Career Advancement Centre
As an MBA student, you will receive extensive, personalized attention from our Career Advancement Centre team. There are a number of opportunities throughout the program to build your profile and network.
MBA Career Development Program
The MBA Career Development program is a combination of workshops, self-directed tutorials, online career resources, and one-on-one coaching sessions that will assist you in building the foundation necessary to successfully achieve your career goals.
One-on-One Career Coaching
Our team of career development professionals are dedicated to supporting your individual needs, recognizing your unique background and personal career goals.
On-Campus Recruitment
Smith School of Business attracts top corporate recruiters to our annual on-campus recruiting activities each Fall.
Corporate Relations and Toronto Trips
Our Corporate Relations team is focused on strengthening relationships with our corporate partners to create opportunities for students. This includes program funded trips to Toronto, Canada’s largest business centre, to connect with key alumni, recruiters and businesses.
Extensive Online Career Resources
The MBA Career Portal is home to important program news and communication, a calendar outlining upcoming workshops and events, key career content, valuable online resources and job search links.