Toronto Queen’s Business Club events
Drew Green, founder and CEO of, spoke on trends in Canadian online retail at a Queen’s Business Club event in March. Pictured are QBC Executives Steve Albiani, BCom’03; Courtney Paterson, BCom’09; Norman Ho, MBA’04; Drew Green; Ryan Garrah, MBA’04; and Christina Raheja, BCom’96.
Alumni descended on Toronto’s Google office to hear its head of Mobile Advertising, Eric Morris, BA’99, speak on innovation at Google and to enjoy a tour of the company’s innovative facilities. Pictured are Jeffrey Veffer, MBA’02; Damian Bartolomucci, BCom’05; Daniel Grossi; and Judith Kirkness, EMBA’11.
The second annual Queen’s “Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow” luncheon brought together 65 Commerce students and 15 alumni in February. Pictured are current students with alumni Roger Vandomme, EMBA’04, (third from left) and Barbara McWhirter, BCom’78 (front, right).
An information session in March on reunion and class giving helped inspire alumni interested in giving back to the school. An expert panel of class-giving champions included Mike Gilbert, BCom’78 (not pictured); John Gleeson BCom’80; Ken Grewal, BCom’96; Ryan Pedlow, BCom’98; and Robert Marsh, BCom’07. For information on class and reunion giving, please contact Shelley Hamill at