Editor's Note (Winter 2011)

The profile of Douglas Peters, former cabinet minister and Chief Economist of the TD Bank, which appeared in our last issue struck a chord with at least one reader:
“Great piece on Doug Peters in the Spring 2010 edition. His quote on the career counselling advice he once received (“no education/skill? Then it’s banking for you”) is wonderful! When I was at the TD, I remember he was always highly, and deservedly, regarded.” – Bob Patterson, BCom’74, emailed from his home in Warsaw, Poland.
Perhaps this issue will spark a comment or two from champagne lovers (re: Daniella Fresne’s champagne winery), football fans (re: Danny Brannagan, Argos Quarterback), the environmentally conscious (re: Shawn Burns’ new venture) and socially responsible investors (re: Adrian Mucalov’s career path.) Perhaps you have a war story to share about your Bargaining Game experience, or have a comment on the international-themed features (The International Dean, A Passage to India and Sabbaticals.) All emails and letters are welcome and we look forward to printing these in our next issue.
We’d also like your feedback on a specific issue, namely whether QSB Magazine should accept paid advertising. We’re currently investigating our options on this front, but would like to hear our readers’ views. You can email me directly at the address below, or mail your comments to the address on page one.
This is your magazine. Let us know if it’s hitting the mark in delivering the type and quality of information you would like to see about your Alma mater.
Shelley Pleiter
Managing Editor