Canada’s Transition & Green Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance
Canada has just taken a major step towards enabling investment in climate change solutions. The Sustainable Finance Action Council (SFAC) has released its Taxonomy Roadmap Report. The Institute for Sustainable Finance (ISF) provided research support and is a core knowledge partner on this initiative.
The SFAC report outlines a framework to guide the development of a Canadian Green and Transition Finance Taxonomy. The Canadian Taxonomy will enable businesses and capital providers to credibly identify green and transition projects, and facilitate the further mobilization of capital to support the Canadian economy’s transition towards Net Zero. While many countries and jurisdictions are developing ‘green’ taxonomies, the addition of a transition taxonomy by SFAC is a significant and innovative contribution to the rapidly evolving global taxonomy landscape, and offers an opportunity for Canada to become a closely watched global leader in this space.
We have prepared a briefing note on sustainable finance taxonomies for finance practitioners, industry leaders, policy makers and the general public to learn more about these important issues: ISF’s Taxonomies Briefing Note (PDF 1.6MB).

The ISF provided research resources to support the SFAC Taxonomy Technical Expert Group in the development of the Taxonomy Roadmap Report. These resources are available here, and include:
- Insights from a Review of Industry Publications (PDF 4.1MB)
- Taxonomy Governance: A Stocktake of International Examples (PDF 3.3MB)
- Sustainable Finance Market Snapshot (PDF 1.9MB)
Financial Sector Prioritization Survey
Smart Prosperity Institute surveyed financial institutions about which industries have the greatest potential for allocating capital to green and transition activities, and where a taxonomy will have the biggest impact.
Financial Sector Prioritization Survey (PDF 1.6MB)A Sustainable Finance Taxonomy for Canada
To learn more about SFAC’s approach, how taxonomies are defined and the importance to Canada of a Transition and Green Taxonomy, the ISF’s Executive Director, Sara Alvarado interviewed Barb Zvan, Chair of SFAC’s Taxonomy Technical Expert Group and Chief Executive Officer at University Pension Plan Ontario.