CPA Ontario Centre for Corporate Reporting & Professionalism
Our ProjectsOur Purpose
The quality of corporate accounting information and reporting has a profound impact on management decisions and thus on organizational performance as well as investor decisions. Accounting information quality is the product of professional practices that are subject to organizational and societal influences.
Our mission is to be the premier Centre for the study of corporate reporting and professionalism in Canada.
What We Do
- Generate innovative ideas about corporate reporting reforms and the development of new forms of professional expertise;
- Advocate for inclusion and recognition of the diversity of stakeholders beyond shareholders, in defining good corporate reporting and professionalism; and
- Constructively examine Canadian accounting firms’ professional practices.
Our Values
- Corporate reporting should involve principles of social responsibility and accountability to a broader group of stakeholders for the well-being of society;
- Equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigenization, and accessibility will create more meaningful reporting and positively impactful professionalism; and
- Ethics and integrity are fundamental elements of corporate reporting and the accounting profession.
Our Work
Publish and promote relevant, timely applied and academic research on corporate reporting and accounting professionalism in Canada and internationally.
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Create and mobilize new insights about corporate reporting to benefit business and the profession.
Explore projectsInterdisciplinary Research
Promote interdisciplinary research between accounting and other academic areas related to corporate reporting and professionalism, including economics, finance, strategy, and organizational behaviour.
News & Events
Provide an intellectual forum for conferences, seminars, lectures, and related activities for the discussion of new developments in corporate reporting and professionalism.
View news & eventsCentre Highlights
Funding New Research in Sustainability Accounting
The Centre is funding three research proposals in the area of sustainability accounting:
- “Does ESG promotion on Twitter help Canadian companies to raise capital at a lower cost?”
Funding recipient: Dhruv Baswal, PhD student, Smith School of Business - “The corporate governance of voluntary sustainability disclosure”.
Funding recipient: Dimitri Hadjistravopoulos, PhD student, Smith School of Business - “Climate disclosure and cost of capital”.
Funding recipient: Neal Wilcott, PhD student, Smith School of Business
Advanced analytics case study for accounting students
The project is intended to enable accounting students to reflect on a case study by building a digital dashboard that analyzes an organization’s financial and accounting performance and by making actionable recommendations. The context of the case being developed is a salmon processing plant, which runs as a co‑operative among several Indigenous groups in Canada. The Centre is proud to provide funding for this case study. Funding Recipient: Shamel Addas, Associate Professor & Distinguished Faculty Fellow of Digital Technology, Smith School of Business.
The Chilling Effects of Patent Trolls
Published in Research Policy, December 2022. Co-authored by Senior Research Fellow Yu Hou. The research benefited from the financial support of the Centre.
Read articleAuditing & Controlling Cybersecurity Risks Webinar
Sponsored by the Centre, this webinar is available on Smith Business Insight.
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