Supporting students? Keeping alumni connected? None of this happens on its own. Thankfully, Smith alumni are up to the challenge. Each year many contribute their time for their classmates and the school.
Each volunteer in the Smith alumni network has their own reasons for getting involved. Take Alexandra Boasie, EMBA’19. Her time as a student inspired her to volunteer. “The Executive MBA was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. It challenged me to use a different part of my brain, to look at things differently. I wanted to make sure that others have the experiences I had.”
Before coming to Smith, Alex built a career in health services in Toronto. Her background was in science, previously completing her MSc from Queen’s University. She enrolled in the EMBA program to strengthen her business acumen, strategic thinking and achieve professional growth. “Our class was a very strong group. We were very close-knit, passionate, and learned a lot from each other,” says Alex, who today is leading surgical transformation as a manager within the Sprott Department of Surgery at University Health Network in Toronto.
Her class camaraderie showed when it came time to support future students through the EMBA Legacy Fund. Alex joined the fundraising committee and recalls an important decision the group made. “We decided not to focus on the amount raised. We focused on a goal: What did we want to accomplish? How were we making an impact and for whom?” That, she says, “created an objective to which everyone wanted to contribute.” In the end, her class did raise a substantial amount—more than $60,000. They also reached 100 per cent participation.
Since graduation, Alex has continued volunteering. She’s a member of the executive of the Smith Alumni Toronto Chapter, one of a number of Smith alumni chapters. Alex loves the fact that alumni are able to connect through club activities, giving them the opportunity to learn from speakers and network through social events.
“We’re connecting our alumni and we’re trying to bring a really unique experience to everyone,” she says. “It’s a fantastic way to keep in touch.”