Pancham Family Classroom dedicated to the memory of Prof. Frank Collom

On November 2, former colleagues, friends and family of the late Frank Collom (who passed away in 2005) gathered to mark the dedication of a classroom that now displays a plaque in his memory. Donor Paul Pancham, BCom’89, MD’94, paid tribute to his late professor in his remarks by extolling the pivotal role the former Chair of the Commerce program had played in helping Paul proceed to a medical degree. Paul also lauded his parents—his father, Dr. Soni Pancham, retired Queen’s Professor of Medicine, and his mother Ira—who joined him in contributing to the Goodes Hall expansion. In recognition of their generosity, a classroom was named in their honour. The plaque inside notes that the Pancham Family Classroom is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Collom.
The photo shows Paul with Pat Collom, Frank’s widow, outside the Pancham Family Classroom. They’re holding chalk in a light-hearted nod to Frank’s idiosyncratic penchant for shocking his students by chewing on chalk during his lectures.