Industry Perspectives

Steven Kuysten, MBA
Ontario Senior Sales Executive and Business Development
Ocean Steel (a division of OSCO Construction Group)
“GREEN STEEL and the goal for NET ZERO Buildings - As a key member of the sales team at Ocean Steel (OSCO Construction Group), my most recent focus has been on responding to customer demands for ‘green steel’ and the pressure to support net-zero buildings. In short, our customers are looking for steel that is produced utilizing the least amount of CO2 emissions within North America from a sustainable power grid (solar, wind, nuclear, hydro). This is a business challenge and of high ethical importance to our clients and to our company. However, this procurement practice if not new to us, it was simply something that “made sense”. Our task at hand is to find levers and quantitative data that will spotlight our procurement processes.
heard the Queen’s University team (my MBA Alma mater) discuss the new course that Queen’s and Smith School of Business are bringing forward in 2025 – the Certificate in Professional Impact Analysis – I was delighted that such a program was being launched in order to truly measure the cost-benefit and impact of efforts like ours. The well defined economic and ethical measure of ‘impact’ and the rigor of applying evidence-based measures interested me. As we dig deeper into ‘green steel’ and the future of construction, it will be crucial to have quantitative evidence to ensure we are hitting sustainability targets for years to come throughout OSCO’s various divisions.”

Amanda Mitchell, MBA
Director of Loyalty
Suncor Petroleum, Canada
“DO WELL AND DO GOOD - I believe it is possible to ‘do good and do well’ from societal impact and business perspectives. Throughout my career I have been part of initiatives related to optimizing sustainability efforts including reducing carbon intensity, reducing emissions, and elevating contributions related to improved social outcomes. I believe it is valuable for businesses to align strategy with actions and metrics for improved environmental or community related impacts while also delivering bottom line results. I was interested to learn more about the introduction of the Certificate in Professional Impact Analysis in 2025 from Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. I can see the value in academic focus on how to contemplate, analyze and understand the cost-benefit of corporate efforts to deliver results in areas beyond financial contributions.”

Mark A. Campbell, MBA, CPA, CA
Material Insights (
“IN BUSINESS, SMART LEADERS SKATE TO WHERE THE PUCK WILL BE" – With the growing focus on sustainability, ESG investments, EDII and ethical cap ex initiatives, there is a risk that companies get caught up in (or duped by) green-washing and lip-service efforts in the space of social impact. With many of our clients in the tech, mining, and energy sectors, questions and dilemmas of 'doing well and doing good' come up all the time. Clients are telling us that it’s not just all about profits anymore, there is a paradigm shift of investor focus on having a positive impact on the world. And so does the desire and need to measure both; empirical rigour and discipline that measures doing good in the community and among stakeholders, as well as accounting measures that gauge business and profit success. At Material Insights, we do both. I was delighted to hear that this new program was being launched in order to truly measure the cost-benefit and impact of efforts like ours. The well-defined economic and ethical measure of 'impact' and the rigour of applying evidence-based measures is paramount for me. I want my clients to stay ahead of the puck and score successes for the company and the world.”