I specialize in competitive dynamics and corporate strategy, focusing on analyzing the characteristics of competitive actions and the competitive repertoires employed by firms.Educational Background
- BSc in Mechanical Engineering
- MBA in Strategy
Published Papers
- Ahmadi, A., & Arndt, F. 2022. Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation. In R. G. Renu Agarwal, Eric Patterson, Sancheeta Pugalia (Ed.), Innovation. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Innovation/Agarwal-Patterson-Pugalia-Green/p/book/9780367343026.
- Hosseini, E., Tajpour, M., Salamzadeh, A., & Ahmadi, A. (2022). Team performance and the development of Iranian digital start-ups: the mediating role of employee voice. In Managing human resources in SMEs and start-ups: international challenges and solutions (pp. 109-140).
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