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D&R Sobey Atlantic Scholarships celebrated

D&R Sobey Atlantic Scholarships celebrated

For more than 10 years, father and son Donald (BCom’57) and Rob (BAH’88) Sobey have played a role in changing the lives of aspiring business and community leaders from Atlantic Canada. The scholarship they established at Queen’s in 1999, valued at $60,000 per Commerce student over four years, recognizes students who are proven leaders in their schools and communities. Since its inception, the D&R Sobey Atlantic Leadership Scholarship has awarded more than $1.75 million to 56 students.

This past October, 26 Sobey Scholars returned to campus to thank their benefactors and welcome six new members to their ranks. In addition to academic excellence, the 2009 recipients were recognized for their exceptional skills and abilities in athletics, music, theatre, student government and volunteering.

The anniversary was marked at a festive dinner at the University Club, with the Sobeys, Principal Daniel Woolf, Dean David Saunders and special guest Frank McKenna, Deputy Chairman of TD Bank and former Premier of New Brunswick, also in attendance. A menu highlight of the evening was the fresh Atlantic lobster flown in for the occasion by the Sobeys.

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