Eddy Ng
Professor & Smith Professor of Equity & InclusionOverview
Eddy Ng is the Smith Professor of Equity & Inclusion in Business at Queen’s University. He was previously the James & Elizabeth Freeman Professor of Management and DEI Faculty Fellow at Bucknell University, and the F.C. Manning Chair in Economics and Business at Dalhousie University.
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- Organizational Behaviour
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- Diversity Management
- Human Resources Management
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Full Bio
Eddy Ng is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and the Smith Professor of Equity & Inclusion in Business at Queen’s University. He was previously the James & Elizabeth Freeman Professor of Management and DEI Faculty Fellow at Bucknell University, and the F.C. Manning Chair in Economics and Business at Dalhousie University.
His research focuses on managing diversity for organizational competitiveness, the future of work, and managing across generations. His work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grants. He has edited and published 8 books and more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. According to a recent Stanford study, he is identified in the top 2% of highly cited scientists in Economics & Business.
He has been featured in popular media outlets in Canada and the U.S. such as the CBC, CTV, Global News, the Globe and Mail, the Financial Post, ABC News, BBC Worklife, CBS News, NPR, Vox, and the Wall Street Journal. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Co-Editor of Personnel Review. He is Past Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (previously Gender and Diversity in Organizations) division of the Academy of Management.
Prior to academia, he worked for the TD Bank Financial Group in Commercial Banking, Domestic Planning, Corporate Audit, and Group Human Resources at the head office in Toronto.
Academic Degrees
McMaster University
Simon Fraser University
The University of British Columbia
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Smith Professorship in Equity and Inclusion in Business
Associate Professor
Bucknell University
James and Elizabeth Professor of Management
DEI Faculty Fellow
Dalhousie University
F.C. Manning Chair in Economics and Business
Associate Professor
Journal Articles
Ng, E.S., Sears, G.J., & Arnold, K.A. (forthcoming). Who does diversity better? The role of servant leaders in promoting diversity management across public and private sector organizations. Public Administration Quarterly.
Ng, E.S., Shen, W., Lewis, A., & Bonner, R. (forthcoming). Critical issues facing Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in organizations and society. American Behavioral Scientist.
King, E., Hebl, M., Corrington, A., Holmes IV, O., Lindsay, A.P., Madera, J., Martinez, L., Ng, E.S., Nittrouer, C., Sabat, I., Sawyer, K., & Thoroughgood, C. (2024). Understanding and addressing the health implications of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. Occupational Health Science, 8(1), 1-41.
Ayoobzadeh, M., Schweitzer, L., Lyons, S., & Ng, E.S. (2024). A tale of two generations: A time-lag study of career expectations. Personnel Review.
Case, P., Wood, J., & Ng, E. (2024). Introducing the Journal of Tropical Futures: Sustainable business, governance and development. Journal of Tropical Futures, 1(1), 3-11.
Stanton, P., & Ng, E.S. (2023). Job crafting: Relevance to human resource management. Personnel Review, 52(8) 1953-1956.
Mohammadi, Z., Bhati, A., & Ng, E.S. (2023). Twenty years of workplace diversity research in hospitality and tourism: A bibliometric analysis. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(4) 551-571.
Ng, E.S. & McGowan, R.A. (2023). Breaking the glass ceiling: Women of the second wave feminist movement in Canada. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 40(2), 173-187.
Ng, E.S., Rajendren, D. & Waheduzzaman, W., (2023). Promoting workplace inclusion and self-efficacy among skilled migrant workers in Australia. International Journal of Manpower, 44(2) 267-282
Ng, E.S., & Stanton, P. (2023). The Great Resignation: Managing People in a Post COVID-19 Pandemic World. Personnel Review, 52(1), 401-407
Ng, E.S., Posch, A., Köllen, T., Kraiczy, N., & Thom, N. (forthcoming). Do “one size” employment policies fit all young workers? Heterogeneity in work attribute preferences among the Millennial generation. Business Research Quarterly
Dahms, S., Kingkaew, S., & Ng, E.S. (2022). The effects of top management team national diversity and institutional uncertainty on subsidiary CSR focus and performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 173(3) 699-715.
Metz, I., Stamper, C, & Ng, E.S. (2022). Feeling included and excluded in organizations: The role of human and social capital. Journal of Business Research, 142, 122-137.
Ng, E.S., & Stanton, P. (2022). Editorial: Personnel Review after 50: The next chapter. Personnel Review, 51(1) 2-3.
Saba, T., Ozbilgin, M., Ng, E. and Cachat-Rosset, G. (2021), Ineffectiveness of diversity management: lack of knowledge, lack of interest or resistance?, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 40(7), 765-769.
Ng, E.S., Sears, G.J., & Arnold, K. (2021). Exploring the Influence of CEO and Chief Diversity Officers’ Relational Demography on Organizational Diversity Management: An Identity-based Perspective. Management Decision, 59(11), 2583-2605.
Ng, E.S., & Sears, G.J., & Bakkaloglu, M. (2021). White and minority employee reactions to perceived discrimination at work: Evidence of White fragility? International Journal of Manpower, 42(4), 661-682.
Bates, K., & Ng, E.S. (2021) Whiteness in academia, time to listen, and moving beyond White fragility. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 40(1), 1-7.
Ng, E.S. & Lam, A. (2020). Black lives matter: On the denial of systemic racism, White liberals, and polite racism. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 37(1), 729-739.
Ng, E.S., & Sears. G. (2020). Walking the talk on diversity: CEO beliefs, moral values, and the implementation of workplace diversity practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 164(3), 437-450.
Ng, E.S., & McGinnis Johnson, J. (2020). Game of loans: The relationship between education debt and making a career choice in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 49(2), 292-315.
Sobral, F., Ng, E.S., Castanheira, F., Chambel, M.J., & Koene, B. (2020). Dealing with temporariness: Generational effects on temporary agency workers’ employment relations. Personnel Review, 49(2), 406-424.
Thompson, C., Kuah, A., Foong, R, & Ng, E. (2020). The Development of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control in MBA Students. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31(1), 113-131.
Rajendran, D., Ng, E.S., Sears, G., & Ayub, N. (2020). Determinants of migrant career success: A study of recent skilled migrants in Australia. International Migration, 58(2), 30-51.
Ng, E.S., & Stamper, C. (2018). A Trump presidency and the prospect for equality and diversity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 37(1), 2-13.
Rajani, N., Ng, E.S., & Groutsis, D. (2018). From India to Canada: An autoethnographic account of an international student’s transition to a self-initiated expatriate. Canadian Ethnic Studies 50(1), 129-148.
Alhejji, H., Ng, E.S., Garavan, T., & Carbery, R. (2018). The impact of formal and informal distance on gender equality approaches: The case of a British MNC in Saudi Arabia. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(2), 147-159.
Ng, E.S., & Rumens, N. (2017). Diversity and inclusion for LGBT workers: Current issues and new horizons for research. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 34(2), 109-120.
Ng, E.S. & Sears, G.J. (2017). The glass ceiling in context: The influence of CEO gender, recruitment practices, and firm internationalization on the representation of women in management. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 133-151.
Ng, E. S. (2017). Editorial statement regarding recent policies from the Trump Administration. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 36(2), 110.
Kuron, L., Schweitzer, L., Lyons, S., & Ng, E.S. (2016). Career profiles in the “new career:” Evidence of their prevalence and correlates. Career Development International, 21(4), 355-377.
Ng, E.S., Gossett, C.W., Chinyoka, S., & Obasi, I. (2016). Public vs. private sector management: An exploratory study of career choice among graduate management students in Botswana. Personnel Review, 45(6), 1367-1385.
Ng, E.S.W., Gossett, C.W., & Winter, R. (2016). Millennials and public service renewal: Introduction on Millennials and public service motivation. Public Administration Quarterly, 40(3), 1-16.
Klarsfeld, A., Ng, E.S., Booysen, L.A.E., Castro-Christiansen, L., & Kuvaas, B. (2016). Comparative equality and diversity: Main findings and research gaps. Cross-cultural and Strategic Management, 23(3), 1-19.
McGowan, R.A., & Ng, E.S.W. (2016). Employment equity in Canada: Making sense of employee discourses of misunderstanding, resistance, and support. Canadian Public Administration, 59(2), 310-329.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S., & Wolpin, J. (2016). Effects of hospital restructuring and downsizing on nursing staff: The role of union support. Journal of Health Management, 18(3). 1-16.
Kwok, C., Bates, K., & Ng, E.S. (2016). Managing and sustaining an aging nursing workforce: Identifying opportunities and best practices in collective agreements. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(4), 500-511.
McGinnis Johnson, J., & Ng, E.S. (2016). Money talks or millennials walk: The effect of competitive compensation on millennial worker nonprofit sector-switching behaviors. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 36(3), 283-305.
Ng. E.S. (2016). Editorial: Introducing a new editorial team. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 35(7/8), 394-396.
Ng, E.S., & Sears, G.J. (2015). Toward representative bureaucracy: Predicting public service attraction among underrepresented groups in Canada. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 35(4), 367-385.
Kuron, L., Lyons, S., Schweitzer, L., & Ng, E.S. (2015). Millennials’ work values: Differences across the school to work transition. Personnel Review, 44(6), 991-1009.
Lyons, S., Schweitzer, L., & Ng, E.S. (2015). Resilience in the modern career. Career Development International, 20(4) 363-383.
Wazed, S., & Ng, E.S. (2015). College recruiting using social media: How to increase applicant reach and reduce college recruiting costs. Strategic HR Review, 14(4) 1325-141.
Ng, E.S., & Bloemraad, I. (2015). A SWOT analysis of multiculturalism in Canada, Europe, Mauritius, and South Korea. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(6), 619-636.
Ng, E.S. & Metz, I. (2015). Multiculturalism as a strategy for national competitiveness: The case for Canada and Australia. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(2), 253-266.
Lyons, S., Schweitzer, L., & Ng, E.S. (2015). How have careers changed? An investigation of changing career patterns across four generations. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(1), 8-21.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S., & Wolpin, J. (2015). Economic austerity and healthcare restructuring: Correlates and consequences of nursing staff job insecurity. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(5), 640-656
Schweitzer, L., Lyons, S., Kuron, K.J., & Ng, E.S.W. (2014). The gender gap in pre-career salary expectations: A test of five explanations. Career Development International, 19(4), 404-425.
Ng, E.S. (2014). Relative deprivation, self-interest and social justice: Why I do research on in-equality. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 33(5), 429-441.
Lyons, S.T., Ng, E.S., Schweitzer, L. (2014). Changing demographics and the shifting nature of careers: Implications for research and human resource development. Human Resource Development Review, 13(2), 180-205.
Sur, S. & Ng, E.S. (2014). Extending theory on job stress: The interaction between the ‘other 3’ and ‘big 5’ personality traits on job stress. Human Resource Development Review, 13(1), 79-101.
Ng, E.S.W., & Law, A. (2014). Keeping up! Older workers’ adaptation in the workplace after age 55. Canadian Journal on Aging, 33(1), 1-14.
Lewis, G.B., & Ng, E.S. (2013). Sexual orientation, work values, pay, and preference for public and nonprofit employment: Evidence from Canadian postsecondary students. Canadian Public Administration, 56(4), 541-562.
Ng, E.S.W., & Gossett, C.W. (2013). Career choice in Canadian public service: An exploration of fit with the millennial generation. Public Personnel Management, 42(3), 337-358.
Konrad, A.M., Moore, M.E., Ng, E.S.W., Doherty, A.J., & Breward, K. (2013). Temporary work, underemployment, and workplace accommodations: Relationship to well-being for workers with disabilities. British Journal of Management, 24(3), 367-382.
Klarsfeld, A., Ng, E.S., & Tatli, A. (2012). Social regulation and diversity management: A Comparative study of France, Canada and the UK. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18(4), 309-327.
Hyman, R., Klarsfeld, A., Ng, E., & Haq, R. (2012). Introduction: Social regulation of diversity and equality. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18(4), 279-292.
Ng, E.S.W., Schweitzer, L., & Lyons, S.T. (2012). Anticipated discrimination and career choice among stigmatized individuals: A study of early career lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) job seekers. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 32(4), 332-352.
Lyons, S.T., Schweitzer, L., Ng, E.S.W., & Kuron, L. (2012). Comparing apples to apples: A qualitative investigation of career mobility patterns across four generations. Career Development International, 17(4), 333-357.
Konrad, A.M., Moore, M.E., Doherty, A.J., Ng, E.S.W., & Breward, K. (2012). Vocational status and perceived well-being of workers with disabilities. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 31(2), 100-123.
- Reprinted in: Sport Management: Critical Concepts in Sports Studies, Taylor & Francis (July 2013).
Ng, E.S., & Sears, G.J. (2012). CEO leadership styles and the adoption of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(1), 41-52.
Moore, M.E., Konrad, A.M., Yang, Y., Ng, E.S.W., & Doherty, A.J. (2011). The vocational wellbeing of workers with childhood onset disability: Life satisfaction and perceived workplace discrimination. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79(3), 681-698.
Ng, E.S.W., & Wyrick, C.R. (2011). Motivational bases for managing diversity: A model of leadership commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 21(4), 368-376.
Schweitzer, L., Ng, E., Lyons, S., & Kuron, L. (2011). Exploring the career pipeline: Gender differences in pre-career expectations. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 66(3), 374-396.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S.W., & Wolpin, J. (2011). Nursing staff work experiences, work outcomes and psychological well-being in difficult times: Implications for improving nursing staff quality of work life and hospital functioning. Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 13(2), 9-22.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S.W., & Wolpin, J. (2011). Hospital restructuring and downsizing: Effects on nursing staff well-being and perceived hospital functioning. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 7(1), 81-98.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S.W., & Wolpin, J. (2011). Hospital restructuring and downsizing processes and nurses satisfactions well-being and perceived hospital functioning: What seems to be helpful? A Journal of Indian Society of Management Development & Research, 1(1), 30-42.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S.W., & Wolpin, J. (February, 2011). Hospital downsizing: A breach of trust? Effective Executive, 38-42.
Ng, E.S.W. (2011). Book review: Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts (2E) by D.C. Thomas. Cross-cultural Management: An International Journal, 18(1), 122-124.
Ng, E.S.W., & Burke, R.J. (2010). A comparison of the legislated employment equity program, federal contractors program and financial post 500 firms. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 27(3), 224-235.
Ng, E.S.W., & Sears, G.J. (2010). The effect of adverse impact in selection practices on organizational diversity outcomes: A field study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(9), 1454-1471.
Ng, E.S., & Burke, R.J. (2010). Predictors of business students’ attitudes toward sustainable business practices. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(4), 603-615.
Ng, E.S.W., Schweitzer, L., & Lyons, S.T. (2010). New generation, great expectations: A field study of the millennial generation in Canada. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(2), 281-292.
Ng, E.S.W., & Sears, G.J. (2010). What women and ethnic minorities want: Work values and labour market confidence. A self-determination perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(5), 677-699.
Burke, R.J., Ng, E.S.W., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2009). Virtues, work satisfactions, and psychological well-being among nurses. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2(3), 202-219.
Ng, E.S.W., Burke, R.J., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2008). Career choice in management: Findings from U.S. MBA students. Career Development International, 13(4), 346-361.
Ng, E.S.W. (2008). Why organizations choose to manage diversity? Toward a leadership-based theoretical framework. Human Resource Development Review, 7(1), 58-78.
Ng, E.S., & Wiesner, W.H. (2007). Are men always picked over women? The effects of employment equity directives on selection decisions. Journal of Business Ethics, 76(2), 177-187.
Burke, R.J., & Ng, E.S.W. (2007). Workaholic behaviours: Do colleagues agree? International Journal of Stress Management, 14(3), 312-320.
Ng, E.S.W. (2007). Reaching new heights: Findings from the summit of Banff on the progress of gender and diversity in Canada. Equal Opportunities International, 26(1), 71-76.
Ng, E.S.W., & Burke, R.J. (2006). The next generation at work: Business students’ views, values and job search strategy. Education and Training, 48(7), 478-492.
- Slightly revised version reprinted as: Burke, R.J., & Ng, E.S.W. (2007). Business students’ views on jobs, careers and the job search process: Implications for employers and universities. In A. Malach-Pines & M. Özbilgin (Eds.), Career Choice in Entrepreneurship and Management: A Research Companion. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Burke, R.J., & Ng, E. (2006). The changing nature of work and organizations: Implications for human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 16(2), 86-94.
Ng, E.S.W., & Burke, R.J. (2005). Person-organization fit and the war for talent: Does diversity management make a difference? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(7), 1195-1210.
Ng, E.S.W., & Burke, R.J. (2004). Cultural values as predictors of attitudes towards equality and diversity: A Canadian experience. Women in Management Review, 19(6), 317-324.
Ng, E.S.W., & Tung, R.L. (1998). Ethnocultural diversity and organizational effectiveness: A field study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(6), 980-995.
Ng, E.S., Lyons, S.T., & Schweitzer, L. (2018). Generational Career Shifts: How Veterans, Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials View Work. Bingley: Emerald.
Edited Books
Ng, E.S., Ramsay, J., Wood, J., & Thirumaran, K. (Eds.) (2023). Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific. An Organizational Psychology Approach. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Klarsfeld, A., Knappert, L., Nornau, A., Ng, E.S., & Ngunjiri, F. (Eds.) (2022). International Handbook on New Frontiers of Diversity and Equality at Work Inclusion. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Ng, E.S., Stamper, C.L., & Klarsfeld, A. (Eds.) (2021). Handbook on Diversity and Equity Indices: A Research Compendium. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Klarsfeld, A., Ng, E., Booysen, L.A.E., Castro-Christiansen, L., & Kuvaas, B. (Eds.) (2016). Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Klarsfeld, A., Booysen, L., Ng, E., Roper, I., & Tatli A. (Eds.) (2014). International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Second Edition Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ng, E.S.W., Lyons, S.T., & Schweitzer, L. (Eds.) (2012). Managing the New Workforce: International Perspectives on the Millennial Generation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Book Chapters
Ng., E.S. (2023). Not all white supremacists wear robes and hoods. In E. King, M. Hebl, & Q. Roberson (Eds.), Perspectives on Race in Organizations. Charlotte, NC: IAP
Tsang, D., Barzantny, C., & Ng, E.S. (2023). Age of perfection: An integrated perspective of employee longevity advantages in the global aerospace industry. In T. Melaku, A. Beeman, & C. Winkler (Eds.). Handbook on Workplace Diversity and Stratification. Rowman & Littlefield.
Lam, A., & Ng, E.S. Multiculturalism Policy Index (2021). In E. Ng, A. Klarsfeld, and C. Stamper (Eds.) Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices: A Research Compendium. Edward Elgar
Lam, A. & Ng, E.S. (2021). Representative bureaucracy in Canada: Multiculturalism in the public service. In H. Sullivan and H. Dickinson (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. McMillan Palgrave.
Lam, A. & Ng, E.S. (2020). Progress in Affirmative Action: How backlash is holding us back. In E. King, M. Hebl, & Q. Roberson (Eds.), Research on Social Issues in Management. Charlotte, NC: IAP
Ng, E.S., & French, E. (2018). Are we there yet? - Advancing women in Canada and Australia: Similar goals, different policies. In M. Reimer (Ed.), Women and Careers: Transnational Studies in Public Policy and Employment Equity. Taylor & Francis.
Ng, E.S., & Klarsfeld, A. (2018). Comparative and multi-country research in equality, diversity, and inclusion. In R. Bendl, L. Booysen, & J. Pringle (Eds.). Handbook of Research Methods on Diversity Management, Equality and Inclusion at Work. Edward Elgar.
McGinnis Johnson, J., Piatek, J., & Ng, E.S. (2017). Managing generational differences in nonprofit organizations. In J. Sowa (Ed.), The Nonprofit Human Resource Management Handbook: From Theory to Practice. Blackwell
Ng, E.S., Lyons, S., & Schweitzer, L. (2017). Millennials in Canada: Young workers in a challenging labour market. In E. Parry and J. McCarthy (Eds.), Handbook on Age Diversity and Work. Palgrave-Macmillan.
Ng, E.S. & Lillevik, W. (2017). Intercultural communication in the world of business. In L. Chen (Ed.), Handbook of Communication Science. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
Lyons, S.T., Schweitzer, L., & Ng, E. (2016). Generational differences in work values: Evidence from Canada. In M. Shrabi (Ed.), Generational differences in work values and work ethic: An international perspective, Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Ng, E.S., & Parry, E. (2016). Multigenerational research in human resource management. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 33, 1-41. Routledge
Metz, I., Ng, E.S., Nkomo, S., Cornellius, N., & Hoobler, J. (2016). A comparative review of multiculturalism in Australia, Canada, South Africa, the UK, and the US. In A. Klarsfeld, E. Ng, L. Booysen, L. Castro-Christensen, B. Kuvaas, & E. Ng (Eds.), Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ng, E.S. & Stephenson, J. (2015). Individuals, teams, and organizational benefits of diversity: An evidence-based approach. In R. Bendl, I. Bleijenberg, E. Hentonnen, & A. Mills (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Diversity in Organizations. Oxford
Ng, E.S.W., & McGinnis-Johnson, J. (2015). Millennials: Who are they, how are they different, and why should we care? In R.J. Burke, C. Cooper and A. Antoniou (Eds.), The Multigenerational Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities for Organisations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Ng, E.S., Haq, R., & Tremblay, D.G. (2014). A review of two decades of Employment Equity in Canada: Progress and propositions. In A. Klarsfeld, L. Booysen, G. Combs, E. Ng, I. Roper, & A. Tatli (Eds.), International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Second Edition Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Lyons, S., Ng, E.S., & Schweitzer, L. (2014). Launching a career: Inter-generational differences in the early career stage. In E. Parry (Ed.), Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan.
Groutsis, D., Ng, E.S., & Ozturk, M. (2014). Cross-cultural management and diversity management intersections – lessons for attracting and retaining international assignees. In M. Özbilgin, D. Groutsis, & W. Harvey (Eds.), International Human Resource Management. Cambridge University Press.
Ng, E.S., & Barker, J.R. (2014). Managing diversity through effective communication. In V.D. Miller & M.E. Gordon (Eds.), Meeting the Challenges of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective. London, UK: Routlege.
Lyons, S.T., Ng, E.S.W., & Schweitzer, L. (2012). Generational career shift: Millennials and the changing nature of careers in Canada. In E. Ng, S. Lyons, & L. Schweitzer (Eds.), Managing the New Workforce: International Perspectives on the Millennial Generation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Haq, R., & Ng, E.S.W. (2010). Employment equity and workplace diversity in Canada. In A. Klarsfeld (Ed.), International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Cheltenhem: Edward Elgar.
Gossett, C.W., & Ng, E.S.W. (2008). Domestic partnership benefits. In C.G. Reddick & J.D. Coggburn (Eds.), Handbook of Employee Benefits and Administration. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.
Ng, E.S.W. (2001). Human resource planning for international assignments: Leveraging Canada’s bicultural workforce. In Human Resources Management in Canada, 20599-20604. Toronto: Carswell.
Graduate Studies
PhD Supervision- Brandon Legacy (in progress)
- Brandon Legacy (2023)
- Jessie Kim (2022)
- Michaela Scanlon (PhD in progress) – Queen’s University
- Shengwen Li (PhD in progress) – Queen’s University
- Julie Lalande (PhD in progress) – Dalhousie University
- Alanood Khalifa AlKaabi – Abu Dhabi University
- Angel Myeza – University of Cape Town
- Ying Zhou – University of Cape Town
- Juliana Mutum – Deakin University
- Cara-Lynn Scheuer – Saint Mary’s University
- Gordana Abramovic – Norwegian Business School
Visiting Position
Professor, James Cook University, Singapore Campus, 2018 - Present
Invited Presentations (Selected)
- Dalhousie University - 2019 Spring Convocation Address
- Herriot Watt University
- James Cook University - JCU 50 Professorial Lecture
- Melbourne Business School
- Memorial University
- Monash University
- Queen Mary, University of London
- RMIT University
- Tilburg University
- Toronto Metropolitan University (Diversity Institute)
- Toulouse Business School
- University of Cape Town
- University of Malaya
- University of Otago
- University of Stirling
- University of Sydney
- WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Department of National Defense
- Engineers Nova Scotia
- National Research Council of Canada
- Ontario Chamber of Commerce
- Private Foundation
- Public Policy Forum
- Public Service Commission of Nova Scotia
Awards and Honours
MED Global Forum Best Symposium Award, Academy of Management (2023)
Conference Best Paper, 16th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, London, UK (2023) – declined
Top 2% of highly cited scientists in Economics and Business (2022, 2020)
Nominated for “That’s Interesting” Paper Award, Academy of International Business, 2022
Honorable Mention, PNP Best Journal Article, Academy of Management, 2021
President’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award (Faculty), $500, 2021
University of Bath (CBOS)’s #ThinklistAmplify – list of influential scholars on social media around issues of responsible business, 2020
Stream Best Paper, 12th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Rotterdam, 2019
Gender, Diversity and Indigeneity Best Paper Award, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, AUD $500, 2018
Faculty of Management Research Star Award, $1,000, 2018
Nominated Emerald Best International Symposium Award, Academy of Management, 2017
Emerald Outstanding Paper Award, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2016
Faculty of Management Research Star Award, $1,000, 2015
Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award, Career Development International, 2015
HCM Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2015
Elwood F. Holton, III Research Excellence Award, Academy of Human Resource Development, USD $1,000, 2015
HR Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2014
Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award, Career Development International, 2013
Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2013
HR Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2013
Faculty of Management Teaching Excellence Award, $10,000, 2013
Best Stream Paper Award, 5th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, 2012
Nominated Best Applied Paper, Careers Division, Academy of Management, 2012
RSB Tenured Researcher of the Year Award, $1,000, 2011-2012
GDO Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2010
GDO Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2009
Best International Symposium Award, Academy of Management, 2008
GDO Honourable Mention Paper, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2008
Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award, Education and Training, 2007
Finalist, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC/IAHRR) Best Dissertation Award, 2006
Dr. Robert C. Joyner Doctoral Publication Prize, $1,000, 2001
Grants & Funding
SSHRC Insight Grant (Co-P.I. with G. Sears, D. Gulanowski, and Y. Han), $173,311, 2022-2026
SSHRC Insight Development Grant (Co-P.I. with D. Gulanowski and G. Sears), $57,603, 2022-2024
SSHRC Partnership Grant (Co-Applicant with W. Cukier), $2,446,979, 2020-2026
L’OBVIA (International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technology) (Collaborator with T. Saba), $150,000, 2020-2023
Lazaridis Institute Research Seed Grant (Co-P.I. with R. McGowan), $10,000, 2017
SSHRC Insight Grant (P.I. with G. Sears and K. Arnold), $123,060, 2016-2019 (extended)
SSHRC Strategic Research Grant (Co-P.I. with S. Lyons and L. Schweitzer), $158,400, 2008-2011
Canadian Studies Research Grant (Co-P.I. with M. Moore, A. Doherty, A. Konrad), USD $3,959, 2008-2009
Professional Service
- Proctor, Mensa Canada, 2021-Present
- Board Member, Pride at Work Canada, 2021-2022
- Chair WG 5, International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) Joint Strategic Advisory Group (JSAG) on Gender and Gender Responsive Standards, 2020-
- Expert Panelist, Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarking (GDIB), Center for Global Inclusion, 2020-
- Consultation (Input Interview for diversity platform) for national leadership candidate, Conservative Party of Canada, 2020
- CCIP Exam Committee, Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI), 2017
- Judge, 2017 National HR Awards, Technology and Innovation Category, 2017
- Key Informant (Input Interview), Evaluation of Employment Equity Programs, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), 2017
- Board Member, Mensa Canada Society, 2017-2019
- Panelist at Canada’s Fundamental Science Review Panel, 2016
- UN Global Compact Canada Network Working Group on Long-termism, 2014-2019
- Academic Observer, UN Committee of Experts in Public Administration, NY, 2013
- Atlantic Advisory Board, Ballet Jörgen Canada, 2012-2019
- Local Secretary, Halifax-Dartmouth, Mensa Canada, 2012-2017
Professional Associations
- Division Chair Elect, GDO Division, Academy of Management, 2019-
- Scientific Committee, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, 2012-
- Executive Committee, GDO Division, Academy of Management, 2016-2019
- Treasurer, Academy of International Business, Canada Chapter, 2016-2019
- Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Theme Committee (D&ITC), Academy of Management, 2012-2015
- Chair, GDO Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2005-2008
- Co-Editor, Personnel Review, 2022-
- Series Editor, Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization, 2022-
- Editor-in-Chief, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2016-
- Associate Editor, Personnel Review, 2013-2021
- Editor-in-Chief, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2016-
- Book Review Editor, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2012-2016
- Editorial Board, Palgrave Studies in Leadership and Followership (Book Series), 2017-
- Editorial Advisory Board, Gender in Management, 2016-
- Editorial Board, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 2016-
- Editorial Review Board, Cross-cultural and Strategic Management, 2015-
- Editorial Advisory Board, Employee Relations, 2013-
- Editorial Board, Public Personnel Management, 2013-
- Editorial Board, Management Communication Quarterly, 2010-
University Service
Queen’s University
- General Research Ethics Board (GREB)
- EDII Committee
Bucknell University
- Bucknell Futures (Discussion Group)
- Chair, Freeman College of Management DEI Committee
- Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (CAFT)
- MLK Week Committee
- Advisory Board, Bucknell Global Ambassador Program (GAP)
- Advisory Board, Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Gender (CSREG)
- Faculty Liaison, Global and Off Campus Education
- Facilitator, Transforming Community Initiatives (TCI) Community Dialogues
- Faculty Advisor, American Mental Wellness Association Club of Bucknell