Researchers at Smith
Smith faculty, graduate students and research partners advance management and society through exceptional research. We collaborate with scholars worldwide, publish in leading journals, and inspire each other to explore new lines of enquiry.
Our Research Values
Smith’s research foci investigates issues that are important to business, as well as the interface between business and society. Researchers are aware of dynamic business trends and societal needs and their research aligns well with business priorities.
Smith faculty advance their fields of studies with original research. Innovation is at the core of addressing changing business needs, and our faculty aim to be at the forefront of thought leadership.
Smith faculty are dedicated to working with students, academic collaborators, and non-academic partners in their research. They show passion and drive as they engage in research and share findings with academic and non-academic audiences.
Maximizing the impact and visibility of Smith School of Business research involves showcasing the excellence of the school’s research. Faculty at Smith School excel at knowledge mobilization, and at publishing in top internationally recognized journals.

Faculty at Smith
The professors and PhD scholars at Smith School of Business are active in all areas of business and organizational research. They welcome enquiries from fellow researchers looking to collaborate and journalists needing a trusted source of information and context on emerging trends.
Meet our Faculty