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Events and Webinars

ISF is pleased to share details of upcoming events and webinars. Be sure to check back often for updates! If you are interested in presenting your research in an upcoming webinar, please let us know.



Sixth Annual CSFN Conference

  • Jun 5, 2025-Jun 6, 2025
  • Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study and Research Building, Schulich School of Business, York University, 45 York Blvd, North York, ON

Past Events

Event Presenters
GLOBExCHANGE TNFD Round Table: Resilience in Action Krista Gnau
Layalee Ramahi
Steven Guilbeault
Daniel O'Brien
Rosemary McGuire
Sustainable Finance Forum, 2024
Climate science for business decision making: A meeting of the minds on the climate transition Tanya Fiedler
Meigan Terry
UN-PRI side event: Capitalizing on Clarity Ryan Turnbull
Andrea Moffat
Barbara Zvan
Nicole Yazbek Martin
Jonathan Arnold
Catherine McCall
UN-PRI side event: Taking TNFD to your Board of Directors Krista Gnau
Eric Wetlaufer
Marilyn Spink
Candice Dott
3D Webinar Series: Data, Disclosures and Definitions, Part 2 Lesley Marks
Kathy Bardswick
Charles-Antoine St-Jean
Fifth Annual CSFN Conference
TNFD Webinar Series: Part 2 Rosemary McGuire
Daniel O'Brien
Joseph Bastien
Benn Mikula
Tara Shea
Regenerative Agriculture: The Role of Finance & the Value Chain
3D Webinar Series: Data, Disclosures and Definitions, Part 1 Andrea Moffat
Helena Viñes Fiestas
Matteo Bigoni
Susan Thompson
TNFD Webinar Series: Part 1 Tony Goldner
Romie Goedicke den Hertog
The Future of Agri-food: Canada’s Leadership Opportunity
Demystifying Canada’s Taxonomy Roadmap Report Patricia Fletcher
Barb Zvan
Jonathan Arnold
Janis Sarra
What in the world is a sustainable finance taxonomy? Pamela Steer
Kathy Bardswick
Kristy Graham
Sean Kidney
The Oil & Gas Sector: Key Challenges Facing Canada & Potential Solutions (Webinar 3) Peter Tertzakian
Jonathan Arnold
Rhona DelFrari
The Oil & Gas Sector: Key Challenges Facing Canada & Potential Solutions (Webinar 2) Michael Harvey
Peter Tertzakian
The Oil & Gas Sector: Key Challenges Facing Canada & Potential Solutions (Webinar 1) Patrick Bryden
Peter Tertzakian
The Implications of Social Trust on Corporate Social Responsibility: International Evidence Hui Zhu
Ryan Riordan
The Impact of Climate Change Risks on Clean Energy Returns Hany Fahmy
Mutual Fund Trading and ESG Stock Resilience During the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash Yrjö Koskinen
Ryan Riordan
In Conversation with Radicle and Jane Goodall Institute: “Carbon Offsets, Biodiversity Finance, & Reforestation” Michael Thom
David Smith
Chelsea Bryant
Guillaume Verger
Do Firms Benefit from Carbon Risk Management: Evidence from the Credit Default Swaps Market Madhu Kalimipalli
ISF hosting Microsoft: Practical examples of how technology is transforming ESG reporting Marley Gray
Alex Robart
Robin Smith
Amy Young
Mahsa Rouzbahman
Going Green is Rewarding: Clean Energy Deserves to Be an Asset Class Hany Fahmy
The Global Menu of Sustainable Funds and the COVID-19 Shock Basma Majerbi
Climate Targets and Disclosures – The New Imperative Sean Cleary, Phd, CFA
Monika Freyman, CFA
Jamie Bonham
Jennifer Reynolds
Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors Zacharias Sautner
Climate-related financial disclosure in the Canadian financial sector Alyson Slater
Mackenzie Taylor
1st Annual Canadian Sustainable Finance Network (CSFN) Conference Mark Carney
Andrew Karolyi
Fund Performance and Social Responsibility: New Evidence using Social Active Share and Social Tracking Error Sadok El Ghoul
Aymen Karoui
Stranded Fossil Fuel Reserves and Firm Value Christina Atanasova
Eduardo Schwartz
Resiliency of environmental and social stocks: an analysis of the exogenous COVID-19 market crash Yrjo Koskinen
Factoring Climate Risk into Financial Valuation Kathryn Bakos
Carbon Risk Ryan Riordan
Sean Cleary, PhD
Shaping the Future of Sustainable Finance: Institute for Sustainable Finance Launch
Green Finance: New Directions in Sustainable Finance Research and Policy Patricia Fuller
James Leech
Andrew Chisholm

Thank you to our Founding Sponsors

CIBC RBC Scotiabank TD Bank