Tandy Thomas
Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of MarketingOverview
Tandy Thomas is an Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Marketing at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
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Full Bio
Tandy Thomas is an Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Marketing at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
Her research examines how the social and cultural contexts in which individuals are embedded impacts their consumption behaviors, with specific focus on media discourses, consumer identity, and consumer practices. Her work is published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Advertising, and Consumption, Markets & Culture and has been presented at numerous international conferences. Tandy teaches Consumer Behavior at the undergraduate level and Qualitative Research Methods and Consumer Culture Theory in the PhD program.
Tandy is also a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Consumer Research, receiving an outstanding reviewer award in 2016/17, and serves as an ad hoc reviewer for the Journal of Marketing Research, Consumption Markets and Culture, Journal for the Association of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing, Marketing Letters, and the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
Academic Degrees
PhD Marketing
University of Arizona (2009)
MSc Management (Marketing)
Queen’s University (2004)
BCom (Honours), Marketing and International Business
Queen’s University (2003)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor (tenured) and Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Marketing (2019 - Present)
Assistant Professor (2009 - 2019)
Journal Articles (Refereed)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Martin A. Pyle, and Jay M. Handelman (2020), “Identification Incubators: Reflexivity in Consumer Book Clubs,” Consumption, Markets & Culture, 23 (5), 456-80.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Amber M. Epp, and Linda L. Price (2020), “Journeying Together: Aligning Retailer and Service Provider Roles with Collective Consumer Practices,” Journal of Retailing, 96 (1), 9-24.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Amber M. Epp (2019), “The Best Laid Plans: Why New Parents Fail to Habituate Practices,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (3), 564-589.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Rebecca K. Trump, and Linda L. Price (2015), “Advertising as Unfavourable Self-Presentation: The Dirty Laundry Effect,” Journal of Advertising, 44 (1), 58-70.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Linda L. Price, and Hope Jensen Schau (2013), “When Differences Unite: Resource Dependence in Heterogeneous Consumption Communities,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (5), 1010-1033.
- SSCI Highly Cited Paper Designation (top 1% of the academic field of Economics & Business); Emerald Citations of Excellence Award
Other Research in Progress
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Linda L. Price, “The Evolution of Family Identity,” Target Journal: Journal of Consumer Research. Manuscript in Preparation.
Patry-Beaudoin, Jay M. Handelman, and Tandy Chalmers Thomas, “The Power of the Algorithm: Exploring How Social Media Shapes Consumers’ Online Experience,” Target Journal: Journal of Consumer Research. Manuscript in preparation.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Amber M. Epp, “The Moral Economy of Fatherhood.” Target Journal: Journal of Consumer Research. Study design in progress.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Sarah Evans, “CAF Media Discourses: Cultural Obstacles to Increasing Female Recruitment and Retention.” Data analysis in progress.
Slobodzian, Adam and Tandy Chalmers Thomas, “Missed Milestones: Consumer Rituals During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Data analysis in progress.
Book Chapters
Epp, Amber M. and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (2018), “Family and Collective Identity,” in Consumer Culture Theory, ed. Eric J. Arnould and Craig J. Thompson, UK:Sage, 40-61.
Textbook Contributions
“As I see It – Personality, Lifestyles, and Values,” in Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, Being, 6th and 7th Canadian editions, by Michael Solomon, Katherine White, and Darren W. Dahl, Toronto, Canada: Pearson.
Teaching Experience
Smith School of Business
- COMM 336: Consumer Behaviour (W2012, W2013, F2013, W2016, W2018, W2019, W2021)
- COMM 131: Introduction to Marketing (W2010, W2011, W2012)
- COMM 231: Introduction to Marketing (Non-Commerce Students) (W2010, W2012)
MSc/PhD Program
- MGMT 946/944: Consumer Culture Theory (W2015, F2016, W2018, W2020)
- MGMT 802: Qualitative Research Methods (W2014-2016, W2018-2019, W2021)
Undergraduate Independent Study Courses
- PSYC 570 – Special Directed Lab Course (Alyssa Whalen, F2016)
- COMM 501 – Directed Independent Studies in Business, (Caileigh Howieson, F2013)
- PSYC 575 – Special Directed Lab Course (Eric Lee, W2012)
University of Arizona
- BAD 303/BNAD 303: Application of Marketing Concepts and Tools in Business and Society (Summer 2006, 2007)
Workshops and Guest Lecturing
- ‘Conducting Statistical Analyses in SPSS’ – MBA workshop, Fall 2007, Spring 2009
- ‘Basic Statistical Analyses’ – Guest lecture in undergraduate class, Fall 2005
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- MRKT 341: Introduction to Marketing (Summer 2005 – Instructor; Fall 2014 – Recitation Instructor)
PhD Student Committees
- Supervisor, Adam Slobodzian, Smith School of Business. (In Progress)
- Supervisor, Sarah Evans, Smith School of Business. (In Progress)
- Committee Member, Gabrielle Patry-Beaudoin, Smith School of Business. (In Progress)
- Committee Member, Raheleh Barkhordari, Smith School of Business. (In Progress)
- Committee Member, Jeff Weibe, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2019)
- Committee Member, Alexander Mitchell, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2018)
- Committee Member, Kimberly Mosher, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2018)
- Committee Member, Annetta Grant, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2017)
- Committee Member, Matthew Philp, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2016)
- Committee Member, Joachim Scholz, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2014)
- Committee Member, Ethan Pancer, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2013)
- Committee Member, Martin Pyle, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2013)
- Committee Member, Terrance Beckman, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2012)
- Committee Member, Garth Harris, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2011)
MSc Student Committees
- Reader, Jayani Patal, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2019)
- Reader, Dean Howley, Smith School of Business. (Degree Granted 2016)
- Advisor, Stevie Gregg, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2015)
- Reader, Sheldon Koufman, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2015)
- Advisor, Tara Bassili, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2013)
- Reader, Roni Krakover, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2013)
- Reader, Andrew Smith, Queen’s School of Business. (Degree Granted 2009)
My research, encompassing a variety of methodological techniques (survey, experimental, and, predominately, interpretive methods), examines how the social and cultural contexts in which individuals are embedded impacts their consumption behaviors. My current projects explore how consumers engage in, and navigate through, marketplace-related identity work both collectively and individually, with a particular emphasis on family collectives and their consumption practices. This work focuses on how consumers form and enact identities and practices within groups and across different media, how consumers work together to build collective identities and practices, and what this means for marketing practice and public policy.
Conference Proceedings (Refereed)
Evans, Sarah C. and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (2020), “Making Sense of Foreign Markets Rejecting American Brands,” Advances in Consumer Research, Forthcoming.
Evans, Sarah C. and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (2020), “The Responsibilization of Firms,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Forthcoming.
Patry-Beaudoin, Gabrielle, Jay M. Handelman, and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (2019), “The Power of the Algorithm: Exploring How Social Media Shapes Consumers’ Online Experience,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, Canada. (Competitive Paper)
Koufman, Sheldon, Tandy Chalmers Thomas, and Jay M. Handelman (2016), “Finding Balance: The Roles of Uncertainty and the Past in Identity Transitions,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, France. (Competitive Paper)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Rebecca K. Trump (2013), “More than the Self: The Role of Other-Focused Processing in Self-Relevant Advertisements,” Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Honolulu, HI. (Competitive Paper)
Chalmers, Tandy D. and Damien Arthur (2008), “Hard-Core Members’ of Consumption Oriented Subcultures Enactment of Identity: The Sacred Consumption of Two Subcultures,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35, ed. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 570-575. (Competitive Paper)
Chalmers, Tandy D. (2008), “Advertising Authenticity: Resonating Replications of Real Life,” in European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 8, ed. Stefania Borghihi, Mary Ann McGrath, Cele C. Otnes, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 442-443. (Competitive paper extended abstract)
Chalmers, Tandy D. and Hope Jensen Schau (2007), “We Love to Hate You: Discourse Between the Distance Running Subculture and Mainstream Media,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 34, ed. Gavan Fitzsimmons and Vicki Morowitz, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 187-188. (Competitive paper extended abstract)
Chalmers, Tandy D. (2006), “Emancipation Through Modernist Pursuits: The Discipline of Running,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 33, ed. Connie Pechmann and Linda L. Price, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research,15-20. (Competitive Paper) *Nominated for best paper award
Conference Presentations (Refereed)
Connell, Paul M., Hope Jensen Schau, and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (2019), “Practice Interruption and Practice Replication,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, Canada. (Special Session)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Linda L. Price (2018), “Family Consumption Experiences Across Generations,” Association for Consumer Research conference, Dallas, TX. (Special Session)
Koufman, Sheldon, Tandy Chalmers Thomas, and Linda L. Price (2016), “The Evolution of Family Identity,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, France. (Special Session) Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Martin A. Pyle, Jay M. Handelman (2015), “Engineered Organic: Building Identity Incubators,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, AR. (Special Session)
Bassili, Tara and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (2015), “Fantasy, the Future, and the Self: Online Identity Building,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, AR. (Special Session)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Amber M. Epp (2015), “New Parent Decision Making in a Culture of Choice and Discourse Overload,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, AR. (Special Session) *Best special session award winner
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Hope Jensen Schau, and Linda L. Price (2011), “Consumption Community Dimensions,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 39, ed. Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Rebecca K. Ratner, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 271-272. (Special Session)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Linda L. Price (2011), “Authenticating Strategies in Consumer Responses to Ads,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Evanston IL. (Special Session)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Linda L. Price (2011), “Advertising and the Looking-Glass Self,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Evanston IL. (Special Session)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Linda L. Price, and Rebecca K. Trump (2011), “Dissociating from Identity Congruent Ads: The Dirty Laundry Effect,” Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Atlanta GA. (Special Session)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Hope Jensen Schau, and Linda L. Price (2010), “The Consumption Implications of Contested Community,” in European Advances in Consumer Research Vol 9, ed. Alan Bradshaw, Chris Hackley, and Pauline Maclaran, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 13-14. (Special Session)
Chalmers, Tandy D. and Linda L. Price (2009), “Perceptions of Authenticity in Advertisements: Negotiating the Inauthentic,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 36, ed. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 72-75. (Special Session)
Chalmers, Tandy D. and Randy Accetta (2008), “Rejecting the Hard-Core: An Examination of Peripheral Members of Consumption-Oriented Communities,” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Boston, MA, June 2008. (Special Session)
Chalmers, Tandy D. (2007), “Intracultural Variation: Reactions to Authentic Communications within the Distance Running Subculture,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 7, eds. Margaret Craig Lees and Teresa Davis and Gary Gregory, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 114-115. (Special Session)
Chalmers, Tandy D., Linda L. Price, Patricia F. Kennedy (2007), “Negotiating Work and Play On and Off the Soccer Field,” in Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 7, ed. Margaret Craig Lees and Teresa Davis and Gary Gregory, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 72-72. (Special Session)
Chalmers, Tandy D., Patricia F. Kennedy, and Lynn Kahle (2006), “Soccer Moms and Dads: Family Values Enacted Through Sports,” in European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 7, ed. Karin M. Ekstrom and Helene Brembeck, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 157-158. (Special Session)
Conference Sessions Organized (Refereed)
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers and Sarah C. Evans (session Chairs) (2020), “Challenging Regulation: Societal, Marketplace, and Consumer Dynamics.” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Leicester, UK (proceedings only).
Connell, Paul M. and Tandy Chalmers Thomas (Session Chairs) (2016), “The Negotiation and Evolution of Identities and Practices within Families.” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, France.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers (Session Chair) (2015), “Identity Incubators: Past and Future Focused Consumer Identity Projects.” Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Fayetteville, AR.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers, Hope Jensen Schau, and Linda L. Price (Session Chairs) (2011), “Collecting the Collectives: Brand Communities, Subcultures of Consumption, and Tribes.” Association for Consumer Research Conference, St. Louis, MI.
Thomas, Tandy Chalmers (Session Chair) (2011), “Dissociation from Marketing Artifacts: The Importance of Who You’re Not.” Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Chalmers, Tandy D. and Linda L. Price (Session Chairs) (2009), “Does Authenticity Matter? The Importance and Interplay of Authenticity and Inauthenticity.” Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Invited Presentations (External)
“Insights from Consumer Culture Research.” Invited presentation at Disney Data and Analytics Conference, Orlando, FL. August 2018.
“Consumption Community Dimensions: An Agenda for Future Research.” Ivey Consumer Behaviour Symposium, University of Western Ontario, January 2012.
“The Consumption Implications of Contested Community.” Invited presentation at York University, November 2009.
“Advertising Authenticity: Resonating Replications of Real Life.” Robert Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2007.
Invited Presentations (Internal)
“CAF Media Discourses: An Analysis of Canadian Newspaper Stories from 2000-2020.” Women in the CAF: Getting to 25 – Roundtable, November 2020.
“Who I Am: Research Program Summary.” Queen’s University Pecha Kucha Research Presentations, April 2016.
“The Best Laid Plans: Consumer Responses to Things Going Wrong.” Smith Marketing Area Brown-Bag Series, March 2016.
“Who I Am: Research Program Summary.” Smith School of Business Pecha Kucha Research Presentations, January 2016.
“Decision Making in a Culture of Choice and Discourse Overload.” Queen’s School of Business Centre for Sustainable Leadership, Brownbag Series, May 2015.
“New Parent Decision Making in a Culture of Choice Overload.” Queen’s School of Business Conference On Well-Being, Queen’s University, September 2013.
Teaching Awards
Smith Graduate Teaching Excellence Award Recipient (2019)
Nominated for Smith Graduate Teaching Excellence Award (2018)
Research Awards
Journal of Consumer Research Outstanding Reviewer Award (2017)
Dean’s Research Award, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona (2008)
Other Awards
Symposium Faculty, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium (2017)
Invited Faculty Mentor, Qualitative Data Analysis Workshop (declined) (2017)
Emerald Citations of Excellence Award (2016)
2016 Invited Symposium Faculty, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium (declined)
Symposium Faculty, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium (2015)
Invited Participant, Emerging Female Leaders in Marketing Conference (2015)
Symposium Faculty, Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium (2014)
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (2011)
Lisle and Roslyn Payne Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, University of Arizona (2008)
Dean’s Service Award, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona (2007, 2008)
Lisle and Roslyn Payne Doctoral Student Conference Award, University of Arizona (2005-2008)
Molson Canadian Science of Marketing Award for Marketing Excellence at the Graduate Level, Queen’s School of Business (2003)
Tom Burns Award for Excellence in International Business and International Business Strategy, Queen’s School of Business (2003)
Hudson’s Bay Co. Scholarship for Marketing Excellence, Queen’s School of Business (2002)
Dean’s Entrance Scholarship, Queen’s School of Business (1999)
Grants & Funding
Distinguished Faculty Fellow (2019-2022)
Smith School of Business | $45,000
Insight Grant (2015-2022)
SSHRC | $114,570
4A Award (2014)
SSHRC | $3,500
Research Grant (with Amber Epp) (2013)
Marketing Science Institute | $6,608 US
General Research Grant (2013)
Queen’s School of Business | $5,440
DI McLeod Summer Research Assistantship Award (2011)
Queen’s School of Business | $1,012
General Research Grant (2009)
Queen’s School of Business | $3,000
Doctoral Fellowship (2006-2008)
SSHRC | $40,000
Othmer Fellowship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2004)
School of Business Graduate Fellowship, Queen’s School of Business (2003)
Professional Service Activities
Editorial Positions and Reviewing
Associate Editor
- 2018, 2019, 2020, Guest AE, Journal of Consumer Research
Editorial Review Board
- 2014 – Present, Journal of Consumer Research
Journal Reviewing
- 2018 – Present, Journal of Marketing
- 2018 – Present, Journal of Marketing Management
- 2015 – Present, Journal of Marketing Research
- 2017 – Present, International Journal of Research in Marketing
- 2017 – Present, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- 2015 – Present, Consumption, Markets, and Culture
- 2010, 2014, 2019, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
- 2015 – 2016, Journal for the Association for Consumer Research
- 2011 – 2014, Journal of Consumer Research
- 2012 – 2014, 2016, European Journal of Marketing
- 2014 – 2015, Journal of Consumer Affairs
- 2013 – 2014, Psychology and Marketing
- 2013, Marketing Letters
- 2008 – 2009, Junior Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research
Conference Reviewing
- Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2009, 2011 – 2013, 2015 – 2016
- Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2007, 2010 – 2011, 2013, 2015 – 2016
- Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2011
- Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2009 – 2010
- European Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2007
Grant Reviewing
- 2019 SSHRC Insight Grants Reviewer
Other Service Activities
- 2019-Presenet, Executive Secretary, Consumer Culture Theory Consortium
Conference Program Committees and Organization
- 2021 Association for Consumer Research, Seattle, WA
- 2020 Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France
- 2019 Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montreal, Canada – Special Session Track Chair
- 2013 Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Tucson, AZ
- 2012 Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Zealand
- 2011 Asia Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference, China
Professional Affiliations
- Association for Consumer Research
- Consumer Culture Theory Consortium
University Service
- 2020-2021, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- 2015-2016, 2018-2019, Renewal, Tenure, and Promotion Committee
- 2011-2016, 2018-2019, Faculty Board Appeals Committee (Acting Chair 2015 - 5 cases, 2016 - 1 case)
- 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, Session Leader, Smith Doctoral Consortium
- 2013-2017, 2020-21, Research Committee, Smith School of Business
- 2009-2012, Marketing Seminar Series Organizer
- 2011-2012, MSc student mentor for Christopher Ling
- 2010-2011, MSc student mentor for Hana Irfan
- 2010, 2011, Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (ICBC) Preliminary Round Judge
- 2010, 2011, Marketing Group New Student Orientation Committee Member
- 2009, Queen’s Case Competition Judge
- 2009, Queen’s Entrepreneurs Competition Judge
- 2007-2008, Eller College Doctoral Student Association, Marketing Department Representative (University of Arizona)
- 2004, Queen’s Marketing Association Conference Challenge Judge