Convocation 2008

The demolition of Jock Harty Arena last fall ended an era, not only for Queen’s hockey teams, but also for new graduates receiving their diplomas. No longer would the procession of gowned professors and graduands be piped through the arena and onto the rink’s surface. Instead, Convocations returned to the storied hall built for that ceremony in 1902 but outgrown almost 40 years ago. Three Convocations were required to accommodate ceremonies for the Commerce and MBA classes of 2008. The stained glass and wood paneling were a world removed from the bleachers and distinctive aromas of the Arena. What remained unchanged was the pride in the achievements of their loved ones, clearly visible on the faces of the assembled families and friends.
Hilary and Galen Weston were awarded honorary doctorates (LL.D.) at the Convocation for Commerce graduates on May 29. Both were cited for outstanding contributions to Canadian society – through their businesses (including Loblaws and Holt Renfrew), their philanthropy, and their public service, notably Mrs. Weston’s tenure as the 26th Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. In their remarks, both shared their experiences in running a family business, with Dr. Galen Weston emphasizing the importance of “imagination, creativity, courage, adaptability and hard work.”
Jim Leech, MBA’73, addressed graduates of the Full-time and Accelerated MBA programs at the afternoon Convocation. He, too, gave advice from his own experience of boom and bust cycles during a career that has led to his position as CEO of the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan. (See his profile in Inquiry, Winter’08.) Although the current credit crisis has caused “intense and widespread pain…it has not brought the world to an end,” he said. “Investors will regain confidence and growth will return to slow economies.”
Jerry del Missier, Artsci’85, MBA’87, was invited to address the morning Convocation on May 30 for Cornell-Queen’s Executive MBAs and National and Ottawa Executive MBAs. The recently appointed President of Barclays Capital recalled starting his business career during an economic downturn and encouraged the new graduates to seize the opportunities and confront the challenges that await them.