ICAO's $2-million pledge continues long-standing relationship with QSB

QSB celebrated a relationship that dates to the founding of Queen’s Bachelor of Commerce program in 1919 at a May reception that recognized the continued generosity of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO). Accounting students Katie Shotbolt (left), Vanesse Yu (second from right) and Jesse Weening (far right) presented the Institute’s CEO, Rod Barr, with a plaque honouring this enduring partnership. At the same ceremony, ICAO announced its newest commitment: $2-million that over the next 10 years will fund several initiatives, including the CA-Queen’s Centre for Governance and its Voluntary Sector Reporting Awards Program, the CA Professorship in Accounting, and the Chartered Accountants Lecture Hall in the new wing of Goodes Hall currently under construction.