2by2 Strategies Ltd.
Our company, 2by2 Strategies, is the creator of CompTrak, an end-to-end compensation-management software that empowers companies of all sizes to develop, process, analyze and report on a suite of customized compensation plans specifically designed for their organization.
Our “aha moment”: We met in 2008 at the start of our Queen’s Executive MBA studies and were fortunate to have been part of the great EMBA Team Markham 2010. The focus on teamwork within the program made us both realize that a high-functioning team will always outperform a group of individuals. Although we may not have been aware of it at the time, we had our “aha moment” while working on an international consulting-project assignment in Hong Kong. That’s when we realized we could probably achieve something special working together!
What business problem does your company solve? We support companies by enabling the administration of numerous fixed and variable compensation plans as part of a single solution. This includes the management of a variety of incentive award programs, ranging from short-term bonus and commission plans to more sophisticated mid-term and long-term incentive plans. Our core services include the design, development and implementation of compensation plans, program management, software development, communications material production, analytics and reporting. We have also participated in numerous strategic reviews and consulting engagements for a variety of companies across multiple industries. We have a highly skilled team of compensation consultants, business analysts and software developers who work closely with our clients, which include Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets and Royal Bank of Canada Investor and Treasury Services.
Scope: 16 employees, based in Aurora, Ont; annual revenues in excess of $2 million.
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