I came to the Full-time MBA at Smith School of Business because ...
of multiple factors. The program aligned with my career goals; the length of the program; the reputation of Smith MBA and Queen’s University; the strong and close-knit alumni network; and the most wonderful human element that I experienced throughout the application process and beyond, which was interpersonal relationships.
One piece of advice I would love to give my past self was to not undervalue myself. I used to feel that my past experiences were not too mainstream and that it didn’t flow like an ideal MBA candidate’s resume. However, I now realize that it is our diverse experiences that instill our individuality within us all.
Tip for an applicant – know yourself. Identify your strengths, highlight them, and showcase them. Recognize your weaknesses, accept them, and build a plan to overcome them. Genuinely ask yourself why you want to pursue higher education full time, why MBA, why Smith, and why now. Write down the answer, and narrate your story straight from your heart. You cannot go wrong with this approach.
People say this all the time – an MBA is what you make of it. For me, I want three things. First is to polish myself as a professional, learning both hard and soft skills; second is to leverage my skills, education, experience, and network to pivot into a different job function; and third is to become a valuable part of a close-knit community (#SmithHelpsSmith).
In terms of career goals – I am looking to pivot to one of the following: management consulting, roles in strategy, general management, or sustainability. I am keeping my eye on the energy sector, telecom industry, and consulting industry.
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