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Class Profile (2026)

81Class Size
5.4 Average Years of
Business Experience
3.2 Average Years of Management
or Team Lead Experience
13 Teams across Canada
50+ Different Job Titles
48 Undergrad Universities

Industry Representation


Build Your Network

As a graduate of Smith School of Business, you also become part of the impressive Smith School of Business alumni network which numbers over 25,000 graduates around the world as well as a much larger family – the alumni network of Queen’s University, with over 180,000 individuals in more than 150 countries around the world. In addition to 4 chapters in the USA, Queen’s maintains active chapters in many other countries around the world.

Our commitment to you continues long after graduation. You will be able to stay in close contact with Smith School of Business, your fellow alumni, and faculty in a variety of ways.

These include:

Students networking in SmithToronto