Nailin Bu
Associate ProfessorOverview
Nailin Bu is Associate Professor at Smith School of Business, Queen's University in Canada. She is a native of Shanghai, China and received her BSc and MSc training in China at Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. She completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia in Canada, and taught at the University of Victoria in Canada prior to her current appointment.
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- International Business
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Full Bio
Nailin Bu is Associate Professor at School of Business, Queen's University in Canada. She is a native of Shanghai, China and received her BSc and MSc training in China at Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. She completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia in Canada, and taught at the University of Victoria in Canada prior to her current appointment.
Dr. Bu specializes in international business, cross-cultural management, management in China and the Asia-Pacific regions, and international human resource management. She has received research funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, CGA-Canada and other agencies.
Her research has appeared in many scholarly publications, including International Journal of Human Resource Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. Her current projects include several studies exploring the networking practices of senior and middle-level managers in China, the determinants of voluntary turnover among managers and professionals in China, and Chinese consumers' retail store choice behaviours.
Dr. Bu has extensive collaborations with colleagues in China and Taiwan and travels frequently to these locations. Her experience in East Asia informs her teaching in various subjects of international business, including doing business in Asia, cross-cultural management, international business strategy and country analysis.
Academic Degrees
PhD Organizational Behaviour
University of British Columbia (1992)
M.Sc. Macroeconomics and Management
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (1985)
B.Sc. Computer Science
Fudan University (1983)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor of International Business (Tenured) (2001 - Present)
Assistant Professor of International Business (Tenure track) (1995-2001)
School of Business, University of Victoria
Assistant Professor (Tenure track) (1992-1995)
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia
Instructor (1990-1991)
Research Assistant (1987-1988)
Journal Articles
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul. (Forthcoming). Guanxi Practice and Quality: A comparative analysis of Chinese managers’ business-to-business and business-to-government ties. Management and Organization Review.
Bu, Nailin, McKeen, Carol. A., & Shen, Wengo. (2011). “Behavioural indicators of turnover intentions: The case of young professionals in china”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22: 3338–3356.
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul (2008). Chinese Managers’ Career Success Networks: The Impact of Key Tie Characteristics on Structure and Interaction Practices. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19: 1088-1107.
Arnold, Stephen J., Bu, Nailin, Gerhard, Ulrike, Pioch, Elke & Sun, Zhengxin (2006). The Institutional Semiotics of Wal-Mart Flyers and Signage in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and China. In Brunn, S. D. (Ed.), Wal*Mart World: The World’s Biggest Corporation in the Global Economy. New York: Routledge.
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul (2005). Career success networks in China: Sex differences in homophily and social exchange practices. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 22: 381-403.
McKeen, Carol A. & Bu, Nailin (2005). Gender roles: An examination of the hopes and expectations of the next generation of managers in Canada and China. Sex Roles, 52: 533-546.
King, Ruth & Bu, Nailin (2005). Perceptions of the mutual obligations between employees and employers: A comparative study of new generation IT professionals in China and the United States. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16: 46-64.
Wang, Bruce, C-Y. & Bu, Nailin (2004). Attitudes toward international careers among male and female Canadian business students after 9-11. Career Development International. 9: 647-672.
Bu, Nailin, Peng, T. K. & Craig, Timothy J. (2003). Abstract questions vs. vignettes: Exploring response biases in cross-cultural management studies involving PRC, Taiwanese and U.S. respondents. Pan Pacific Business Review. 6(2): 179-194.
Bu, Nailin & McKeen, Carol. A. (2002). Introduction. Women in Management Review: Gender issues in multinational corporations,17: 48-50.
Bu, Nailin, Craig, Timothy J., & Peng, T. K. (2001). Acceptance of supervisory direction in typical workplace situations: A comparison of U.S., Taiwanese and PRC employees. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 1(2): 131-152.
Bu, Nailin, Craig, Timothy J., & Peng, T. K. (2001). Reaction to authority. Thunderbird International Business Review, 43(6): 773-795.
Bu, Nailin, Peng, T. K. & Craig, Timothy J. (2001). Employee reactions to supervisory direction in four types of firms in Taiwan: The effects of company policy, peer consensus and independent assessment. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management. 18: 45-67.
Bu, Nailin, & McKeen, Carol A. (2001). Work goals among male and female business students in Canada and China: The effects of culture and gender. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 12(2): 166-183.
Bu, Nailin, & McKeen, Carol A. (2000). Work and family expectations of the future managers and professionals of Canada and China. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15(8): 771-790.
Rodrigues, C. A., Bu, Nailin, & Min, Byung. (2000). Learners’ training approach preference: National culture as a determinant. Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal, 7(1): 23-32.
Bu, Nailin, & Xu, Ji-liang. (2000). Work-related attitudes among Chinese employees vis-à-vis “American” and “Japanese” management models. In M. Warner (Ed.), Changing workplace relations in the Chinese economy: Beyond the iron rice bowl (pp. 185-204). London: Macmillan.
Bu, Nailin & Xu, J. L. (1999). Consensus and alienation: Changing attitudes among Chinese employees during the reform. Journal of Asian Business, 15(3): 1-25.
McKeen, C. A. & Bu, Nailin. (1998). Career and life expectations of Chinese business students: The effects of gender. Women in Management Review, 13: 171-183.
Bu, Nailin & Xu, Ji-liang. (1996). Strategic Human Resource Management. In M. K. Nyaw & C. M. Lau (Eds.), Contemporary theories of management (pp. 337-356). Hong Kong: Commercial Publisher Ltd. (In Chinese Language)
Bu, Nailin. (1994). Red cadres and specialists as modern managers: An empirical assessment of managerial competencies in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5(2): 355-381.
Bu, Nailin & Mitchell, Vance F. (1992). Developing the PRC's managers: How can Western experts become more helpful? Journal of Management Development, 11(2): 42-53.
Moore, Larry F. & Bu, Nailin. (1990). Human resource planning in Canada: A perspective. Asia Pacific Human Resource Management, 28(3): 5-55.
Chiu, Eva, & Bu, Nailin (1990). Internal labour markets: An analytical framework for comparative studies in human resources management. In K. Rowland, B. Shaw, J. Beck, & J. Ferris (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resource management (Supplement 2) (pp. 263-277). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc.
Professional Publications & Reports
Bu, Nailin (2014). Building Social Networks in China. QSB Insight White Paper Series.
McKeen, Carol. A., & Bu, Nailin. (1998). Accounting for yin-yang. CGA Magazine, February: 18-24. (Cover feature article)
Bu, Nailin, Xu, Ji-liang, & Craig, Timothy J. (1996). Reacting to control: A comparison of Chinese, American and Japanese employees. In Approaching Asia: Publication of Center for Canada-Asia Business Relations at Queen's University, 2(3): 3-4.
Bu, Nailin. (Forthcoming). Occupational opportunity, career progression and work experience of immigrants in the Canadian labour market. Window feature to appear in G. Dessler & A. Turner, Human Resource Management in Canada. (Publisher undecided).
Bu, Nailin. (1994). Report from China. Asia-Pacific News: Newsletter of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives at University of Victoria, February: 2.
Murphy, Peter, & Bu, Nailin. (1992). An evaluation of the consultant tendering process for the Research and Information Management Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Tourism. Technical report prepared for the B. C. Ministry of Tourism, Research and Administration Management Division.
Editorial Activities
Bu, Nailin & McKeen, Carol A. Guest Editors. (2002): Special Issue of Women in Management Review: Gender issues in multinational corporations, 17.
Bu, Nailin & Smith, Matthew Smith, Eds. (2001): Conference Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Competition and Conference: Building Bridges across the Pacific. Toronto, March 2001.
Canadian Regional Coordinator: Conference on International Business with China: Opportunities and Challenges, Beijing, China. June 1997. Advised the chief organizer on ways of publicizing the conference among Canadian academics, corresponded with paper contributors, and organized the review of submissions.
Courses Taught
- Global Leadership Across Cultures
- Managing in Multicultural Environment (Cross-Cultural Management & International Human Resource
- Management)
- Doing Business in the Asia-Pacific Rim
- Emerging markets: Focus on China
- International Business Strategy
- International Business (Country Risk Analysis)
- Organizational Behaviour
Visiting Positions
Visiting Lecturer
School of Business, University of Victoria
Cross-Cultural Management, Doing Business in China and the Asia-Pacific Region, International Human Resource Management, International Business Strategy, Country Risk Assessment
Refereed Conference Proceedings and Presentations
Roy, Jean-Paul & Bu, Nailin (2013). Guanxi practice and quality: A comparative examination of business and government ties in China. Paper presentation at Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, December 5-7. Bali, Indonesia.
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul. (2013). Guanxi development, exchange and interaction practices across firm boundaries in China. Paper presentation at the Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting, August 9-13. Orlando, FL.
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul (2012). Guanxi practice: A comparative examination of business and government ties. Paper presentation at the 2012 Asia Academy of Management Conference, December 10-12, Seoul, Korea. (Peer reviewed)
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul (2006). Chinese Managers’ Career Success Networks: The Impact of Key Tie Characteristics on Structure and Interaction Practices. Paper presentation at the Fifth Asia Academy of Management, Tokyo, December.
Arnold, Steve J., Shen, Wenguo, Bu, Nailin, Sun, Zhengxin. (2006). Retail Food Store Patronage and Wal-Mart Performance in China. Presented at the Globalizing Retail Seminar, University of Surrey, UK. July 18.
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul (2004). Career success networks in China: Sex differences in homophily and social exchange practices. Paper presentation at Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Special Issue Conference – Networks in Asia-Pacific Business. Shanghai, China. December.
Bu, Nailin & Roy, Jean-Paul (2004). Career success networks in China: Sex differences in homophily and social exchange practices. Paper presentation at the Fourth Asia Academy of Management Conference. Shanghai, China. December.
King, Ruth & Bu, Nailin (2003). The psychological contract comparison between USA and Chinese IT professionals. Paper presentation at the Americas Conference in Information Systems. Tampa, FL. August.
McKeen, Carol & Bu, Nailin (2002). The dreams and realities of the next generation of managers in China and Canada. Accepted for presentation at the Third Asia Academy of Management Conference. Bangkok, Thailand.
Roy, Jean-Paul & Bu, Nailin (2002). Individualism-collectivism and social network preferences. Presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Denver, CO.
Bu, Nailin, Craig, Timothy J., & Peng, T. K. (November 2000). The impact of company policies, peer consensus and independent assessment on reactions to authority: a comparison of Japanese, Taiwanese and PRC employees. Paper presentation at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
Bu, Nailin, Peng, T. K. & Craig, Timothy J. (August 2000). Employee reactions to supervisory direction in four types of firms in Taiwan: The effects of company policy, peer consensus and independent assessment. Paper presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Toronto, Canada.
Bu, Nailin, Craig, Timothy J., & Peng, T. K. (November 1999). Acceptance of supervisory authority under typical workplace conditions among U.S., Taiwanese and PRC employees. Paper presentation at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC.
McKeen, C & Bu, Nailin. (December 1998). Career and life expectations of Chinese and Canadian business students: Cross-national and sex differences. Paper presentation at the Inaugural Conference of the Asia Academy of Management. Hong Kong.
Bu, Nailin, Craig, Timothy J. & Peng, T. K. (October 1998). Abstract question and response bias in cross-cultural studies involving PRC, Taiwanese and U.S. respondents. Paper presentation at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria.
Rodrigues, Carl. A., Bu, Nailin, & Min, Byung. (July 1998). Learners’ training approach preference: National culture as a determinant. Paper presentation at the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management’s Fourth World Congress. Madrid, Spain.
McKeen, C. & Bu, Nailin. (June 1998). Career and life expectations of Chinese business students: The effects of gender. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of Administrative Science Association of Canada. Saskatoon, SA.
Bu, Nailin & Craig, Timothy J. (June 1997). Toward effective methods of organizational control: A comparative study of PRC and U.S. employees. Conference proceedings: International Business with China: Opportunities and Challenges. Beijing, China.
Bu, Nailin & Xu, Ji-liang. (November 1996). Changing attitudes toward work and organization: A longitudinal study of Chinese employees. Proceedings of the Third Annual International Conference of Human Resource Management in the Asia-Pacific Region. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Xu, Ji-liang, & Bu, Nailin (October 1995). Employee compliance with hierarchical control: PRC employees compared with U.S. and Japanese employees. Paper presentation at the Hitotsubashi Organization Science Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
Bu, Nailin, Jennings, P. Devereaux, & Xu, Ji-liang. (August 1995). Basics and beyond: Benefits and participation as work values in Shanghai. Paper presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Bu, Nailin, Jennings, P. Devereaux, & Xu, Ji-liang. (December 1994). Managerial values, workplace attitudes and HR practices: The case of Shanghai, Proceedings of Canada-China Business Linkages: Growth and Sustainability. Vancouver, B. C., Canada.
Bu, Nailin. (December 1993). Learning style and pedagogical preference: A field study of business students from Canada and Taiwan. Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the European International Business Association. Lisbon, Portugal.
Bu, Nailin. (October 1993). From specialists and bureaucrats to modern managers: Managerial Competencies in the People's Republic of China. Paper presentation at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Maui, Hawaii.
Bu, Nailin. (June 1993). Understanding the nature of management across nations: A geocentric perspective. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference. Lake Louise, AL, Canada.
Bu, Nailin. (May 1993). Studying organizational flexibility across nations: Incorporating the concept of national culture. Paper presentation at the Colloquium on Flexibility in Organizations. Victoria, BC, Canada.
Rodrigues, C. A. & Bu, Nailin. (November 1992). The European Community 1992: External international firms' perception of its opportunities and threats and their strategies. Paper presentation at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Brussels, Belgium.
Eldridge, D. & Bu, Nailin. (June 1992). Impacts of culture on reward distribution in the workplace. Proceedings of the Third Conference on International Personnel and Human Resources Management (Vol. 2). Berhamsted, UK.
Bu, Nailin. (June 1992). A geocentric and synthetic framework for studying organizational management in a globalized business environment. Proceedings of the 1992 Western Regional Meeting of the Academy of International Business (pp. 233-248). Victoria, BC., Canada.
Sheltzer, Larry, Wehrung, Don, & Bu, Nailin. (1991). Human resource management training in the People's Republic of China: Experiences from an executive development program. Paper
Invited Lectures and Addresses
2012 - “ABC's of Doing Business in China”. Invited speaker at a Global China Connection event at Queen’s University. November 14 2012.
2012 - “Winning China’s Billion: Marketing Strategy in China”. Invited speaker by FTMBA students’ International Management Club. August 2 2012.
2012 - “Guanxi Building 101”. Invited speaker at the “Doing Business in China” workshop as part of the B Comm Senior Communications Workshops. March 26 2011.
2011 - “Guanxi Building 101”. Invited speaker of Queen’s University B Commerce Senior Communications Workshop “Doing Business in China”. November 8.
2011 - “The Momentum of China’s Economic Development in the Coming Decades”. Invited speaker at the Queen’s Symposium on The People's Republic - China's Future Path. March 11-12.
2011 - “Canada and a Rising Asia”. Panelist at the Q’BET Conference. Kingston, ON. Nov 3-5.
2010 - “The Path of China’s Economic Development and Success Factors of Western Businesses in China: Looking Forward into the Next Few Decades”. Invited speaker at the Canada-China Friendship Society. Ottawa. April 29.
2006 - “Sino-Western cultural differences and Implications for successful social and business interactions in North America.” Workshop for CGA Canada in China. Shanghai, March 5 and Beijing. March 10.
2005 - “Outsourcing to China and India”. Panelist at the Q’BET Conference. Kingston, ON. November 5.
2005 - “Barriers to Intercultural Communication”. Keynote speaker at AIESEC-Queen’s Ontario-Quebec Chapter Conference. Kingston, ON. January 28-30.
2004 - Roundtable on Emerging China Research Agenda. First China Research Symposium at Queen’s University. Kingston, ON. October 28.
2004 - “Cultural Differences and Doing Business in Western Countries” Guest speaker to MBA students at Zhongshan University, Guanzhou, China. March.
2004 - Bu, Nailin, Craig, Timothy J., & Peng, T. K. (2004). Acceptance of supervisory authority under typical workplace conditions among U.S., Taiwanese and PRC employees. Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of Taiwan Studies Scholars and the Canadian Asian Studies Association Annual Conference. Calgary, AB. October.
2003 - Bu, Nailin, Peng, T. K. & Craig, Timothy J. (2003). Employee reactions to supervisory direction in four types of firms in Taiwan: The effects of company policy, peer consensus and independent assessment. Paper presented at the First Annual Conference of Taiwan Studies Scholars. Ottawa. November.
2002 - “Networking in China.” Guest speaker to Executive MBA class at the Boeing School of Business, St Louis, MO: Saint Louis University.
2001 - “Societal and business cultures in Canada.” Guest speaker at International MBA class at the School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
2001 - “Doing business in China.” Speaker at the AIESEC Ontario chapter conference, Queen's University.
1999 - “Cross-cultural challenges.” Guest speaker for a course entitled “Beyond Academia” at the Medical Research Council of Canada’s Group in Sensory-Motor Neuroscience, Queen’s University.
1999 - “What matters in China.” Speaker at the Asian Business Consortium Round Table. University of Toronto.
1998 - “Cross-cultural challenges.” Guest speaker at a course entitled “Beyond Academia” at the Medical Research Council of Canada’s Group in Sensory-Motor Neuroscience, Queen’s University.
1997 - “Working in China: Opportunities and challenges.” Speech at the Canada-Asia Business Relation Centre Career Week. Queen’s University. Kingston, ON., Canada
1997 - “Management in the People’s Republic of China in comparison with the West: Convergence, divergence or crossvergence?” Speech at the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives Forum: Chinese Interpretation of Western Institutions. University of Victoria. Victoria, B.C.
1994 - “The impact of culture on reward distribution in work group.” Speaker at the First Annual Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives Student Forum: The Canadian Asian Link. University of Victoria. Victoria, B.C.
1994 - “Evolution of Western Management Theories.” Keynote speaker at the Annual Meetings of Shanghai Behavioural Science Society. Shanghai, China.
1994 - “Globalization of Business and International Management.” Three-day workshop on International Management for Chinese senior managers sponsored by CIDA and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Shanghai, China.
1994 - “The current state of management education in the West.” Workshop for faculty at the business school of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. Hangzhou, China.
1994 - “Managerial skills in Mainland China.” Speaker at the Symposium on Economic and Management Issues in Mainland China organized by the College of Management, Sun Yat-sun University. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
1994 - “Cross-cultural management research.” Research seminar for graduate students, College of Management, Sun Yat-sun University. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Grants & Funding
Annual General Research Grants Competition, Psychological contract violation and its impact on employee performance in the context of China’s service sector (2006)
Smith School of Business | $9,950
Major Collaborative Research – Stage 1 – Letter of Intent – Immigrant Businesses (2006)
SSHRC | $20,000
Annual General Research Grants Competition, An In-depth Study of the Social Networking Practices of Senior and Mid-level Managers in China’s State and Non-State Sectors (2002)
Smith School of Business | $5,498
Standard Research Grant, Determinants of Voluntary Turnover Among Male and Female Professionals in China (2002)
SSHRC | $83,564
Standard Research Grant, Retail globalization: The case of Wal-Mart (in UK, Germany and China) (2001)
SSHRC | $128,446
Annual General Research Grants Competition, School of Business, Determinants of voluntary turnover among male and female young professionals in China: Data collection travel expenses (2000)
Smith School of Business | $6,000
Determinants of voluntary turnover among male and female young professionals in China: Data collection course release (2000)
CGA Ontario International Business Research Centre | $8,000
Special Research Initiative, Determinants of voluntary turnover among male and female young professionals in China: Literature review (2000)
SSHRC | $5,000
Two panel studies of employee values and employment practices in Shanghai, China (1997)
University of British Columbia | $2,000
Annual General Research Grants Competition (1997-1998)
Smith School of Business | $4,000
D.I. McLeod Term Research Assistantship, Career expectations and satisfaction of male and female CGA students in China (1997)
Smith School of Business | $1,800
Research Program, Career expectations and satisfaction of male and female CGA students in China (1997)
Smith School of Business | $1,000
Career expectations and satisfaction of male and female CGA students in China (1996)
CGA Canada International | $2,500
Career expectations and satisfaction of male and female CGA students in China (1996)
CGA Ontario International Business Research Centre | $15,000
Chinese Studies Faculty Research Award Program for Canadians, Reactions to supervisory authority among N. American, Chinese and Japanese employees (1996)
Ministry of Education, Taiwan | $5,000
Annual General Research Grants Competition, Reactions to supervisory authority among N. American, Chinese and Japanese employees (1995)
D.I. McLeod Summer Research Assistantship, Reactions to supervisory authority among N. American, Chinese and Japanese employees (1995)
Smith School of Business | $1,800
D.I. McLeod Term Research Assistantship, Reactions to supervisory authority among N. American, Chinese and Japanese employees (1995)
Smith School of Business | $900
Faculty Research Grant, Reactions to supervisory authority among N. American, Chinese and Japanese employees (1995)
University of Victoria | $3,048
Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, Managerial reactions to self-enhancing vs. Modesty behaviours: A Canadian and Chinese comparison (1994)
University of Victoria | $1,260
BC Asia Pacific Scholars Awards, Research and teaching trip to China (1994)
Government of British Columbia | $2,000
Canadian International Development Agency Scholarship (1985-1990)
Participation in Learned and Professional Societies
- Member, Academy of Management
- Member, Academy of International Business