Alumni Success Stories

Chintan Bhatt
Senior Financing Specialist
Toronto, ON
“The consulting project is a unique aspect of the MIB program which allowed us to apply what we learned in the classroom. It offered a simulation of a real-world consulting project, working with a client on an ongoing basis to solve a business problem. The MIB program also puts a significant emphasis on multicultural team-based learning, which is an important soft skill in today's business environment.”

Alura McMorran
Mars Leadership Experience Program | Pet Owner Experience CRM Analyst
Occitanie, France
“The MIB program provided me with the experiences and support that allowed me to get to where I am today. The way the classes and modules are set up develops students into dynamic, quick learners. The consulting project strengthened our cultural intelligence, and the extra-curricular activities emphasized the importance of being well-rounded. Developing these skills has allowed me to be successful in my career path post-MIB. Additionally, the career coaching is a stand-out support provided to students. Thanks to the guidance of my career coach, I was able to prepare and feel confident going into job interviews. Looking back, I can confidently say the MIB program was the right choice for me.”

Lara Burkart
Business Consultant, IBM
Halifax, Canada
“The MIB program cannot be solely defined by its outstanding academic reviews but by the people that are in it. What made the difference for me at Smith was the diversity in our classroom and the different opinions and working styles, that came with that diversity. I learned and developed on an academic level but what was life altering was how I grew as a person. The program, the experience & the community still support me every day. After the MIB experience, I moved across the world to start my journey as a Project Manager, and use those soft skills that I have developed every day.”

Jacob Poulsen
Management Consultant, Implement Consulting Group
Copenhagen, Denmark
“I completed Smith's MIB with a double degree option in International Management from Católica Lisbon. It was the ideal choice for me because I wanted an international experience from top academic institutions. As a result, I got to live in three countries in two years and the cultural exposure was unlike anything I’ve had before (or since). I’ve made friends from all corners of the world, learning as much from them as I did in the classroom. In terms of academics, I had career-shaping courses that were taught by some truly inspiring professors, and I’ve collaborated with C-suit employees from renowned international companies. If you lean in and take responsibility of your academic journey, you'll have an experience you will not regret.”

Peter Bowman
Level 5 Strategy
Toronto, Canada
“The MIB was a fantastic launch pad for an impactful career in consulting. The dynamic, team-based learning environment and the opportunity to study abroad provided me with the foundation for where my career has taken me. Since graduating I’ve enjoyed a career as a management consultant working on projects for clients both in Canada and abroad with the opportunity to experience different business cultures.”

Tiffany James
Global CRM & Loyalty Manager | Yves Saint Laurent Beauté
Paris, France
“The double degree program allowed me to specialize in my field at Bocconi while the curriculum at Smith taught me the practical skills to successfully foster an international career. Because of my MIB training, I have an acute understanding of the cultural nuance that can impact my business relationships, which allows me to strategize accordingly. Now that I work abroad and interact with many brands and partners around the world, this skill is no longer just an advantage but a necessity in my job.”

Manuel El-Sayed
Director | Shopper Marketing, Brand Operations & Data Strategy
Procter & Gamble
Toronto, Canada
“Smith's Master of International Business in combination with WU Vienna’s Master in Strategy, Innovation & Management Control gave me the perfect educational foundation for an international career. The MIB program stands out for its very practical courses, unique diverse environment, individual career-coaching and an extraordinary team-based approach. The skills I acquired during my time at Smith prepared me for the challenges I am now facing every day in an international and fast-moving environment at P&G Canada.”

Meahgan Sweet
Associate Vice President, BNPL
Toronto, Canada
“When deciding on a Master’s program, I chose Smith's Master of International Business for three reasons: Smith's excellent reputation, the team-based consulting project, and the mandatory exchange, which added a practical learning element to the academic structure of the program. This program had fantastic professors and administrative resources, and the international mosaic of students added an extra dimension to the international experience. Smith's MIB is a differentiator and helped me to secure a career in consulting.”

Martin Fehse
Marketing Partner
Basel, Switzerland
“I chose the Double Degree option and earned an MSc in Management from Mannheim in Germany. The international consulting project was a tremendous learning experience, developing an international expansion strategy for a U.S. footwear company. During the project, we worked across multiple time zones and reported directly to the divisional leadership team. We were also invited by the client to visit one of their factories, a flagship store and to meet the Chairman and CEO at their headquarters.”

Matias Fuentes
Analyst | Accounting and Reporting Advisory
Toronto, Canada
“I decided on the MIB because I wanted a career change and a new life in Canada. After 4 years in Canada, I can say that it was the right decision. During the program, I had the opportunity to meet and develop relationships with people from 28+ nationalities! The cross-cultural training environment, the opportunity to work on a consulting project, and the possibility to go on exchange made this program an enriching life experience.
The MIB had a powerful impact on how I deal with business relationships and every new engagement in Consulting reminds me of my MIB experience. Each project brings a new team, with colleagues from different offices across Canada and other countries. I can confidently say that the MIB experience is the foundation for my success today.”

Jenna Furgiuele
Chief Of Staff
Sourced Group
Toronto, Canada
“Smith's MIB has provided me with an unparalleled international experience. I have widely expanded my business and cultural knowledge, and now have a global network of both friends and colleagues. The diversity of this program is second-to-none and is proven in the number of team-based projects and experiences woven into the curriculum. The group consulting project is a unique part of the MIB program, and I believe it is what set me apart in securing my current role as a Consultant at Simon-Kucher & Partners – a global strategy and marketing consulting firm.”

Rahman Khanani
Founder & CEO
Føn Energy Services
Oslo, Norway
“Smith's MIB is practical and applied programme. It equips students with the tools, and mind-set to succeed in diverse settings. I combined Smith's MIB with BI Norwegian Business School’s MSc in Strategy & Innovation. This had a more theoretical flavour, and provided me with the opportunity to learn about theories and various frameworks, while also having the opportunity to write a thesis on a topic I found extremely interesting. Based on my experience, I can strongly recommend pursuing both programmes. The synergies obtained can enable students to acquire the ability to solve complex and abstract problems, which is highly valued in the workplace.”

Amanda Lapadat-Nordström
Commercial Manager Sweden
MG Real Estate
Malmo, Sweden
“Having a Master’s degree in international business has undoubtedly given me an edge in pursuing my career goals. The program provided me the skills to understand business issues on a global scale. Since enrolling in Smith's MIB program, I have had the opportunity to live and work in China, UK, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and Germany.”

Alessandro Morten
AGM | eCommerce, Retail & Supply Chain
Toronto, Canada
“The MIB program has taught me a lot about working in an international and diverse environment. This has helped me every day to be a better leader for the people around me. The courses taken at Smith allowed me to further develop my emotional intelligence as well as improve my level of cultural awareness. The soft skills learned help me perform better and made me a more effective manager.”

Katarina Worm
MINI Business Development Manager
BMW Group
Munich, Germany
“I elected to pursue the Double Degree Option, and earned an MSc in Management from University of Mannheim in Germany. Among the many outstanding features of the program, the team project was the highlight for me. It enabled me to broaden my cross-cultural capabilities and provided valuable experience working within a virtual team with members in various locations around the world - a situation that is quite prevalent in today’s global business environment. I also believe that my experience in Germany played a key role in landing my current job at BMW.”

Daan Peeters
Director Market Analysis & Forecasting | Strategy, M&A and Partnerships
Amsterdam, Netherlands
“Smith's MIB is well-balanced with a strong international vibe, and many opportunities to tailor the program to your own needs. My international exchange at the University of Sydney was an amazing experience and offered a wide range of interesting courses. For me, the highlight of the program was working on the team assignment, in a diverse team of international students. The program has greatly expanded my business knowledge, but has also enhanced my teamwork skills and cross-cultural skills, which is very relevant in an international, team oriented environment like Accenture.”

Simon Pek
Associate Professor | Sustainability and Organization Theory
University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada
“Smith's Master of International Business a great program. Since graduating I have had the good fortune of working in international roles for two multinational companies and have found that the tools and analytical frameworks have been invaluable in my daily work. I would recommend this program to anybody with a passion for international business and multicultural management.”

Annie Pound
Strategy and Transformation Manager | Fibre First
London, UK
“Smith's MIB includes a broad range of courses, covering highly relevant international business topics. It provides excellent teamwork opportunities, and high-caliber classmates. The professors were well-qualified leaders who stimulated great class discussions. I had a phenomenal exchange at University of Mannheim, one of Europe’s top business schools that I have found to be very well-respected amongst my European colleagues and clients. The connections I made during the program have provided an amazing network for career advice, mentoring and potential jobs…all on a global level.”

Chinmay Sawarkar
Business Development Support Manager
Toronto, Canada
“A perfect blend of courses focusing on soft skills and technical skills coupled with the global consulting project, Smith's MIB delivered a fantastic experience over the course of a year. The program helped me in understanding the fundamentals of cross-border business operations and provided the opportunity to connect with people from the most diverse backgrounds. A master's degree in International Business has opened doors for me, to a career in International Trade Finance at HSBC.”

Wesley Seibutis
Wholesale Project Manager
Suncor Energy
Calgary, Canada
“Smith's MIB program allowed me to gain a solid understanding of what it really means to be part of an international team. The program, which I was able to tailor to my own areas of interest, provided me with highly transferable skills, knowledge and a global mindset that have proven to be advantageous in working toward my career goals.”