Project Engineer (France, 1 year)