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MSc in Organizational Behaviour

Designed to prepare students for PhD studies and an academic career, course work in this specialization draws on several disciplines — psychology, sociology and economics — to examine the behaviour of individuals, groups and organizations. The program also provides a comprehensive overview of theoretical models and empirical studies that address fundamental questions in strategic management research.

Recommended Undergraduate Degrees

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Education
  • Economics
  • Political Science
  • Business or Commerce
  • Geography
  • History
  • Environmental Studies
  • Other degrees on a case-by-case basis

Program Structure and Content

This is a 12-month program beginning in September. Each student is required to complete the following courses and a research project of publishable quality. Course work completion consists of the following:

Course Credits
Introduction to Research Methodology (MGMT 801) 1.5
Experimental Research Method Design (MGMT 803) 1.5
Statistics I (MGMT 800) 3
Foundations of Research in Organizational Behaviour (MGMT 850) 3
Seminar in Micro-Organizational Behaviour (MGMT 851) 3
Survey Research Method Design (MGMT 804) 1.5
Qualitative Research Method Design (MGMT 802) 1.5
Seminar in Meso-Organizational Behaviour (MGMT 953) 3
Advanced Topics in Organization Theory (MGMT 952) 3

Major Research Project (MGMT 898)


*Students will select two of the three research methods from experimental, survey or qualitative

“I was interested in organizational psychology in my final years at Queen’s. I knocked on Julian Barling’s door to inquire about the program and the possibility of him supervising my research, if accepted. I don’t recall the content of the first conversation with Julian, but I recall coming out of that meeting confident as ever in my desire to pursue academia. Of the innumerable and transformational benefits I derived from this great program, I am most grateful to Julian & Bill Cooper: Julian for instilling the early research values central to be a critical consumer (and creator) of research and the importance having unwavering confidence in your student’s research; and Bill for constantly pushing me to appreciate the importance of the philosophy of science and encouraging me to spread my wings beyond what I thought was possible.”

Niro Sivanathan, Artsci, MSc (Specialization: Organizational Behaviour)
Professor of Organizational Behaviour; Chair
PhD Program, London Business School
London, England