Editor's Note 2008 Summer

Welcome to the inaugural issue of QSB Magazine – produced expressly for alumni and friends of Queen’s School of Business.
After the magazine’s 31 years as Inquiry, it was time for a change in look and editorial direction. This isn’t change for change’s sake, but an attempt to connect with alumni in a meaningful way and generate even more pride in the School’s achievements and those of its graduates.
The title Inquiry was appropriate when the magazine was launched in 1977 by founding editor Prof. Merv Daub. Topics included contemporary business concerns, academic discussions and faculty research. The name stuck even though Inquiry gradually focused more and more on the School’s activities and alumni news.
Concurrently, other publications emerged that captured some of its former elements. Research News* provides updates on professors’ and graduate students’ research papers, grants won and conferences attended. Queen’s Leaders Forum*, QSB’s e-zine, presents insights and innovations from faculty and distinguished visitors, including “New Ideas” and “In the News” among other regular features. The Annual Report* highlights the School’s successes, profiles notable donors, and details the School’s financial support.
Clearly, connecting with alumni and friends is important to us, and the School’s flagship publication remains this magazine, now mailed to you three times a year. Looking for School news? It’s under “Inside Goodes,” since Goodes Hall has become an inseparable part of the School’s identity since its opening in 2002. What were “Alumni Profiles” are now simply “Profiles,” letting us occasionally shine the spotlight on current students such as Olympic hopeful Jeff Batchelor. The features also offer something new, with all three sharing the inspirational theme of QSB people giving back in creative ways. The length of the cover story is another departure. We let the incredible photos that Team Canzania took while in Africa tell a good part of this touching story.
We’ve also given readers several opportunities to be heard. Your Alumni Notes are always welcome, as are stories of meeting alumni in far away places (see “Fancy meeting you here ...” on page 33). Check out the photos and help us identify some alumni from yesteryear. Letters, emails and faxes are welcome, and if we hear from enough of you, look for a “Letters to the Editor” page in future. Our goal was to reintroduce an alumni magazine that will make you even more proud of your affiliation with Queen’s School of Business. Please let me know if we’ve succeeded.
Shelley Pleiter
*Available by subscription and online at www.business.queensu.ca