CSR Centre launches mentorship project

The Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility launched a unique mentorship project in October for students enrolled in the Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) program. The National Mentoring Project (NMP) enables corporations, students and charities to learn from one another while creating a stronger society.
Over the course of the academic year, the Centre partnered with sponsor Molson Canada and seven Canadian charities to pilot this program. Through the NMP, charities submitted problems that fell within the areas of expertise of Molson’s volunteer mentors, such as those involving Internet marketing, sales, government relations or recruitment. Molson mentors – mostly mid-level managers – were partnered with students to help the charities address their challenges and give students experience in how corporate philanthropy works. Students also accumulate 20 hours of volunteer work required for their CCSR through working with the charities and Molson mentors.
A program highlight was the Great Canadian Mentor Lunches designed to reinforce the concepts of ethical leadership and volunteering. Speakers included Paul Godfrey, CEO of the Blue Jays, in February, and the Hon. David Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, in March.
Molson donated $7,000 per charity to enable each to hire a student for the summer to implement the strategic plans developed during the program’s mentorship phase.