Event |
Presenters |
GLOBExCHANGE TNFD Round Table: Resilience in Action |
Krista Gnau
Layalee Ramahi
Steven Guilbeault
Daniel O'Brien
Rosemary McGuire
Sustainable Finance Forum, 2024 |
Climate science for business decision making: A meeting of the minds on the climate transition |
Tanya Fiedler
Meigan Terry
UN-PRI side event: Capitalizing on Clarity |
Ryan Turnbull
Andrea Moffat
Barbara Zvan
Nicole Yazbek Martin
Jonathan Arnold
Catherine McCall
UN-PRI side event: Taking TNFD to your Board of Directors |
Krista Gnau
Eric Wetlaufer
Marilyn Spink
Candice Dott
3D Webinar Series: Data, Disclosures and Definitions, Part 2 |
Lesley Marks
Kathy Bardswick
Charles-Antoine St-Jean
Fifth Annual CSFN Conference |
TNFD Webinar Series: Part 2 |
Rosemary McGuire
Daniel O'Brien
Joseph Bastien
Benn Mikula
Tara Shea
Regenerative Agriculture: The Role of Finance & the Value Chain |
3D Webinar Series: Data, Disclosures and Definitions, Part 1 |
Andrea Moffat
Helena Viñes Fiestas
Matteo Bigoni
Susan Thompson
TNFD Webinar Series: Part 1 |
Tony Goldner
Romie Goedicke den Hertog
The Future of Agri-food: Canada’s Leadership Opportunity |
Demystifying Canada’s Taxonomy Roadmap Report |
Patricia Fletcher
Barb Zvan
Jonathan Arnold
Janis Sarra
What in the world is a sustainable finance taxonomy? |
Pamela Steer
Kathy Bardswick
Kristy Graham
Sean Kidney
The Oil & Gas Sector: Key Challenges Facing Canada & Potential Solutions (Webinar 3) |
Peter Tertzakian
Jonathan Arnold
Rhona DelFrari
The Oil & Gas Sector: Key Challenges Facing Canada & Potential Solutions (Webinar 2) |
Michael Harvey
Peter Tertzakian
The Oil & Gas Sector: Key Challenges Facing Canada & Potential Solutions (Webinar 1) |
Patrick Bryden
Peter Tertzakian
The Implications of Social Trust on Corporate Social Responsibility: International Evidence |
Hui Zhu
Ryan Riordan
The Impact of Climate Change Risks on Clean Energy Returns |
Hany Fahmy
Mutual Fund Trading and ESG Stock Resilience During the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash |
Yrjö Koskinen
Ryan Riordan
In Conversation with Radicle and Jane Goodall Institute: “Carbon Offsets, Biodiversity Finance, & Reforestation” |
Michael Thom
David Smith
Chelsea Bryant
Guillaume Verger
Do Firms Benefit from Carbon Risk Management: Evidence from the Credit Default Swaps Market |
Madhu Kalimipalli
ISF hosting Microsoft: Practical examples of how technology is transforming ESG reporting |
Marley Gray
Alex Robart
Robin Smith
Amy Young
Mahsa Rouzbahman
Going Green is Rewarding: Clean Energy Deserves to Be an Asset Class |
Hany Fahmy
The Global Menu of Sustainable Funds and the COVID-19 Shock |
Basma Majerbi
Climate Targets and Disclosures – The New Imperative |
Sean Cleary, Phd, CFA
Monika Freyman, CFA
Jamie Bonham
Jennifer Reynolds
Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors |
Zacharias Sautner
Climate-related financial disclosure in the Canadian financial sector |
Alyson Slater
Mackenzie Taylor
1st Annual Canadian Sustainable Finance Network (CSFN) Conference |
Mark Carney
Andrew Karolyi
Fund Performance and Social Responsibility: New Evidence using Social Active Share and Social Tracking Error |
Sadok El Ghoul
Aymen Karoui
Stranded Fossil Fuel Reserves and Firm Value |
Christina Atanasova
Eduardo Schwartz
Resiliency of environmental and social stocks: an analysis of the exogenous COVID-19 market crash |
Yrjo Koskinen
Factoring Climate Risk into Financial Valuation |
Kathryn Bakos
Carbon Risk |
Ryan Riordan
Sean Cleary, PhD
Shaping the Future of Sustainable Finance: Institute for Sustainable Finance Launch |
Green Finance: New Directions in Sustainable Finance Research and Policy |
Patricia Fuller
James Leech
Andrew Chisholm