Guang Li
Associate ProfessorOverview
Guang Li is an associate professor of Management Science and a Scotiabank Scholar in Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
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- Management Analytics
- Operations Management and Technology
Interest Topics
- Analytics & AI
- Management
- Operations
- Retail
- Service Sector
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Guang Li is an associate professor of Management Science and a Scotiabank Scholar in Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
She received her PhD from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California (2016), M.Eng. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.Sc. from National University of Singapore, and B.Eng. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Guang’s research interests include revenue management, retail operations, customer choice modeling, and interfaces between operations management and marketing, accounting, and finance.
Her research has been funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada. Guang's work has been published in Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Operations Research Letters. She is a member of INFORMS.
Academic Degrees
PhD Operations Management
University of Southern California (2016)
M.Eng. Materials Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008)
M.Sc. Advanced Materials for Micro and Nano-Systems
National University of Singapore (2008)
B.Eng. Materials Engineering
Nanyang Technological University (2007)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor (2024 – Present)
Assistant Professor (2016 – 2024)
Scotiabank Scholar (2018 – Present)
1. “Designing Shipping Policies with Top-up Options to Qualify for Free Delivery” (with Lifei Sheng
and Dongyuan Zhan), Production and Operations Management, Vol. 32, No. 9, 2704-2722, 2023. [Link]
2. “Optimal Pricing and Inventory Planning with Charitable Donations” (with Leon Yang Chu and Paat
Rusmevichientong), Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, 687-703, 2018.
3. “The d-Level Nested Logit Model: Assortment and Price Optimization Problems” (with Paat
Rusmevichien- tong and Huseyin Topaloglu), Operations Research, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 325-342, 2015.
4. “A Greedy Algorithm for the Two-Level Nested Logit Model” (with Paat Rusmevichientong),
Research Letters, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 319-324, 2014. [Link]
Work In Progress
“Bankruptcy Prediction with Machine Learning Methods: Investigation of Model Interpretability” (with
Xingwei Yang*, Matthew Thompson, and Aniruddha Dutta), Target journal: INFORMS Journal on Applied
2. “Psychology and Content Analysis of Users with the Signs of Depression” (with Xingwei Yang*), Target
journal: Journal of Business Research.
3. “Discover Depression Support in Social Network” (with Xingwei Yang*), Target journal: Journal of Business Research.
4. “Selling and Renting Mechatronics” (with Xianfeng Meng* and Anton Ovchinnikov), manuscript in
preparation. Target journal: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
5. “Operations Management Under Choice Overloading” (with Milad Mirzaee* and Elaheh Fata), manuscript
in preparation. Target journal: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
6. “Operations Management Under a Multi-Item Purchase Choice Model” (with Milad Mirzaee* and Elaheh
Fata), manuscript in preparation. Target journal: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
7. “Stochastic Dynamic Resource Allocation for Hotel Revenue Management with Auxiliary Revenues”
(with Aliaksandr Nekrashevich*, Yuri Levin, and Mikhail Nediak), manuscript in preparation. Target
journal: Production and Operations Management.
8. “Scalable Stochastic Sea Cargo with Empty Container Management” (with Aliaksandr Nekrashevich**,
Yuri Levin, and Mikhail Nediak), manuscript in preparation. Target journal: Operations Research.
9. “Sensitivity to Delays and Pricing Behavior of Individual Sellers in Online Platforms” (with Mikhail Nediak,
Lifei Sheng, and Shweta Singh), manuscript in preparation. Target journal: Management Science.
10. “Joint Assortment and Price Optimizations under an N-Pack Purchase Model” (with Ying Cao), manuscript in preparation. Target journal: Operations Research Letters.
Working Papers
"Disruptive Timing” (with Leon Chu, Brian Wu, and Andy Wu), Management Science, major revision.“To Hinder or to Facilitate: Retailers’ Strategy of Consumer Information Sharing and Target Segment”
(with Buqing Ma and Guangwen Kong), Production and Operations Management, major revision. [Link]
“How Resilient are Warehouse Clubs in the Face of Digital Competition? Unraveling the Role of Retail
Agglomeration” (with Martin Dresner, Benny Mantin, and Xiaodan Pan), International Journal of Physical
Distribution & Logistics Management, under second-round revision.
“Stocking Upon Hand Sanitizer: Pandemic Lessons for Retailers and Consumers” (with Xiaodan Pan,
Tina Dacin, Martin Dresner, and Benny Mantin), International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics
Management, to be resubmitted.
“Remanufacturing Technology Portfolio Decision under a Discrete Choice Model” (with Ying Cao, Xianghui
Peng, and Kai Meng), Production and Operations Management, under review. [Link]
Stephen J.R. Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Analytical Decision Making (core course in MMA, Blended MMA) 2019-Present Analytical
Decision Making (core course in MMAI, residential sessions) 2021-Present
Revenue Management in Operations Research (reading course in Ph.D.) 2022
Advanced Topics in Operations Research (core course in Ph.D. ) 2019,2021
Deterministic Operations Research Models (core course in Ph.D. & M.Sc.) 2020-2021
Operation Management (third year core course in commerce) 2017-2018
Marshall School of Business , University of Southern California
Operation Management (third year core course in commerce) 2014
Choice modeling, revenue management, assortment planning, retail operations, supply chain management, interfaces between operations management and marketing and strategy.
Conference Presentations
“Is Warehouse Club Business Model Resilient to Digital Competition? The Role of Retail Agglomeration”
INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference, June 2023
“Operations Management Under a Multi-Item Purchase Choice Model”
INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2023 (scheduled)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2022
Productions & Operations Management Society Annual Conference, April 2022
Sensitivity to Delays and Pricing Behavior of Individual Sellers in Online Platforms
CORS Annual Meeting, June 2021 (Invited)
POMS Annual Meeting, May 2021 (Invited)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 2020 (Invited)
Designing Shipping Policies for Online Retailers
POMS Annual Conference 2019, Washington, DC, USA, May 2019 (Invited)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, December 2018 (Invited)
CORS Annual Conference 2018, Halifax, NS, Canada, June 2018 (Invited)
Pricing under the N-Pack Purchasing Model
POMS Annual Conference 2019, Washington, DC, USA, May 2019 (Invited)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, December 2018 (Invited)
POMS Annual Conference 2018, Houston, TX, USA, May 2018 (Invited)
Formulation, Motivation and Estimation for the d-Level Nested Logit Model
Cornell ORIE Young Researchers Workshop on Data-Driven Decision Making, Ithaca, NY, USA, November 2015 (Invited)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2015 (Invited)
INFORMS MSOM Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2015 (Refereed)
Southern California OR/OM Day, Los Angeles, CA, USA, May 2015
A Greedy Algorithms for the Two-Level Nested Logit Model
INFORMS MSOM Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, June 2014 (Refereed)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minnesota, MN, USA, October 2013 (Invited)
Invited Talks
Nanjing University and Southeast University (joint virtual seminar), August 2021
Tsinghua University, November 2018
Wilfrid Laurier University, Lazaridis School of Business, February 2016
University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, January 2016
University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindai School of Management, January 2016
Queen’s University, Smith School of Business, January 2016
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, School of International Business, December 2015
University of Science and Technology of China, School of Management, December 2015
Other Awards
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, 2015
Singapore-MIT Alliance Graduate Fellowship, 2007-2008
- Full funding for a dual master’s degree from MIT and NUS
NatSteel Limited Gold Medal, Nanyang Technological University, 2007
- Best overall performance in the final year of undergraduate study
Dean’s List Commendation, Nanyang Technological University, 2004-2007
- Awarded to top 5% of the cohort
NTU President Research Scholarship, 2004-2007
- Awarded to students in Dean’s list to fund for undergraduate research
Grants & Funding
D.I. McLeod Term Research Assistantship (Co-applied with Murray Lei), $7,483.30 (2023)
Loblaw Inc. Internal Research Grant (Co-PI with Murray Lei and Elaheh Fata), $20,000 (2022)
Discovery Grant (2020-2025)
NSERC | $142,500
General Research Grant (2019-2020)
Smith School of Business | $3,800
Session Co-chair, Emerging Topics in Operations Management, POMS Annual Conference (2023)
Session Co-Chair, Pricing and Revenue Management, CORS Annual Conference 2022
Track Co-Chair & Session Chair, Revenue Management & Pricing, POMS Annual Conference (2020-2021)
Session Chair, Pricing and Revenue Management, CORS Annual Conference 2021
Session Chair, Revenue Management & Pricing, POMS Annual Conference (2019)
Session Chair, Retail Operations, POMS Annual Conference (2019)
Session Co-Chair, Revenue Management, CORS Annual Conference 2018
Ad-hoc Reviewer for Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,
Production and Operations Management, Operations Research Letters, INFORMS Journal on Computing,
Decision Sciences, Naval Research Logistics, Omega
Ad-hoc conference reviewer, 19th ACM Economics and Computation Conference (2018)
Ad-hoc grant reviewer, NSERC Discovery Grant (2022)
Ad-hoc referee, Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Award, DSI Annual Meeting (2019)
Service At Queen's University
Curriculum review committee, Smith’s Analytics Suite 2023
Curriculum review committee, Masters in International Business 2023
Ph.D. comprehensive exam committee, Management Analytics 2020-Present
Research Committee, Smith School of Business 2022-Present
Renewal, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Smith School of Business 2020-2022
Faculty Development Fund Committee, Smith School of Business 2018-2019
Judge, Queen’s International Innovation Challenge 2018