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Innovation Summit


MBA student organizers put together a challenging two-day program that posed the question, “How can we drive the edge of innovation to lead business and society to new frontiers?” More than 180 Queen’s students in business, engineering and health sciences were joined by MBA students from across Ontario, as well as professionals from the public and private sectors, at the fourth annual Innovation Summit held at Queen’s March 1 and 2.

Keynote speaker Ron Tite, named one of the Top Ten Creative Canadians by Marketing Magazine, wowed with his presentation, “Be the Brand.”

Speakers and panelists included executives from organizations such as Deloitte, IBM, Staples, Experience Point and SAP Canada, among many others. Thought leaders discussed innovation in health care, finance, entrepreneurship, energy, analytics, strategy, food, leadership and more, all within the context of the summit’s theme — Edge. Three subthemes, Imagine, Discover and Create, delved into the ways organizations can thrive on the edge of innovation.

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