“Thank you to the passionate students and generous speakers, sponsors and corporate mentors who have enhanced the Commerce student experience and contributed to the advancement of ComSoc in 2008-09. The theme of ‘ComSoc as One’ has unified us in our purpose, but it is the dedicated contribution of each of you that makes possible the vast opportunities that provide such value to Canada’s premiere undergraduate business degree. Here are some of the highlights of the past year.”
Brett Wilson, one of the ‘Dragon’ judges on CBC’s Dragon’s Den TV show, at the Queen’s Entrepreneurs Competition (QEC), with Co-chairs Jennifer Turliuk, Comm’10 and Jeremy Einhorn, Comm’09. Commerce students Ian MacDonald and Dave Phillips placed second (see related item on opposite page).
This awareness campaign mimicked the ‘I Like Commerce’ Frosh week slogan in response to some divisive racism issues on campus. ‘I LIKE DIVERSITY’ pins were circulated to and proudly worn by Commerce students throughout the year.
Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party, spoke at the Commerce Engineering Environment Conference (CEEC).
Arlene Dickinson, another ‘Dragon’, spoke at Queen’s Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship (QACE) Conference.
CEO of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Richard Peddie with QSIC attendee Jacob Barnes, Comm’09.
Consulting for a Cause – student-run case competition for Canadian Blood Services.
The Commerce Charity Cup annual hockey tournament has raised a total of $75,000 over the past five years.
‘Commerce Kids’ program features students volunteering at local schools, including this Christmas celebration in December.
The ‘Commerce Has Heart’ clean-up day at Almost Home, a haven for families with seriously ill children receiving treatment at Kingston hospitals.
Queen’s Commerce Initiative Abroad brought together 25 Commerce students who volunteered their services in Ecuador during Reading Week. The work included building improvements to a day care centre, preparing meals and feeding local children and teaching classes.
Conference speaker Jerry del Missier, BSc’85, MBA’87, President of Barclay’s Capital, with Queen’s Conference on International Business attendees Katie Shotbolt, Comm’11 (left) and Sarah Whelan, Comm’10.Become a Sponsor, Speaker or Mentor.
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