Is IT Playing The Wrong Role In Your Organization?
How insights from behavioural economics can help solve thorny social issues
IT exists for one purpose - to leverage the business with technology. Whether focused on taking costs out of the business, or growing revenues through new channels to market, IT must play a number of different roles - service provider, trusted advisor, and strategic partner.
This raises some critical questions:
- How to decide the role that IT should play?
- What happens when IT is cast into an inappropriate role?
- How does the CEO's perception of IT impact its role within the organization?
In this free 60-minute webinar, Professor Jim McKeen answered these questions, providing examples of organizations that get it right and things to learn from those that don't. Following the presentation will be the opportunity for live Q&A with our speaker.
Session Leader

Dr. James McKeen
James D. McKeen is a Professor of IT Strategy at the School of Business, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada and is the founding Director of the Monieson Centre which conducts multi-university, collaborative research focused on generating value through knowledge in organizations. Jim received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota. He has been working in the IT field for many years as a practitioner, researcher, and consultant and is a frequent speaker at business and academic conferences. Dr. McKeen co-facilitates the networking of senior executives in the IT sector through two well-known industry forums – the IT Management Forum and the CIO Brief. He also has extensive international experience, having taught at universities in the U.K., France, Germany and the U.S. His research has been widely published in various journals including the MIS Quarterly, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, the Journal of Information Technology Management, the Communications of the Association of Information Systems, MISQuarterly Executive, the Journal of Systems and Software,the International Journal of Management Reviews, Information and Management, Communications of the ACM, Computers and Education, OMEGA, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Journal of MIS, KM Review, Journal of Information Science and Technology and Database. Jim is a co-author of three books on IT management with Heather Smith – the most recent being IT Strategy in Action (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009). He currently serves on a number of Editorial Boards.