Q&A with Tyler Forkes, Director of Alumni Engagement

Smith’s Development and Alumni Engagement office recently created a strategic plan to guide alumni engagement over the next four years. We spoke with Tyler Forkes, Director of Alumni Engagement and Reunion Giving, about the plan and his goals for connecting with grads.
Why did your office launch this plan?
We really value the relationship we have with our graduates and we want to make sure we’re offering worthwhile opportunities to serve them well and build the Smith community. This new plan is a road map that will guide our activities, ensuring we’re focused on the things that are most important to our alumni and the success of the school. One of the wonderful parts of Smith culture is that graduates who’ve gone on to success in their lives and careers recognize the contributions of those who went before them. They're passionate about doing what they can to help today’s students have the best possible experience.
What are some key areas in this plan?
We want to increase broad-based engagement and improve our customer service to alumni. The plan is pretty robust, but enhancing alumni involvement in career placement for our students and strengthening our relationship with MBA alumni are two of the top priorities. We’ve already formed a strategic partnership with Smith’s Career Advancement Centre and Queen’s MBA program. We’re also expanding the Smith Business Clubs network and adding new features to SmithConnect, the online platform for alumni to connect with us and each other.
If an alum hasn’t reconnected with Smith yet, how would you suggest they start?
First thing I’d recommend is sign up to SmithConnect. This is an exclusive community for alumni, faculty and staff. It’s a directory built off your LinkedIn profile, a place to post job opportunities and learn of upcoming events. One of the greatest things about SmithConnect is that it’s a helping community. When you sign up, you’re prompted as to whether you’re willing to help others in the community by doing things like mentoring, offering advice, or even just having a coffee with a graduate. The vast majority of our members have held up their hand and said, Yes, I’m willing to help. That says great things about our alumni, and it’s exactly the kind of culture that this new plan aims to grow and develop.