Understanding Sustainable Finance
All over the world, big investors are betting on a greener future. Sustainable finance is no longer a hazy concept. It’s the reality at big banks and investment firms working toward a low-carbon economy. With experts from the Institute for Sustainable Finance at Smith, let’s explore some of the trends and insights.

The Cost of Climate Change Pain
Sean Cleary, Neal WillcottInvesting now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions more than pays for itself in reduced physical damages tomorrow

Why the Stress Test is the Tool of the Times
Ryan RiordanPopularized in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, stress tests have the power to make the fallout from climate change real

Searching for a Risk Map in Stormy Times
Sara AlvaradoCompanies are flying through turbulence as their exposure to climate hazards slowly comes into focus

The Price Tag for Clean Growth in Canada
Ryan Riordan, Simon MartinThe country’s first capital plan for a low-carbon future is “reasonable and achievable”

A Climate of Disclosure
Sean Cleary, Andrew HakesCanadian firms are slow in setting climate targets and disclosing the environmental impact of their activities

Is ESG the Vaccine Investors Need?
Companies with strong environmental, social and governance metrics often do better in tough times. This time may be different

Carbon Risk, Green Reward
Ryan RiordanCapital markets are penalizing firms that are slow to transition to a low-carbon economy. A credible way to measure carbon risk arrives just in time

How Sustainable Finance Will Take Root
The agenda is clear: decide what green finance means for Canada, bolster risk analytics, and manage the transition, without delay