Homecoming 2013

More than 400 alumni and guests celebrated the return of Homecoming during two weekends of festivities in October. Highlights of both weekends included a brunch and tours of the new wing of Goodes Hall, an update on school news from Dean David Saunders, special celebrations for those celebrating their 50th (and higher) anniversary reunions, and a presentation by Queen’s University Investment Counsel executives on this student-run investment fund’s success. Four Commerce classes (of 1948, 1983, 1988 and 1993) and the MBA Class of 1988 raised a total of more than $1.3 million, which they directed toward student financial assistance and faculty fellowships.

Homecoming Weekend — October 17-19, 2014
(for class years ending in “4” and “9”)
Interested in helping to organize your upcoming class reunion or class-giving campaign? Contact Alix Martin (alexandria.martin@queensu.ca or 613.533.2382) regarding reunions, or Shelley Hamill (hamills@queensu.ca or 613-533-3217) regarding class-gift campaigns. Homecoming 2014 details to come!