Bertrand Malsch
Professor & PWC/Tom O'Neill Professor of AccountingOverview
Bertrand Malsch, PhD, is Associate Professor of Accounting at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
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Faculty Details
Full Bio
Bertrand Malsch, PhD, is Professor of Accounting at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. He is a member of the Quebec bar and the director of the CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting & Professionalism.
His research is informed by socioorganizational perspectives, and focuses on a variety of contemporary issues, including the impact of audit regulation on professionalism, the effect of standard setting processes, the realization of the public interest, and the construction of auditor identity. He is editor at Accounting, Organizations, and Society, and Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory.
Bertrand serves as a member of the Cannabis Oversight Committee established by the Cannabis Regulation Act in Quebec in 2019.
Bertrand is also a board member of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association and Chair of the Research Committee.
Academic Degrees
Bachelor of Law (LLB)
McGill University, Canada (2017)
Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL)
McGill University, Canada (2017)
PhD Accounting
Université Laval, Canada (2011)
Université Laval, Canada (2006)
Audencia Nantes Business School, France (2006)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Professor, Accounting (2024 – Present)
Director, CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting and Professionalism (2017 – Present)
Associate Professor, Accounting (2015 – 2024)
Assistant Professor, Accounting (2013-2015)
HEC, Montreal
Assistant Professor, Accounting (2011-2013)
Top Tier Journals
Couchoux, O., and Malsch, B. 2022. How firms’ quality experts shape CPAB inspections and their outcomes: an analysis of intra-professional conflicts, third-party influences, and relational strategies, Contemporary Accounting Research, 39, 757-788.
Malsch, B., Tremblay, M.S., and Cohen, J.C. 2022. Non-audit engagements and the creation of public value: consequences for the public interest, Journal of Business Ethics, 178, 467–479.
Daoust, L., and Malsch, B. 2020. When the client is a former auditor: A Field Study of Auditees’ Influence on Audit Engagements Through Expert Knowledge and Social Capital (Selected for the CAR Conference 2018), Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming.
Daoust, L., and Malsch, B. 2019. How do ex-auditors remember their past: the transformation of audit experience into cultural memory. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 77.
Malsch, B. 2019. Discussion on “One team or two teams? Exploring relationship quality between auditors and IT specialists and its implications for a collective audit team identity and the audit process”. Auditing through politics, romance and institutional complexity. Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming.
Guénin-Paracini, H., Malsch, B., and Marché-Paillé, A. 2014. Fear and Risk in the Audit Process. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 39, 264-288
Malsch, B., and Gendron, Y. 2013. Re-theorizing Change: Institutional Experimentation and the Struggle for Domination in the Field of Public Accounting. Journal of Management Studies, 5, 871-899
Malsch, B. 2013. Politicizing the Expertise of the Accounting Industry in Corporate Social Responsibility. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 38, 149-168
Malsch, B., Gendron, Y. and Tremblay, M.S. 2012. Sense Making in Compensation Committees: A Cultural Theory Perspective. Organization Studies, 33, 389-421
Malsch, B. and Gendron, Y. 2011. Reining in Auditors: On the Dynamics of Power Surrounding an “Innovation” in the Regulatory Space. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 36, 456 – 476
Refereed journals
Yi, L., and Malsch, B. Re-Examining Auditability through Auditors’ Responses to COVID-19: Roles and Limitations of Improvisation on Production of Auditing Knowledge, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, forthcoming.
Stack, R., and Malsch, B. Auditors’ professional identities: review and future directions. Accounting Perspectives, forthcoming.
Gendron, Y., Malsch, B., and Tremblay, M.S. 2021. Getting back to basics: challenging complexity and accountability in the boardroom, INNOVAR, 31(82), Special Monographic Issue on Critical Accounting.
Malsch, B., and O’Dwyer, B. 2021. New directions in auditing research: conceptual repair, technological disruption(s), local professional governance and the battle for inclusivity. European Accounting Review, 30(3), 439-444.
Hazgui, M., and Malsch, B. 2020. Navigating through the spatial and institutional contradictions of public audit oversight, European Accounting Review, 29(4), 781-802.
Kalyta, P., and Malsch, B. 2018. Ethnographic Accounting Research: Field Notes from the Frontier. Accounting Perspectives, 17(2), 241-252.
Malsch, B., and Morin, D. 2017. L'audit Législatif aux Frontières du Pouvoir et de la Politique. Contrôle, Comptabilité, Audit, 23, 75-96
Tremblay, M.S., Malsch, B., and Gendron, Y. 2016. Gender on Board: “Deconstructing the Legitimate Female Director”. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 29, 165-190
Malsch, B., and Salterio, S. 2015. “Doing Good Field Research”: Assessing the Quality of Audit Field Research. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 35, 1-22
Guénin-Paracini, H., Malsch, B. and Tremblay, M.S. 2015. The Reality of Auditors’ Operational
Independence: Lessons from the Field. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 34, 201236
Malsch, B. and Tessier, S. 2015. Journal Ranking Effects on Junior Academics. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 26, 84-98
Malsch, B. and Guénin-Paracini, H. 2013. The Moral Potential of Individualism and Instrumental Reason in Accounting Research. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 24, 74-82
Tremblay, M.S. and Malsch, B. 2012. The Public-Sector Audit Explosion: An Illusion of Control? Télescope : revue d’analyse comparée en administration publique, 18, 1-7
Malsch, B., Morin, D., and Tremblay, M.S. 2012. Collusion et Corruption Dans les Administrations : Les Vérificateurs Généraux Seraient-ils Condamnés à N’être Que Des tigres de Papier ? Télescope: revue d’analyse comparée en administration publique, 18, 173180
Malsch, B., Gendron, Y. and Grazzini, F. 2011. Investigating Interdisciplinary Translations: The Influence of Pierre Bourdieu on Accounting Literature. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 24, 194-228
Malsch, B. and Gendron, Y. 2009. Mythical Representation of Trust in Auditors and the Preservation of Social Order in the Financial Community. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 20, 735-750
Case Study
Stack, R., and Malsch, B. 2021. Clarke Building and Supplies Limited: Navigating Culture and Change. Best Student Case Award for the Case Division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC); Second prize 2020 John Molson Business Ownership Case Writing Competition. Ivey publishing.
Keolasy, R., Gendron, Y., and Malsch, B. 2012. L’affaire WorldCom : Incompétence ou complicité des auditeurs ? Revue Internationale de Cas en Gestion, 10, 1-19
Working Papers
Gaudy, C., and Malsch, B. Can it be more than just a job? Sustainability assurance and the search for meaningfulness in non-big 4. Status: Revise and resubmit (2nd) (January 2023), Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management.
Donahue, S., Malsch, B., and Murphy. More than meet the eyes: interpreting indifferent opinions of expert financial statement users on new audit standards. Status: Revise and resubmit (1st round) (April 2022) Contemporary Accounting Research.
Azambuja, R., Baudot, L., and Malsch, B. Facilitating Multiple Accountabilities through Manager’s Boundary Work in Professional Service Firms. Status: Revise and resubmit (3rd round) (January 2022) Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.
Public Contributions
Malsch, B. and Tremblay, M.S. Hockey Canada: Une leçon d’humilité pour les Conseils d’Administration. La Presse. 24 October 2022
Pimentel, E., Malsch, B., and Loh, N. After a big year for cryptocurrencies, what’s on the horizon for 2022? National Post. 14 December 2021 (originally published on The Conversation)
Malsch, B., and Couchoux, O. Repairing the three-legged stool of audit quality. Financial Reporting Council (FRC) Collection of perspectives. November 2021.
Malsch, B. When ‘social license’ Costs Become Unbearable. National Post. 23 February 2016
Malsch, B. and Kalyta, P. Accounting for the Planet. The Globe and Mail. 9 December 2015
Malsch, B. and Tremblay, M.S. Le Coût de L’éthique. Huffington Post. 5 December 2015
Tremblay, M.S. and Malsch, B. Le verdict! La Presse. 25 November 2015
Malsch, B. Uber et Contre Tous ! Huffington Post. 15 May 2015
Malsch, B. Un Budget Amer. La Presse. 15 April 2015
Malsch, B. L’espoir Trudeau? Huffington Post. 15 March 2015
Malsch, B., and Tremblay, M.S. Les 12 Travaux de Carlos Leitao. Le Devoir. 3 June 2014
Malsch, B. Pour en Finir Avec les Économistes. Huffington Post. 28 May 2014
Malsch, B., and Tremblay, M.S. Les Risques de L’éthique. Huffington Post. 15 May 2014
Tremblay, M.S. and Malsch, B. La Vérification Dans le Secteur Public : le Risque D’une Illusion de Contrôle. Le Devoir (4 February 2013)
Malsch, B., Morin, D. and Tremblay, M.S. Où Sont Passés les Vérificateurs Généraux du Québec ? La Presse. 29 October 2012
Malsch, B., Provencher, A. and Tremblay, M.S. Budget Bachand - Crépuscule Budgétaire à Québec. Le Devoir. 24 March 2012
Malsch, B., Tremblay, M.S. and Gendron, Y. Rémunération et Indignation – Contre le Mythe Des Hauts Dirigeants Héroïques. Le Devoir. 9 January 2012
Malsch, B. and Tremblay, M.S. Élections fédérales – Les Femmes et le Sénat Conservateur. Le Devoir. 26 April 2011
In the Media
The Illusion of Control at the Heart of Auditing, Smith Business Insight, January, 2022
How auditors find their footing in the indigenous world, Smith Business Insight, May, 2018
Women On Boards: A Battle For Legitimacy, Smith Business Insight, March 2017
Lost in The Gap Between Rich and Poor, Smith Business Insight, January 2017
Radio Interview with Radio Canada. A Discussion on the OXFAM Report Entitled “An Economy for the 99 Percent.” 17 January 2017
TV Interview with Business News Network. A Discussion on the New Ontario Public Sector Executive Compensation Framework. 13 September 2016
Press Interview with Human Resources Reporter. Salary Caps Hit Ontario’s Broader Public Sector 19 September 2016
Press Interview with Human Resources Management Canada. Board members to blame for Ontario salary caps? 21 September 2016
The Greening of Profits, Smith Business Insight, December 2015
Fear and Auditing, Smith Business Insight, July 2015
Book Chapters
Tremblay, M.S., and Malsch, B. 2022. Tactical ethics in corporate governance: practicing assertiveness and patience. In Research Handbook on Accounting and Ethics (Eds., Brivot, M. and Cho, C.), Edward Elgar Publishing.
Malsch B., and Tremblay, M.S. 2022. Re-empowering the control function of boards. In The Handbook of Board Governance: A Comprehensive Guide for Public, Private, and Not-for-Profit Board Members (Ed. Leblanc, R), Wiley.
Undergraduate Teachings
HEC Montreal
- Specialized topics in financial accounting (BAA-391606)
- Introduction to financial analysis (BAA-190206)
- Introduction to financial accounting (BAA-190106)
Smith School of Business
- Introduction to managerial accounting (COMM 112/ COMM 212)
- Management Control System (COMM 415)
Graduate Teachings
Smith School of Business
- Financial Accounting Theory (MACC 811)
- Accounting III – Management Accounting Research (MGMT 912)
- Introduction to accounting research – Field Studies (MGMT 915)
- Qualitative Methods – (MGMT 802)
Queen’s Faculty of law
- Accounting and the Law (Law 684)
Graduate Supervision
External Examiner
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Camille Gaudy, Université de Toulouse I Capitol (Defended, November 2020)
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Douglas Ribeiro, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Yasser Alnafisah, Manchester School of Business (Defended, October 2019)
Smith School of Business
- Supervisor – Ph.D., Till-Arne Hahn (Completed, April 2021) o Placement: Assistant Professor HEC Montreal / Carleton University
- Supervisor – Ph.D., Oriane Couchoux (Completed, November 2020) o Placement: Assistant Professor HEC Montreal
- Supervisor – Ph.D., Ryan Stack (In progress) o Placement: Acadia University
- Supervisor – Ph.D., Laurence Daoust (Completed, August 2018) o Placement: Assistant Professor HEC Montreal
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Gabrielle Patry-Beaudoin (Completed, January 2022)
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Yi Luo (Completed, January 2022)
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Pujawati Gondowijoyo (Completed, May 2021)
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Wei He (Completed, February 2021)
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Russell Evans (Completed, November 2017)
- Thesis committee – Ph.D., Christie Hayne (Completed, July 2015)
- Examination Chair – Ph.D., Lin Bai (Defended, September 2022)
HEC Montreal
- Supervisor – M.Sc. (completed): 3 students
Case Competitions
- Examiner - 2016 Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.)
- Examiner - 2017 Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.)
- Examiner - 2018 Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.)
- Examiner - 2019 Inter-Collegiate Business Competition (I.C.B.C.)
Visiting Positions
Academic Visitor Program
Monash University, Australia
Visiting Professor
Toulouse School of Management, France
Visiting Research Student
University of Alberta, Canada
Visiting Research Student
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Guest Speaker Presentations
Discussion on “Can Auditors influence Clients’ sustainability reporting. Evidence from auditors’ tweets”. Accounting, Organizations and Society Conference on Accounting for Sustainability and Climate Change, University of Chicago; October 2022
Academic Empathy Dialogue on Auditing. Host Marleen Willekens (Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven, Belgium) and Bertrand Malsch (Smith School of Business, Queens University, Canada), mediated by Christopher Humphrey (Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, England); September 2022.
Hayne, C., and Malsch, B. Maneuvering a Thin Political Market: A Field Study of SASB’s Political Economy. University of Glasgow; November 2021.
Hayne, C., and Malsch, B. Maneuvering a Thin Political Market: A Field Study of SASB’s Political Economy. University of Waterloo; November 2021.
Hayne, C., and Malsch, B. Maneuvering a Thin Political Market: A Field Study of SASB’s Political Economy. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; October 2021.
Malsch, B. Diversity issues in publication. 25th Annual Ethics Workshop. CAAA Conference; June 2021
Couchoux, O., and Malsch, B. CPAB inspections and the practice of institutional ambidexterity:
technician versus clinical professionalism. London School of Economics, London; February 2021
Sustainability assurance practice and the search for meaningfulness in small and medium practices. Schulich School of Business, Toronto; January 2020
Creating public value in professional service firms: the case of client-acceptance decision. Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary University, Halifax; January 2020
Professionalism vs. Commercialism: The audit firm as a business unit, Doctoral Class, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal; March 2019
When the client is a former auditor: A Field Study of Auditees’ Influence on Audit Engagements
Through Expert Knowledge and Social Capital. Boston College, Boston, USA; March 2019
Auditors’ strategic and conflicting responses to CPAB inspections: acquiescing, compromising, avoiding. University Central Florida, Orlando, USA; February 2019
‘New Directions in Auditing Research’, Speaker in Plenary Panel, European Accounting Association, Milan, Italy; June 2018
When the client is a former auditor: A Field Study of Auditees' Influence on Audit Engagements Through Expert Knowledge and Social Capital. Toulouse School of Management, Toulouse, France; May 2018
How to Become an Ex-auditor: Past, Present and Memory of a Big Four Experience. Manchester School of Business; November 2017
Discussion on “One Team or Two Teams? Exploring Relationship Quality Between Auditor and IT Specialists and its Implications for a Collective Audit Team Identity and the Audit Process”. Status: under review”. Contemporary Accounting Research Conference, Waterloo, October 2016
(Re)Theorizing Professional Change. Institutional Change and Regulatory Rescaling. HEC Paris, Paris; June 2016
When Social License Costs Become Unbearable. Western Transportation Advisory Council, 2016 Spring Member Forum, Edmonton; May 2016
Critical Perspectives on Sustainability and Accountability, Doctoral Class, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal; March 2015
Getting Back to Basics. Deconstructing Complexity in the Boardroom. John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal; November 2014
Doing Qualitative Research in Corporate Governance, Doctoral Consortium at the Auditing Section Midyear Conference, American Accounting Association, San Antonio, Texas; January 2014
(Re)empowering Compensation Committees, Queens’ School of Business; February 2013
Accounting Matters! Contemporary Accounting Research Conference, Ottawa; October 2012
The Energy of Shame: Emotional Episodes and Institutional Work, ESCP Paris, June 2012
‘Research Diversity in Accounting’, Speaker in Plenary Panel, European Accounting Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May 2012
(Re)empowering Compensation Committees, Schulich School of Business; June 2012
Accounting Firms as Political Agents of Depoliticization: The Case of Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Alberta School of Business; February 2011
Risk, Blame and Allegiance in Compensation Committees: A Cultural Theory Perspective, Amsterdam Business School; November 2009
Risk, Blame and Allegiance in Compensation Committees: A Cultural Theory Perspective, Copenhagen Business School; October 2009
Scholarly Conferences
Azambuja, R., Baudot, L., and Malsch, B. The unstructured nature of managerial work: Service delivery amidst disturbance and improvisation within professional service firms.13th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference 2021. Universität Innsbruck. July 2021.
Yi, L., and Malsch, B. Exploring Improvisation in Audit Work through Auditors’ Responses to COVID-19. 2020 PCAOB/TAR conference on “Auditing and Capital Markets.” US: October 2020.
Murphy, P., Donahue, S., and Malsch, B. More than Meets the Eye: Should Standard Setters Rely on Expert Financial Statement Users’ Opinions? 24th University of Illinois Symposium on Auditing Research, Urbana-Champaign, US: September 2020.
Cochoux, O., and Malsch, B. Auditors’ strategic and conflicting responses to CPAB inspections: acquiescing, compromising. 8th EIASM workshop on accounting and regulation, Siena, Italy: June 2019
Daoust L., and Malsch, B. When the client is a former auditor: A Field Study of Auditees' Influence on Audit Engagements Through Expert Knowledge and Social Capital. CAR Conference, Banff, Canada: October 2018
Daoust L., and Malsch, B. When the client is a former auditor: A Field Study of Auditees' Influence on Audit Engagements Through Expert Knowledge and Social Capital. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, University of Edinburgh Business School, Edinburgh: July 2018
Malsch, B., Tremblay, M.S., and Cohen, J.C. When do accounting firms produce public outcomes? (Re)positioning the public interest in auditing. Alternative Account Conference, HEC Montreal: May 2018
Malsch, B., and Daoust, D. How to Become an Ex-auditor: Past, Present and Memory of a Big Four Experience. PIAG Workshop, Schulich School of Business, Toronto: October 2017
Malsch, B., Gendron, Y., and Tremblay, M.S. “I Know What I Don’t Know”. A Study of Ignorance and Negative Knowledge in Executives’ Compensation. Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, FSA, Université Laval, Québec City; May 2017
Malsch, B., and Hazgui, M. (Re)Theorizing Professional Change. Institutional Change and Regulatory Rescaling. Alternative Account Conference, Telfer School of Business, Ottawa; April 2016
Gendron, Y., Malsch, B., and Tremblay, M.S. Getting Back to Basics. Deconstructing Complexity in the Boardroom. Alternative Account Conference, Telfer School of Business, Ottawa; April 2015
Guénin-Paracini, H., Malsch, B. and Tremblay, M.S. 2014. The Reality of Auditors’ Operational
Independence: Lessons from the Field. European Accounting Association Conference, Estonia School of Business, Tallinn; May 2014
Micro Games of Power in Auditing: Getting Comfortable with the Auditee. European Accounting Association Conference, Université Dauphine, Paris; May 2013
Micro Games of Power in Auditing: Getting Comfortable with the Auditee Alternative Accounts in Accounting Research, Schulich School of Business; April 2013
Re-theorizing Change: Institutional Experimentation and the Struggle for Domination in the Field of Public Accounting. European Accounting Association Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May 2012
The Moral Potential of Individualism and Instrumental Reason in Accounting Research. European Accounting Association Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia; May 2012
Reining in Auditors: On the Dynamics of Power Surrounding an ‘Innovation’ in the Regulatory Space. International Symposium on Audit Research, Quebec; June 2011
Activism in stakeholder democracy: A Critical Ethnography of a Group of Small Shareholders. Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Clearwater, Florida; July 2011
Independent Audit Regulators and the Reproduction of Conflicts of Interests in the Field of Public Accounting. Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Accounting, Innsbrück, Austria; July 2009
Social Change and Social Reproduction in the Field of Public Accounting. Fourth Alternative
Perspectives in Accounting Research Conference; Avril 2009
Conference/Webinar Organizer
Qualitative Methods Symposium. CAAA Annual conference. May 2022.
New Frontiers in Auditing: Risk and Opportunities in the Blockchain Sector. Smith Business Insight and CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting and Professionalism. October 2021.
Tackling the Great Resignation in Accounting. Smith Business Insight and CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting and Professionalism. March 2022.
Alternative Accounts Conference, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University Kingston; May 2019
PricewaterhouseCoopers/Tom O’Neill Fellow of Accounting, $35,000 (2017-2020)
Queen’s School of Business, Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Accounting, $30,000 (2014-2017)
Research Awards
Smith School Research Excellence Award, $5,000 (2020)
Queen's School of Business, New Researcher Achievement Award, $5,000 (2014)
Highly commended in the 2012 AAAJ/Emerald/European Foundation for Management Development Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (2012)
Dean’s Scholarship, $10,000 (2011)
Port de Québec Scholarship, $2,500 (2008)
University Laval Foundation Scholarship, $8000 (2008)
Second prize 2020 John Molson Business Ownership Case Writing Competition, $5,000. (2020)
Best Student Case Award for the Case Division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for the case entitled: “Clarke Building and Supplies Limited: Navigating Culture and Change”. (2020)
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (AAAJ) Mary Parker Follett Best Paper Award for the paper entitled: “Gender on board: “Deconstructing the legitimate female director.” (2016)
A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT) Best Paper of the year Award and $1,000 for the paper entitled: “On the Operational Reality of Auditors’ Independence: Lessons from the Field.” (2016)
Emerald Literary Award and Citations of Excellence Winner for paper entitled: “Re-theorizing change: Institutional experimentation and the struggle for domination in the field of public accounting.” (2016)
Highly commended in the 2012 Parker Follett Best Paper Award (2012)
Faculté des Sciences de l’Administration Honour Roll (2009)
Grants & Funding
CPA Ontario Tier 1 Funding. Bertrand Malsch (Principal Applicant).
CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting and Professionalism | $375,000
Bertrand Malsch (Principal Researcher) with Laurence Daoust and Oriane Couchoux. ‘Jumping on the Start-Ups Bandwagon: A Field Study on the Role of Accountants and Financial Information in Tech Start-Ups in Canada’. (2018)
CPA Canada-CAAA Special Topics Research Grant Program | $9,960
Bertrand Malsch (Principal Researcher) with Pavlo Kalyta and Marie-Soleil Tremblay. ‘Inside tax havens and the making of offshore accounting in Canada.’
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) | $151,375
Bertrand Malsch, Pavlo Kalyta and Tina Dacin. ‘Accounting Firms, Corporate Accountability, and Aboriginal Peoples.’ (2016)
General Research Grant competition, Smith School of Business | $25,000
Henri Guénin-Paracini and Bertrand Malsch. ‘The Role of Emotions in Auditors’ Practices.’ (2016)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) | $96,206
‘Professional Expertise of Economists in Times of Crisis: Practices, Calculations and Rationality.’ (2012)
Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) | $39,600
Editorial and Reviewing Activities
Associate Editor (since)- Accounting, Organizations, and Society (2022)
- Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (2020)
- Accounting Horizons (2018 - 2022)
- Behavioral Research in Accounting (2017 - 2022)
- Accounting and Business Research (2016 - 2022)
- Contemporary Accounting Research (2018)
- European Accounting Review (2018)
- Guest Editor Special Issue: “New directions in auditing research”
- Contemporary Accounting Review (2015)
- European Accounting Review (2015)
- Accounting, Organizations and Society (2014)
- Critical Perspectives on Accounting (2014)
- Journal of Accounting and the Public Interest (2018)
- Accounting Forum (2019)
- The Accounting Review (2020)
- Journal of Information System (2020)
- M@n@gement (2019)
- Long Planning Review (2019)
- Accounting forum (2019)
- British Journal of Industrial Relations (2015)
- Regulation & Governance (2015)
- European Accounting Review (2014)
- Organization (2014)
- Accounting Education an International Journal (2013)
- Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (2013)
- Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2013)
- Contrôle, Comptabilité, Audit (2013)
- Human Relations (2013)
- Organization Studies (2011)
- Public Administration (2012)
- Journal of Management Studies (2011)
- 2018 CAAA Research Grant Program
- 2018 SSHRC Insight Grants Program
- 2020 SSHRC Insight Grants Program
- Member of the adjudication committee
- 2021 SSHRC Insight Grants Program
- Co-chair of the adjudication committee
- Board member of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association and Chair of the Research Committee (Since 2020)
- Member of the External Reporting Advisory Group of the Canadian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (Since 2020)
- Member of the Quebec Cannabis Oversight Committee (Since 2019)
- Member of the Quebec Bar (Since 2019)
- Member of the American Accounting Association
- Member of the European Accounting Association
Service to the School and to the University
- Area Coordinator, Accounting Area. July 2022 –
- Member, Search committee – AD Research. 2022
- Member, PhD/MSc graduate committee. 2021 –
- Member, Research excellence award committee. 2021
- Member, Search committee – AD Graduate Studies. 2021
- Chair, Modified appointment committee. 2020 – 2021
- Member, EDII Research & Thought Leadership Taskforce. 2020 – 2021
- Member, Research Fellowships/Professorships Taskforce. 2020
- Member, Appointment Committee. 2020 – 2021 / 2022 – 2023
- Member, Principal’s Advisory Committee (Dean selection). 2019 – 2020
- Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. 2019 – 2021
- Member, Quebec bar. 2019 –
- Member, Research Ethics Committee, Queen’s School of Business. 2013 – 2017
- Member, Academic Integrity Panel, Queen’s School of Business. 2014 – 2015