New Wave 2.0
Sumit Kunnumkal
Associate Professor, Operations Management
Education: PhD in Operations Research from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; MSc in Transportation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
Previous Appointment: Associate Professor at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India; Visiting Scholar at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain; and at Singapore University of Technology and Design
What I'm Working On: My research on revenue management and pricing looks at how firms make pricing and capacity decisions to optimize revenues. This has applications to airlines, display-advertising, hotels and retailers that have to manage perishable capacity in the face of uncertain customer demand. Recently, I’ve been looking at incorporating consumer-choice models into revenue-management and pricing problems to capture the effect of the assortment of options offered on purchasing decisions of customers.
On the Personal Side: I enjoy playing soccer and am a big fan of Arsenal FC in the U.K.

Jue Wang
Assistant Professor, Management Science
Education: PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto; BSc in Biomedical Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
What I'm Working On: I’m developing big data decision tools for business analytics. One area is the use of streamed data for the quickest identification of an individual customer’s interest or preference so that an advertisement or offering can be customized. I’m also developing methods to improve the accuracy of credit ratings using missing or inaccurate data. These research areas lie at the intersection of operations research and statistics, with broad applications in business analytics.
On the Personal Side: I enjoy practising Chinese painting and calligraphy, and spend lots of time in swimming pools.

Pierre Chaigneau
Assistant Professor, Finance
Education: PhD in Finance from The London School of Economics, London, U.K.; DEA (Master of Research in Economics) from DELTA, École Normale Supérieure, Paris; Master of Science in Management from HEC Paris
Previous Appointment: Associate Professor of Finance, HEC Montréal
What I'm Working On: My research focuses on the use of information for the optimal design of mechanisms in corporate finance. This has applications for executive compensation and the use of performance-related information in incentive contracts. This can help explain the type of information used in compensation contracts, and also their structure and the horizon of performance evaluation. I studied more specifically the regulation of compensation of bank CEOs, severance payments for American CEOs, and executive compensation in organizations with socially responsible investors. I also worked on the optimality and design of bank stress tests to foster financial stability.
On the Personal Side: I’ve lived in Paris, Brussels, London and Montréal and spend all my summer vacations in Corsica. I also used to be a drummer in a rock band called Antiseptic.

Shamel Addas
Assistant Professor, Information Systems
Education: PhD in Management from Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University; MBA from John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, both in Montréal
Previous Appointment: Assistant Professor of Management, IÉSEG School of Management, Lille, France
What I'm Working On: My research centres on the intended and unintended consequences of the use of Information Systems (IS) by individuals and groups. I’m particularly interested in the “dark side” of IS as reflected in the impact of IS-mediated interruptions on cognitive load and on work-related performance. I’m involved in several projects that examine the positive and negative impacts of IS-mediated interruptions on individuals at work as well as the ripple effects of these interruptions on groups. A second research area in which I’m involved is healthcare information systems and how they influence patient-related processes and outcomes and especially the quality of care of patients.
On the Personal Side: I’m a big fan of scuba diving. Some of my fondest memories involve exploring the fascinating world under the Red Sea. I also enjoy doing fun activities with my family on weekends.

Pavlo Kalyta
Assistant Professor, Accounting and Sustainability
Education: PhD in Accounting and MBA from John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montréal; BCom from Kiev National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
Previous Appointment: Assistant Professor at the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montréal; Lecturer at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
What I'm Working On: My current program of research examines the accountability of industrial corporations to Indigenous populations of the Canadian Arctic and the conflicts of interest between corporate objectives, environmental sustainability, economic well-being and traditional lifestyles of Inuit communities. I am specifically interested in how accounting information and sustainability reporting are used to justify the exploitation of natural and human resources in the Arctic.
On the Personal Side: If you had lived in Ukraine at the end of the 1990s, you would have probably heard my voice. I was a morning host at Nashe Radio, Ukraine’s most popular radio station at the time.

Guang Li
Assistant Professor, Management Science
Education: PhD in Operations Management from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; MEng in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT; MSc in Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-Systems from the National University of Singapore
What I'm Working On: I’m interested in modeling customer-choice behaviour and seeking solutions to operations-management problems. Currently, I’m exploring how passengers make choices in a public-transit scenario using actual transaction data, and investigating the implications of passenger choice on a company’s operational decisions. I’m also working on topics at the interface of operations management and other fields, such as marketing and accounting. For example, I model how current tax laws impact firms’ operational decisions and evaluate the benefits of integrated operational and tax planning.
On the Personal Side: I love cuisine, enjoy travelling and experiencing new things, and dabble in recreational archery. I’m looking forward to taking up curling.

Henry Schneider
Associate Professor, Economics
Education: PhD Economics, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Previous Appointment: Assistant Professor of Economics, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
What I'm Working On: Currently I'm conducting two field experiments. One involves studying why onerous tasks, such as paying a bill, often go uncompleted. The laboratory in this case is New York City and we’re trying to understand why so many parking tickets are paid late or not at all. The other experiment involves a chain of auto-repair shops. We’re randomly assigning some mechanics to use smartphones and tablets with specialized software as they work on cars. The idea is to learn how to implement best practices within a firm.
On the Personal Side: I enjoy trail running in the summer and snowshoe running in the winter. I'm also hoping to start brewing beer.