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Donald Sobey Receives Honorary Degree

Chancellor Jim Leech with Donald Sobey and Dean David Saunders.

When Donald R. Sobey received an honorary degree from Queen’s
at the May 30 Convocation ceremony for members of the Commerce, MSc and PhD graduating classes, he was lauded for his extensive contributions to Canadian business, society and to Queen’s in particular. 

One of only two Atlantic Canadian students at Queen’s when he arrived in 1953, Donald Sobey joined the family’s grocery store business following his graduation. Over the course of his 46-year business career he held several leadership roles within the company, becoming President and later Chairman of Empire Company Limited, the family’s investment company. 

In 1999, he and his son Rob (BAH’88) created the D&R Sobey Atlantic Scholarship, which each year funds six outstanding high school students entering the Commerce program. The pair later established an additional scholarship fund for Atlantic Canadian students wanting to pursue their MBA at Smith School of Business. Father and son return to Queen's every year to host an East Coast lobster dinner with the scholarship recipients. 

The ceremony’s convocation speaker was Robert Marsh, BCom’07, a member of Liberty Canada’s senior executive team and one of 100 undergraduate Sobey Scholarship recipients to date. ▪

Convocation speaker and Sobey Scholar Robert Marsh.
Convocation ceremonies for MBA graduates (EMBA, EMBA-Americas, AMBA and MBA programs) in the morning and afternoon of May 27 featured addresses by Smith School of Business Advisory Board members Valerie Mann, BCom’86, and Justice Gloria Epstein, BCom’72. Shown here at a luncheon hosted by Chancellor Jim Leech (far left) are Queen’s Rector Cameron Yung, Gloria Epstein, Valerie Mann and Dean David Saunders.
Stephen Smith, BSc(Eng)’72, spoke at the May 19 ceremony for graduates of the Master of Finance, Master of International Business, Master of Management Analytics, Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Graduate Diploma of Business programs.