Flashback Contest

Can you identify anyone in the 1994Yearbook photo at right, entitled“MBA Antics”?
Let us know by emailing alumni@business.queensu.ca. The first five people who respond will each receive a nifty QSB business card holder. We’ll publish the identities and name the contest winners in the next issue.
Flashback Contest results from the summer issue.
Congratulations to the alums named below who identified most of the people shown in the photos that we ran in the last issue.
Commerce Club Of 1953
- “The handsome gentleman standing 2nd from left is Michael Carty,my father!” per Richard Carty, BCom’86. Also identified by Donald Foster, BCom’56
- “Kennedy May” – per Doug Thomas, BCom’55
- “My cousin, Caroline Curtis” - per Charles Conn, BCom’62, Gordon Conn, BCom’71. Also identified by Ian Watson, Doug Thomas and Donald Foster
- “Jack Bickerton” - per Richard Stackhouse
- “John S. Goddard” - per Richard Stackhouse, BCom’53
- “Prof. Ev Smyth” - per Richard Stackhouse. “Prof. Lorne Macdougall” per Ian Watson,MBA’63, Doug Thomas, BCom’55, Glen Hagerman, BCom’57 and Paul Kinnear, BCom’63
- “Gerald McKinnon” - per R. Stackhouse
- “Nancy Claire (nee Lowe)”- per R. Stackhouse
Commerce Club Of 1963
- “Not so sure: Dick Gibson” – per Pat McCue
- “Doug Peters” – per Charles Conn, BCom’62, Thomas Murtha, Pat McCue, MBA’63, Ian Watson, and Paul Kinnear *
- “John C. Hamilton, BCom’63, Club President” – per Paul Kinnear ;
“John H. Hamilton” – per Thomas Murtha;
“Not sure: Brian Gray?” – per Pat McCue. - “Dennis McDermott,BCom’64” – per Paul Kinnear, BCom’63
- “John Hamilton” – per Charles Conn, BCom’62; and Jen Newman, BCom’91;
“John H.L. Hamilton” per Paul Kinnear;
“John C. Hamilton” per Thomas Murtha, BCom’63, MBA’69 - “Dan Monieson” – per Paul Kinnear, James McKeen, Thomas Murtha and Pat McCue,MBA’63
* Paul Kinnear added, “Douglas D. Peters was Secretary of State (international Financial Institutions) in the Chretien government.”
In this issue