Wulin Suo
Associate ProfessorOverview
Wulin Suo joined the school in 2000. Before joining the school, he had taught at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, the Mathematics Department of UBC and Hebei University in China.
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- Finance
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Full Bio
Wulin Suo joined the school in 2000.
Before joining the school, he had taught at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, the Mathematics Department of UBC and Hebei University in China.
He also worked in the risk management department and the treasury department of the Royal Bank of Canada.
He has a PhD in Applied Mathematics (UBC '94) and a PhD in Finance (Toronto ;02).
Suo’s research interests include consumption and portfolio theory, asset pricing, valuation and hedging of derivative securities, term structure modeling, credit risk and risk management. His research interests also include computational finance, and mathematical finance.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Finance
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (2002)
PhD in Applied Mathematics
University of British Columbia (1994)
MSc in Mathematics
Hebei University, China (1985)
BSc in Mathematics
Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei, China (1982)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor (Tenured) (2007 - Present)
Assistant Professor (2000-2007)
Rotman School of Management, Univ. of Toronto
Department of Mathematics, UBC
Instructor (1988-1994)
Department of Mathematics, Hebei Univ., China
Lecturer (1985-1988)
In Refereed Journals
Explaining Debt recovery Using an Endogenous Bankruptcy Model (with Wei Wang and Qi Zhang), Journal of Fixed Income, Vol 23, Number 2, Fall 2013, pp114-131
An Empirical Comparison of Option Pricing Models in Hedging Exotic Options (with Yunbi An) Financial Management, No 4, 2009, pp889-914
Assessing Credit Quality from the Equity Market: Can Structural Approach Forecast Credit Ratings? (with Yu Du), Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies, 24 (2007-09) pp. 212-228
The Compatibility of Market Models in Cap and Swaption Markets: Evidence from Their Dynamic Hedging Performance (with Yunbi An), Journal of Futures Markets, 28 (2007), pp. 109-130
Volatility surfaces: theory, rules of thumb, and empirical evidence (with John Hull and Toby Daglish), Quantitative Finance 7 (2007), pp.507-534
Are Strategic Alliance Always Value-Creating? A Real Option Analysis, Finance Letters, 3 (2005), pp.30-37 (with Lew Johnson)
A methodology for assessing model risk and its application to the implied volatility function model, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 37 (2002), pp297318 (with J. Hull)
Existence of singular optimal control laws for stochastic differential equations, Stochastics 48 (1994), pp.249-272 (with U.G. Haussmann)
Singular stochastic controls I: Existence of optimal controls, SIAM J. Control and Optimization 33 (1995), pp.916-936 (with U.G. Haussmann)
Singular stochastic controls II: The dynamic programming principle and applications, SIAM J. Control and Optimization 33 (1995), pp.937-959 (with U.G. Haussmann)
Optimal production planning in a stochastic manufacturing system with long-run average cost, Journal of Optimization Theory and Application, 92 (1997), pp.161-188 (with S.P. Sethi, M.I. Taksar, and Q. Zhang)
Producing in a manufacturing system with minimum average cost, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 30 (1997), pp.4357-4363 (with S.P. Sethi, M.I. Taksar, and Q. Zhang)
Optimal feedback production planning in a stochastic N-machine flow-shop with internal buffers, Automatica, 33 (1997), pp.189-193 (with E. Presman, S.P. Sethi)
Optimal Production Planning in a Multi-Product Stochastic Manufacturing System with Long-Run Average Cost. Journal of Discrete Events and Dynamic Systems, 8 (1998), pp. 37-54 (with S.P. Sethi, M.I. Taksar, and H.Yan)
Optimal feedback production planning in a stochastic dynamic job-shop, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, 33 (1997), American Mathematical Society, pp.235-252 (with E. Presman, S.P. Sethi)
In Refereed Book Chapters
Hedging Options With Transaction Costs, in “Stochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory: Applications in Financial Engineering, Queueing Networks, and Manufacturing Systems (A volume in Honor of Suresh Sethi), International Series in Operation Research & Management Science, Vol 94, H. Yan, G. Yin and Q. Zhang (Eds), Springer-Verlag, Ney York, 2006
Working Papers
Design of Contingent Convertibles and Their Price Sensitivities, 2015
An Analysis of Hedge Fund Returns (with Lew Johnson), 2006
Assessing Default Probabilities from Structural Credit Risk Models (with Wei Wang), 2005
An Empirical Study on Credit Rating Change Behavior (with Yu Du), 2004
Barrier Option Pricing (technical notes), August, 1997
Equilibrium asset pricing under Levy processes
Corporate governance and over-investment (with Lew Johnson)
Idiosyncratic risk and credit risk (with Qi Zhang)
Are the risks priced consistently in the equity market and debt market?
Other Works
Translated “Options Futures, and Other Serivatives” (7th and 8th edition) by John C. Hull into Chinese (with Yong Wang), published in 2009, 2011,2014. 期权、期货及其它衍生产品 (译著, 第七版,第八版, 第九版。 机械工业出版社)(with Yong Wang)
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Level
- Investment and portfolio analysis
- Fixed income securities
- Introduction to financial theory
Master Level
- Investment theory
- Financial derivatives
PhD Level
- Financial economics
- Asset pricing and continuous-time finance
Graduate Student Supervision
Ph.D Thesis Committee Chair
- Zhang (Graduated,April 2013)
- Wei Wang (Graduated, 2006)
- Yunbi An (Graduated, 2005)
- Yu Du (Graduated, 2004)
M.A. / M.Sc Thesis Supervisor
- Ghufran Tarin (2013)
- Dong Shen (2013)
- Rahil Valiani (2013)
- Robert Hayes (2013)
- Abir Paula (2009)
- Chong Lio (2009)
- Fangpeng Dong (2009)
- Di Ma (2007)
- Ramon William (2007)
- Weiwei Li (2007)
- Ewen Miller (2007)
- Genshen Yang (2007)
- Yi Luo (2006)
- Bin Hu (2006)
- Lili Xie (2006)
- Wei Yu (2006)
- Qi Zhang (2005)
- Jian Zhou (2004)
- Bin Chang (2002)
- Shiheng Wang (2002)
- Yu Dong (2001)
Visiting Positions
Visiting Lecturer
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
2007 – 2008
Asset pricing theory and continuous-time finance, Valuation and hedging of derivative securities, term structure of interest rate modeling, Application of asset pricing to executive compensations, Financial risk management, Credit risk and valuation of defaultable securities, Mathematical finance, computational finance
Conference/Seminar Presentations
Assessing Default Probabilities from Structural Credit Risk Models, 2007 Interdisciplinary Mathematical and Statistical Techniques, May 20-23, Shanghai, China
Assessing Credit Quality from the Equity Market: Is Structural Approach a Better Approach? 2007 China International Conference in Finance, July 9-12, Chengdu, China
Assessing Default Probabilities from Structural Credit Risk Models, 2006 Financial Management Association, October 11-14, Salt Lake City, Utah
Assessing Default Probabilities from Structural Credit Risk Models, 2006 Northern Finance Association, September 15-17, Montreal
Hedge Fund Performance, 2006 Northern Finance Association, September 15-17, Montreal
Assessing Default Probabilities from Structural Credit Risk Models, 2006 China International Conference in Finance, July 17-20, Xi’An, China
Stochastic Process in Finance, Invited speaker for Hebei Mathematics Society, July 29-30, ShiJiaZhang, China
Estimating Default Probabilities, International Conference Honors Suresh P. Sethi, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, May 20-22, 2006
Assessing Credit Quality from Equity Markets , Stochastic Modeling Symposium, Canadian Institute of Actuaries, Toronto, April 2006,
An Empirical Study on Credit Rating Change Behaviour, Northern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, September 2005.
An Empirical Study on Credit Rating Change Behaviour, McGill University, April, 2005
The Performance of Option Pricing Models in Hedging Exotic Options, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October, 2004
Volatility Surfaces: Theory, Rules of Thumb, and Empirical Evidence, Asian Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Taipei, July, 2004
Assessing Credit Quality from Equity Markets: Is Structural Model a Better Approach? Second Annual Risk Management and Insurance Conference, Waterloo, June, 2004
The Empirical Performance of Options Pricing Models, Schulich School of Management, York University, November 2003
Volatility Surfaces: Theory, Rules of Thumb, and Empirical Evidence, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October, 2003
The Empirical Performance of Options Pricing Models on Hedging Exotic Options, Quebec City, Northern Finance Assocation Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, September, 2003 (With Yunbi An)
Hedging Options With Transaction Costs, Northern Finance Assocation Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, September, 2002
Modelling Implied Black-Scholes Volatilities, Northern Finance Assocation Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October, 2001.
- The paper won the “Best Derivative Paper” award at this conference
Pricing Errors in Implied Volatility Models, Northern Finance Assocation Annual Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario, September, 2000
Existence of Singular Optimal Control Laws, West Pacific Optimization Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, February 25, 1994
Singular Optimal Control for Stochastic Differential Equations, 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, December 14, 1994
In Conference Proceedings
Singular optimal control for stochastic differential equations, Proc. of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, December, 1994, pp.496-500
Minimum Average-cost production plan in a multi-product stochastic manufacturing system, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Kauai, Nov. 18-21, 1996 (with S.P. Sethi, M.I. Taksar, and H. Yan)
Editorial Services
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Journal of Banking and Finance, Mathematical Finance, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Quantitative Finance, International Economic Journal, The European Physical Journal B, Siam Journal On Control and Optimization, Management Science, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Annual of Operation Research